
Employment of People with Disabilities

April 1992

© Commonwealth of Australia 1992

ISBN 0 642 17454 7

N.B. All files are in PDF format. To view or print the report, you will require the Acrobat PDF reader®, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe.

View the report as a single document - (PDF format) - 17 652 KB

View the report as separate downloadable parts:


Chapter 1: Background and Issues - (PDF format)

Chapter 2: Social Justice and Disability - Part One - (PDF format) - Part Two - (PDF format)

Chapter 3: Equality - The Law and Public Perception - Part One - (PDF format) - Part Two - (PDF format)

Chapter 4: Education - Part One - (PDF format) - Part Two - (PDF format)

Chapter 5: Employment: Part 1 - Part One - (PDF format) - Part Two - (PDF format) - Part Three - (PDF format) - Part Four - (PDF format)

Chapter 6: Employment: Part 2 - Part One - (PDF format) - Part Two - (PDF format) - Part Three - (PDF format) - Part Four - (PDF format) - Part Five - (PDF format)

Chapter 7: Wages, Income Support and Costs of Disability - Part One - (PDF format) - Part Two - (PDF format) - Part Three - (PDF format)


Appendix 1: Public hearings held - (PDF format)

Appendix 2: Organisations visited by the committee - (PDF format)

Appendix 3: Organisations and individuals who presented written submissions to the inquiry (PDF format)

Appendix 4: Witnesses who appeared before the Committee - (PDF format)

Appendix 5: Terminology - (PDF format)

Appendix 6: Classification of impairments, disabilities and handicaps - (PDF format)

Appendix 7: Data - (PDF format)

Appendix 8: State legislation - (PDF format)

Appendix 9: The International and Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) - (PDF format)

Appendix 10: The ILO Convention Number 111, Discrimination (Employment and Occupation), 1958 - (PDF format)

Appendix 11: ILO Convention Number 159 concerning vocational rehabilitation and employment (disabled persons) - (PDF format)

Appendix 12: Declarations of human rights - (PDF format)

Appendix 13: Principles and objectives formulated under the Disability Services Act 1986 - (PDF format)

Appendix 14: Supplementary information on income support for people with disabilities prior to 12 November 1991 - (PDF format)

Appendix 15: Employment and training statistics 1987-88, 1990-91 - (PDF format)

Appendix 16: Commonwealth income support , training and employment services - (PDF format)

GLOSSARY - (PDF format)