Additional Comments

Additional Comments


Grandfathered recipients of PPS who have children with a disability

1.1        Coalition members are concerned that no special arrangements are available for single parents of children with a disability. As the Council of Single Mothers and their Children (Vic) explained:

Our experience clearly demonstrates that for those who are not working, it is not due to a lack of desire, rather the many barriers flowing from parenting alone that can get in the way of employment. Some of the barriers that hinder a single parents ability to participate in paid employment include: caring for a child with disability or chronic illness; having a disability or chronic illness themselves; lack of affordable childcare; lack of secure family friendly jobs; and lack of care during school holidays, when children are ill, etc.[1]

1.2        Many students with a disability continue to require outside school hours care at secondary school and the currently capped Outside School Hours Care for Teenagers with a Disability program meets the needs of only a small proportion of working parents.


Senator Sue Boyce
LP, Queensland 
Senator Bridget McKenzie
NATS, Victoria

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