Chapter 4
Operating procedures of the PSR
Natural Justice and Procedural Fairness
The principles of natural justice and procedural fairness were discussed
at length in submissions. The suggestion that the PSR process did not provide
these protections was at the heart of much of the criticism of the scheme. Criticism
of the scheme focussed around the following questions:
(a) Do practitioners under review receive adequate information of the
concerns of PSR and/or Medicare Australia and at what stage in the process?
(b) Does the practitioner under review have adequate opportunities to
respond to the concerns raised in the PSR process and/or by Medicare Australia?
(c) Are practitioners under review afforded sufficient legal assistance?
(d) Is the appeals process fair and accessible?
The first of these issues was discussed in numerous submissions and
during the public hearings. There were accusations that practitioners under
review did not have any detailed knowledge of the concerns raised by PSR or
Medicare, and therefore could not defend or explain their conduct in relation
to those concerns. In the committee's view, if true this would certainly
qualify as a denial of natural justice.
The AMA acknowledged in their submission that some doctors are claiming
that natural justice was not always provided:
In recent years, the PSR process has suffered from a
perceived failure to afford natural justice to the Person Under Review (PUR).
AMA members who have been reviewed by the PSR have complained that:
(i) PURs could not prepare adequately
for the Director’s investigation because they were not informed about what
services were being investigated and why;
(ii) PURs were not given a clear
explanation of the review process and their rights at the beginning of an
(iii) PSR Committees were comprised of
medical practitioners who have not practised for some time or who practised in
a different specialty to the PUR;
(iv) the initial meeting between the
PUR and the Director was intimidating. Further, the AMA identified a lack of
consistency in the procedures followed at these meetings.
(v) written decisions made by the
Director or Committee did not appear to consider evidence the PUR had provided
during the review, or explain how the evidence was considered, or why it was
dismissed; and
(vi) written decisions did not actually
explain the reasons for the decision of the Director or Committee.[1]
The Medical Defence Organisations, Avant and MDA National were critical
in their appraisal of whether the PSR process in particular afforded natural
justice to their clients.
Avant submitted that:
There is an opportunity for reform to the PSR Scheme to
overcome actual and perceived unfairness...Reform is desirable to improve the
procedural fairness of PSR's process for the person under review and to protect
the reputation of the PSR as a legitimate peer review scheme.[2]
MDA National submitted, both in their written submission and during the
public hearing that:
review meetings between the director and the practitioner
under review often do not meet the requirements for procedural fairness in that
practitioners are not provided with sufficient information to understand the
case against them, nor are they provided with adequate opportunity to reply to
such charges.[3]
The ADU criticised the lack of natural justice. Dr Reece claimed the PSR
refusing to attach weight to any form of evidence on behalf
of defendant doctors, [it] does not even make the charges at stake explicit
until it is too late to mount any form of defence and does not allow doctors
meaningful legal representation.[4]
Dr Masters, also from the ADU, targeted his criticisms towards both
Medicare Australia and PSR for not providing enough information at the start of
the process:
It is very difficult if you disagree with anybody in the PSR
process to actually state your case and have the ability to cross-examine them
about what they actually want. I see the big problem here is at the very first
step. When the audit starts from Medicare, there is no actual guide from
Medicare that you have done anything wrong.[5]
Dr Caska of the ADU also commented on an issue raised by Avant in their
that PSR cases are prejudged:
The doctor seems to be presumed guilty and knows there is no
real or practical avenue for appeal or review.[7]
Dr Brazenor from the ADU contributed:
...there is never a stated process. They tell me that, if you
are investigated by the tax office, first you get a frank statement of the
concerns and, in the same envelope, you get an explanation of the due process.
Neither of these things was accorded to any of my three colleagues until right
at the end, when they said, 'Right, we've got you. Here are the concerns. Your
interview with the director is next Tuesday'—and that is as close as they got
to due process.[8]
The issue of practitioners being of the view that they had no choice but
to enter into a negotiated agreement concerned the committee. Mr Watt from the
ADU suggested that: was a coercive process, with Dr Webber himself
admitting, and again I am quoting: 'I informed them'—the person under
review—'the process is long and very stressful.' How much free will have you
got going into that? That is persuasive, intimidatory and threatening. You
cannot voluntarily enter into an agreement if there is a threat hanging over
your head.[9]
Dr Webber addressed the perception that there are a lack of options
available to a practitioner under review, and went further to suggest that
often it is the legal representative of the practitioner who requests a
negotiated agreement:
It is almost universal that submissions in the review process
are constructed and sent by their legal representatives, with the doctor's
input, and it is not uncommon for the concluding paragraph to request a section
92 agreement if I am not going to dismiss somebody. So, in fact, these section
92 agreements are asked for almost universally.[10]
Dr Webber continued that negotiated agreements are only entered into
if, in his judgement, the inappropriate practice is minor in nature: has been my practice to offer a 92 agreement only where
there has been relatively minor inappropriate practice—certainly, inappropriate
practice that has not put anybody at risk—and where the practitioner had
insight into their behaviour and had demonstrated a change in behaviour...However,
if significant inappropriate practice has been found early on, then I would not
entertain the idea of a 92 agreement with the practitioner at all.[11]
The committee accepts that the powers vested in the Director of the PSR under
the Act are substantial. However the role of the Determining Authority in
ratifying, or rejecting the section 92 Agreements, and its willingness to do
so, albeit on a small number of occasions,[12]
would suggest that sufficient checks and balances are in place to prevent any
abuse of the Director's powers.
The PSR submission focussed on changes made to the process of the
Scheme. It concentrates on the draft guidelines agreed with the AMA and DoHA,
and it acknowledges that:
The PSR process set out in Part VAA of the Act has the
potential to be confusing to some practitioners who are referred to the Scheme.[13]
The PSR and Medicare have rebutted the concerns around the issues of
whether the practitioner under review has been informed of the matters of concern,
and also whether the practitioner has the opportunity to respond to any matters
that may amount to inappropriate practice. Medicare submitted evidence in
response to a request by the committee which states that:
Health practitioners are informed of the specific concerns
when first contacted by a Medicare Medical Adviser by telephone to arrange a
time for an interview. The letter confirming the interview also lists the
concerns and is accompanied by the health practitioner’s claiming data.
A Medicare Medical Adviser details the concerns at the
interview with reference to the health practitioner’s claiming profile. The
interview allows the health practitioner the opportunity to clarify the
concerns and provide information that may explain the concerns.[14]
The PSR response to Questions on Notice sets out the opportunities for
the practitioner to respond to the concerns:
A practitioner who goes through the full PSR process will
have at least eight opportunities to make submissions and explain their
practice in light of the concerns that have been identified. These are:
- A written submission and interview
process through Medicare Australia’s practitioner review program
- A verbal submission at the
Director’s review meeting
- A written submission on the
Director’s findings contained in the s89C report
- Written submissions prior to the
committee hearing
- Verbal and written submissions at
the Committee hearing and written submissions following the hearing
- A written submission on the
Committee’s Draft Report
- A written submission on the Committee’s
Final Report
- A written submission on the
Determining Authority’s Draft Determination[15]
The PSR additional response to questions posed by the committee sets out
the process through which feedback and reasons for decisions are communicated
to the practitioner:
(a) Once the Director determines to
undertake a review, a notice of this decision is sent to the practitioner. This
letter contains a paragraph or list, under the heading “Decision to Undertake a
Review” that details the concerns that may suggest that inappropriate practice
may have occurred.
(b) The Director's Review meeting
invitation outlines to the PUR that the purpose of the meeting is to discuss
the reasons for the practitioner’s referral to PSR and the findings of the
Director’s review of medical records. In changes introduced in 2011 this letter
now also contains excerpts of the practitioner’s clinical records, that the
Director has reviewed and may demonstrate the nature of the concerns.
(c) Following the review meeting the
practitioner receives an 89C Report which details the concerns that remain
following the review of the medical records and the review meeting. These
concerns are set out in relation to each specific MBS or PBS item and generally
ranges from 2 to 5 pages in length. The 89C report specifically details the
Director’s preliminary findings and invites the practitioner to respond to
these findings.
(d) If the matter is referred to a
Committee, the Director must produce a section 93 report and provide it to the
practitioner. This report details the reasons why the Director thinks the
practitioner may have engaged in inappropriate practice. Under the heading
“Discussion and Findings” the Director details the findings of concern that has
resulted in the committee referral. These are further spelled out in a
following section headed “Reasons for making the Referral” which contains a
list of concerns that the Director is referring to the Committee.[16]
Given the PSR's admission that the process is long and very stressful[17]
and the significant potential consequences for practitioners, it is not
acceptable for any practitioner under review not be afforded the basic
information that explains the process at the commencement of the review.
The committee accepts the AMA's appraisal that there have been concerns
around the natural justice of the PSR procedures to date, while recognising that
there is a legitimate argument to be had over whether these concerns were
actual, or perceived. Nonetheless the overhaul of the procedures in the March
2011 guidelines implies a tacit admission that procedurally there was
significant scope for improvement.
The committee is encouraged by the steps that have been taken by the
PSR, DoHA and the AMA to address concerns around the information provided to the
practitioner at all stages in the process, including broadening the
explanations for decisions taken.
Recommendation 4
4.22 The committee recommends that the March 2011 changes be reviewed one year
after their implementation and this should be carried out in consultation with
all relevant medical professional bodies, and other key stakeholders such as
the MDOs and consumer representative organisations. The findings of the review
should be publicly available.
Legal representation
The committee heard from a number of witnesses concerned that the
practitioner under review was disadvantaged by not having a legal
representative to argue their case. Two MDOs pursued this argument in their
written submissions and in the public hearing.
MDA National told the committee:
They [practitioners] can be accompanied by a person who can
have legal qualifications but they cannot make presentations or representations
to the committee except on advice from that advisor. The lawyer cannot make
submissions or representations. It would be our view that, in improving the
power imbalance, as it were, and the need for more of the image that procedural
fairness has been granted, perhaps there should be some consideration to formal
legal representation being allowed in some circumstances.[18]
Avant argues that the situation where the practitioner under review is
only accompanied by a lawyer and not represented:
...creates very significant barriers to the PUR effectively
adducing any evidence in their defense as the PUR is nervous, inexperienced and
often fatigued by extended questioning which can continue for days...[19]
The committee notes ADU's statement that the process 'does not allow
doctors meaningful legal representation'. However, the PSR's own guide states
that 'We advise you to engage a medical defence organisation and /or lawyer to
assist you through the PSR process'.[20]
In evidence, the former PSR Director Dr Webber noted:
Most of the people that are before the PSR are represented by
their MDUs with legal advice. It is almost universal that submissions in the
review process are constructed and sent by their legal representatives, with
the doctor's input...[21]
Dr Cootes, the Acting Director of the PSR also refuted any implication
that the practitioner under review did not have access to legal advice:
...practitioners appearing before PSR do have access to legal
advice—PSR actually advises practitioners to obtain legal advice. Around 80 per
cent of the correspondence that goes out of PSR to a practitioner under review
is conducted through a legal adviser to the practitioner. At PSR committee
hearings, practitioners are able to be accompanied by and advised by their
legal adviser. So practitioners under review do have legal advice.[22]
Dr Ruse responded to the claims principally made by Avant and cited in
paragraph 4.25 above, that procedures employed by the PSR during Committee
hearings place the practitioner under review in an exposed or vulnerable
position. He explained the conditions in the PSR Committee from the Panel's
The suggestion, which has been made in several places, that the
PUR is somehow intimidated by not being allowed sufficient breaks is just not
true. We have secretarial staff, we have our own lawyers, we have three doctors
who know that they are peer reviewing a fellow human being. We often suggest to
a doctor that they might like a break and, if you want to get into the
mechanics of the committee hearing later, certainly in my committees we call a
break of about 10 minutes in every hour.[23]
The committee heard conflicting evidence whether the practitioner under
review is disadvantaged by not having a lawyer representing them in the PSR
committee stage and questions whether this would actually hinder the analysis
of clinical practice that is the purpose of this stage. The committee
reiterates the position that all submitters appear to support regarding the PSR
process: that it is a peer review scheme, not a court. As the Acting Director
of PSR said: 'it is a professional review system where professionals are given
the opportunity to explain their practice to a committee of peers'.[24]
If lawyers were to take over and represent their clients, rather than simply
advise them (as is currently the case), it would no longer be peer review. The
committee did not receive evidence to support such a radical revision of the
The committee also heard evidence that the PSR Committee should be
chaired by a legal officer. The Committee, whilst appreciating the concerns and
calls for a legally qualified person to be involved in the process, remains
ambivalent to the suggestion.
Recommendation 5
4.31 The Committee recommends that the government liaise further with
stakeholders to ascertain the desirability for a legally qualified person to be
involved in the PSR process.
The Appeals process and accountability of the PSR
Since the abolition of the PSR Tribunal and subsequent creation of the
Determining Authority (DA) in 1999 practitioners can appeal against PSR
decisions to the Federal Court by way of seeking a judicial review of decisions
at any stage under the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977.
There is a wide range of reasons for which review can be sought:
i. the decision was not authorised by the Health Insurance
Act 1973
ii. the decision involved an error of law
iii. that a breach of the rules of procedural
fairness/natural justice occurred
iv. that the procedures required by law were not observed
v. that irrelevant considerations were taken into account or
there was a failure to take relevant considerations into account
vi. that the exercise of power by the decision maker was so
unreasonable that no reasonable person could have so exercised it.[25]
The PSR Tribunal was removed from the process following the Report of
the Review Committee in 1999 in which it recommended:
...the removal of the PSR Tribunal from the process in
recognition that review on the merits of the final determination is not
appropriate in a scheme in which the key judgment is a professional judgment by
the practitioner’s peers about the practitioner’s conduct. The right of review
on points of law by the courts will, of course, be retained.[26]
Avant were explicit in their desire for the reintroduction of a
merits-based appeal process by commenting:
Judicial review, though essential, is no substitute for
relatively quick, cheap and fair merits review...
If it is the merits of the matter rather than the fairness of
the process which is truly at issue for the PUR it is advantageous to all
parties to have the issue resolved by way of merits review rather than
potentially more legally-convoluted judicial review proceedings.[27]
The committee is not persuaded by this argument for the same reasons
that it does not consider it within the spirit of the peer review process to
have a non-peer of the practitioner deciding on whether inappropriate practice
has occurred. Moves in this direction can only be considered if there is a
willingness to abandon peer review as the fundamental principal of the scheme.
As noted earlier in this report, the committee did not receive evidence
indicating that any major stakeholders would support such a shift.
The committee does note that there is ready recourse to the courts,
which play a role in ensuring procedural fairness and ensuring the PSR complies
with its legislation. Indeed, the extensive use of the courts since the
scheme's inception illustrates that PSR decisions are routinely challenged in
this way. Up to May 2007, there had been around 60 court cases involving the
PSR scheme, several of which led to reviews and refinements of the PSR's
Between 2006 and 2011 there were 14 Federal Court appeals.[29]
The committee also notes that the Scheme itself has been subject to continual
review and the PSR submission points out that the Scheme and its enabling
legislation has been amended on a number of occasions in response to either
court cases or as a result of reviews of the process:
The PSR Scheme has continued to evolve since its inception.
Legislative amendments were made in 1997, 1999, 2002 and 2006 to strengthen and
clarify the professional review process and address evidentiary difficulties.
Comprehensive reviews conducted in 1999 and 2006 by Government and key
stakeholders also made recommendations to refine the administration of the
Scheme and improve its legal effectiveness and transparency.[30]
The High Court has on several occasions upheld the constitutional
validity of the PSR scheme,[31]
most recently in the case Wong v Commonwealth of Australia; Selim v Lele,
Tan and Rivett constituting the Professional Services Review Committee.[32]
The committee is of the view that the structure of the PSR must provide
sufficient checks and balances to prevent
any single participant in the Scheme from exercising undue power. In the case
of the role of Director, Dr Webber was asked specifically if too much power lay
with that role. He replied:
Any case that proceeds from a decision of the director—in
other words, either a negotiated agreement or a decision to send someone to a
committee—is overseen by other people. If I, as director, were to enter into an
agreement with a practitioner, that agreement and all the documentation that
supported it is ratified. It has to be ratified by the determining authority—a
completely separate body. If I send someone to a committee, the committee
obviously has oversight of that, which is then also reviewed by the determining
authority. The only absolute discretion I have is to dismiss somebody.[33]
Sanctions available to the Determining Authority
The committee heard evidence from MDA National who said in their written
Some of the repayments of Medicare benefits claimed are
substantial; for example, in 2008-09 one practitioner was required to make a
repayment of $1,202,872.40 and in 2009-10 another practitioner was required to
repay $473,203.05. MDA National further notes that some practitioners have only
received a percentage of the Medicare benefits, indeed in some cases we
understand only 20%, and yet the practitioner is required to repay 100% of the
MBS benefits. To date, MDA National is not aware that the PSR has prosecuted a
person who is an officer of a body corporate who causes a person to engage in
inappropriate practice, despite its ability to do so under the Act.[34]
The committee was concerned by this allegation that a practitioner would
be required to repay more than they actually received from Medicare and
explored the issue with MDA National in its public hearing. Professor Rait
The specific situation I can think of is that, for example,
in my own practice a proportion of my fees are diverted to the practice and
retained by the practice group. In other words, in the event that someone has
paid for a service and it goes to the practice, they may not actually
personally receive all the proceeds of that because of their particular
practice structure or the fact that they are employed by a practice
The example provided describes internal financial arrangements of a medical
practice. The committee is of the view that the onus lies with the medical
practitioner to negotiate the financial ramifications of an adverse PSR finding
within his or her practice, and this is not the responsibility of the
Determining Authority. The committee received no other evidence suggesting
that the Determining Authority had required payment beyond what the
practitioner received from Medicare Australia.
The committee notes that a section 92 agreement reached with the
Director of the PSR may include agreement to repay part or all of the Medicare
benefits received in relation to Medicare benefits paid for practices which the
person under review agrees were professionally inappropriate. It does not allow
for the amount to be more than was originally paid. Section 106U of the Act
places the same limitation on the Determining Authority.
The committee notes that if a doctor does not believe their practice was
inappropriate, then they may reject a proposed section 92 agreement in favour
of seeking the support of a committee of their peers regarding their practice.
The Senate committee would expect that advisers from medical defence
organisations would also be able to give an assessment, based on experience, of
whether the doctor's practices would be likely to secure peer support. The
committee agrees that where MBS items have been inappropriately used, it is
appropriate that one option available to the Determining Authority be that the
money be repaid.
Part VII authority
In his evidence the Chairman of the Determining Authority, Dr Nicolas
Radford, requested that the committee explore the powers under Part VII of the
Act to disqualify practitioners from the PBS:
There is only one other thing I might say with regard to an
item which the committee might feel it would like to address, and that is the
matter of the part VII authority. At the moment, the matter of drug prescribing
is only usually handled as part of the spectrum of inappropriate practice with
regard to clinical services. If, say, we had a doctor who was prescribing vast
amounts of opiates improperly, it is not open to us to disqualify that
practitioner from prescribing certain drugs. We can only revoke the authority
to prescribe all drugs as pharmaceutical benefits, and that is a very, very
blunt and heavy instrument, so blunt that—I would have to research it, but I
think it has been seldom if ever applied.
The committee agrees that this is a sanction that should be available to
the Determining Authority, and concurs with the Chairman that Part VII should
be reviewed to allow more flexibility in its application.
Recommendation 6
4.46 The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth government review the legislation
to allow the Determining Authority greater flexibility in its sanctions with
regard to PBS items.
The challenge of corporate medical practice
Dr Webber, the former head of the PSR, remarked on the role of corporate
medical practice during his opening statement:
As you know, there has been an explosion in medical knowledge
and technology since Medibank was first introduced in 1973 and, of course, the
business of medicine has been altered forever by the entry of corporatised
medicine practising for a third party profit...
As for the future, I can certainly see PSR—and this may be
somewhat controversial—having an own-motion ability to investigate scams and
unacceptable corporate behaviour, of which I have seen significant examples, to
prevent an escalation of this sort of inappropriate clinical behaviour.[36]
His observations were followed up during evidence:
Senator ABETZ: ... In your opening statement you referred to
corporatised medicine and unacceptable corporate behaviour. Has the PSR
prosecuted any person who is an officer of the body corporate?
Dr Webber: Sadly, no, because the legislation makes it very
difficult to do so. It talks about the ability to take action against an
employer of a practitioner if that employer has directed the employee to
practice inappropriately. However, it is silent about a contractor. Because
many of the practitioners working in the corporatised medical field are working
under contracts, the owner of the practice is not able to be followed up.[37]
The AMA's guide indicates that the 'overwhelming majority of Corporate
contracts will define [a doctor's] status as that of independent contractor'.[38]
The Kit advises doctors to:
remain on your guard to ensure that your clinical
independence is not compromised indirectly through influences on referral
patterns, changes to throughput of patients or various financial inducements.[39]
The committee received no evidence from other organisations on this
point. However, given that corporate medical practice is growing, and with
independent contractors central to its workforce, Dr Webber's concern should
not be overlooked. It would seem anomalous for the legislation to allow the PSR
to act against an employer, but not a contracting corporation, even though the
pressures each might be exerting on medical professionals could be similar in
Recommendation 7
4.51 The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government review the
PSR's enabling legislation, to ensure that the PSR can effectively pursue abuse
of the MBS or PBS systems, regardless of the structure of employment of the
person under review.
Rachel Siewert
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