Public hearing - Melbourne, Tuesday 19 April 2011

Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling - Genetically Modified Material) Bill 2010

Public hearing - Melbourne, Tuesday 19 April 2011

Parliament of Victoria - Legislative Council Committee Room G 6
55 St Andrews Place
East Melbourne

9.30 am - 4.30 pm

Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling—Palm Oil) Bill 2010

Time Witness

9.30 am - 10.15 am

Institute of Public Affairs (sub 271)
Mr Tim Wilson, Director, IP and Free Trade Unit

10:15 - 10:30 am


10.30 am - 11.45 am

Zoos Victoria (sub 250), Perth Zoo (sub 18), Taronga Conservation Society Australia (sub 233)
Ms Jenny Gray, CEO, Zoos Victoria
Ms Susan Hunt, CEO, Perth Zoo
Mr Cameron Kerr, CEO, Taronga Zoo

11.45 am - 12.30 pm

Coles (sub 206)
Ms Majella Allen, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager
Ms Andre Currie, Policy and Brand Standards Manager

12.30 pm - 1.30 pm


1.30 pm - 2.15 pm

Australian Orangutan Project (sub 285)
Mr Leif Cocks, President

2.15 pm - 3.00 pm

Woolworths (sub 275)
Mr Gordon Duncan, Senior Business Manager, Woolworths Brands
Ms Armineh Mardirossian, Group Manager, Corporate Responsibility, Community and Sustainability

3.00 pm - 3.45 pm

National Heart Foundation of Australia (sub 277)
Ms Susan Anderson, Director, Healthy Weight

Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling—Genetically Modified Material) Bill 2010

Time Witness

3.45pm - 4.05pm

Institute of Health and Environmental Research (sub 15)
Dr Judy Carman, Director via teleconference

4.05pm - 4.30pm

Gene Ethics (sub 14)
Mr Bob Phelps, Executive Director

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Community Affairs References Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829