Public Hearing

Wednesday, 15 June 2011 - Canberra

Committee Members in attendance:

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Rachel Siewert (Deputy Chair)
Senator Sue Boyce


Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS)

Mr Peter Davidson, Senior Policy Officer

Australian Federation of Disability Organisations

Ms Leah Hobson, National Policy Officer

Mental Health Council of Australia

Mr Frank Quinlan, Chief Executive Officer
Ms Rachelle Irving, Deputy Chief Executive Officer

National Disability Services

Mr Ken Baker, Chief Executive

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

Ms Kari Ahmer, Branch Manager, Special Projects
Ms Liza Carroll, Deputy Secretary
Ms Julie Fox, Special Counsel, Legal
Ms Cath Halbert, Acting Deputy Secretary
Ms Nick Hartland, Group Manager, Families
Mr Andrew Hatch, Section Manager, Disability and Carers Payment Policy Branch
Mr John Litchfield, Section Manager, Land Reform Branch
Mr Michael Lye, Group Manager, Families
Ms Sharon Rose, Branch Manager, Disability and Carers Payment Policy Branch
Mr Andrew Whitecross, Branch Manager, Family Payments

Department of Human Services

Ms Vicki Beath, General Manager, Disability, Carers and Older Australians Branch
Mr Robin Salvage, National Manager, Families and Child Care Programs, Centrelink

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group
Mr Derek Pigrim, Branch Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group

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