

The Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

[1]        Explanatory memorandum, p. 1.

[2]        FaHCSIA, Family Assistance Guide, 3.6.4 Maternity Payments - Historical Rates, (accessed 18 March 2013).

[3]        Michael Klapdor, 'Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Bills Digest', Bills Digest, No. 88 2012-13,;fileType=application%2Fpdf#search=%22legislation/billsdgs/2292466%22 (accessed 14 March 2013).

[4]        Department of Human Services, Eligibility for Parental Leave Pay, (accessed 18 March 2013).

[5]        Drago, R., Sawyer, K., Sheffler, K.M., Warren, D., and Wooden, M., 'Did Australia’s baby bonus increase fertility intentions and births?', Population Research and Policy Review, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2010, pp. 381–397.

[6]        Parr, N. and Guest, R., ' The contribution of increases in family benefits to Australia’s early 21st-century fertility increase: An empirical analysis', Demographic Research, Vol. 25, No. 6, 2011, pp. 215–244.

[7]        Nick Parr, 'Time to put baby bonus myths to bed', The Conversation, 26 October 2012, (accessed 14 March 2013).

[8]        ACOSS, 'Budget cuts needed to clear the decks for NDIS, dental care and other priorities', Media Release, 22 October 2012.

[9]        Patricia Karvelas, 'Family tax ripe for budget axe', The Australian, 28 February 2013, p. 1.

[10]      Australia’s future tax system — Report to the Treasurer, Part 2 — Detailed Analysis, 2010, Vol. 2, p. 578.

[11]      Submission 3, pp. 2–3.

[12]      Australian Families Association, Submission 4, p. 3.

[13]      Australian Families Association, Submission 4, p. 7.

[14]      Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, Examination of legislation in accordance with the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011, Third Report of 2013, p. 19.

[15]      Henman, P., ' Updated costs of children using Australian budget standards', Costs of children: research commissioned by the Ministerial Taskforce on Child Support, FaHCSIA, 2007, Occasional Paper No. 18, p. 7.

[16]      Percival, R. and Harding, A., ' The estimated costs of children in Australian families in 2005–06', Costs of children: research commissioned by the Ministerial Taskforce on Child Support, FaHCSIA, 2007, Occasional Paper No. 18, p. 77.

[17]      Australia’s future tax system — Report to the Treasurer, Part 2 — Detailed Analysis, 2010, Vol. 2, p. 570.

[18]      Harding, A. and Richard Percival, R., ' The private costs of children in 1993-94', Family Matters, No. 54, 1999.

[19]      Valenzuela, R., 'Costs of children in Australian households', Family Matters, No. 53, 1999.

[20]      Gray, M. and Stanton, D., ‘Costs of children and equivalence scales: a review of methodological issues and Australian estimates’, Australian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2010, p. 110.

[21]      Family Voice Australia, Submission 2, p. 2.

[22]      Australian Institute of Family Studies, Submission 1.

[23]      Weston, R., Qu, L., Parker, R. and Alexander, M., ' 'It's not for lack of wanting kids...': A report on the Fertility Decision Making Project', Australian Institute of Family Studies, Research Report No. 11, 2004, section 8.1.

[24]      Submission 3, p. 3.

[25]      Family Voice Australia, Submission 2, p. 1.

[26]      Gray, M., Qu, L. and Weston, R., 'Fertility and family policy in Australia', Australian Institute of Family Studies, Research Paper No. 41, 2008, p. 23.