Australian Greens Additional Comments

Australian Greens Additional Comments

The Australian Greens strongly agree with the conclusions of the Committee and the evidence given that suggests the Child Dental Benefits Schedule will reach more people, see more services performed and represent a better investment in the nation’s future dental health.

The Greens note remarks in the Final Report of the National Advisory Council on Dental Health regarding a future universal dental scheme for Australia. The Greens share this aim and believe the establishment of the CDBS is consistent with this future for the health system. The Greens do not agree with evidence given by one witness who suggested that the new scheme would undermine Medicare and the principle of universality. On the contrary, the other evidence presented suggests that CDBS will provide a foundation that can be expanded over time both in terms of services and eligibility.

The Australian Greens share some of the concerns raised about the timing of the new scheme and the delay between the cessation of the Chronic Disease Dental Scheme and the commencement of the CDBS and the National Partnership Agreement.


Senator Rachel Siewert 
Western Australia
Senator Richard Di Natale

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