

Excise Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures No. 1) Bill 2009

[1]        See below for a discussion of the terminology used in this report.

[2]        The Hon. Nicola Roxon MP, Mister for Health and Ageing, 'Keeping people well—focus on prevention', Media Release, 13 May 2008.

[3]        The Hon. Nicola Roxon MP, Minister for Health and Ageing, House of Representatives Hansard, 13 May 2008, p. 2613.

[4]        The Hon. Wayne Swan and the Hon. Nicola Roxon MP, 'Increased tax on 'ready to drink' alcoholic beverages', (Joint) Media Release, No. 041, 13 May 2008.

[5]        The Hon. Nicola Roxon MP, Minister for Health and Ageing, House of Representatives Hansard, 13 May 2008, p. 2613.

[6]        See The Hon. Nicola Roxon MP, Mister for Health and Ageing, 'Keeping people well—focus on prevention', Media Release, 13 May 2008, p. 1.

[7]        J R Odgers, Australian Senate Practice, 12th ed., Department of the Senate, Canberra, 2008, p. 302.

[8]        For more information see Senate Community Affairs Committee, Ready-to-drink alcohol beverages, June 2008; and Alcohol Toll Reduction Bill 2007 [2008], June 2008.

[9]        Senate Community Affairs Committee, Ready-to-drink alcohol beverages, June 2008, Diageo, Submission 29, p. 5.

[10]      Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia, Submission 27, p. 9.

[11]      Senate Community Affairs Committee, Ready-to-drink alcohol beverages, June 2008, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Submission 23, p. 6. The Committee notes that the NHMRC has since revised its use of key terms, However, for consistency, this report maintains the terminology used in previous inquiries.

[12]      Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 2, p. 6.

[13]      Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 2, p. 6.

[14]      Mr Scott Wilson, Deputy Chairperson, Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 55.

[15]      Professor Michael Moore, Chief Executive Officer, Public Health Association of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 18.

[16]      Professor Tanya Chikritzhs, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 25.

[17]      Professor Steven Allsop, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 23.

[18]      The Hon. Nicola Roxon, Minister for Health and Ageing, House of Representatives Hansard, 25 February 2009, p. 81; and Department of the Treasury, Submission 17, p. 5.

[19]      Department of the Treasury, Submission 17, p. 5.

[20]      Nielsen Liquor Services Group, 'RTD consumption: what’s happened since the RTD excise change?', September 2008, cited in Tanya N Chikritzhs et. al., 'The alcopops tax: heading in the right direction', Medical Journal of Australia, 2 March 2009, p. 293.

[21]      These figures were supplied by the Australian Drug Foundation at the hearing on 10 March 2009; see Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 45-54. The graphs tabled at the hearing are available at the Committee's website at

[22]      Mr Stephen Strachan, CEO, Winemakers Federation of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 March 2008, p. 16.

[23]      Access Economics, 'Trends in alcohol related hospital use by young people', 20 January 2009, and 'Alcohol related hospital use: analysis of newly available months of data', 10 March 2009. The reports are discussed below.

[24]      Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 2, p. 7.

[25]      Explanatory Memorandum, Excise Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures No. 1) Bill 2009; Customs Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures No. 1) Bill 2009, p. 4.

[26]      Mr Colin Brown, Manager, Costing and Quantitative Analysis, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 March 2009, p. 56-7.

[27]      Mr Damien White, Manager, Indirect Tax Unit, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 March 2009, p. 57.

[28]      Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 5.

[29]      Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 5.

[30]      Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 6. Note that this data is distinct from the AC Nielsen cited elsewhere in this report.

[31]      Ms Melanie Walker, Health Policy Officer, Public Health Association of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 17.

[32]      Independent Distillers Australia, Submission 10, p. 7.

[33]      Independent Distillers Australia, Submission 10, pp.7-8.

[34]      Amy Thurgood, Submission 14, p. 1.

[35]      Independent Distillers Australia, Submission 10, p. 9.

[36]      Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand, Submission 16, p. 2.

[37]      Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand, Submission 16, p. 2.

[38]      Winemakers' Federation of Australia, Submission 11, pp 2, 4.

[39]      Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 2, p. 7.

[40]      RTD sales have increased by 254 per cent from 1999-2000 to 2006-07 (Source: Department of the Treasury, Submission 17, p. 7.

[41]      Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 2, p. 8.

[42]      Professor Tanya Chikritzhs, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 25.

[43]      Mr Geoffrey Munro, National Policy Manager, Australian Drug Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 45.

[44]      Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 5.

[45]      National Drug Research Institute, Submission 5, p. 2.

[46]      Australian Hotels Association, Submission 13, p.4.

[47]      Associate Professor Anthony Shakeshaft, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 38.

[48]      Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 2, p. 8.

[49]      Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 2, p. 8.

[50]      Department of the Treasury, Submission 17, p. 4. See also the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs report, Ready-to-drink-alcohol beverages, June 2008.

[51]      Department of the Treasury, Submission 17, p. 4.

[52]      Professor Tanya Chikritzhs, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 26, citing Tanya N Chikritzhs et. al., 'The alcopops tax: heading in the right direction', Medical Journal of Australia, 2 March 2009, p. 293.

[53]      Department of the Treasury, Submission 17, p. 4.

[54]      Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 6

[55]      Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 2, p. 8.

[56]      Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 6. See the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs report, Ready-to-drink-alcohol beverages, June 2008, pp 32-35.

[57]      Australian Hotels Association, Submission 13, p. 4.

[58]      Mr Geoffrey Munro, National Policy Manager, Australian Drug Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 45-6.

[59]      Department of the Treasury, Submission 17, p. 5.

[60]      Department of the Treasury, Submission 17, p. 5, citing Tanya N Chikritzhs et. al., 'The alcopops tax: heading in the right direction', Medical Journal of Australia, 2 March 2009, p. 293.

[61]      Australian Hotels Association, Submission 13, p. 4.

[62]      Independent Distillers Australia, Submission 10, p. 8.

[63]      Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 5.

[64]      Winemakers' Federation of Australia, Submission 11, p. 1.

[65]      Winemakers' Federation of Australia, Submission 11, p. 3.

[66]      Department of the Treasury, Submission 17, p. 5.

[67]      Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand, Submission 16, p. 2.

[68]      Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand, Submission 16, p. 2.

[69]      Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand, Submission 16, p. 2.

[70]      Professor Steven Allsop, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 23.

[71]      Mr Hamish Arthur, National Corporate Affairs Manager, AHA, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 3, 10.

[72]      Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 6.

[73]      Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia, Submission 12, p. 14.

[74]      Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 6.

[75]      The Hon. Nicola Roxon, Minister for Health and Ageing, House of Representatives Hansard, 25 February 2009, p. 84.

[76]      Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 6.

[77]      The Hon. Nicola Roxon, Minister for Health and Ageing, House of Representatives Hansard, 25 February 2009, p. 79.

[78]      Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum, Excise Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures No. 1) Bill 2009; Customs Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures No. 1) Bill 2009, p. 5-6.

[79]      Department of the Treasury, Submission 17, p. 6.

[80]      Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand, Submission 16, p. 4.

[81]      Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum, Excise Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures No. 1) Bill 2009; Customs Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures No. 1) Bill 2009, p. 5.

[82]      Angove Family Winemakers, Submission 4, p. 2.

[83]      Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia, Submission 12, p. 15.

[84]      Independent Distillers Australia, Submission 10, p. 10.

[85]      Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia, Submission 12, p. 15.

[86]      Winemakers' Federation of Australia, Submission 11, p. 5.

[87]      Winemakers' Federation of Australia, Submission 11, p. 5.

[88]      Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia, Submission 12, p. 15.

[89]      The Hon. Nicola Roxon, Minister for Health and Ageing, House of Representatives Hansard, 25 February 2009, p. 84-5..

[90]      Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 March 2009, p. 67.

[91]      Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 2, p. 10.

[92]      Independent Distillers Australia, Submission 10, p. 11.

[93]      Independent Distillers Australia, Submission 10, p. 11.

[94]      Independent Distillers Australia, Submission 10, p. 10, citing the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, National Drug Strategy Household Survey, December 2007.

[95]      For more detail on alcohol-associated harms see the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs report, Ready-to-drink alcohol beverages, June 2008.

[96]      Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 7.

[97]      Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 7,

[98]      Professor Tanya Chikritzhs, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 24.

[99]      See the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs report, Ready-to-drink alcohol beverages, June 2008; and Alcohol Toll Reduction Bill 2007 [2008], June 2008.

[100]    National Health and Medical Research Council,, accessed 11 March 2009.

[101]    National Drug Research Institute, Submission 5, p. 1.

[102]    National Health Foundation of Australia, Submission 3, p. 3.

[103]    Mr David Templeman, Chief Executive Officer, Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 61.

[104]    Winemakers' Federation of Australia, Submission 11, p. 5; see also Australian Hotels Association, Submission 13, p. 3.

[105]    Independent Distillers of Australia, Submission 10, p. 3.

[106]    Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand, Submission 16, p. 2.

[107]    Access Economics, 'Trends in alcohol related hospital use by young people', 20 January 2009, p. iii. This report is discussed below at 1.149.

[108]    Australian Taxpayers' Union, Submission 8, p. 1.

[109]    The Hon. Nicola Roxon, Minister for Health and Ageing, House of Representatives Hansard, 11 February 2009, p. 4.

[110]    National Drug Research Institute, Submission 5, p. 2.

[111]    National Drug Research Institute, Submission 5, p. 2.

[112]    Professor Steven Allsop, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 23.

[113]    Professor Tanya Chikritzhs, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 24-5.

[114]    Independent Distillers of Australia, Submission 10, p. 3, citing the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, National Drug Strategy Household Survey, December  2007.

[115]    Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia, Submission 12, p. 23.

[116]    Independent Distillers of Australia, Submission 10, p. 6.

[117]    Independent Distillers Australia, Submission 10, p. 6.

[118]    Amy Thurgood, Submission 14, p. 1.

[119]    Australian Hotels Association, Submission 13, p. 3.

[120]    Professor Tanya Chikritzhs, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 25.

[121]    Dr Rosanna Capolingua, President, Australian Medical Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 30.

[122]    Access Economics, 'Trends in alcohol related hospital use by young people', 20 January 2009, p. iii.

[123]    Access Economics, 'Trends in alcohol related hospital use by young people', p. iii.

[124]    Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia, Submission 12, p. 2.

[125]    Access Economics, 'Trends in alcohol related hospital use by young people', p. iii.

[126]    Access Economics, 'Trends in alcohol related hospital use by young people', p. iv.

[127]    Access Economics, 'Trends in alcohol related hospital use by young people', p. iv.

[128]    Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Submission 18, p. 5.

[129]    Associate Professor Anthony Shakeshaft, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 40.

[130]    Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Submission 18, p. 5.

[131]    Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 2, p. 4.

[132]    Associate Professor Anthony Shakeshaft, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 38.

[133]    Professor Rob Moodie, Chair, Preventative Health Task Force, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 March 2009, p. 50.

[134]    Professor Alan Moodie, Chair, Preventative Health Task Force, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 March 2009, p. 50-1.

[135]    Dr Rosanna Capolingua, President, Australian Medical Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 30.

[136]    National Health Foundation of Australia, Submission 3, p. 4.

[137]    The Hon. Nicola Roxon, Minister for Health and Ageing, House of Representatives Hansard, 25 February 2009, p. 80.

[138]    Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia, Submission 12, p. 2.

[139]    Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia, Submission 12, p. 1.

[140]    The Hon. Nicola Roxon, Minister for Health and Ageing, House of Representatives Hansard, 25 February 2009, p. 81.

[141]    Mr David Kalisch, Deputy Secretary, Department of Health and Ageing, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 March 2009, p. 53.

[142]    Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 2, p. 11.

[143]    Winemakers' Federation of Australia, Submission 11, p. 5.

[144]    Associate Professor Anthony Shakeshaft, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 38.

[145]    National Drug Research Institute, Submission 5, p. 4.

[146]    Australian Hotels Association, Submission 13, p. 3.

[147]    Australian Hotels Association, Submission 13, p. 3.

[148]    Professor Ian Webster, Chair, Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 59.

[149]    Associate Professor Christopher Doran, Health Economist, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 38.

[150]    Associate Professor Anthony Shakeshaft, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. 38.

[151]    National Drug Research Institute, Submission 5, p. 2.

[152]    Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 2, p. 11.

[153]    Senate Committee on Community Affairs, Ready-to-drink alcohol beverages, June 2008, p. ix.


[1]        Associate Professor Christopher Doran, National Alcohol and Drug Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p.CA43;

[2]        Dr Rosanna Capolingua, National President of the AMA, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p.CA36;

[3]        Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Address to heads of agencies and members of the Senior Executive Service, Great Hall, Parliament House, Canberra – 30 April 2008;

[4]        Community Affairs Committee, Inquiry into Ready-to-Drink Alcohol Beverages, May-June 2008;

[5]        Ms Christine Barron, General Manager, Indirect Tax Division, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 March 2009, p. CA55.

[6]        Darrel Giles, Political Editor, Alcopop tax rise to battle the binge, Sunday Mail Brisbane, 27 April 2008, p.1; Kerry-Anne Walsh, Political correspondent, Rudd declares war on alcopops with tax rise, Sun Herald, 27 April 2008, p.3;

[7]        Australian Institute of Health and Welfare submission, Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into Ready-to-Drink Alcohol Beverages, May 2008;

[8]        Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2007 National Drug Strategy Household Survey, Detailed findings, Table 21.9: Trends in preferences for selected alcoholic drinks, males, 2001–2007 and Table 21.10: Trends in preferences for selected alcoholic drinks, females, 2001–2007, pp.115-116

[9]        Standing Committee on Community Affairs, Ready-to-Drink Alcohol Beverages, Coalition Senators Dissenting Report, p.68

[10]       Minutes of the New Zealand Ministerial Committee on Drug Policy Meeting, Hon Jim Anderton's Office, Level 7 Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, 2 September 2008;

[11]       Orders of the Senate, No 30, Taxation - Alcohol – Order for Production of Documents, Motion of Senator Cormann agreed to on 4 February 2009;

[12]       Prof Ian Webster, Chair, Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 10 March 2009, p. CA56.

[13]       Executive Summary, Alcohol related hospital use: analysis of newly available months of data, Report by Access Economics Pty Ltd for Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia, 10 March 2009;

[14]       Same Access Economics Report Executive Summary;

[15]       Ms Jane Halton, Secretary, Department of Health and Ageing, Senate Estimates, Proof Committee Hansard, 25 February 2009, p.C15;

[16]       Mr David Kalisch, Deputy Secretary, Department of Health and Ageing, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 March 2009, p. CA54.

[17]       Bills Digest No. 171 2000–01, Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Account Bill 2001, pp.2-3.

Excise Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures no.1) Bill 2009

[1]        Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services in Australia 2005-06, 2007, p.14.

[2]        Estimated figure for 2008/09, joint submission to Australia's Future Taxation System review panel from health organisations, submission 15.