Membership of the Committee

Membership of the Committee

42nd Parliament


Senator Claire Moore

ALP, Queensland


Senator Rachel Siewert

AG, Western Australia

Deputy Chair

Senator Judith Adams

LP, Western Australia


Senator Catryna Bilyk

ALP, Tasmania


Senator Carol Brown

ALP, Tasmania


Senator Sue Boyce

LP, Queensland


Senator Mark Furner

ALP, Queensland


Senator Gary Humphries

LP, Australian Capital Territory


Substitute Members

Senator Bernardi to replace Senator Adams from 11 February 2009 until 12 May 2009 and Senator Fifield to replace Senator Bernardi in place of Senator Adams from 10 March to 12 May 2009

Participating Members for this inquiry

Senator Simon Birmingham

LP, South Australia


Senator Doug Cameron

ALP, New South Wales


Senator Jacinta Collins

ALP, Victoria


Senator Mathias Cormann

LP, Western Australia


Senator Steve Fielding

FFP, Victoria


Senator Nick Xenophon

IND, South Australia


Senate Community Affairs Committee Secretariat:

Mr Elton Humphery


Mr Ivan Powell Acting Principal Research Officer
Mr Owen Griffiths Senior Research Officer
Ms Leonie Peake Research Officer
Ms Ingrid Zappe Executive Assistant

The Senate
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600


02 6277 3515

Fax: 02 6277 5829

This document was produced by the Senate Community Affairs Committee Secretariat and printed by the Senate Printing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra.

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