

[1] Minister for Health and Aged Care, ‘Review of the Health System’, Media Release, 5 August 1999.

[2] Industry Commission, Private Health Insurance, Report No.57, Canberra, the Commission, 1997, p.lvi.

[3] Gross, P, ‘National health policy: implications of the NSW Health Council report’, Healthcover, June-July 2000, pp.35-40.

[4] The Australian Association of Paediatric Teaching Centres is known now as Children’s Hospitals and Paediatric Units Australasia, or Children’s Hospitals Australasia for short (Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.703).

[5] Submission No.63, p.7 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[6] Submission No.66, p.3 (National Rural Health Alliance).

[7] Committee Hansard, 24.2.00, p.235 (Northern Territory Minister for Health).

[8] Duckett, S ‘Economics of hospital care’, in Economics and Australian Health Policy, edited by G Mooney and R Scotton, St Leonards, Allen & Unwin, 1998, p.112.

[9] Duckett, S, p.112.

[10] Minister for Health and Aged Care, ‘Ministers collaborate to strengthen primary health and community care’, Media Release, 31 July 2000.

[11] See, for example, Committee Hansard, 22.3.00, p.402 (Doctors Reform Society).

[12] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.669 (Australian Medical Association).

[13] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.116 (National Rural Health Alliance).

[14] Committee Hansard, 24.2.00, p.235 (Northern Territory Minister for Health).

[15] Health Insurance Commission, Annual Report 1999-00, Canberra, HIC, 2000, p.12.

[16] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Health Expenditure Bulletin No 16, p.3.

[17] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Health Expenditure Bulletin No 16, p.4.

[18] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Health Expenditure Bulletin No 16, p.3.

[19] See, for example, Submission No.41, p.18 (Queensland Government).

[20] National Commission of Audit, Report to the Commonwealth Government, Canberra, AGPS, 1996, p.138.

[21] Gregory R, ‘Ageing and health and family services: discussion’, in Policy Implications of the Ageing of Australia’s Population: Conference Proceedings, Melbourne, 18-19 March 1999, Melbourne, Productivity Commission, 1999, p.392.

[22] Ham, C, ‘Series Editor’s Introduction’, The Global Challenge of Health Care Rationing, edited by A Coulter and C Ham, Buckingham, Open University Press, 2000, p.xi.

[23] Ham, C, ‘Priority setting in the health services’, in Rationing of Health and Social Care, edited by I Allen, London, Policy Studies Institute, 1993, p.1.

[24] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.700 (Mr Paul Gross).

[25] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.689 (Dr Penny Gregory).

[26] Submission No. 63, p.15 (Australian Healthcare Association, Women’s Hospitals Australia, Australian Association of Paediatric Teaching Centres).

[27] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.389 (Sydney Teaching Hospitals Advocacy Group).

[28] Submission No.45, p.14 (Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Australian Consumers’ Association, Health Issues Centre).

[29] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.344 (New South Wales Health Department).

[30] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.495 (Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges).

[31] Committee Hansard, 24.2.00, p.207 (Australian Nursing Federation, NT Branch).

[32] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.573 (National Allied Health Casemix Committee); Committee Hansard, 22.3.00, p.439 (Queensland Nurses Union).

[33] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.372 (RACP, ACA, Health Issues Centre).

[34] Submission No.45, p.9 (RACP, ACA, Health Issues Centre).

[35] Committee Hansard, 24.2.00, p.223 (Australian Medical Association, NT Branch).

[36] Committee Hansard, 24.2.00, p.243 (NT Shadow Minister for Health).

[37] Committee Hansard, 24.2.00, p.243 (NT Shadow Minister for Health).

[38] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Health in Rural and Remote Australia, Canberra, AIHW, 1998, p. vi-viii.

[39] Submission No.63, p.5 (National Rural Health Alliance).

[40] Committee Hansard, 23.2.00, p.193 (South Australian Salaried Medical Officers Association).

[41] Committee Hansard, 22.3.00, p.437 (Queensland Nurses Union).

[42] Committee Hansard, 23.2.00, p.175 (Australian Nursing Federation).

[43] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.526 (Australian Nursing Federation, Victorian Branch).

[44] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.393 (Sydney Teaching Hospitals Advocacy Group).

[45] McMillan, J Commonwealth Constitutional Power over Health, Canberra, Consumers’ Health Forum, 1992, p.1.

[46] The Department of Veterans’ Affairs is an exception because it does purchase hospital services for Veteran patients with a Gold Card.

[47] Submission No.63, p.13 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[48] Submission No.50, p.13 (Dr Deeble).

[49] Submission No.50, p.14 (Dr Deeble).

[50] Submission No.38, p.11 (DHAC).

[51] Submission No.60, Additional Information, p.1 (South Australian Government).

[52] Submission No.41, Additional Information, p.4 (Queensland Government).

[53] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.356 (New South Wales Health Department).

[54] See, for example, Submission No.66, p.26 (NRHA).

[55] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.98 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[56] Minister for Health and Aged Care, ‘Ministers agree: Health and medical research-a top priority’, Media Release, 31 July 2000.

[57] Submission No.41, p.17 (Queensland Government).

[58] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.366 (New South Wales Health Department).

[59] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.39-40 (DHAC).

[60] Submission No.79, p.12 (New South Wales Government).

[61] Committee Hansard, 25.2.00, p.276 (Health Department Western Australia).

[62] Submission No.63, p.13 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[63] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.728.

[64] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.678 (Professor Thomson, Monash University).

[65] Minister for Health and Aged Care, ‘Ministers collaborate to strengthen primary health and community care’, Media Release, 31 July 2000.

[66] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.675 (Dr Brook, Victorian Department of Human Services).

[67] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.672 (Mr Borthwick, DHAC).

[68] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.684 (Dr Madden, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare).

[69] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.683 (Dr Smyth, ACHSE).

[70] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.701 (Mr Gross, Institute of Health Economics and Technology Assessment).

[71] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.716 (Professor Duckett, La Trobe University).

[72] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.752 (Professor Scotton, Centre for Health Program Evaluation, Monash University).

[73] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.757 (Ass Professor Picone, New South Wales Health Department).

[74] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.767 (Dr Segal, Centre for Health Program Evaluation, Monash University).

[75] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.791-3 (Mr Davidson, South Australian Department of Human Services).

[76] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.797 (Dr Filby, Queensland Health).

[77] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.788 (Dr P Gregory, ACT Department of Health and Community Care).

[78] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.704 (Mr Geeves, Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services).

[79] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.704 (Mr Geeves).

[80] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.767 (Dr Segal, CHPE).

[81] Submission No.41, p.18 (Queensland Government).

[82] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.702 (Mr Gross).

[83] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.676 (Dr Brook).

[84] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.687 (Professor Duckett).

[85] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.687 (Ms Segal, CHPE).

[86] The PHOFAs provide a useful example of inadequate accountability. Under these agreements, the States and Territories have gained greater flexibility in the way funding is expended for public health programs, however the reporting mechanisms under the agreements leave much to be desired, with little data available on patient outcomes.

[87] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, pp.705-6 (Dr Brook).

[88] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.683 (Dr Smyth).

[89] ‘Measure and share’ is a provision of the AHCAs and illustrates, arguably, their flexibility. Essentially, this provision permits the movement of funding across Commonwealth and State programs. The AHCAs provide that the Commonwealth and States may consider proposals that move funding for specific services between Commonwealth and State funded programs provided that each proposal meets certain criteria which are detailed in the AHCA (Clauses 27-28).

[90] Australian Health Care Agreement, Part 5, clause 28.

[91] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.690 (Dr Gregory, ACT Department of Health and Community Care).

[92] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.694 (Dr Smyth).

[93] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.711 (Professor Dwyer, Senior Medical Staff Advocacy Committee).

[94] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.706 (Dr Brook).

[95] Submission No.37, p.3 (Barwon Health).

[96] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.693 (Dr Smyth).

[97] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.757 (Ass Professor Picone, New South Wales Health Department).

[98] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.719 (Dr Brook).

[99] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.21 (DHAC).

[100] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.719 (Dr Brook).

[101] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.721 (Mr Borthwick).

[102] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.719 (Dr Brook).

[103] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.722 (Mr Borthwick).

[104] Committee Hansard, 24.2.00, p.236 (NT Minister for Health).

[105] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.724 (Mr Matthews, Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia).

[106] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.720 (Dr Brook).

[107] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.349 (New South Wales Health Department).

[108] Committee Hansard, 22.3.00, p.483 (Queensland Minister for Health).

[109] Submission No.52, Additional information, 17.8.00, p.2 (Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia).

[110] Submission No.52, Additional information, 17.8.00, pp.1-2 (Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia).

[111] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.727 (Dr Phelps, AMA).

[112] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.728 (Professor White, Children’s Hospitals Australasia).

[113] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.730 (Mr Jones, Australian Nurses Federation).

[114] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.729 (Professor Thomson, Monash University).

[115] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.726 (Dr Filby, Queensland Health).

[116] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.727 (Professor Duckett).

[117] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.364 (New South Wales Health Department).

[118] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.544 (Australian College of Health Service Executives).

[119] Committee Hansard, 22.3.00, p.438 (Queensland Nurses Union).

[120] Committee Hansard, 25.2.00, p.265 (Health Consumers Council).

[121] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.738 (Mr Borthwick).

[122] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.732 (Professor Leeder, University of Sydney).

[123] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.737 (Dr Smyth).

[124] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.738 (Mr Borthwick).

[125] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.739 (Dr Deeble).

[126] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.734 (Professor Dwyer).

[127] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.739 (Ms Segal).

[128] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.738 (Dr Gregory).

[129] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.734 (Dr Phelps).

[130] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.736 (Mr Gross).

[131] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.738 (Dr Smyth).

[132] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.735 (Mr Forbes, University of New South Wales).

[133] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.733 (Christine Charles, South Australian Department of Human Services).

[134] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.737 (Dr Smyth).

[135] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.741 (Professor Hall, CHERE).

[136] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.741 (Professor Hall).

[137] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.741 (Professor White).

[138] Submission No.38, p.22 (DHAC).

[139] DHAC, The Australian Coordinated Care Trials: Interim National Evaluation Summary, September 1999, (referred to as the Evaluation Report), p.2.

[140] Parliamentary Library, Coordinating Care in an Uncoordinated Health System, Current Issues Brief No.11, 1998-99, p.4.

[141] Submission No.38, p.24 (DHAC).

[142] Current Issues Brief No.11, p.6.

[143] Current Issues Brief No.11, p.6.

[144] Submission No.38, p.23 (DHAC).

[145] Evaluation Report, p.17.

[146] Evaluation Report, p.viii.

[147] Submission No.38, p.23 (DHAC).

[148] Submission No.38, p.23 (DHAC).

[149] Submission No.38, p.24 (DHAC).

[150] Submission No.38, p.23 (DHAC).

[151] See DHAC, The Australian Coordinated Care Trials: Interim Technical National Evaluation Report, 1999; DHAC, The Australian Coordinated Care Trials: Interim Technical National Evaluation Report- Appendices, 1999; DHAC, The Australian Coordinated Care Trials: Interim National Evaluation Summary, 1999.

[152] Submission No.38, p.24 (DHAC).

[153] Committee Hansard, 24.2.00, p.220 (AMA (NT)).

[154] Committee Hansard, 24.2.00, p.220 (AMA (NT)).

[155] Committee Hansard, 24.2.00, p.208 (ANF (NT)).

[156] Evaluation Report, p.ix.

[157] Evaluation Report, p.vii.

[158] Evaluation Report, pp.viii, 46.

[159] Evaluation Report, p.27. See also Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.778 (Victorian Department of Human Services).

[160] Evaluation Report, pp.27-28.

[161] Evaluation Report, p.46.

[162] Evaluation Report, pp.31-32.

[163] Evaluation Report, pp.32-33.

[164] Evaluation Report, p.47.

[165] Evaluation Report, p.47.

[166] Evaluation Report, pp.48-49.

[167] Evaluation Report, pp.29, 46-47.

[168] Evaluation Report, pp.40-41.

[169] Evaluation Report, pp.x-xi. See also Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.768 (Professor Deeble); Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.778 (Victorian Department of Human Services).

[170] Submission No.46, p.11 (CHPE); Submission No.22, p.3 (Professor Hindle).

[171] Submission No.46, Additional Information, 15.3.00 (CHPE).

[172] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.320 (Professor Hindle). See also Submission No.22, pp.3-4 (Professor Hindle).

[173] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.757 (NSW Health).

[174] Evaluation Report, p.41.

[175] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.763 (Professor Dwyer).

[176] Submission No.46, Additional Information, 15.3.00 (CHPE).

[177] 1998-99 is the latest year for which detailed figures are available. The direct payments and subsidies relate to the means tested Private Health Insurance Incentives Scheme which was introduced in 1997 and was available during the first half of the financial year and the 30% rebate on premiums which applied to the second half of the year. See paras 5.13, 5.19 for a description of these schemes. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australia’s Health 2000: the seventh biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Canberra, AIHW, p.253.

[178] 1998-99 figure based on AIHW preliminary estimate for 1998-99 of total health expenditure of $50,335 million. AIHW, Australia’s Health 2000, p.233.

[179] AIHW, Australia’s Health 2000, p.252.

[180] AIHW, Australia’s Health 2000, p.256.

[181] AIHW, Australia’s Health 1998: the sixth biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Canberra, 1997, p.178.

[182] Industry Commission, Private Health Insurance, Report No 57, Canberra, the Commission, 1997, pp.xxxi, xxxv-xxxvi.

[183] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australia’s Health 1998, p.178.

[184] Industry Commission, pp.xxxi-xxxii.

[185] Australia’s Health 2000, p.253.

[186] Minister for Health and Aged Care, ‘United Effort Needed to Address Health Insurance Crisis’, Media Release, 24 May 1996.

[187] Health and Family Services Portfolio, Portfolio Budgets Statements 1996-97, p.145.

[188] House of Representatives, Debates, 13.12.96, pp.8573-74.

[189] House of Representatives, Debates, 27.11.97, p.11436.

[190] House of Representative, Debates, 12.11.98, p.263.

[191] House of Representatives, Debates, 12.11.98, p.264.

[192] Explanatory Memorandum, Private Health Insurance Incentives Bill 1998, p.58.

[193] Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, DHAC Answer to Question on Notice No.58, Additional Estimates 1999-2000, February 2000.

[194] Health and Aged Care Portfolio, Portfolio Budget Statements 1999-2000, p.18. Total appropriation for the Health and Aged Care Portfolio was $23,844 million in 1999-2000.

[195] Joint Statement by the Treasurer and Minister for Finance and Administration, Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2000-01, November 2000, p.41.

[196] Where health funds have reached agreements with individual doctors and signed Medical Purchaser Provider Agreements, health fund contributors with the appropriate level of cover are eligible for reimbursement of fees charged above the schedule fee.

[197] Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Report on the Health Insurance Amendment (Gap Cover Schemes) Bill 2000, p.1.

[198] Commonwealth Government, Tax reform, not a new tax system, AGPS, 1998, p.49.

[199] Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.669 (AMA).

[200] Submission No.60, p.22 (SA Government); Submission No.61, p.17 (Australian Physiotherapy Association).

[201] Submission No.11, p.3 (DRS (WA)); Submission No.16, p.10 (QNU); Submission No.17, p.8 (Public Hospitals, Health & Medicare Alliance of Qld); Submission No.41, p.26 (Qld Government).

[202] Submission No.40, p.4 (Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges); Submission No.45, p.24 (RACP, ACA & Health Issues Centre); Submission No.61, p.17 (Australian Physiotherapy Association).

[203] Submission No.38, p.31 (DHAC).

[204] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, pp.32-33 (DHAC).

[205] Submission No.38, p.32 (DHAC).

[206] House of Representatives, Debates, 14.8.00, p.18844.

[207] Submission No.55, p.8 (AIHA).

[208] Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales, A Review of NSW Health, 1998, p.43.

[209] Submission No.60, p.22 (SA Government).

[210] Submission No.41, p.26 (Qld Government); See also Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.58 (Queensland Health).

[211] Submission No.67, p.10 (Tasmanian Government).

[212] See for example, Submission No.45, p.24 (RACP, ACA, HIC); Submission No.46, p.12 (CHPE).

[213] Submission No.17, p.7 (PHH & MAQ); Submission No.46, p.12 (CHPE); Submission No.65, p.12 (ANF (SA)); Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.58 (Queensland Health) and 22.3.00, p.429 (QNU).

[214] AIHW, Australia’s Health 2000, p.272.

[215] Submission No.46, Additional Information, p.9 (CHPE).

[216] AIHW, Australian Hospital Statistics, 1998-99, AIHW HSE 11, Canberra, p.53.

[217] PHIAC, Operations of the Registered Health Benefits Organisations Annual Report 1998-99, p.47.

[218] Submission No.46, p.13 (CHPE).

[219] Submission No.46, p.12 (CHPE).

[220] Submission No.46, Additional Information, p.9 (CHPE).

[221] See also Submission No.17, p.7 (Public Hospitals, Health & Medicare Alliance of Queensland).

[222] CHERE, Discussion Paper 3, p.6.

[223] Australian Bureau of Statistics, Health Insurance Survey, June 1998, p.24.

[224] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.341 (NSW Health Department).

[225] Submission No.16, p.10 (ANF(SA)); Submission No.41, p.26 (Queensland Government); Submission No.60, p.23 (SA Government); Submission No.67, p.10 (Tasmanian Government); Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, pp.509,517 (Victorian Minister for Health); Committee Hansard, 25.2.00, p.274 (Health Department WA); Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.358 (NSW Health Department); Committee Hansard, 11.4.00, p.646 (ACT Minister for Health and Community Care).

[226] PHIAC, p.2.

[227] Submission No.41, p.26 (Queensland Government).

[228] Submission No.16, p. 10 (QNU). See also Submission No.41, pp. 26-7 (Queensland Government); Submission No.60, p.23 (SA Government); Submission No.17, p.9 (Public Hospitals, Health & Medicare Alliance of Qld).

[229] Submission No.41, pp.26-27 (Queensland Government).

[230] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99 p.142 (AHIA).

[231] See for example Committee Hansard, 22.3.00, p.402 (DRS).

[232] Submission No.41, p.26 (Queensland Government).

[233] Submission No.60, pp.22-3 (SA Government).

[234] Submission No.45, p.25 (RACP, ACA, HIC); Submission No.63, p.29 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[235] Submission No.16, p.9 (QNU).

[236] Submission No.18, p.6 (APHA).

[237] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.32 (DHAC).

[238] Committee Hansard, 22.3.00, pp.459-60 (Public Hospitals, Health & Medicare Alliance of Queensland).

[239] Submission No.46, p.12 (CHPE).

[240] Submission No.46, Additional Information p.9 (CHPE).

[241] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.323. See also Submission No.20, p.14 (DRS).

[242] CHERE, Discussion Paper 3, p.7.

[243] Submission No.63, p.30 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[244] Submission No.63, p.29 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[245] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.60 (Qld Government).

[246] AIHW, Health expenditure bulletin, No.15: Australia’s health services expenditure to 1997-98, p.12.

[247] Submission No.79, p.20 (NSW Government).

[248] Committee Hansard, 23.2.00, p.155 (South Australian Minister for Human Services).

[249] Submission No.46, p.13 (CHPE). See also Submission No.63, p.30 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[250] Submission No.79, pp.21-22 (NSW Government).

[251] Submission No.46, p.18 (CHPE).

[252] Submission No.46, Additional information, p.9 (CHPE).

[253] Committee Hansard, 20.1.00, pp.750-51 (Professor Barclay).

[254] Submission No.63, pp.29-30 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[255] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.755 (Australian Healthcare Association).

[256] Submission No.22, p.8 (Professor Hindle).

[257] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.323 (Professor Hindle).

[258] Duckett, SJ and Jackson, TJ, ‘The new health insurance rebate: an inefficient way of assisting public hospitals’, The Medical Journal of Australia, 172, pp. 439-42.

[259] Submission No.63, p.30 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[260] Messenger, A, ‘Rebate reprieve for private hospitals’, Australian Medicine, 4-18 January 1999, p.14.

[261] The Sydney Morning Herald, 28.8.00.

[262] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.131 (AHIA).

[263] Submission No.16, p.10 (QNU); Submission No.20, p.15 (DRS); Submission No.63, p.30 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[264] Submission No.41, p.27 (Queensland Government); Submission No.66, p.27 (National Rural Health Alliance).

[265] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1998, Health Insurance Survey, p.6.

[266] CHERE, Discussion Paper 3: Key Issues, p.8.

[267] See for example Submission No.20, p.16 (DRS); Submission No.63, p.31 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[268] Submission No.17, p.8 (Public Hospitals, Health & Medicare Alliance of Qld); Submission No.41, p.27 (Queensland Government); Submission No.89, p.10 (AMA (NT)); Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.122 (National Rural Health Alliance).

[269] Submission No.89, p.10 (AMA (NT). See also Committee Hansard, 22.3.00, p.474 (Queensland Minister for Health).

[270] Submission No.17, p.8 (Public Hospitals, Health & Medicare Alliance of Qld); Submission No.26, p.2 (Medical Consumers Association of NSW);. Submission No.39, p.7 (ANF); Submission No.65, p.12 (ANF(SA)).

[271] This figure represents the percentage increase in the public hospital budget that would have occurred. As the marginal cost of hospital care is significantly less than the average cost, the increase in capacity would have significantly exceeded 14 per cent.

[272] Submission No.46, pp.13-14 (CHPE).

[273] Submission No.22, p.4 (Professor Hindle).

[274] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, pp.509-10 (Victorian Minister for Health).

[275] Submission No.20, p.14 (DRS).

[276] Submission No.38, p.31 (DHAC).

[277] House of Representatives, Debates, 12.11.98, p.265.

[278] See for example, Submission No.20, p.15 (DRS); Submission No.45, p.24 (RACP); Submission No.63, p.31 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[279] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.61 (Queensland Health).

[280] Submission No.60, p.24 (SA Government).

[281] Submission No.63, p.31 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[282] Senate, Debates, 27.9.99, p.8939.

[283] Productivity Commission 1999, Private Hospitals in Australia, Commission Research Paper, AusInfo, Canberra, 1999; Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, Report to the Australian Senate on anti-competitive and other practices by health funds and providers in relation to private health insurance, ACCC, Canberra, 1999.

[284] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australian hospital statistics 1998-99, AIHW cat. No. HSE 11, Canberra, 2000, p.27.

[285] Australian Bureau of Statistics, Private Hospitals Australia 1999-00, June 2000, p.27, Table 3.1.

[286] Productivity Commission, p.30.

[287] ACCC, p.63.

[288] The Sydney Morning Herald, ‘Four private hospitals go into receivership, and there’s more on the critical list’, 6.9.00.

[289] ACCC, p.63.

[290] Productivity Commission, p.22.

[291] Productivity Commission, p.xii.

[292] Productivity Commission, p.9.

[293] Submission No.38, p.37 (DHAC).

[294] Submission No.18, p.7 (APHA).

[295] Submission No.38, p.34 (DHAC); Submission No.63, p.29 (AHA, WHA & AAPTC).

[296] Submission No.44, p.3 (Mayne Nickless Limited).

[297] Submission No.41, p.31 (Queensland Government).

[298] Productivity Commission, p.8.

[299] Productivity Commission, pp. 6-7.

[300] Productivity Commission, p.5.

[301] Submission No.41, p.30 (Queensland Government).

[302] Committee Hansard, 25.2.00, pp.278-9 (Health Department Western Australia).

[303] Submission No.38, p.37 (DHAC); Productivity Commission, p.5.

[304] Committee Hansard, 22.3.00, p.429 (QNU).

[305] CHERE, Discussion Paper 3: Key Issues, p.12.

[306] Submission No.37, p.5 (Barwon Health).

[307] Submission No.63, p.36 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[308] Submission No.56, p.21 (Catholic Health Australia).

[309] Submission No.45, p.26 (RACP, ACA, HIC).

[310] CHERE, Discussion Paper No.3: Key Issues, p.11.

[311] Submission No.17, p.9 (Public Hospitals, Health & Medicare Alliance of Qld); Submission No.20, p.17 (DRS); Submission No.45, p.28 (RACP, ACA, HIC).

[312] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.371 (RACP).

[313] Duckett, SJ, Jackson, TJ, The new health insurance rebate: an inefficient way of assisting public hospitals, The Medical Journal of Australia, Vol 172, May 2000, pp.439-42.

[314] Duckett and Jackson, p.442.

[315] Submission No.46, p.16 (CHPE).

[316] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.597-98 (CHPE).

[317] Submission No.46, p.17 (CHPE).

[318] Submission No.46, p.16 (CHPE).

[319] Submission No.46, p.18 (CHPE).

[320] See for example, Submission No.64, p.7 (Australian Midwifery Action Project); Submission No.75, p.10 (Australian College of Midwives (Vic)).

[321] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australia’s Mothers and Babies 1995, 1998, p.17.

[322] Submission No.75, p.10 (Australian College of Midwives (Vic)). See also Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.750 (Centre for Family Health and Midwifery).

[323] Submission No.37, p.4 (Barwon Health).

[324] Productivity Commission, pp.45-58.

[325] Submission No.41, Additional Information, p.2 (Queensland Government).

[326] CHERE, Discussion Paper 3, p.12; Collyer, F, ‘Privatisation and the Public Purse: The Port Macquarie Base Hospital’, Just Policy, No.10, July 1997.

[327] Submission No.41, pp.30-1 (Queensland Government).

[328] Submission No.63, pp.33-4 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[329] Submission No.28, p.4 (RACS).

[330] See for example, Submission No.49 p.1 (Faculty of Medicine, Monash University). See also Submission No.61, p.18 (Australian Physiotherapy Association).

[331] Committee Hansard, 23.2.00, p.541 (Australian College of Health Service Executives).

[332] Submission No.20, p.16 (DRS); see also Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.371 (RACP); Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.496 (Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges), Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.541 (Australian College of Health Service Executives).

[333] Submission No.28, p.4 (RACS); Committee Hansard, 23.2.00, pp.147-48 (Professor Roberton).

[334] Submission No.45, p.28 (RACP, ACA, HIC).

[335] Committee Hansard, 23.2.00, p.148 (Professor Roberton).

[336] Submission No.63, Additional information, p.5 (AHA). See also Brooks, P. ‘Privatisation of teaching hospitals’, Medical Journal of Australia, 1999;Vol 170, pp.321-22.

[337] Submission No.45, p.27 (RACP, ACA, HIC).

[338] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.537 (ANF (Vic)).

[339] Submission No.65, p.13 (ANF (SA)); Committee Hansard, 23.2.00, p.175 (ANF(SA)).

[340] Submission No.72, p.28 (Consumers’ Health Forum of Australia). See also Submission No.45, p.28 (RACP, ACA, HIC).

[341] Submission No.16, p.13 (QNU).

[342] See for example, Committee Hansard, 22.3.00, p.433 (QNU).

[343] Submission No.27, p.3 (AMA Vic).

[344] Submission No.63, p.35 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[345] Submission No.56, p.21 (Catholic Health Australia). See also Committee Hansard, 23.2.00, p.158 (SA Minister for Human Services).

[346] Submission No.16, p.12 (QNU); Submission No.39, p.6 (ANF); Submission No.72, p.28 (Consumers’ Health Forum of Australia); Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.373-74 (RACP).

[347] Submission No.26, p.3 (Medical Consumers Association of NSW); Submission No.65, p.13 (ANF (SA)).

[348] Submission No.65, p.13 (ANF (SA)).

[349] Submission No.38, p.36 (DHAC).

[350] Submission No.45, pp.28-9 (RACP, ACA, HIC).

[351] Submission No.45, p.29 (RACP, ACA, HIC).

[352] Submission No.38, p.38 (DHAC).

[353] Submission No.18, p.8 (APHA); Submission No.27, p.3 (AMA (Vic)); Submission No.37, p.5 (Barwon Health); Submission No.55, p.29 (AHIA); Submission No.86, p.3 (Australian Association of Surgeons).

[354] Submission No.18, p.8 (APHA).

[355] Productivity Commission, p.92.

[356] Submission No.32, p.2 (Dr G Masters); Submission No.38, p.38 (DHAC); Submission No.41, p.31 (Qld Government); Submission No.63, pp.34-5 (AHA, WHA & AAPTC); Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.100 (Australian Association of Paediatric Teaching Centres); Productivity Commission, p.9.

[357] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, pp.563-54 (Barwon Health).

[358] Submission No.17, p.10 (Public Hospitals, Health and Medicare Alliance of Queensland).

[359] Submission No.38, p.37 (DHAC).

[360] Productivity Commission, p.9.

[361] Submission No.38, p.38 (DHAC).

[362] Submission No.65, p.14 (ANF (SA))

[363] Submission No.38 p.37 (DHAC).

[364] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.597 (Professor J Richardson)

[365] Productivity Commission, p.114.

[366] Quoted by the Productivity Commission, p.114.

[367] Taskforce on Quality in Australian Health Care, Final Report, June 1996.

[368] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.334 (Dr O’Connor); Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.369 (RACP).

[369] For further details see DHAC, The Quality of Australian Health Care: Current Issues and Future Directions, Occasional Paper, Health Financing Series, Volume 6, 2000, pp.3-4.

[370] Submission No.6, p.3 (Dr Wilson).

[371] Submission No.6, p.4 (Dr Wilson).

[372] Submission No.6, pp.3-4 (Dr Wilson).

[373] Wilson, L and Goldschmidt, P, Quality Management in Health Care, Sydney, McGraw-Hill, 1995, p.xli.

[374] Wilson, R et al, ‘The Quality in Australian Health Care Study’, Medical Journal of Australia, Vol.163, 6 November 1995, pp.458-71(referred to as QAHCS). The study reviewed the medical records of over 14 000 admissions to 28 hospitals in NSW and South Australia in 1992.

[375] QAHCS, p.461.

[376] QAHCS, p.459.

[377] QAHCS, p.465.

[378] QAHCS, p.459.

[379] QAHCS, p.465.

[380] O’Hara, D and Carson, N, ‘Reporting of adverse events in hospitals in Victoria, 1994-1995’, Medical Journal of Australia, Vol.166, 5 May 1997, p.460.

[381] Wilson, R and Harrison, B, ‘Are we committed to improving the safety of health care?’, Medical Journal of Australia, Vol.166, 5 May 1997, p.452.

[382] Taskforce on Quality in Australian Health Care, Final Report, Appendix 7.

[383] National Expert Advisory Group on Safety and Quality in Australian Health Care, Interim Report, July 1998.

[384] QAHCS, p.470.


[386] AIHW, Australia’s Health 1998, Canberra, 1998, p.210; Submission No.16, p.17 (QNU); Submission No.63, p.40 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[387] AIHW, Australia’s Health 2000, Canberra, 2000, pp.325-26.

[388] Submission No.63, p.41 (AHA, WHA & AAPTC).

[389] Submission No.38, p.47 (DHAC).

[390] ACSQHC, Terms of Reference.





[395] Submission No.38, pp. 26-27, 53-55 (DHAC). See also DHAC, The Quality of Australian Health Care, Occasional Paper, pp.21-2, 43-61;

[396] Submission No.38, p.7 (DHAC); DHAC, Occasional Paper, p.46.

[397] Submission No.41, pp.36-37 (Queensland Government); Additional Information, 10.12.99 (Queensland Government).

[398] Submission No.79, p.23 (NSW Government).

[399] Submission No.60, p.30 (SA Government).

[400] Submission No.67, p.10 (Tasmanian Government).

[401] Submission No.45, p.30 (RACP, HIC & ACA). See also Submission No.53, p.5 (Professor Duggan); Submission No.32, p.2 (Dr Masters).

[402] Submission No.72, p.33 (CHF). See also Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, pp.787-59 (Professor Richardson).

[403] Submission No.6, p.1 (Dr Wilson).

[404] Submission No.6, p.1 (Dr Wilson).

[405] Submission No.38, p.47 (DHAC).

[406] National Expert Advisory Group on Safety and Quality in Australian Health Care, Implementing Safety and Quality Enhancement in Health Care, Final Report, July 1999, (referred to as the Expert Group report), p.22.

[407] ACSQHC, Terms of Reference.

[408] Expert Group report, p.20.

[409] Minister for Health and Aged Care, Media Release, 21 January 2000, p.1.

[410] ACSQHC, Press Release, 18 February 2000.

[411] Health and Aged Care Portfolio, Portfolio Budget Statements 2000-01, p.243.

[412] Australian Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care, Safety First: Report to the Australian Health Ministers’ Conference, July 2000, p.6.

[413] Submission No.45, p.31 (RACP, HIC, ACA); Submission No.72, p.34 (CHF); Submission No.47, p.38 (AMA).

[414] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.491 (CPMC).

[415] Submission No.47, p.38 (AMA).

[416] Submission No.46, p.23 (CHPE).

[417] Expert Group report, p.23.

[418] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.601 (Professor Richardson).

[419] Committee Hansard, 23.2.00, p.197 (SASMOA).

[420] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, pp.312-13 (Dr Wilson).

[421] Expert Group report, p.21.

[422] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.111 (AHA).

[423] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.111 (AHA).

[424] Expert Group report, p.23.

[425] ACSQHC, Press Release, 18 February 2000.

[426] Australian Health Ministers’ Conference, ‘$50 million plan to improve safety and quality in health care’, Media Release, 31 July 2000.

[427] Australian Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care, Safety First, p.1.

[428] Submission No.55, p.29 (AHIA).

[429] Australian Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care, Safety First, pp.1-9; The National Academies Institute of Medicine, To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, Washington D.C., National Academy Press, 2000.

[430] U.S. President Bill Clinton, Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, 22 February 2000.

[431] The National Academies Institute of Medicine, To Err is Human, Executive Summary, p.9.

[432] US President Bill Clinton, Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, 22 February 2000.

[433] Expert Group report, p.11.

[434] Submission No.41, p.36 (Queensland Government).

[435] Expert Group report, p.11.

[436] Submission No.63, p.42 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC); Submission No.55, p.29 (AHIA); Submission No.72, p.34 (CHF).

[437] Expert Group report, p.12.

[438] ACSQHC, Press Release, 18 February 2000.

[439] Submission No.40, p.6 (CPMC).

[440] QAHCS, p.471.

[441] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, pp.318-19 (Dr Wilson). See also Submission No.32, p.2 (Dr Masters).

[442] Submission No.6, p.9 (Dr Wilson).

[443] Submission No.40, p.6 (CPMC).

[444] Submission No.40, p.6 (CPMC).

[445] Australian Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care, Safety First, p.3.

[446] Submission No.46, pp.22-24 (CHPE). See also Submission No.53, p.5 (Professor Duggan).

[447] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.783 (Professor Richardson). See also Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.795 (Dr Braithwaite).

[448] Committee Hansard, 21.03.00, p.311 (Dr Wilson).

[449] Submission No.55, p.29 (AHIA).

[450] Submission No.18, p.9 (APHA).

[451] Submission No.46, p.24 (CHPE).

[452] Submission No.6, pp.8-9 (Dr Wilson).

[453] Submission No.46, p.24 (CHPE). See also Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.785 (Professor Richardson).

[454] Submission No.46, p.24 (CHPE).

[455] Submission No.63, pp.40-41 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[456] Submission No.16, p.18 (QNU).

[457] Submission No.62, p.5 (ACHSE).

[458] Submission No.62, p.5 (ACHSE).

[459] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.111 (AHA).

[460] Submission No.63, p.41 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[461] Submission No.39, p.8 (ANF).

[462] Submission No.63, p.41 (AHA).

[463] Submission No.22, p.5 (Professor Hindle).

[464] Submission No.63, p.41 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[465] Expert Group report, p.14.

[466] Submission No.62, p.4 (ACHSE).

[467] Submission No.86, p.4 (AAS).

[468] Submission No.20, p.19 (DRS). See also Submission No.60, p.30 (SA Government).

[469] Expert Group report, p.17.

[470] ACSQHC, Press Release, 18.2.00.

[471] Submission No.45, p.31 (RACP, HIC, ACA); Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, pp.336-37 (Professor Hindle).

[472] Expert Group report, p.47.

[473] NHMRC, A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines, 1999, p.9.

[474] Expert Group report, p.7; Rubin, G et al, ‘Getting new evidence into medicine’, Medical Journal of Australia, Vol.172, 21 February 2000, p.182.

[475] NHMRC report, p.9.

[476] NHMRC report, p.9.

[477] NHMRC report, p.39.

[478] Submission No.45, pp.31-32 (RACP, HIC, ACA). See also Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, pp.378,380 (RACP).

[479] Submission No.22, Additional Information, 12.4.00, pp.36, 40 (Professor Hindle).

[480] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, pp.336-7 (Professor Hindle).

[481] Submission No.22, Additional Information, 12.4.00, pp.36,40 (Professor Hindle).

[482] Expert Group report, p.8.

[483] Submission No. 46, Additional Information, 15.3.00 (CHPE). See also Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.784 (Professor Richardson).

[484] NSW Health Council, A Better Health System for NSW, (Chairman: Mr John Menadue), March 2000, p.69.

[485] NHMRC report, p.12.

[486] Rubin, G et al, ‘Getting new evidence into medicine’, Medical Journal of Australia, Vol.172, 21 February 2000, p.182. See also Phillips, P et al, ‘Evidence for evidence-based medicine at the coalface’, Medical Journal of Australia, Vol.172, 20 March 2000, pp.259-260.

[487] Submission No.38, p.48 (DHAC).

[488] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.381 (Professor Cameron).

[489] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.500 (Professor Phelan).

[490] Committee Hansard, 20.11.00, p.765 (CHF).

[491] Submission No.72, p.34 (CHF).

[492] Submission No.45, p.14 (RACP, HIC, ACA). See also Submission No.7, p.4-5 (Health Consumers’ Council WA).

[493] Expert Group report, p.7. See also Submission No.26, p.4 (Medical Consumers Association of NSW); Submission No.4, p.2 (Hunter Urban Network for Consumers of Healthcare).

[494] Submission No.38, p.54 (DHAC).


[496] Submission No.38, p.54 (DHAC).

[497] NSW Government, Working as a Team - the Way Forward, p.4.

[498] Menadue report, pp.73-76.

[499] NSW Government, Working as a Team - the Way Forward, p.4.

[500] Submission No.7, p.4 (Health Consumers’ Council WA).

[501] Submission No.72, pp.29-30 (CHF).

[502] Submission No.47, p.39 (AMA); Submission No.27, pp.4-7 (AMA -Victoria).

[503] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.94 (AMA).

[504] Submission No.27, p.7 (AMA -Victoria).

[505] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.95 (AMA).

[506] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.95 (AMA).

[507] Submission No.45, p.14 (RACP, HIC, ACA); Submission No.63, p.42 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[508] Submission No.46, p.21 (CHPE).

[509] Submission No.38, p.45 (DHAC).

[510] Expert Group report, p.13.

[511] Submission No.38, p.44 (DHAC).

[512] National Health Ministers’ Benchmarking Working Group, Third National Report on Health Sector Performance Indicators, June 1999, pp.6, 72.

[513] Benchmarking report, p.27. See also National Health Performance Committee, Fourth National Report on Health Sector Performance Indicators, July 2000, pp.57-62.

[514] Committee Hansard, 22.3.00, pp.438-39 (QNU).

[515] Benchmarking report, p.66. See also National Health Performance Committee, Fourth National Report, p.2.

[516] Submission No.79, p.23 (NSW Government).

[517] Menadue report, p.72.

[518] NSW Government, Working as a Team - the Way Forward, p.4.

[519] Victorian Minister for Health, Media Release, 16 May 2000.

[520] Submission No.38, pp.41-42 (DHAC).

[521] Submission No.38, pp.42, 51 (DHAC).

[522] Senate Community Affairs References Committee, First Report: public hospital funding and options for reform, July 2000, p.65.

[523] Submission No.38, pp.40-45 (Department of Health and Aged Care).

[524] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council, National Health Information Development Plan, Canberra, AGPS, 1995, p.11.

[525] National Health Data Committee, National Health Data Dictionary, version 8, Canberra, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 1999, p.xvii.

[526] Submission No.38, p.40 (DHAC).

[527] The National Hospital Morbidity (Casemix) Database contains about 33 million de-identified records, each of which consists of a mix of demographic items (such as age and sex), administrative items (such as insurance status) and clinical items (such as diagnoses and procedures). The database contains data on public and private hospital activity since 1991-92. The database and annual reports on hospital morbidity can be found at this web address:

[528] The National Health Performance Committee has replaced the former National Health Ministers Benchmarking Working Group, which produced three reports on benchmarking and performance measurement in the health sector. These reports are available at this web address: The National Health Performance Committee will have a broad focus across the whole health sector, including community health, general practice and public health (Submission No.38, p.44, DHAC).

[529] Submission No.38, p.40 (DHAC).

[530] Submission No.38, p.42 (DHAC).

[531] A comprehensive listing of websites and online reports relevant to public and private hospitals is available from this Parliamentary Library Electronic Brief:

[532] Submission No.22, p.5 (Professor Don Hindle).

[533] Submission No.60, p.28 (South Australian Government).

[534] Submission No.38, p.45 (DHAC).

[535] Submission No.72, p.29 (Consumers’ Health Forum).

[536] Committee Hansard, 22.3.00, p.479 (Queensland Government).

[537] Submission No.78, p.4 (Northern Territory Shadow Minister for Health).

[538] Submission No.60, p.27 (South Australian Government).

[539] Submission No.45, p.30 (Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Health Issues Centre and Australian Consumers’, Association).

[540] Submission No.62, p.4 (Australian College of Health Service Executives).

[541] Submission No.66, p.28 (National Rural Health Alliance).

[542] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.588 (Centre for Health Program Evaluation).

[543] Submission No.52, p.7 (Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia).

[544] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.309 (Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia).

[545] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.573 (National Allied Health Casemix Committee).

[546] Submission No.61, p.19 (Australian Physiotherapy Association).

[547] Submission No.61, p.19 (Australian Physiotherapy Association).

[548] Submission No.41, p.34 (Queensland Government).

[549] Submission No.38, p.42 (DHAC).

[550] Submission No.38, pp.42-3 (DHAC).

[551] Submission No.38, p.43 (DHAC).

[552] Submission No.38, p.43 (DHAC).

[553] Details of the report are as follows: National Allied Health Casemix Committee, Report on the Development of Allied Health Indicators for Intervention (IFI) and Performance Indicators (PI) and Revisions of Allied Health-sensitive ICD-10-AM codes for inclusion in ICD-10-AM, Edition two, January 2000.

[554] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.572 (National Allied Health Casemix Committee).

[555] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.579 (National Allied Health Casemix Committee).

[556] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, ‘Elective surgery waiting times presented in new report’, Media Release, 16 June 2000.

[557] Submission No.38, p.43 (DHAC).

[558] Submission No.38, p.43 (DHAC).

[559] Submission No.72, p.29 (Consumers’ Health Forum).

[560] Submission No.72, p.29 (Consumers’ Health Forum).

[561] Submission No.72, p.31 (Consumers’ Health Forum).

[562] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.328 (Dr O’Connor).

[563] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.328 (Dr O’Connor).

[564] The Australian Association of Paediatric Teaching Centres is now known as Children’s Hospitals and Paediatric Units Australasia, or Children’s Hospitals Australasia for short (Committee Hansard, 18.8.00, p.703).

[565] Submission No.63, p.38 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[566] Committee Hansard, 23.2.00, p.195 (South Australian Salaried Medical Officers Association).

[567] Submission No. 38, p.45 (DHAC).

[568] Committee Hansard, 11.11.99, p.108 (Australian Healthcare Association).

[569] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.573 (National Allied Health Casemix Committee).

[570] The National Health Development Fund has been established under the AHCAs to fund ‘projects that improve: patient outcomes; efficiency and effectiveness, or reduce the demand for public hospital services; and integration of care between public hospital services and broader health and community care services’. Approximately $253 million is available through the fund over the five years of the AHCAs (Submission No.38, p.7, DHAC).

[571] Submission No.41, p.34 (Queensland Government).

[572] Submission No.72, p.31 (CHF).

[573] Submission No.72, pp.30-31 (CHF).

[574] Metropolitan Health Service Board, Annual Report 1997-98, Perth, 1998, pp.106-109.

[575] Committee Hansard, 21.3.00, p.327 (Dr O’Connor).

[576] Submission No.38, p.44 (DHAC).

[577] Submission No.75, p.10 (Australian College of Midwives Inc-Victorian Branch).

[578] Submission No.38, p.44 (DHAC).

[579] Boyce, et al, Quality and Outcome Indicators for Acute Healthcare Services, 1997, quoted in Submission No.38, p.44 (DHAC).

[580] Submission No.38, p.54 (DHAC).

[581] Submission No.63, p.37 (AHA, WHA, AAPTC).

[582] Submission No.37, p.5 (Barwon Health). See also Submission No.45, p.31 (RACP, HIC, ACA).

[583] Submission No.40, p.1 (CPMC).

[584] Submission No.40, p.1 (CPMC).

[585] Expert Group report, p.16.

[586] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.544 (ACHSE); Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.499 (Professor Phelan).

[587] NSW Health Council, A Better Health System for NSW, March 2000 (Chairman: Mr John Menadue), p.23.

[588] Committee Hansard, 23.3.00, p.499 (Professor Phelan).

[589] NHIMAC report, p.27.

[590] Submission No.40, Additional Information, 24.3.00 (CPMC).

[591] Submission No.40, Additional Information, 24.3.00 (CPMC).

[592] NHIMAC report, p.28.

[593] NHIMAC report, p.28.

[594] Submission No.40, Additional Information, 24.3.00 (CPMC).

[595] Minister for Health and Aged Care, ‘Health Ministers give green light to national health information network’, Media Release, 31 July 2000.

[596] National Electronic Health Records Taskforce, A Health Information Network for Australia: report to Health Ministers, Canberra, Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, 2000. HINA means Health Information Network Australia, the Taskforce’s working title for a national health information network. The announcement by Health Ministers giving their support to the development of such a network noted that the network is to be called HealthConnect.

[597] House of representatives, Debates, 6 September 2000, p.18223.

[598] NSW Health Council report, p.25.

[599] NHIMAC report, p.52.

[600] NHIMAC report, p.52.

[601] NSW Health Council report, p.24.

[602] NSW Health Council report, pp.23-24, 27.

[603] NHIMAC report, p.53.

[604] NHIMAC report, pp.56-57.

[605] National Electronic Health Records Taskforce report,

[606] Minister for Health and Aged Care, ‘Health Ministers give green light to national health information network’, Media Release, 31 July 2000.

[607] Minister for Health and Aged Care, ‘Electronic medication records a boon for consumer safety-Health Ministers’, Media Release, 31 July 2000.

[608] NHIMAC report, pp.53, 56.

[609] NHIMAC report, p.53.

[610] NSW Health Council report, p.23.

[611] NSW Health Council report, p.24.

[612] NSW Health Council report, p.25.

[613] NHIMAC report, p.20.

[614] Carter M, ‘Integrated electronic health records and patient privacy: possible benefits but real dangers’, Medical Journal of Australia, Vol. 172, 2000, p.28. See also Mount C et al., ‘An integrated electronic health record and information system for Australia?’, Medical Journal of Australia, Vol.172, 2000, pp.25-27.

[615] NHIMAC report, p.21.

[616] See House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Advisory Report on the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Bill 2000, June 2000, pp.65-66.

[617] NHIMAC report, p.22.

[618] NHIMAC report, pp.22-23.

[619] NHIMAC report, pp.22-25.

[620] Minister for Health and Aged Care, ‘Health Ministers give green light to national health information network’, Media Release, 31 July 2000.

[621] Australian Medical Association, ‘AMA warns: Medicare numbers the new “Australia Card”‘, Media Release, 13 September 2000.

[622] House of Representatives, Debates, 6.9.00, p.18223.