

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs 2007-2008

1.1        The Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) annual report provides a well-structured and comprehensive review of the Department's functions and operations, including detailed performance reporting.

1.2        Part 1 of the report contains the Secretary's review of FaHCSIA's major achievements, activities and financial performance. A portfolio and departmental overview is also included (pp.2-39).

Performance reporting

1.3        Performance information is reported against the performance indicators published in the 2007-08 Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) and Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements (PAES).

1.4        FaHCSIA's report states that in future years the Department will be developing new indicators that measure the impact of what they can deliver, and which will also increase transparency and better enable qualitative aspects of their performance to be addressed (p.46).

1.5        The performance reporting in Part 2 of the report is comprehensive and clearly set out. FaHCSIA has continued to focus on reporting against indicators at output level in the PBS to allow for increased transparency and clear links to be made between the performance targets set in the PBS and the Department's performance outcomes and achievements. Case studies have been included to further illustrate FaHCSIA's performance and impact on the community (pp.47-272).

1.6        Detailed information is provided against FaHCSIA's four outcomes and related output groups, including major achievements, strategies and contributions to achievements, and challenges faced. Outputs, evaluations and comprehensive summaries of performance are also included.

1.7        Details of additional work required to be undertaken for further achievement of outcomes is provided in the report. Where a variance has occurred between the estimate and actual results, both figures have been included, and a description included where possible as to why a variance has occurred. Performance output tables of financial and staffing resource information and graphs are also provided in the report (pp.42-272).

1.8        Corporate governance and accountability matters, future planning, appendices containing a number of tables outlining statistical information and the annual report for the Aboriginals Benefit Account are provided in Parts 3 and 4 of the report. Financial statements are included in Part 5 of the report (pp.274-547).

External scrutiny

1.9        The report provides information on the external scrutiny of FaHCSIA's activities by a range of agencies, including the Commonwealth Ombudsman and the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO). The report notes that the Ombudsman received 165 approaches about FaHCSIA in 2007-08, which is a considerable increase on the 43 approaches received in 2006-07. During 2007-08, 90 approaches were finalised. The Ombudsman investigated 38 of these and exercised discretion not to investigate 52. None of the 38 approaches investigated led to a finding of defective administration by FaHCSIA (p.322).

1.10      In relation to ANAO audits conducted in 2007-08 FaHCSIA reports that seven audit reports were relevant to its operations. One of the ANAO audits was an agency audit where FaHCSIA was a key stakeholder and six were cross-agency audits. A summary of these audit reports is provided in the annual report and FaHCSIA reports that work was being done on addressing the ANAO findings (pp.322-326).


1.11      The report provides details of new consultancies of $10,000 or more, including a description of the contract price, selection process and justification for the purpose for which the contracts were let (pp.352-369).

1.12      FaHCSIA reports that during the 2007-08 financial year total expenditure on new and ongoing consultancy contracts amounted to $28.9 million, a slight decrease compared with $29.6 million in the previous year (p.406).

1.13      During 2007-08 a total of 226 new consultancy contracts were agreed upon, involving total actual expenditure of $17.2 million. In addition 55 ongoing contracts were active during the year, involving total actual expenditure of $11.7 million (p.406).

Department of Health and Ageing 2007-2008

1.14      The Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) annual report provides a well structured and comprehensive review of the Department's functions and operations, including detailed performance reporting.

1.15      Part One of the report outlines DoHA's activities, broad strategic directions and priorities. Key issues and achievements are also noted. A Departmental and portfolio overview is also included (pp.18-26).

1.16      The Secretary's review provides detailed information on DoHA's progress, major achievements and highlights, as well as challenges during the 2007-08 financial year. Key objectives and priorities for the following reporting year were also outlined (pp.2-11).

1.17      The Chief Medical Officer's comprehensive report outlines, from a medical perspective, achievements and challenges faced and future direction and focus in health protection and delivery (pp.12-17).

Performance reporting

1.18      The report provides details of DoHA's activities during the 2007-08 financial year against the performance indicators presented in the 2007-08 Portfolio Budget Statements and Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements.

1.19      Outcome performance reports in Part 2 of the report discuss the main activities, including the major achievements, strategic directions and challenges of the 15 outcomes. Performance indicators, measures and outcomes for administered programs, departmental outputs and regulatory activities are clearly set out in tabular format. Details of evaluations and major reviews are also included (pp.28-192).

1.20       Part 3 of the report provides a range of information relating to management arrangements, including corporate governance and human relations matters (pp.224-252). Accountability reporting is included in Part 4 of the report, with financial statements, including the financial statements relating to the Therapeutic Goods Administration in Part 5 (pp.254-433).

External scrutiny

1.21      The report sets out information on the external scrutiny of its activities by several bodies including the ANAO and the Commonwealth Ombudsman. Departmental responses to issues raised in relation to Audit reports are also discussed in the report (pp.245-249).

1.22      During 2006-07 the Commonwealth Ombudsman investigated 26 complaints against DoHA's administrative practices, seven of which had carried over from 2006-07. The Commonwealth Ombudsman advised of two findings of administrative deficiency relating to DoHA in 2007-08 (p.249).


1.23      The report provides detailed information on consultancy services let in 2007-08 of $10,000 or more. 450 new consultancy contracts were entered into involving total actual expenditure of $17.51 million. In addition, 187 ongoing consultancy contracts were active during the year, costing $15.45 million. Total expenditure on consultancies for 2007-08 was $32.97 million – compared with $35.02 million in 2006-07 (pp.263-282).

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