1.1        This report was prepared pursuant to Standing Order 25(20) relating to the consideration of annual reports by Committees. The Senate Order requires that the Committee examine the reports referred to it to determine whether they are timely and 'apparently satisfactory'. In forming its assessment the Committee has considered whether the reports comply with:

A list of reports examined for report by the Committee is at Appendix 1.


Timeliness of reports and other reporting requirements

1.2        Most of the annual reports referred to the Committee were tabled within the specified period or shortly thereafter. Unless otherwise commented on in the review of the annual reports examined, all other reporting requirements were met.


General comments

1.3        The Committee is pleased to note that the annual reports examined adhere to the relevant reporting guidelines in a satisfactory manner. The reports continue to maintain high standards of presentation and provide a comprehensive range of information on their functions and activities.

Comments made in the Senate

1.4        The Committee is obliged, under Senate Standing Order 25(20)(d) to consider any remarks made about these reports in the Senate. Where any comments have been made they are referred to in the section below on the evaluation of individual reports.

Bodies not presenting annual reports to the Senate

1.5        The Committee is required to report to the Senate on whether there are any bodies which do not present annual reports to the Senate and which should present such reports. The Committee considers that there are no bodies within its portfolio areas that do not meet their reporting requirements to the Senate in this regard.

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