Appendix 4

Public interest immunity claim by the Minister for Health and Aged Care regarding a briefing to National Cabinet

Spoken question for which the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, claimed public interest immunity on 28 May 2021.
Asked by
Dr Murphy: We provided some papers and some data, and a very significant verbal briefing too.
CHAIR: Is there a way you can provide the content of that information to the committee, if it is on a factual basis? -
Dr Murphy: Normally, the cabinet-in-confidence materials remain that way. I would have to take advice on that. Ms Edwards is my legal expert on that. We've taken the position before that national cabinet documents are cabinet-in-confidence and they stay that way.
CHAIR: Ms Edwards, is there something around the domestic and international supply arrangements that is not able to be provided to the committee today?
Ms Edwards: I will be happy to answer any questions in relation to supply issues, but the documents prepared for national cabinet attract national cabinet confidentially, and, if the committee calls for their production, we would have to refer it to the relevant minister to see whether they wish to claim a public interest immunity. - pg 2
CHAIR: In relation to the briefing provided to national cabinet, can you please take that on notice and refer it to the minister. I don't think we formally did that; we asked for that and you decided it was cabinet in confidence.
Ms Edwards: You've asked for the information and we've said we will refer it to the minister.
CHAIR: Professor Cheng also provided a briefing to national cabinet—
Dr Murphy: His briefing to national cabinet was oral; there was no paper.
Ms Edwards: But I'll take it on notice to refer to the minister to see whether they want a public interest immunity claim.
Senator Gallagher
Committee Hansard, 20 April 2021, p. 2.
Public interest immunity claim:
28 May 2021 (see Figure 4.1)

Figure :  Correspondence from the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, to the committee Chair, dated 28 May 2021.

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Figure :  Correspondence from the committee Chair to the Minister for Health and Aged Care, 28 June 2021.

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Figure :  Correspondence from the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, to the committee Chair, 27 July 2021.

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