Appendix 2

Public interest immunity claims on behalf of the Minister for Health and Aged Care

Questions for which the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Aged Care claimed public interest immunity on 18 December 2020.
Asked by
What did StewartBrown calculate earlier this year as the additional cost per resident per day needed to protect older Australians in residential aged care from Covid-19?
Senator Siewert
Written: 21 August 2020
Initial response to question on notice: 21 October 2020 (Document no. 520)
Department's reference: IQ20-000526
In relation to these comments by Minister Hunt reported in the Australian on 8 August about Victoria's COVID-19 modelling:
We were given the high-level modelling, and the best advice I had last night from the Department of Health was that they hadn't received the underlying data and assumptions…
…We would like to not only receive it as a national government, as an Australian government, but we believe that all assumptions, all elements should be published.
a. Has the Commonwealth Government published up-to-date versions of all modelling used to inform its health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the underlying data and assumptions?
b. If no, please provide this modelling to the committee
Senator Gallagher
Written: 11 September 2020
Initial response to question on notice: 6 October 2020 (Document no. 450)
Department's reference: IQ20-000632
Senator PATRICK: Can you point the committee to the actual decision? You have disclosed that there has been a decision of cabinet that the AHPPC is a subcommittee of cabinet. Can you provide that decision—noting that it has been disclosed—to the committee. I guess it must have been sent in writing to the AHPPC.
Dr Murphy: I can ask the cabinet secretary or PM&C to provide you that letter to that effect.
Senator PATRICK: I am actually asking you as Health. I don't care if you seek advice. You would be in possession of that decision, because it would have been communicated to you through the normal processes.
Dr Murphy: But that is a national cabinet decision, and I am not at liberty to disclose the deliberations of national cabinet.
Senator PATRICK: No, I am not asking you to. I want to be very clear: I am not asking you to disclose the deliberations of cabinet. You have yourself disclosed, or at least said to this committee, that a decision of cabinet has been made. Decisions of cabinet that have been disclosed do not attract cabinet-in-confidence. You must have a direction that was given to you, either as the chair of the AHPPC or as a Secretary of the Department of Health.
Dr Murphy: Correct.
Senator PATRICK: I'm asking you to provide a copy. Of course, you can seek advice from the cabinet office as to whether or not they still wish to maintain confidentiality.
Dr Murphy: That was a verbal direction to me, as I attended national cabinet. The national cabinet decided that AHPPC would become a subcommittee, and I was instructed at that time that all its deliberations and materials would be subject to cabinet confidentiality and only released at the approval of national cabinet. I think the easiest thing would be to request the cabinet secretary to formally write and convey that the national cabinet has decided that the AHPPC is a subcommittee of national cabinet and subject to those cabinet-in-confidence provisions. I am happy to take that on notice and provide some written proof of that decision of national cabinet.
Senator Patrick
Committee Hansard, 29 September 2020, p. 23.
Initial response to question on notice: 10 November 2020 (Document no. 546)
Department's reference: IQ20-000687

Figure :  Department of Health, answer to a question on notice, document no. 520, received 21 October 2020.

Figure :  Department of Health, answer to a question on notice, document no. 450, received 6 October 2020.

Figure :  Department of Health, answer to a question on notice, document no. 546, received 10 November 2020.

Figure :  Correspondence to the Secretary of the Department of Health, Dr Brendan Murphy, from the committee Chair, 20 November 2020.

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Figure :  Correspondence from the Hon Michaelia Cash, on behalf of the Minister for Health and Aged Care, to the committee Chair, 18 December 2020.

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