Appendix 6

Public interest immunity claim by the Minister for Families and Social Services

Questions for which the Minister for Families and Social Services claimed public interest immunity on 18 December 2020
Asked by
Senator SIEWERT: Did you provide advice to government to reintroduce the liquid assets test?
Ms Campbell: Yes, we did.
Senator SIEWERT: You provided advice recommending the reintroduction of the test.
Ms Campbell: I said I provided advice. I didn't detail the content of that advice.
CHAIR: Although you're able to, and the committee, as you know, doesn't accept that advice to government is able to be withheld from this committee.
Ms Campbell: But, of course, I can take that question on notice and ask the minister whether she considers that that goes to the cabinet deliberations and whether that may be—
CHAIR: Indeed.
Senator SIEWERT: My question is: did you provide advice that the liquid asset tests should be reintroduced?
Ms Campbell: I'll take that on notice.
Senator SIEWERT: Can you also take on notice whether that was the case or whether the government asked you specifically to start the process of reintroduction of the liquid asset test?
Ms Campbell: I'll take the question on notice.
Senator Siewert
Committee Hansard, 18 August 2020,
pp. 62–63.
Initial response to question on notice: 3 September 2020 (Document no. 352)
Department's ref: SQ20-000561

Figure :  Correspondence from committee Chair to the Department of Social Services, 20 November 2020.

Figure :  Correspondence from the Minister for Families and Social Services to the committee Chair, 18 December 2020.

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