2010–11 Annual Report

2010–11 Annual Report

Standing order 19(3) provides that the Committee make an annual report to the Senate on the operations of the Senate’s appropriations and staffing and related matters.

During the reporting period, the Committee tabled two reports:

During the reporting period, the Committee met on 26 October 2010 and 3 March 2011, and considered the following matters at those meetings:

26 October 2010

The Committee agreed to table its 2009-10 Annual Report and received a briefing by the Clerk of the Senate on a number of matters including:

The Clerk also provided advice on the outcome of the Department of the Senate’s Structural Review, including changes to the responsibilities of the Deputy Clerk and the establishment of a Senate Public Information Office. The Committee noted these changes and agreed that the Department should seek additional funding of $4.838 million over four years to enable the Department to implement parliamentary reform by enhancing its legislative drafting capacity, to establish the Senate Public Information Office and to support the Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform.

3 March 2011

The Committee:


Senator the Hon John Hogg

November 2011

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