52nd Report

52nd Report

Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2011-12


Standing order 19 (2) and (3) requires that the Committee determine the amount to be included in the parliamentary appropriation bill for the Department of the Senate.

Proposed Appropriations for 2011-12

The Committee notes that the Senate Department’s 2011-12 appropriations have been calculated in accordance with current Commonwealth funding policy. Under this policy, the forward estimates reflect:

The one significant change to the department's budget is the increased funding for the new budget measure, which totals $1.355m over three years commencing in 2010-11. Funding for 2010-11 will be appropriated in the 2011-12 budget period.

The Committee notes that funding for the Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform is the only approved budget measure of the three proposals endorsed by the Committee and submitted to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Finance and Deregulation. The other two proposals were:

The Committee notes that there has been no response to its correspondence and no reason given for varying the proposals endorsed by the committee. The committee draws the attention of the government to resolutions of the Senate on 2 December 1985 and 30 November 1988 which set out processes to be followed in these circumstances.

The proposed appropriation has been calculated as follows:

Part 1 - Departmental Annual Appropriation

The current year’s budget for departmental expenses

 (as disclosed in the 2010-11 PBS)                                                                            $20.540m

Adjust for: parameter adjustments; and                                                          +0.289m
Additional efficiency dividend (1.5% for 2011-12)                                              -0.101m

Agreed budget measure: Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform:
Budget year 2010-11                                                                                   +0.330m
Budget year 2011-12                                                                                   +0.511m

Total departmental appropriation   for 2011-12                                                      $21.569m

Part 2 – Accumulated Prior Year Appropriations, Operating Results and Capital Expenditure

Balance of prior year appropriations (as at 30 April 2011)                                   $10.457m

Part 3 - Special Appropriations (senators' remuneration and entitlements)

Made up of the following three components (for this and next year):

            Parliamentary Entitlements Act 1990                                                  $ 0.736m
            Parliamentary Superannuation Act 2004                                              $ 1.010m
            Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973                                                        $14.081m
            Total Special Appropriations for 2010-11                                                  $15.827m

            Parliamentary Entitlements Act 1990                                                  $ 0.736m
            Parliamentary Superannuation Act 2004                                              $ 1.080m
            Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973                                                        $14.646m
            Total Special Appropriations for 2011-12                                                  $16.462m              

The total appropriation to be approved by the Parliament in the appropriation bill for
2011-12 will be $21.569m (compared to $20.540m in 2010-11). 

Special appropriations of $16.462m will also be drawn down during the year (compared to an estimate of $15.827m in 2010-11).


The committee determines that the total appropriation to be approved by the Parliament in the appropriation bill for 2011-12 is $21.569m and reports to the Senate accordingly.

Senator the Hon John Hogg

May 2011

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