49th Report: Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2010-11

49th Report: Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2010-11

Members of the Committee

President of the Senate, Senator the Hon John Hogg (Chairman)
The Leader of the Government in the Senate, Senator the Hon Chris Evans
The Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Senator the Hon Eric Abetz
Senator the Hon John Faulkner
Senator Kate Lundy
Senator Stephen Parry
Senator the Hon Nick Sherry
Senator John Williams
Senator Nick Xenophon

The Committee

The Standing Committee on Appropriations and Staffing, appointed under standing order 19, determines the amounts for inclusion in the parliamentary appropriation bills and reports to the Senate on its determinations prior to the Senate's consideration of those bills.

The committee examines matters affecting the staffing and administration of the Department of the Senate, including proposals to vary the staffing structure, and other matters referred to it by the Senate.  The committee makes an annual report to the Senate on the operations of the Senate's appropriations and staffing and related matters (standing order 19(3)).

The committee has the explicit capacity to scrutinise security funding and administration and to advise the President and the Senate as appropriate.  Under a resolution of the Senate agreed to in 1987 the committee also examines proposed changes in the structure and responsibilities of the parliamentary departments.

The committee is chaired by the President and includes the Senate Leaders of the Government and the Opposition as ex officio members.

49th Report


Standing order 19 (2) and (3) requires that the committee determine the amount to be included in the parliamentary appropriation bill for the Department of the Senate.

Proposed Appropriations for 2010-11

The Senate Department’s 2010-11 appropriation has been calculated in accordance with current Commonwealth funding policy.  Under this policy, the forward estimates reflect the annual loss of 3.25% efficiency dividend and, in the absence of funding for new policy proposals, only parameter adjustments (mainly comprising partial cost of living supplementation) are possible.

There have been no significant changes to the department’s budget.

The proposed appropriation has been calculated as follows:

Part 1 - Departmental Annual Appropriation

The current year’s budget for departmental expenses
(as disclosed in the 2009-10 PBS)     

Adjust for miscellaneous adjustments:  parameter adjustments, and
the efficiency dividend     

Total departmental appropriation         for 2010-11    

Part 2 –Accumulated Prior Year Appropriations, Operating Results and Capital Expenditure

Balance of prior year appropriations as at 30 April 2010    

Part 3 - Special Appropriations (senators' remuneration and entitlements)

Special appropriations comprise the following three components (for this and next year):

          Parliamentary Entitlements Act 1990   
$  0.736m
          Parliamentary Superannuation Act 2004      
$  0.910m
          Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973       
          Total Special Appropriations for 2009-10     

          Parliamentary Entitlements Act 1990  
$  0.736m
          Parliamentary Superannuation Act 2004
$  1.010m
          Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973   
          Total Special Appropriations for 2010-11    

The Committee notes that the department accesses the above special appropriations by way of a third party drawing right.  The first two Acts are administered by the Department of Finance and Deregulation, while the third Act is administered by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.

The department's Portfolio Budget Statements will reflect this legal reality for the first time, meaning that these figures will be shown by way of note, but they will not be factored into the department's overall budget position.

In summary:

The total appropriation to be approved by the Parliament in the appropriation bill for 2010-11 will be $20.540m (compared to $20.482m in 2009-10). 

The department will also draw down on special appropriations of $15.827m  (compared to an estimate of $15.219m in 2009-10).


The committee determines that the total appropriation to be approved by the Parliament in the appropriation bill for 2010-11 is $20.540m and reports to the Senate accordingly.

Senator the Hon John Hogg

May 2010

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