Mr L M Barlin AM
Clerk of The House of Representatives
Suite RG 39
Parliament House
Dear Mr Barlin,
In June 1996, we sought your views on the possible rationalisationof the operations of, and services provided by, the five ParliamentaryDepartments.
Having considered the various options we have decided to adopta parliamentary management structure based on the two Chamberdepartments.
Our objective is to create a dynamic and responsive organisationwhich utilises wherever practicable "world best practice"in its operations, resulting in significant financial savingswhilst maintaining - and seeking to improve - service deliverystandards.
To advise us on the best means of achieving this objective wehave decided to form a Steering Committee comprising the Headsof the Parliamentary Departments.
As a member of this Committee we ask that you consider:
- the most effective and efficient methods for implementingthe new management structure;
- the legal implications and legislative process, and statutoryand financial obligations of any changes;
- the special importance of Parliament House as a building ofnational significance with the need to balance design integritywith building preservation and maintenance;
- any other matters the Committee may deem relevant;
and submit recommendations to us by 18th March, 1997.
In considering the recommendations of the Steering Committee wewill consult, as appropriate, with Members and Senators.
Yours sincerely(signed by) |