On 5 March 1997 you appointed us to advise you on an implementation plan for the amalgamation of the three joint service departments with the two Chamber departments.

The group has been meeting almost continually since then and has prepared the attached report for your consideration. The staff of the parliamentary departments were given the opportunity to offer suggestions and/or ideas on the matter, and there was a positive response to this. The group also met with staff associations to seek their views formally concerning amalgamation issues, and this proved to be a useful meeting for the group members.

The working group considers that the broad framework it is recommending will lead to the effective amalgamation of the parliamentary administration in the shortest reasonable time.

(signed by)

F W Bradley
Assistant Secretary (Business Services)
Joint House Department
I C Harris
Deputy Clerk
Department of the House of Representatives
R McL Johnston
Assistant Secretary ( Corporate Services)
Department of the Parliamentary Library
P O'Keeffe
Clerk Assistant (Corporate Management)
Department of the Senate

J Walsh
Assistant Secretary (Corporate Development)
Department of the Parliamentary Reporting Staff