2011-12 Annual Report

2011-12 Annual Report

Standing order 19(3) provides that the Committee make an annual report to the Senate on the operations of the Senate’s appropriations and staffing and related matters.

During the reporting period, the Committee tabled two reports:

During the reporting period, the Committee met on four occasions: 24 November 2011, 19 March 2012, 10 May 2012 and 28 June 2012, and considered the following matters at those meetings:

24 November 2011

The Committee agreed to table its 2010-11 Annual Report and:

19 March 2012

The Committee:

10 May 2012

The Committee considered and approved the draft of its 53rd Report on the Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2012-13, and discussed correspondence from the Clerk to the President of the Senate concerning proposed Departmental savings measures and the Department’s 2012-13 Budget.

28 June 2012

The Committee:

Ordinary Annual Services of the Government

The Committee continued its correspondence with the Minister for Finance and Deregulation, and continued to draw the Minister’s attention to incorrectly classified items of expenditure. The Committee reiterates that it remains available should the Minister wish to consult on this issue. A copy of the correspondence is appended to this report.

Senator the Hon John Hogg

August 2012

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