2006-07 Annual Report

2006-07 Annual Report


Standing order 19(3) provides that the committee make an annual report to the Senate on the operations of the Senate’s appropriations and staffing and related matters.

During the reporting period, the committee considered the following matters:


Standing order 19(3)(d) provides that the committee shall consider the administration and funding of security measures affecting the Senate and advise the President and the Senate as appropriate.

As foreshadowed in its previous annual report, in August 2006 the committee received a briefing on further developments in relation to security from the Secretary of the Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS).

The meeting noted a background paper on security matters prepared by DPS and asked questions on a number of issues including authorised access to slip roads, the number of pass holders with access rights, Comcar and diplomatic car access to slip roads and the members and senators dining room. The committee also sought detailed information on the number of photographic passes issued under the ministerial category and this was provided in February 2007.

Estimates of the Department of the Senate

In accordance with standing order 19(2) and (3), the committee determined that $20.220m be included in the parliamentary appropriation bill for the Department of the Senate in 2006-07 and in May 2007 reported this determination to the Senate.

Appropriation bills

In its last annual report, the committee reported that it appears that the Department of Finance and Administration is adhering to the view that any expenditure on existing outcomes of departments is expenditure for the ordinary annual services of the government. The committee noted that this is contrary to the agreement between the Senate and the government, known as the Compact of 1965, and with subsequent determinations by the Senate, including the determination made on the 30th report of the committee.

Members of the committee requested that the President write to the Minister for Finance and Administration, drawing attention to the apparent misunderstanding and seeking a response.  This was done on 17 February 2006 and a copy of the correspondence was included in the committee’s annual report for 2005-06.

On 21 May 2007, the Minister responded and this correspondence and a paper prepared for the committee on the Minister’s response is attached at Appendix 1. The committee will consider this matter at its next meeting in 2007-08.

Other matters

During 2006-07, the committee noted the following:


(Paul Calvert)

August 2007

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