Appendix 4

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Appendix 4

Examples of corrupt behaviour within the law enforcement context[1]

Abuse of office

Conduct that seeks to gain profit or benefit for self or others

Profits and benefits do not need to be of a high value. They may include: money, drugs, sexual favours or any other items. Advantages or favours may be for self or other people or groups.

Conduct that uses proper powers and discretions for an improper purpose

Conduct that uses law enforcement functions to support or assist criminal activity

Conduct that misuses information* to support or assist criminal activity

*‘Information’ may include:

Perversion of the course of justice

Conduct that sabotages the impartial detection, investigation and prosecution of crimes

Corruption of other kinds, having regard to the duties and powers of the staff member

Conduct that may assist infiltration of an agency by criminal or corrupt groups

Conduct that places at risk the impartial function of an agency

Conduct that facilitates corruption

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