Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


3.1        The previous reporting period (2007–2008) was described as a time of consolidation in which ACLEI transitioned to corporate autonomy and refined its assessment and investigation expertise. Over the course of 2008–2009 ACLEI established itself as an important player in the broader policy environment and as an integral part of the Commonwealth integrity system. This occurred in two ways: first, ACLEI demonstrated its growing expertise through its contributions to key Government priorities—the Commonwealth Organised Crime Strategic Framework, for example— as well as to the integrity processes of the agencies under its oversight; second, ACLEI actively focused its efforts to ensure it is informed by, and responds to, broader policy challenges. ACLEI's contribution to the Australian Law Reform Commission's review of secrecy laws is one example of this.

3.2        Along with this, ACLEI further developed its relationships with its state counterparts and Commonwealth partners. The committee anticipates that these relations will be further strengthened and in some cases formalised during the current reporting year. In particular, the committee notes the importance of ACLEI gaining access to Commonwealth information and intelligence databases in a more timely and streamlined—and ideally, cost-neutral— manner.

3.3        Unsurprisingly, the trend in increased referrals and notifications continued in the 2008–2009 year.  The committee notes ACLEI's increased resources in 2008–2009 but remains concerned that these resources are not commensurate with ACLEI's workload. The committee reiterates its recommendation in previous reports that ACLEI's funding be increased.

3.4        The committee recognises the risk that disclosure of information can present for matters under investigation. Accordingly, the committee encourages the consideration of options that may give the Integrity Commissioner greater capacity to prohibit the disclosure of information in certain circumstances in order to protect the integrity of investigations. In particular, the committee suggests that consideration be given to incorporating a provision in the LEIC Act that allows for a prohibition on the disclosure of information invoked under sections 75 and 76 of the Act.

3.5        The 2008–2009 Annual Report reflects an agency that has matured and is now firmly embedded in—and positively influencing—the Commonwealth integrity and law enforcement environment. The committee commends the Integrity Commissioner and his staff for their hard work and dedication during the reporting period and for the production of an informative Annual Report.

Ms Melissa Parke MP


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