House of Representatives Committees

| Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories


Chapter 1 Introduction

[1]       Immigration Bridge Australia, Submission 29, p. 3.

[2]       Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 2.

[3]       Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 2.

[4]       Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 2.

[5]       Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 4.

[6]       The Migration Book is intended to allow the continuing collecting of migration stories beyond those that reserve a place on the History Handrail. The Migration Book will contain ‘stories but it will also be the full collection of names, countries of origin, years of arrival’ and mode of transport that people came by to Australia. Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 16.

[7]       Doherty, M 2009, ‘Bridge seen as adornment to capital’, The Canberra Times, 2 April 2009, p. 2

[8]       Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Graham French, Transcript T1, p. 4.

[9]       National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, pp 17-18.

[10]     The Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act 1988 provides for the National Capital Plan (NCP). The NCP is the overarching planning document for Canberra and the Territory.

[11]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 18.

[12]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 7.

[13]     Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories, March 2007, Review of the Griffin Legacy Amendments, Parliament of Australia, Canberra, pp 62-63.

[14]     National Capital Authority, Mr Andrew Smith, Transcript T1, p. 29.

Chapter 2 The Immigration Bridge Australia Proposal

[1]       Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 2.

[2]       Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 2.

[3]       Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 3; Immigration Bridge Australia, Submission 29, pp 1-3.

[4]       Immigration Bridge Australia, Submission 29, p. 1.

[5]       Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 3.

[6]       Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch Transcript T1, p. 12.

[7]       In 1912, Walter Burley Griffin’s design won the international competition for Australia’s new Federal capital. The design elements of the original plan for the nation’s capital included drawings by Walter Burley Griffin’s wife, Marion Mahoney Griffin, of their shared vision for Canberra. The plan became known and is referred to as ‘The Griffin Plan’. The National Capital Authority, 2004, The Griffin Legacy: Canberra the Nation’s Capital in the 21st Century, Craftsman Press, Foreword; National Archives of Australia, A Vision Splendid: How the Griffins imagined Australia’s capital, Goanna Print, p. 7.

[8]       National Capital Authority, viewed 14 April 2009, <>.

[9]       National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 18.

[10]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 4.

[11]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 6.

[12]     The changes incorporated into the NCP through Amendment 61 are outlined in Chapter 5 of the committee’s report titled Review of the Griffin Legacy Amendments, March 2007, p. 49.

[13]     Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories, March 2007, Review of the Griffin Legacy Amendments, Parliament of Australia, p. 53.

[14]     National Capital Authority, Mr Andrew Smith, Transcript T1, p. 21.

[15]     National Capital Authority, Mr Andrew Smith, Transcript T1, p. 21.

[16]     Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories, March 2007, Review of the Griffin Legacy Amendments, Parliament of Australia, Canberra, p. iv.

[17]     Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories, March 2007, Review of the Griffin Legacy Amendments, Parliament of Australia, Canberra, Recommendations.

[18]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 22.

[19]     Dr John Gray, Submission 24, p. 4.

[20]     Mr David Townsend, Submission 15, p. 2.

[21]     National Trust of Australia (ACT), Submission 42, pp 5-7.

[22]     National Trust of Australia (ACT), Submission 42, p. 7.

[23]     Dr David Headon, Submission 43, p. 2.

[24]     ACT Government, Submission 63, p. 1.

[25]     ACT Government, Submission 63, p. 2.

[26]     ACT Government, Submission 63, p. 1.

[27]     ACT Government, Submission 63, p. 2.

[28]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 2.

[29]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 5.

[30]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 5.

[31]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 5.

[32]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 5 and Attachment C.

[33]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 5.

[34]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 5.

[35]     The LUG is an informal body established by the NCA to keep users of the Lake and its general surrounds, informed of issues that impact on the Lake and to receive feedback on the management of the Lake and any issues which may arise in relation to its usage. The Lake Users Group, Submission 38, p. 1.

[36]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 23.

[37]     The Lake Users Group, Submission 38, p. 1.

[38]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, Attachment H.

[39]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 19.

[40]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 24.

[41]     National Capital Authority, Mr Andrew Smith, Transcript T1, p. 28.

[42]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 30.

[43]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 18.

[44]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 18.

[45]     National Capital Authority, Mr Andrew Smith, Transcript T1, p. 27.

[46]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 4.

[47]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, pp 3-4.

[48]     Immigration Bridge Australia, viewed 21 April 2009, <>.

[49]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 5.

[50]     National Capital Authority, Amendment 61 – West Basin, p. 8, viewed 21 April 2009, <>.

[51]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 5.

[52]     Walter Burley Griffin Society Inc., Submission 32.1, p. 28.

[53]     Mr John Holland, Submission 22, pp 4-5.

[54]     Mr John Holland, Submission 22, pp 4-5.

[55]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 3.

[56]     Immigration Bridge Australia, viewed 17 April 2009, <>.

[57]     ACT Government, Submission 63, p. 2.

[58]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 23.

[59]     The Lake Users Group, Submission 38, p. 1.

[60]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T2, pp 6-7.

[61]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 4.

[62]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Graham French, Transcript T1, p. 4.

[63]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Graham French, Transcript T2, p. 34.

[64]     Dr David Headon, Submission 43, p. 1.

[65]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Graham French, Transcript T2, p. 35.

[66]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 6.

[67]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Graham French, Transcript T2, pp 34-35.

[68]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Graham French, Transcript T2, p. 34.

[69]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Graham French, Transcript T1, p. 4.

[70]     National Capital Authority, Mr Andrew Smith, Transcript T1, p. 30.

[71]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Richard Lawson, Transcript T2, p. 32.

[72]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Submission 29, p. 5.

[73]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Richard Lawson, Transcript T2, p. 32.

[74]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 9.

[75]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Richard Lawson, Transcript T2, p. 33.

[76]     Immigration Bridge Australia, viewed 17 April 2009, <>.

[77]     Immigration Bridge Australia, viewed 17 April 2009, <>.

[78]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Richard Lawson, Transcript T2, p. 33.

[79]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 2.

[80]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Richard Lawson, Transcript T2, p. 33.

[81]     Australian Securities and Investments Commission, viewed 17 April 2009, <>.

[82]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Financial Report for the year ended 30 June 2008, p. 16.

[83]     Australian Securities and Investments Commission, viewed 17 April 2009, <>.

[84]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Richard Lawson, Transcript T2, p. 33.

[85]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 4.

[86]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 4.

[87]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Graham French, Transcript T2, p. 34.

[88]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 3.

[89]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T2, pp 31-32.

[90]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Emmanuel Notaras, Transcript T2, p. 40.

[91]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 12.

[92]     Dr David Headon, Submission 43, p. 1.

[93]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, pp 15-16.

[94]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 4.

[95]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 4.

[96]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 4.

[97]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 4.

[98]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 13.

[99]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Newsletter Issue No. 25, February 2009, viewed 17 April 2009, < >.

[100]   Immigration Bridge Australia, Financial Report for the year ended 30 June 2008, p. 16.

[101]   Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Richard Lawson, Transcript T2, p. 33.

[102]   Doherty, M 2009, ‘Bridge seen as adornment to capital’, The Canberra Times, 2 April 2009, p. 2

[103]   Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 14.

[104]   Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 2.

[105]   Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 2.

[106]   Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Andrew Baulch, Transcript T1, p. 14.

Chapter 3 The works approval process

[1]       National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 8.

[2]       National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 8.

[3]       The NCA is established pursuant to section 5 of the Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act 1988 (Cwlth).

[4]       National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 3.

[5]       National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 3.

[6]       National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 3.

[7]       National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 8.

[8]       National Capital Authority, February 2008, Consolidated National Capital Plan, NCA, Canberra, p. 14.

[9]       National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 8.

[10]     National Capital Authority, February 2008, Consolidated National Capital Plan, NCA, Canberra, pp 15-16.

[11]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 8.

[12]     National Capital Authority, Service Charter for Planning and Development Approvals, viewed 8 April 2009, <>

[13]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, Attachment J.

[14]     Basic information such as a ‘locality plan and scaled drawings is always required’, however more ‘detailed information may be required depending on the complexity of the proposal. For larger or complex projects, there may be a need for detailed visual studies or models to be submitted in support of the application.’ A list of the required information can be found at Appendix E. National Capital Authority, Works Approval Process, viewed 7 April 2009, <>.

[15]     National Capital Authority, Works Approval Process, viewed 7 April 2009, <>.

[16]     National Capital Authority, 2007, Consultation Protocol, Figure 4.1.1 Protocol for development applications which require consultation under the National Capital Plan (excluding applications for a telecommunications facility).

[17]     National Capital Authority, 2007, Consultation Protocol, Figure 4.1.1 Protocol for development applications which require consultation under the National Capital Plan (excluding applications for a telecommunications facility).

[18]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 8.

[19]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 17.

[20]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Graham French, Transcript T1, p. 4.

[21]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, Attachment J.

[22]     Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Submission 66, p. 1.

[23]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60.2, p. 1.

[24]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 19.

[25]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Exhibit 16, p. 1.

[26]     National Capital Authority, Works Approval Process, viewed 7 April 2009, <>.

[27]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 6.

[28]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 3.

[29]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Lt. Gen. Lawrence O’Donnell (R’td), Transcript T1, p. 3.

[30]     YMCA Sailing Club of Canberra, Mr Iain Balfour, Transcript T1, p. 37.

[31]     ACT Rowing Association, Mr Simon Tulloh, Transcript T1, pp 39-40.

[32]     Canberra Yacht Club, Mr Graham Giles, Transcript T1, p. 45.

[33]     Friends of the Albert Hall Inc., Ms Diane Johnstone, Transcript T2, pp 19-20.

[34]     National Capital Authority, Mr Andrew Smith, Transcript T1, p. 29.

[35]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, Attachment J.

[36]     National Capital Authority, Public consultation, viewed 8 April 2009, <>.

[37]     National Capital Authority, 2007, Consultation Protocol, NCA, Canberra, p. 6.

[38]     National Capital Authority, Mr Andrew Smith, Transcript T1, p. 29.

[39]     Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Submission 66, p. 1.

[40]     The Commonwealth Heritage List is established under the EPBC Act and ‘comprises natural, Indigenous and historic heritage places which are either entirely within a Commonwealth area, or outside the Australian jurisdiction and owned or leased by the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth Authority; and which the Minister is satisfied have one or more Commonwealth Heritage values. The list can include places connected to defence, communications, customs and other government activities.’ Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, viewed 1 May 2009, <>.

[41]     Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Submission 66, p. 1.

[42]     Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Submission 66, p. 1.

[43]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 7.

[44]     National Capital Authority, Lake Burley Griffin and Adjacent Lands Draft Heritage Management Plan, viewed 7 April 2009, <>. National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T2, p. 2.

[45]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 7.

[46]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 7.

[47]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 7.

[48]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 7; National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 19.

[49]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T2, p. 9.

[50]     Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Submission 66, p. 1.

[51]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60.2, p. 1.

[52]     Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Submission 66, p. 1.

[53]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60.2, p. 2.

[54]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60.2, p. 2.

[55]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60.2, p. 2.

[56]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Mr Graham French, Transcript T2, p. 35.

[57]     National Capital Authority, Service Charter for Planning and Development Approvals, viewed 8 April 2009, <>

[58]     National Capital Authority, Mr Andrew Smith, Transcript T2, p. 6.

[59]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T2, p. 12.

[60]     Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Submission 66, p. 1.

[61]     Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Submission 66, p. 1.

[62]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Submission 29, p. 3.

[63]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 25.

[64]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T2, p. 8.

[65]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Submission 29, pp 3-4.

[66]     Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories, July 2008, The Way Forward: Inquiry into the National Capital Authority, Parliament of Australia, Canberra, p. 52.

[67]     Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories, July 2008, The Way Forward: Inquiry into the National Capital Authority, Parliament of Australia, Canberra, p. 53.

[68]     Joint Standing Committee on National Capital and External Territories, The Way Forward: Inquiry into the role of the National Capital Authority, 2008, pp 53-54.

[69]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 26.

[70]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 26.

[71]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, pp 25-26.

Chapter 4 The arguments for and against the Immigration Bridge

[1]       Canberra Yacht Club, Mr Graham Giles, Transcript T1, p. 47.

[2]       Canberra Yacht Club, Submission 46, p. 2.

[3]       Mr Ken Cartwright, Submission 59, p. 4.

[4]       Canberra Yacht Club, Submission 46, p. 3.

[5]       Mr David Townsend, Submission 15, p. 3.

[6]       Canberra Yacht Club, Submission 46, p. 3.

[7]       Mr Paddy Hodgman, Submission 19, p. 2.

[8]       Yachting ACT, Submission 49, p. 4.

[9]       Name withheld, Submission 47, p. 1.

[10]     Canberra Yacht Club, Submission 46, p. 4.

[11]     Canberra Dragon Boat Association, Submission 64, p. 1.

[12]     Canberra Dragon Boat Association, Submission 64, p. 1.

[13]     Canberra Dragon Boat Association, Submission 64, p. 2.

[14]     ACT Rowing Association, Submission 31, p. 1.

[15]     ACT Rowing Association, Mr Simon Tulloh, Transcript T1, p. 40.

[16]     ACT Rowing Association, Mr Simon Tulloh, Transcript T1, p. 40.

[17]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Submission 29, p. 1.

[18]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Submission 29, p. 3.

[19]     Pedal Power ACT Inc., Submission 30, p. 2.

[20]     Pedal Power ACT Inc., Mr Terry George, Transcript T1, p. 64.

[21]     Pedal Power ACT Inc., Mr Terry George, Transcript T1, p. 64.

[22]     Pedal Power ACT Inc., Submission 30, p. 3.

[23]     Pedal Power ACT Inc., Mr Terry George, Transcript T1, p. 64.

[24]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Submission 29, p. 3.

[25]     Emeritus Professor D.J. Mulvaney AO, CMG, Submission 14, p. 2; Mr David Townsend, Submission 15, p. 2; Mr Penleigh Boyd, Submission 17, p. 1; Dr John Gray, Submission 24, p. 4; and, Mr Simon Johnstone, Submission 53, p. 6;

[26]     Mr Cleaver Elliott, Submission 12, p. 3.

[27]     Mr Cleaver Elliott, Submission 12, p. 3.

[28]     Mr John Holland, Submission 22, p. 5.

[29]     Mr Cleaver Elliott, Submission 12, p. 3.

[30]     Mr David Merz, Submission 34, p. 2.

[31]     Mr Tim Glover, Submission 56, p. 3.

[32]     Pedal Power ACT Inc., Submission 30, p. 4.

[33]     Mr Simon Johnstone, Submission 53, p. 6.

[34]     ACT Heritage Council, Submission 55, p. 2.

[35]     Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Submission 66, p. 1.

[36]     National Trust of Australia (ACT), Submission 42, pp 3-4.

[37]     Canberra Yacht Club, Submission 46, p. 1.

[38]     Friends of the Albert Hall Inc., Submission 21, p. 1.

[39]     Friends of the Albert Hall Inc., Dr Lenore Coltheart, Transcript T2, p. 14.

[40]     Friends of the Albert Hall Inc., Dr Lenore Coltheart, Transcript T2, pp 14-15.

[41]     Walter Burley Griffin Society, Submission 32, p. 5.

[42]     Yarralumla Residents Association, Submission 45, p. 2.

[43]     Canberra Yacht Club, Submission 46.1, p. 1.

[44]     Dr John Gray, Submission 24, p. 4.

[45]     National Trust of Australia (ACT), Submission 42, p. 8.

[46]     National Trust of Australia (ACT), Submission 42, p. 8.

[47]     National Trust of Australia (ACT), Dr Peter Dowling, Transcript T1, p. 56.

[48]     Ms Beth Slatyer, Submission 68, p. 1.

[49]     Ms Gina Pinkas, Submission 35, p. 4.

[50]     Ms Gina Pinkas, Submission 35, p. 4.

[51]     Walter Burley Griffin Society, Submission 32, p. 3; Mr David Townsend, Submission 15, p. 1; Mr John Holland, Submission 22, p. 3; Emeritus Professor D.J. Mulvaney AO, CMG, Submission 14, p. 2; and, Mr Hamish Lindsay, Submission 27, p. 1.

[52]     Dr David Headon, Transcript T2, p. 25.

[53]     Mr Ken Eynon, Submission 4, p. 1.

[54]     The Katie Bender Memorial, located along the Lake front, was completed in July 2007 by the NCA. Katie Bender was fatally injured during the demolition by implosion of the Royal Canberra Hospital in July 1997.

[55]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T2, p. 13.

[56]     Mr Cleaver Elliott, Submission 12, p. 2; Ms Gina Pinkas, Submission 35, p. 1; Mr Simon Johnstone, Submission 53, p. 3.

[57]     Mr Simon Johnstone, Submission 53, p. 3.

[58]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 20.

[59]     National Capital Authority, Submission 60, p. 4.

[60]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T2, p. 3.

[61]     Mrs Phoebe Bischoff, Submission 5, p. 1; Mr Joe Bailey, Submission 51, p. 1.

[62]     Mrs Phoebe Bischoff, Submission 5, p. 1.

[63]     Mr Joe Bailey, Submission 51, p. 1.

[64]     Ms Meredith Batten, Submission 72, p. 1.

[65]     Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia, Submission 61, p. 1.

[66]     Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia, Submission 61, p. 1.

[67]     Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia, Submission 61, p. 2.

[68]     Dr David Headon, Submission 43, p. 1.

[69]     Mr Peter Dalton, Submission 44, p. 3.

[70]     Pedal Power ACT Inc., Submission 30, p. 2.

[71]     Pedal Power ACT Inc., Submission 30, p. 2.

[72]     Mr Ken Eynon, Submission 4, p. 1.

[73]     Mr David Roberts, Submission 3, p. 1.

[74]     Mr Peter Cooke-Russell, Submission 50, p. 6.

[75]     YMCA Sailing Club of Canberra, Mr Iain Balfour, Transcript T1, p. 36.

[76]     YMCA Sailing Club of Canberra, Mr Iain Balfour, Transcript T1, pp 36-37.

[77]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, pp 28-29.

[78]     National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake, Transcript T1, p. 29.

[79]     Immigration Bridge Australia, Submission 29, p. 2.

[80]     Mr Michael Burgess, Submission 13, p. 1; Mr Gordon Shannon, Submission 16, p. 2; Mr Simon Johnstone, Submission 53, p. 3.

[81]     Mr Simon Johnstone, Submission 53, p. 3.

[82]     Mr Michael Burgess, Submission 13, p. 1.

[83]     Mr Simon Johnstone, Submission 53, p. 1.

[84]     Mr Paddy Hodgman, Submission 19, p. 5.

[85]     Mr Gordon Shannon, Submission 16, p. 2.

[86]     Walter Burley Griffin Society Inc. Canberra Chapter, Submission 32.3, p. 4.

[87]     Mr Tim Glover, Submission 56, p. 7.

[88]     Dr Nicholas Reid, Submission 2, p. 1.

[89]     Mr Simon Wallis, Submission 6, p. 1.

[90]     Mr Cleaver Elliott, Submission 12, p. 6.

[91]     Emeritus Professor D.J. Mulvaney AO, CMG, Submission 14, p. 2.

[92]     Mr David Townsend, Submission 15, p. 4.

[93]     Mr John Holland, Submission 22, p. 6.

[94]     Mr John Holland, Submission 22, p. 6.

[95]     Ms Gina Pinkas, Submission 35, p. 2.

[96]     National Trust of Australia (ACT), Submission 42, p. 9.

[97]     Mr Simon Johnstone, Submission 53, p. 6.

[98]     Mr Rod and Mrs Susan Page, Submission 62, p. 1.

Appendix D – Designated Areas prescribed under the National Capital Plan

[1]       National Capital Authority, 2008, Consolidated National Capital Plan, p. 20.

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.