House Standing Committee on Health and Ageing
Roundtable on Adhesive Arachnoiditis
The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health and Ageing has resolved to conduct an inquiry by roundtable into adhesive arachnoiditis. The Committee’s inquiry will focus on the aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of adhesive arachnoiditis.
The Committee can not investigate individual cases or determine questions of a legal or compensatory nature relating to adhesive arachnoiditis. Individuals seeking to pursue legal or compensatory avenues are advised to seek independent medical assessment and legal advice.
Individuals should be aware that under section 16 of the Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 (Cth) the proceedings of Parliament, including any proceedings of the Committee’s inquiry, may only be tendered or received as evidence in the proceedings of any court or tribunal in very limited circumstances. Evidence to committees may not be tendered to a court to question the motivation, credibility, truthfulness or honesty of the member or witness, or to draw inferences about them.
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