House of Representatives Committees

| House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment


Chapter 1 Introduction    

[1]       Comcare, Submission 64, p. 1.

[2]       Scott, personal communication to Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia, March 2005, in Geoff Waghorn and Chris Lloyd,  ‘The employment of people with a mental illness’ Australian eJournal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 2005.

[3]       Mental health consumer, in NSW Consumer Advisory Group, Submission 42, p. 2.

[4]       Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2008, 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results (cat. No. 4326.0), ABS, Canberra. 

[5]       Department of Education, Employment and Workforce Participation, Submission 62, p. 3.

[6]       Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2007, The burden of disease and injury in Australia, 2003, AIHW, Canberra.

[7]       OECD, Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers, Vol. 2: Australia, Luxembourg, Spain and the United Kingdom, 2007, p. 13.

[8]       DEEWR, DoHA and FaHCSIA, Submission 62, p. 3.

[9]       Centrelink website,

[10]     See Centrelink website for details., and

[11]     Characteristics of Disability Support Pension Recipients, June 2010, FaHCSIA in DEEWR, DoHA and FaHCSIA, Submission no. 62, p. 3.

[12]     FAHCSIA, Characteristics of Disability Support Pension Recipients, June 2011, p. 6.

[13]     OECD, Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers, Vol. 2: Australia, Luxembourg, Spain and the United Kingdom, 2007, p. 19.

[14]     OECD, Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers, Vol. 2: Australia, Luxembourg, Spain and the United Kingdom, 2007, p. 19.

[15]     OECD, Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers, Vol. 2: Australia, Luxembourg, Spain and the United Kingdom, 2007, p. 19 and DEEWR, DoHA and FAHCSIA Submission 62, p. 4.

[16]     OECD, Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers, Vol. 2: Australia, Luxembourg, Spain and the United Kingdom, 2007, p. 19 and DEEWR, DoHA and FAHCSIA Submission 62 p. 4.

[17]     See Australian Government, Australia to 2050: future challenges – the 2010 intergenerational report OVERVIEW, p.4,

[18]     Various reports document this trend. See the Department of Transport and Regional Services Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics report, Skills Shortages in Regional Australia, Working paper no. 68., 2006 for one analysis,

[19]     Australian Government, Resourcing the Future: National Resources Sector Employment Taskforce Report, July 2010. See pp. 14, 18 and p. 39.

[20]     Clancy Yeates, ‘Non-mining states feeling the pinch’, Sydney Morning Herald, 12 January 2012, p. 21.

[21]     ABC News, The World Today, Stephen Dziedzic, ‘Miners sound warning on skills shortage’, September 29, 2011.

[22]     See the National Workforce Development Fund website for more details: viewed 21 February 2012.

[23]     See the National Workforce Development Fund website for more details: viewed 21 February 2012.

[24]     Skills Connect website,

[25]     OECD, Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers, Vol. 2: Australia, Luxembourg, Spain and the United Kingdom, 2007, pp. 21-23.

[26]     Rachel Perkins, Paul Farmer and Paul Litchfield, Realising ambitions: Better employment support for people with a mental health condition, a review to Government, December 2009, Stationary Office, UK., 

[27]     OECD, Sick on the Job? Myths and Realities about Mental Health and Work, December 2011,,3746,en_2649_33933_38887124_1_1_1_1,00.html

[28]     Chapter 6, Summary and Conclusions in OECD, Sick on the Job? Myths and Realities about Mental Health and Work, December 2011,,3746,en_2649_33933_38887124_1_1_1_1,00.html, p. 199.

[29]     Senate Select Committee on Mental Health website,

[30]     OECD, Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers, Vol. 2: Australia, Luxembourg, Spain and the United Kingdom, 2007, p. 19 and DEEWR, DoHA and FAHCSIA, Submission 62, p. 3.

[31]     Mr Gary Wanstall, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 23.

[32]     Mr Gary Wanstall, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 23.

[33]     Dr Andrew Porteous, Corporate Health and Safety, Rio Tinto, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 7.

[34]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, ACCI, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 46.

[35]     Website of Professor Patrick McGorry, Australian of the Year 2010, 

[36]     Department of Health and Ageing, Australian Government 2011-2012 Health and Ageing Portfolio Budget Statements, Mental health, p. 309,$File/2011-12_Health_PBS_17_Outcome11.pdf

[37]     Department of Health and Ageing, Australian Government 2011-2012 Health and Ageing Portfolio Budget Statements, Mental health, pp. 312-315,$File/2011-12_Health_PBS_17_Outcome11.pdf

[38]     Parliament of Australia, Parliamentary Library, Budget 2011-12: Mental Health – centrepiece of this year’s health budget,

[39]     Parliament of Australia, Parliamentary Library, Budget 2011-12: Mental Health – centrepiece of this year’s health budget.

[40]     See the website for details of the Commission’s role and meetings:

[41]     The Hon. Jenny Macklin MP, Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Minister for Disability Reform and The Hon. Mark Butler MP, Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Minister for Social Inclusion, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Mental Health Reform, ‘A New Ten Year Plan for Mental Health’, joint media release, 17 January 2012, viewed 21 February 2012.

[42]     See Department of Health and Ageing website for the plan in full,

[43]     Prime Minister the Hon. Julia Gilliard MP, ‘Modernising Australia’s Welfare System’, 11 August 2010,

[44]     Prime Minister the Hon. Julia Gilliard MP, ‘Modernising Australia’s Welfare System’, 11 August 2010,

[45]     House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment, Advisory Report on the Social Security Legislation Amendment (Job Seeker Compliance) Bill 2011, May 2011, Canberra.

[46]     Treasury, Building Australia’s Future Workforce, Commonwealth of Australia 2011,

[47]     Department of Human Services, Centrelink website, Building Australia’s Future Workforce,

[48]     Parliament of Australia, Parliamentary Library, Budget 2011-12: Disability support pension – reforms,

[49]     Parliament of Australia, Parliamentary Library, Budget 2011-12: Disability support pension – reforms.

[50]     Parliament of Australia, Parliamentary Library, Budget 2011-12: Workforce participation measures,

[51]     See the Australian Government Social Inclusion website for more, 

[52]     See the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations website for the Strategy,

[53]     DEEWR website, and FaHCSIA website,

[54]     DEEWR website, It is worth noting that as of October 2010 there has been a Social Inclusion Minister and a dedicated Australian Government Social Inclusion Agenda website,

[55]     Available from the FaHCSIA website,

[56]     FaHCSIA website, National Disability Strategy,

[57]     FaHCSIA website, National Disability Strategy,

[58]      Ms Julie Hourigan-Ruse, Chief Executive Officer, New South Wales Consumer Advisory Group, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, p. 37.

[59]      For instance, Miss A, Ex Client of Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 14; Mrs Hiltrud Kivelitz, Mental Health Coordinator, Carers NT, Committee Hansard, 17 October 2011, p. 11.

[60]      Ms Bernette Redwood, Executive Officer, Vista Vocational Services, Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 15.

[61]      Ms Therese Fitzpatrick, National Workplace Program Manager, Beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, p. 2.

[62]      Ms Julie Hourigan-Ruse, Chief Executive Officer, New South Wales Consumer Advisory Group, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, p. 37.

[63]      Dr Aaron Groves, Executive Director, Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Directorate, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 2. See also Ms Catherine O’Toole, President, State Council, Queensland Alliance for Mental Health, and Chief Executive Officer, Advance Employment, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, pp. 20-21.

[64]      Ms Laura Collister, General Manager, Rehabilitation Services, Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 4.

[65]     Professor Eoin Killackey, Director, Psychosocial Research, Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 24 March 2011, p. 3.

[66]      Dr Aaron Groves, Executive Director, Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Directorate, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 7.

[67]      Ms Christine Bowman, Transforming Perceptions Project Coordinator, Mental Health Community Coalition ACT, Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 13.

[68]      Ms Brooke McKail, Executive Officer, Mental Health Community Coalition ACT, Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 8.

[69]     Professor Killackey, Director, Psychosocial Research, Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p.20.

[70]      Mr Keith Mahar, Ambassador, Disability Employment Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, pp. 8-9.

[71]      Ms Lisa Thiele, Sessional Education Worker, Mental Illness Fellowship of South Australia, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 11.

[72]     Australian Youth Forum, Submission 73, p. 12.

[73]      Mr John Dalgleish, Manager, Strategy and Research, BoysTown, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 34.

[74]     DEEWR, NCVER Research Report, Unfinished business: student perspectives on disclosure of mental illness and success in VET, Annie Venville and Annette Street, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 2012, p. 8.

[75]      For instance, Mr Nicholas Bolto, Chief Executive Officer, Ostara Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 35; Mr Andrew Mitchell, Director of Mental Health, Employment and Counselling, Wesley Mission, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, p. 25.

[76]      Mr Nicholas Bolto, Chief Executive Officer, Ostara Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 35.

[77]      Miss A, Former client of Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 13.

[78]      Ms Sarah Reece, Participant, PHaMs West Program, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 3.

[79]      Ms Bernette Redwood, Executive Officer, Vista Vocational Services, Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 15.

[80]      Ms Sarah Reece, Participant, PHaMs West Program, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 5.

[81]     DEEWR, NCVER Research Report, Unfinished business: student perspectives on disclosure of mental illness and success in VET, Annie Venville and Annette Street, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 2012, p.3.

[82]     Ms Laura Collister, General Manager, Rehabilitation Services, Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 7.

[83]     Mr Michael Dickenson, trainee, North South Contractors, in Jeremy Kennet, ‘Safe choice’, About the House, August 2011, pp.26-30.

[84]     Medibank is Australia’s largest integrated private health insurance and health services group

[85]     Presenteeism is defined as the lost productivity that occurs when employees come to work but are not fully productive.

[86]     Medibank, Submission 63, p. 4.

[87]    See Black Dog Institute, Submission 16, p. 2 and Beyond Blue, Submission 21.

[88]     Canefields Clubhouse Beenleigh, Submission 5, p.2

[89]     Mental Illness Fellowship of Victoria, Submission 57, p. 4.

[90]     Senate Select Committee on Mental Health report, ‘A national approach to mental health – from crisis to community’, April 2006, p. 15.

[91]     DEEWR, ‘Employer attitudes to employing people with a mental illness’, September 2008, p.3 referred to in Queensland Alliance for Mental Health, Submission 36, p.9.

[92]     Dr Groves, Queensland Government,Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 5.

[93]     Tasmanian Government, Submission 50, p. 15.

[94]     Dr Aaron Groves, General Manager, Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 5.

[95]     Dr Aaron Groves, General Manager, Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p.5.

[96]     Mr Adam Stevenson, General Manager, Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 6.

[97]     Mr Deiniol Griffith, Team Leader, Peer Work Project, MIFSA, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 13.

[98]     Mr John Strachan, Acting Outer South Sector Manager, Southern Mental Health, Adelaide Health Service, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, p. 29.

[99]     Queensland Government, Submission 56, p. 7.

[100]   Mental Health Council of Tasmania, Submission 18, p.1.

[101]   The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Submission 39, p. 6.

[102]   Welfare Rights Centre, Submission 10, p. 9.

[103]   Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, p. 19.

[104]   See Like Minds Like Mine website for details:  and

[105]   See Me website,

[106]   See Me website,

[107]   Time to Change website,

[108]   Time to Change website,

[109]   Time to Change website,

[110]   Time to Change website,

[111]   Time to Change website, video clip,

[112]   Beyond Blue website, ‘Funding Structure’,

[113]   Black Dog Institute website, ‘Funding’,

[114]   Black Dog Institute, Submission 16, p. 1.

[115]   Professor Helen Christensen,

[116]   Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Submission 39, p. 6.

[117]   Comcare, Submission 64, p. 4.

[118]   Australian Government, Fourth national mental health plan: an agenda for collaborative action 2009-2014,

[119]   Commonwealth Government, Fourth National Mental Health Plan, Priority Area 1: Social Inclusion and Recovery, p. 27,$File/pla1.pdf

[120]   Commonwealth Government, Fourth National Mental Health Plan, Priority Area 1: Social Inclusion and Recovery, p. 27,$File/pla1.pdf

[121]   Source: Better Health Channel, Victorian Government website, Mental illness prevalence,

[122]   Better Health Channel, Victorian Government website, Mental illness prevalence,

[123]   Department of Health and Ageing website, ‘What is mental illness’?,

[124]   Better Health Channel, Victorian Government website, Mental illness prevalence,

[125]   Sane Australia website,

[126]   Sane Australia website,

[127]   Name withheld, Submission 12, p. 1.

[128]   Queensland Alliance for Mental Health, Submission 36, p.9.

[129]   Dr Geoffrey Waghorn, RM, Head, Social Inclusion and Translational Research, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, pp. 14-15.

[130]   Professor Eoin Killackey, Director, Psychosocial Research, Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 24 March 2011, p. 4.

[131]   Department of Health and Ageing website, ‘What is mental illness’,

[132]   Department of Health and Ageing website, ‘What is mental illness’,

[133]   House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment Committee website,

[134]   For more see Victorian Parliament website, Family and Community Development Committee,

[135]   Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 34.

[136]   Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 74, Attachment A.

[137]   Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 74, p. 1. Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 34.

[138]   House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Training, Review of the Department of Education, Science and Training Annual Report 2006-07, May 2009, Recommendation 1.

Chapter 2 Education and training - Re-engagement with education, basic skills acquisition and the transition into work

[1]       Associate Professor Eoin Killackey, Director, Psychosocial Research, Orygen Youth Health (OYH), Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 13 April 2011, p. 18.

[2]       Headspace, Submission 13, p. 3.

[3]       Headspace, Submission 13, pp. 3-4.

[4]       Australian Psychological Society, Submission 40, p. 13.

[5]       Assoc. Prof. Killackey, OYH, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 13 April 2011, p. 18; Psychosocial Research Centre, Submission 33, p. 1; Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 2.

[6]       Assoc. Prof. Killackey, OYH, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 13 April 2011, p. 18.

[7]       OYH, Submission 28, pp. 2-3.

[8]       For instance, Parliamentary–in-confidence, Submission nos. 11, 12, 14, 45.

[9]       Assoc. Prof. Killackey, OYH, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 13 April 2011, p. 18.

[10]     Inspire Foundation, Submission 72, p. 4.

[11]     Mr Stephen Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 16.

[12]     Personal communication by email to committee secretariat, 6 March 2012.

[13]     Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 16.

[14]     Mr Brian Graetz, Program Director, Education and Early Childcare, Beyond Blue, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 19 August 2011, p. 5.

[15]     Mrs Jean Packham, Student Counsellor Facilitator, Charles Darwin University (CDU), Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, p. 2.

[16]     Mr Harry Marks, Business Supervisor, Wesley Social Enterprises, UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide, Committee Hansard, Whyalla, 6 June 2011, p. 7.

[17]     Mrs Marie Kuchel, Program Manager, UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide, Committee Hansard, Whyalla, 6 June 2011, p. 7.


[18]     NSW Consumer Advisory Group, Submission 42, p. 19.

[19]     Mrs X, Carer, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, pp. 14-15.

[20]     Miss Nicole Cox, National Disability Coordination Officer, Edge Employment Solutions, Committee Hansard, Perth, 18 October 2011, p. 26.

[21]     For instance, OYH, Submission 28; Mental Illness Fellowship South Australia (MIFSA), Submission 17; Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 21.

[22]     OECD, Sick on the Job? Myths and Realities about Mental Health and Work, December 2011, pp. 207-208.

[23]     Australian Psychological Society, Submission 40, p. 11.

[24]     Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 14 October 2011, p. 2.

[25]     Kidsmatter website,

[26]     Kidsmatter website,

[27]     Kidsmatter website, 

[28]     Kidsmatter website,

[29]     Kidsmatter website,

[30]     Kidsmatter website, 

[31]     Kidsmatter website, 

[32]     Dr Rebecca Matthews, Manager, Practice Standards and Resources, Australian Psychological Society, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 19 August 2011, p. 31.

[33]     See Bullying No Way website, 

[34]     Mr Jim Buultjens, Chief Executive Officer, Fairhaven Services, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 1.

[35]     Miss A, Ex-client of OYH, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 13 April 2011, p. 21.

[36]     Site inspection, Grace Lutheran College, 8 August 2011.

[37]     Mr Dale Dearman, School Counsellor, Grace Lutheran College, Brisbane, Exhibit 25.

[38]     Site inspection, Grace Lutheran College, 8 August 2011.

[39]     Mr  Dale Dearman, Grace Lutheran College, Brisbane, Exhibit 25.

[40]     Site inspection, Grace Lutheran College, 8 August 2011.

[41]     Mr Dale Dearman, Grace Lutheran College, Brisbane, Exhibit 25.

[42]     John Weeks, ‘Right programs can storm-proof kids’ in  The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 April 2012.

[43]     John Weeks, ‘Right programs can storm-proof kids’ in  The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 April 2012.

[44]     John Weeks, ‘Right programs can storm-proof kids’ in  The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 April 2012.

[45]     Respondent in Australian Youth Forum, Submission 73, p. 14.

[46]     Ms Meredith Milne, Youth Transitions Executive Officer, Youth Connections (YC), Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 22.

[47]     DEEWR, Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) and Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA), Submission 62, p. 29; DEEWR website:

[48]     YC website,

[49]     Youth Connections is an organisation that helps young people aged 13-19 on the Central Coast access education, training and recreational opportunities so that they can reach their potential.

[50]     Ms Milne, YC, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, pp.20 and p. 23.

[51]     ALESCO School Prospectus,

[52]     ACE North Coast Community Colleges, ALESCO Learning Centre,

[53]     YC website,

[54]     Ms Milne, YC, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 21.

[55]     Site inspection, Green Central, Gosford, 30 August 2011.

[56]     Green Central Annual Report 2010-2011,

[57]     NSW Consumer Advisory Group, Submission 42,p. 19.

[58]     Mr Ashley McGeorge, Transitions Manager, YC, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 21.

[59]     Ms Milne, YC, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 22.

[60]     Ms Linda Thomas, Team Leader YC Program, YC, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 22.

[61]     Ms Milne, YC, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 22.

[62]     Ms Milne, YC, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 20.

[63]     Ms Milne, YC, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 21.

[64]     Ms Milne, YC, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 20.

[65]     Ms Thomas, YC, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 21.

[66]     Ms Milne, YC, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 23.

[67]     Ms Milne, YC, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 22.

[68]     “Your teenager’s future trade career begins here,” General Information, AITC brochure, pp. 2-3.

[69]     “Your teenager’s future trade career begins here,” General Information, AITC brochure, p. 4.

[70]     “Your teenager’s future trade career begins here,” General Information, AITC brochure, p. 4.

[71]     “Your teenager’s future trade career begins here,” General Information, AITC brochure, p. 3.

[72]     AITC website,

[73]     Site inspection, AITC, Gold Coast, 8 August 2011.

[74]     Site inspection, AITC, Gold Coast, 8 August 2011.

[75]     Associate Professor Peter Butterworth, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Mental Health Research, Australian National University (ANU), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 May 2011, p. 21.

[76]     AITC website,

[77]     Miss A, Ex-client of OYH, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 13 April 2011, p. 21.

[78]     NSW Consumer Advisory Group, Submission 42, p. 19.

[79]     Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 16.

[80]     ANU website, Current vacancies,, viewed 17 January 2012.

[81]     Miss A, Ex-client of OYH, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 13 April 2011, p. 21.

[82]     Mr David Munro, Student, CDU, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, p. 2.

[83]     Ms Sarah Reece, Participant, PHaMs West Program, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 June 2011, p. 3.

[84]     Ms Reece, Participant, PHaMs Program, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 June 2011, p. 3.

[85]     NSW Consumer Advisory Group, Submission 22, p. 19.

[86]     Mrs Michelle Bell, Assistant General Manager, Employment Services, The ORS Group, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 17.

[87]     Site inspection, MIFSA, Adelaide, 7 June 2011; Ms Reece, Participant, PHaMs West Program, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 June 2011, p. 4.

[88]     Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 18.

[89]     Ms Kerrie Coulter, Disability Liaison Officer, CDU, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, p. 4.

[90]     Ms Nita Schultz, Executive Officer CEO Council, Victorian TAFE Association, Exhibit 40,email.

[91]     Mrs Packham, CDU, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, p. 2.

[92]     Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 18.

[93]     Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 18.

[94]     Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 19.

[95]     Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 19.

[96]     Ms Debi Toman, National Disability Coordination Officer, Sydney, Exhibit 38, email.

[97]     Ms Julie Harrison, Disability Operations Manager, ANU, Exhibit 39. email.

[98]     Ms Julie Harrison, Disability Operations Manager, ANU, Exhibit 39. email.

[99]     Ms Debi Toman, National Disability Coordination Officer, Sydney, Exhibit 38. email.

[100]   Ms Debi Toman, National Disability Coordination Officer, Sydney, Exhibit 38. email.

[101]   Ms Julie Harrison, Disability Operations Manager, ANU, Exhibit 39. email.


[102]    Ms Debi Toman, National Disability Coordination Officer, Sydney, Exhibit 38, email. Note that

DEAN is a network of disability services staff in universities and TAFE colleges. See website for details: 

[103]   Ms Coulter, CDU, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, p. 2.

[104]   Ms Julie Harrison, Disability Operations Manager, ANU, Exhibit 39. email.

[105]   Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 19.

[106]   Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 17.

[107]   Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, pp. 17-18.

[108]   Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 17.

[109]   Mr Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p. 17.

[110]   Mrs Judith Austin, Coordinator, Equity Services, CDU, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, p. 1.

[111]   Ms Linda Glover, Disability Liaison Officer, Tasmanian Polytechnic, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 4 November 2011, p. 7.

[112]   Mr Stephen Bailey, private capacity, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 17 June 2011, p. 16.

[113]   Mr Colin Baldwin, Student Counsellor, Tasmanian Polytechnic, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 4 November 2011, p. 8.

[114]   Ms Coulter, CDU, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, p. 1.

[115]   Ms Coulter, CDU, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, p. 1; Miss A, Ex-client of OYH, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 13 April 2011, p. 21; Ms Glover, Tasmanian Polytechnic, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 4 November 2011, p. 7.

[116]   Ms Edwina Grose, Director, Student Administration and Equity Services, CDU, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, p. 3.

[117]   Ms Coulter, CDU, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, p. 1.

[118]   Ms Glover, Tasmanian Polytechnic, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 4 November 2011, p. 7.

[119]   Ms Coulter, CDU, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, p. 1.

[120]   Psychosocial Research Centre, Submission 33, p. 2.

[121]   Miss A, Ex-client of OYH, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 13 April 2011, p. 21.

[122]   Mr David Munro, Student, CDU, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 October 2011, p. 2.

[123]   Mrs Marie Kuchel, UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide, Committee Hansard, Whyalla, 6 June 2011, p. 2.

[124]   Mrs Marie Kuchel, UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide, Committee Hansard, Whyalla, 6 June 2011, p. 2.

[125]   Mrs Marie Kuchel, UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide, Committee Hansard, Whyalla, 6 June 2011, p. 1.

[126]   BoysTown, Submission 49, p. 5.

[127]   BoysTown website,

[128]   BoysTown website,

[129]   Respondent in Australian Youth Forum, Submission 73, p. 22.

[130]   Ms Glover, Tasmanian Polytechnic, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 4 November 2011, p. 11.

[131]   Ms Glover, Tasmanian Polytechnic, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 4 November 2011, p. 11.

[132]   Wodonga TAFE, Submission 7, p. 1.

[133]   Wodonga TAFE website:

[134]   Wodonga TAFE, Submission 7, p. 1.

[135]   Mrs Anthea Smith, National Allied Health Manager, Employment Services, The ORS Group, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 17.

[136]   Mrs Smith, The ORS Group, Committee Hansard, Gosford, 30 August 2011, p. 17.

[137]   See for example Dr Geoffrey Waghorn, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 9 August 2011, p. 14, VETE, Submission 70, p. 2, AYF, Submission 73,p. 8 Workskills, Submission 34, p. 3 and Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 13 April 2011, p. 2.

[138]   Associate Professor Vicki Bitsika, Behaviour Management and Psychology, and Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bond University, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 7.

[139]   Mr Jeff Cheverton, Chief Executive Officer, Queensland Alliance for Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 18.

[140]   Dr Geoffrey Waghorn, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 9 August 2011, p. 14.

[141]   Orygen Youth Health, Submission 28, p.3.

[142]   Ms Laura Collister, CEO, Mental Illness Fellowship of Victoria,

[143]   Mrs Kuchel, UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide, Committee Hansard, Whyalla, 6 June 2011, p. 1.

[144]   Ms Sarah Reece, Submission 17.1, p. 1.

[145]   Ms Sarah Reece, Participant, PHaMs West Program, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 June 2011, p. 4.

[146]   Ms Sarah Reece, Participant, PHaMs West Program, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 June 2011, p. 4.

[147]   Ms Sarah Reece, Participant, PHaMs West Program, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 June 2011, p. 4.

[148]   Joint department Submission 62, p. 16.

[149]   Ms Fiona Johnson, Team Leader, PHaMs West Program, Mental Illness Fellowship of South Australia, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 2.

[150]   Joint department Submission 62, pp. 16-17.

[151]   Joint department Submission 62, pp. 23-24.

[152]   See website for details:

[153]   Mr Evan Lewis, Group Manager, Disability and Carers, FAHCSIA, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 5.

[154]   Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Submission 39, pp. 8-9.

[155]   Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Submission 39, p. 8.

[156]   Ms Reece, Participant, PHaMs West Program, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 June 2011, p. 7.

[157]   Respondent, Australian Youth Forum, Submission 73, p. 21.

[158]   University of New South Wales website,  

[159]   University of New South Wales website,

[160]   Matt Wilkenson, in The Sydney Morning Herald, 8 February 2011, p. 12.

[161]   The National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) website,

[162]   Mental Health Council of Tasmania, Submission 18, p.2.

[163]   Mountain Climbing: A resource for tertiary graduates with lived experience of mental illness making the transition to employment,, p. 7.

[164]   Mountain Climbing: A resource for tertiary graduates with lived experience of mental illness making the transition to employment,, p. 6.

[165]   Mountain Climbing: A resource for tertiary graduates with lived experience of mental illness making the transition to employment,, p. 35.

[166]   Mountain Climbing: A resource for tertiary graduates with lived experience of mental illness making the transition to employment,, p. 55.

[167]   Mountain Climbing: A resource for tertiary graduates with lived experience of mental illness making the transition to employment,, p. 47.

[168]   Mountain Climbing: A resource for tertiary graduates with lived experience of mental illness making the transition to employment,, p. 73.

Chapter 3 Employers, employees and workplaces - Importance of early intervention and prevention

[1]       Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 45.

[2]       Mr Dale Campbell, CEO, TopEnd Association for Mental Health, TEAMHealth, Committee Hansard, 17 October 2011, p. 19.

[3]       Ms Sarah Reece, PHAMS participant, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, Adelaide, p. 8.

[4]       See for example, Beyondblue, Submission 21, p. 6, Lantern, Submission 22, p. 4, Australian Human Rights Commission, Submission 44, pp. 2-3 and Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 69, p. 9.

[5]       Ms Therese Fitzpatrick, National Workplace Program Manager, Beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, Melbourne, p. 2.

[6]       Dr Aaron Groves, General Manager, Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 5.

[7]       See for example Black Dog Institute, Submission 16, p. 3, The Australian Psychological Society, Submission 40, p. 14, and Mates In Construction, Submission 60, p.3.

[8]       Mr Stephen Bolton, Senior Advisor, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 43.

[9]       Ms Barbara Hocking, CEO, SANE Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, pp. 28-29.

[10]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, ACCI, Submission 71, p. 1.

[11]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 41.

[12]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, pp. 41-42.

[13]     Mr Stephen Bolton, Senior Advisor, Employment Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 43.

[14]     Ms Marcia Kuhne, Manager of Industrial Relations Policy, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 3.

[15]     Ms Barbara Hocking, CEO, SANE Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p. 23.

[16]     Ms Bernette Redwood, Executive Officer, Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, Canberra, p. 14.

[17]     AHRC, Submission 44, p. 4.

[18]     Ms Sarah Reece, Participant, PHaMs West Program, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, Adelaide, p. 8.

[19]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 45.

[20]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, ACCI, Submission 71, p. 2.

[21]     Social Firms Australia, Submission 38, p. 1.

[22]     Social Firms Australia, Submission 38, p. 1.

[23]     Ms Caroline Crosse, Executive Director, Social Firms Australia, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, p. 24

[24]     Ms Bernette Redwood, Executive Officer, Vista Vocational Services, Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 15 and 16.

[25]     Mr Richard Kane, Policy Advisor, WISE Employment, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 34.

[26]     Ms Caroline Crosse, Executive Director, Social Firms Australia, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, p. 31.

[27]     Ms Caroline Crosse, Executive Director, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 19 August 2011, p. 27.

[28]     DEEWR website, viewed 23 February 2012.

[29]     DEEWR website, viewed 23 February 2012.

[30]     See ‘Effective solutions for a sustainable existence’, Outlook environmental brochure and Outlook Environmental and Outlook websites for more details  and 

[31]     DEEWR, FahCSIA and DoHA, Submission 62, pp. 28-29.

[32]     Site inspection, Madcap cafe, Fountain Gate shopping Centre, Melbourne, 12 April 2011.

[33]     Ermha is a community based organisation that supports recovery and instils hope for people recovering from experiencing the effects of a severe mental illness. For more details see the Ermha website: 

[34]     Madcap cafe website, 

[35]     Madcap website, 

[36]     Madcap/Ermha, ‘Madcap Enterprises exists to achieve one goal – to exist people with a mental illness who want to enter the workforce’, Exhibit 9, p. 8.

[37]     Madcap cafe website, 

[38]     Madcap/Ermha document, ‘Madcap Enterprises exists to achieve one goal – to exist people with a mental illness who want to enter the workforce’, Exhibit 9, p. 8

[39]     Madcap/Ermha document, ‘Madcap Enterprises exists to achieve one goal – to exist people with a mental illness who want to enter the workforce’, Exhibit 9, p. 6.

[40]     Madcap/Ermha document, ‘Madcap Enterprises exists to achieve one goal – to exist people with a mental illness who want to enter the workforce’, Exhibit 9, p. 7.

[41]     Madcap website,

[42]     Email communication from Peter Waters, CEO, Ermha, 23 February 2012.

[43]     Boystown, Submission 49, p. 19.

[44]     Ms Tracy Adams, CEO, Boystown, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 9 August 2011, p. 30.

[45]     Ms Laura Collister, CEO, SANE Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p. 11.

[46]     Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Submission 28, p. 5.

[47]     Australian Government Jobs Access website,

[48]     DEEWR website,

[49]     Ms Marcia Kuhne, ACCI WA, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 4.

[50]     Mr Dale Campbell, Top End Association for Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 17 October 2011, Darwin, p. 19.

[51]     Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, Canberra, p. 3.

[52]     Mr Damon Munt, Operations Manager, Employment Services, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p. 26.

[53]     Ms Marcia Kuhne, ACCI WA, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 4.

[54]     Ms Kerrie Banks, Service Manager, FSG Australia enVision Programs, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, Gold Coast, p. 16.

[55]     Mr Kevin Rogan, Chair, Regional Skills Formation Network, Committee Hansard, 6 June 2011, Whyalla, p. 6.

[56]     Ms Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 8.

[57]     Australian Government, JobsAccess website,

[58]     Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, Canberra, p. 3.

[59]     Joint Department Submission, Submission 62, p. 12.

[60]     Ms Melissa Williams, Manager, Gold Coast Employment Services, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 12.

[61]     Ms Buffinton, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October, p. 3.

[62]     Ms Buffinton, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October, p. 3.

[63]     Email from Ms Buffinton, 10 February 2012.

[64]     ACCI, Submission 71 and CCI WA, Submission 68, Attachments 1-3.

[65]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 42.

[66]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, ACCI, Submission 71, p. 2.

[67]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 42.

[68]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, ACCI, Submission 71, p. 2.

[69]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, ACCI, Submission 71, p.1.

[70]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 42.

[71]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 42.

[72]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, ACCI, Submission 71, p. 2.

[73]     ACCI, Submission 71, p. 2.

[74]     ACCI, Submission 71, p. 2.

[75]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 42.

[76]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 42.

[77]     Ms Laura Collister, General Manager, Rehabilitation Services, Mental Illness Fellowship of Victoria, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p. 7.

[78]     Ms Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 8.

[79]     Ms Denise Goldsworthy, DSL, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 50.

[80]     Comcare is the Australian government agency that partners with workers, their employers and unions to keep workers healthy and safe, and reduce the incidence and cost of workplace injury and disease. Comcare implements the Australian Government’s policies in federal workplaces to drive social inclusion and productivity. See the website for more:

[81]     Mr Neil Tomkins, FAS, Defence People Solutions, Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 26.

[82]     Ms Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 8.

[83]     Ms Sally Sinclair, CEO, National Employment Services Association Ltd, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, Melbourne, p. 11.

[84]     Ms Sally Sinclair, CEO, National Employment Services Association Ltd, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, Melbourne, p. 11.

[85]     Professor Killackey, Psychosocial Research, Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 24 March 2011, p. 9.

[86]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 46.

[87]     Ms Jennifer Lambert, Director, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 46.

[88]     Mr Kevin Rogan, Chair, Regional Skills Formation Network, Committee Hansard, 6 June 2011, Whyalla, p. 9.

[89]     Ms Marcia Kuhne, Manager, Industrial Relations Policy, CCI WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 18 October 2011, p. 4.

[90]     Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 7.

[91]     DEEWR website, viewed 23 February 2012.

[92]     Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, Canberra, p. 3.

[93]     JobsAccess website,

[94]     DEEWR website, viewed 23 February 2012.

[95]     Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, Canberra, p. 3.

[96]     Committee Hansard, Perth, 18 October 2011, p. 3.

[97]     Dr Geoffrey Waghorn RM, Head, Social Inclusion and Translational Research, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 17.

[98]     Ms Nicole Tuckwell, Divisional Manager, Workfocus Group, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, p. 15.

[99]     Ms Marcia Kuhne, Manager, Industrial Relations Policy, CCI WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 18 October 2011, p. 4.

[100]   DEEWR, Submission 75.1, Attachment A.

[101]   The Australian Government, Jobs Access Website,

[102]   The Australian Government, Jobs Access Website,

[103]   The Australian Government, Jobs Access Website,

[104]   Joint department submission, Submission 62, p.27

[105]   WorkFocus Group, Submission 32, p. 2.

[106]   DEEWR, FaHCSIA and DoHA, Submission 62, p. 26.

[107]   DEEWR, FaHCSIA and DoHA, Submission 62, p. 26.

[108]   DHS website,

[109]   Mr Damon Munt, Operations Manager, Employment Services, Wesley Mission, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, pp. 28-29.

[110]   Wesley Mission, Submission 47, p. 9.

[111]   Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 10.

[112]   Mr Damon Munt, Operations Manager, Employment Services, Wesley Mission, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, pp. 28-29.

[113]   DEEWR, Submission 75.1, p. 6.

[114]   Ms Janet Bromley, Manager, Services, Lantern, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, Melbourne, p. 16.

[115]   Lantern, Submission 22, p. 4.

[116]   Ms Malisa Golightly, Deputy Secretary, Health and Older Australians, Department of Human Services, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 13.

[117]   Centrelink website,

[118]   Answers to questions taken on notice at hearing n 14 October 2011, DEEWR, Submission 75, p. 5.

[119]   Ms Denise Fredericks, Divisional Manager, Victoria/Tasmania, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 21.

[120]   Mrs Donna Faulkner, Chairperson of Board of Directors, Disability Employment Australia and Executive Director, Work Solutions Gippsland, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 9.

[121]   JobAccess website,

[122]   AHRC, Submission 44, p. 4.

[123]   The document can be downloaded from the AHRC website:

[124]   AHRC, Submission 44, p. 4.

[125]   AHRC website, 2010 Guide for Workers with Mental Illness: A Practical Guide for Managers,

[126]   AHRC website, 2010 Guide for Workers with Mental Illness: A Practical Guide for Managers,

[127]   AHRC website, 2010 Guide for Workers with Mental Illness: A Practical Guide for Managers,

[128]   AHRC website, 2010 Guide for Workers with Mental Illness: A Practical Guide for Managers,

[129]   Ms Lambert, Director, Employment Education and Training, ACCI, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 42.

[130]   CCI WA, Submission 68, Attachment A.

[131]   Ms Lambert, Director, Employment Education and Training, ACCI, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 42.

[132]   NSW Consumer Advisory Group, Submission 42, p. 5.

[133]   Ms Nicole Tuckwell, Divisional Manager, WorkFocus Group, Committee Hansard, 18 Perth 2011, Perth, p. 16.

[134]   Mr Stephen Bolton, Employment, Education and Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 43.

[135]   CCI WA, Submission 68, p. 3.

[136]   Australian Human Rights Commission, Submission 44, p. 1.

[137]   CCI WA, Submission 68, p. 4.

[138]   Australian Human Rights Commission, Submission 44, p. 4.

[139]   ACCI, Submission 68, p. 7.

[140]   See paragraphs 1.6 to 1.9 of the Committee’s Advisory Report on the Fair Work Amendment (Better Work/Life Balance) Bill 2012.

[141]   Employee Assistance Professional Association of Australasia Inc. Website,, viewed 21 January 2012.

[142]   Employee Assistance Professional Association of Australasia Inc. Website,, viewed 21 January 2012.

[143]   Dr Jennifer Bowers, Committee Hansard, 24 November 2011, Canberra, p. 3.

[144]   Mr Neville Tomkin, FAS, Defence People Solutions, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 22.

[145]   Mr Neville Tomkin, FAS, Defence People Solutions, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 22.

[146]   Ms Sarah Marshall, National Environmental and Sustainability Manager, Abigroup Ltd, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, Brisbane, p. 40.

[147]   Ms Barbara Hocking, CEO, SANE Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p. 25.

[148]   Mr Bo Li, Senior Advisor, Professional Practice, Australian Psychological Society, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, Melbourne, p. 33.

[149]   Dr Caryl Barnes, Consultant Psychiatrist, Black Dog Institute, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p. 6.

[150]   Ms Rebecca Matthews, Manager, Practice Standards and Resources, Australian Psychological Society, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, Melbourne, p. 33.

[151]   Dr Caryl Barnes, Consultant Psychiatrist, Black Dog Institute, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p. 6.

[152]   Mr Michael Sluis, Community Program Manager, Black Dog Institute, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, pp. 6-7.

[153]   Ms Jacqui Wallace, Strategic Programs Manager, Black Dog Institute, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p. 5.

[154]   Beyondblue, Submission 21, p. 8.

[155]   Professor Vijaya Manicavsagar, Black Dog Institute, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p. 4.

[156]   Mr Nicholas Arvanitis, Program Manager, Employment and Workforce, Beyond Blue, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, Melbourne, p. 6.

[157]   Dr Caryl Barnes, Black Dog Institute, Black Dog Institute, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p. 4.

[158]   Ms Therese Fitzpatrick, National Workplace Program Manager, Beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, Melbourne, p. 2.

[159]   Dr Caryl Barnes, Consultant Psychiatrist, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p. 2.

[160]   Ms Therese Fitzpatrick, National Program Manager, Beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, Melbourne, p. 2 and Dr Caryl Barnes, Consultant Psychiatrist, Black Dog Institute, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, p. 3.

[161]   Ms Therese Fitzpatrick, National Workplace Program Manager, Beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, Melbourne, p. 2.

[162]   Professor Christensen, President, International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, Canberra, p. 6.

[163]   Mental Health First Aid website, 

[164]   Mental Health First Aid website, 

[165]   Mental Health First Aid website, 

[166]   Mr Jim Buultjens, CEO, Fairhaven Services, Committee Hansard, 30 August 2011, Gosford, p. 1.

[167]   Beyondblue website, viewed 27 January 2012.

[168]   Beyondblue website, viewed 27 January 2012.

[169]   Beyondblue website, viewed 27 January 2012.

[170]   Beyondblue website, viewed 27 January 2012.

[171]   Beyondblue website, viewed 27 January 2012.

[172]   Ms Therese Fitzpatrick, National Program Manager, Beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, Melbourne, p. 2.

[173]   Ms Therese Fitzpatrick, National Program Manager, Beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 19 August 2011, Melbourne, p. 3.

[174]   Beyondblue website, viewed 27 January 2012.

[175]   BlackDog Institute website, viewed 27 January 2012.

[176]   Dr Caryl Barnes, Consultant Psychiatrist, Black Dog Institute, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p.3.

[177]   Black Dog Institute website, viewed 27 January 2012.

[178]   Black Dog Institute website, viewed 27 January 2012.

[179]   BlackDog Institute website, viewed 27 January 2012.

[180]   Dr Caryl Barnes, Consultant Psychiatrist, Black Dog Institute, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p.3.

[181]   Dr Caryl Barnes, Consultant Psychiatrist, Black Dog Institute, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p. 3.

[182]   Dr Caryl Barnes, Consultant Psychiatrist, Black Dog Institute, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p. 3.

[183]   Dr Caryl Barnes, Consultant Psychiatrist, Black Dog Institute, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, Sydney, p. 3.

[184]   Ms Barbara Hocking, CEO, SANE Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p. 22.

[185]   See the Mindful Employer program website for details:

[186]  Ms Barbara Hocking, CEO, SANE Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p. 22.

[187]   Ms Barbara Hocking, CEO, SANE Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p. 23.

[188]   Ms Barbara Hocking, CEO, SANE Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p. 23.

[189]   Ms Barbara Hocking, CEO, SANE Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p. 276.


[191]   See for example Ms Barbara Hocking, CEO, SANE Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p. 24,  Ms Laura Collister, General Manager, Rehabilitation Services, Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p.p. 4-7, Ms Gina Chinnery, Youth Employment Consultant, Youth Orygen Health, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, pp. 12-21.

[192]   Ms Barbara Hocking, CEO, SANE Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p. 24.

[193]   Ms Laura Collister, General Manager, Rehabilitation Services, Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, Melbourne, p.7.

[194]   Ms Marcia Kuhne, Manager, Industrial Relations Policy, CCI WA, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 1.

[195]   Mr Neil Quarmby, Director, Work Health, Comcare, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 37.

[196]   Ms Marcia Kuhne, Manager, Industrial Relations Policy, CCI WA, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 1.

[197]   AHRC, Submission 44, p.5.

[198]     Ms Susan Robertson, Managing Director, Edge Employment Solutions, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 22.

[199]     Ms Susan Robertson, Managing Director, Edge Employment Solutions, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 22.

[200]     National Disability Services, Submission 35, p. 7.

[201]   Mrs Melissa Williams, Manager, Gold Coast Employment Service, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 13.

[202]     Australian Human Rights Commission, Submission 44, p. 5.

[203]     National Disability Services, Submission 35, p. 7.

[204]   See Comcare website for details:

[205]   Mr Neil Quarmby, General Manager, Work Health and Safety Group, Comcare, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 37.

[206]   Comcare, Submission 62, p. 1.

[207]   Comcare, Submission 62, p. 2.

[208]   Comcare, Submission 62, p. 1.

[209]   Mr Neil Quarmby, General Manager, Work Health and Safety Group, Comcare, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 35.

[210]   Mr Neil Quarmby, Director, Work Health, Comcare, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 37.

[211]   Comcare, Submission 64, Attachment A, p. 6.

[212]   See Comcare website for details:

[213]   Comcare, Submission 64, Attachment A, p. 6.

[214]   Ms Christine Bolger, Director, Work Care, Comcare, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 40.

[215]   Ms Christine Bolger, Director, Work Care, Comcare, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 40.

[216]   Major General Fogarty, Head, People Capability, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 20.

[217]   Major General Fogarty, Head, People Capability, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 20.

[218]   Mr David Morton, General Manager, Mental Health, Psychology and Rehabilitation, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 23.

[219]   Major General Gerhard Fogarty, Head, People Capablity, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 20.

[220]   Major General Gerhard Fogarty, Head, People Capablity, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 20.

[221]   Mr David Morton, General Manager, Mental Health, Psychology and Rehabilitation, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 23.

[222]   Major General Gerhard Fogarty, Head, People Capablity, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 20.

[223]   Mr Neil Tomkins, FAS, Defence People Solutions, Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 21.

[224]   Mr Neil Tomkins, FAS, Defence People Solutions, Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 21 and p. 26.

[225]   The report is available from the Defence website: viewed 13 February 2012.

[226]   Mr David Morton, General Manager, Mental Health, Psychology and Rehabilitation, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 22.

[227]   Mr David Morton, General Manager, Mental Health, Psychology and Rehabilitation, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 22.

[228]   Mr David Morton, General Manager, Mental Health, Psychology and Rehabilitation, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 24.

[229]   Mr David Morton, General Manager, Mental Health, Psychology and Rehabilitation, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 24.

[230]   Major General Fogarty, Head, People Capability, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 24.

[231]   Mr Neil Tomkins, FAS, Defence People Solutions, Defence, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, Canberra, p. 26.

[232]   Mr Tawanda Machingura, Assistant Director of Occupational Therapy, Gold Coast Health Service, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, pp. 23-24.

[233]   Ms Sarah Marshall, National Environmental and Sustainability Manager, Abigroup Ltd, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, Brisbane, p. 37.

[234]   Ms Sarah Marshall, National Environmental and Sustainability Manager, Abigroup Ltd, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, Brisbane, p. 36.

[235]   Ms Sarah Marshall, National Environmental and Sustainability Manager, Abigroup Ltd, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, Brisbane, p. 36.

[236]   Ms Sarah Marshall, National Environmental and Sustainability Manager, Abigroup Ltd, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, Brisbane, p. 36.

[237]   Mr Rhett Foreman, General Foreman, Abigroup, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, Brisbane, p. 37.

[238]   Mr Rhett Foreman, General Foreman, Abigroup, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, Brisbane, p. 37.

[239]   Mr Rhett Foreman, General Foreman, Abigroup, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, Brisbane, p. 40.

[240]   For more information about Mates in Construction see Submission 60 and the website, 

[241]   Mr Rhett Foreman, General Foreman, Abigroup, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, Brisbane, p. 41.

[242]   Ms Sarah Marshall, National Environmental and Sustainability Manager and Mr Rhett Foreman, Foreman, Abigroup, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, Brisbane, p. 40.

[243]   Mr Rhett Foreman, Abigroup, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, Brisbane, p. 37.

[244]   Ms Denise Goldsworthy, CEO, Dampier Salt, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 10.

[245]   Ms Denise Goldsworthy, CEO, Dampier Salt, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 10.

[246]   Ms Denise Goldsworthy, CEO, Dampier Salt, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 10.

[247]   Rio Tinto, Submission 67, p. 1

[248]   Rio Tinto, Submission 67, p. 1

[249]   Rio Tinto, Submission 67, p. 1

[250]   Dampier Salt website,

[251]   Rio Tinto, Submission 67, p. 1

[252]   Rio Tinto, Submission 67, p. 1

[253]   Ms Denise Goldsworthy, CEO, Dampier Salt, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 12.

[254]   Rio Tinto, Submission 67, p. 4.

[255]   Rio Tinto, Submission 67, p. 3.

[256]   Dr Andrew Porteous, Manager, Corporate Health and Safety, Rio Tinto, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 7.

[257]   Rio Tinto, Submission 67, p. 1.

[258]   Ms Denise Goldsworthy, CEO, Dampier Salt, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 9.

[259]   Health and Safety Executive, Management Standards for work related stress, 

[260]   Rio Tinto, Submission 67, p. 3.

[261]   Ms Denise Goldsworthy, CEO, Dampier Salt, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 8.

[262]   Ms Denise Goldsworthy, CEO, Dampier Salt, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 8.

[263]   Ms Denise Goldsworthy, CEO, Dampier Salt, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 8.

[264]   Ms Denise Goldsworthy, CEO, Dampier Salt, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 8.

[265]   Ms Denise Goldsworthy, CEO, Dampier Salt, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 8.

[266]   Ms Denise Goldsworthy, CEO, Dampier Salt, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 9.

[267]   Ms Denise Goldsworthy, CEO, Dampier Salt, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, Perth, p. 9.

[268]   Dr Jennifer Bowers, Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 24 November 2011, Canberra, p. 2.

[269]   Dr Jennifer Bowers, Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 24 November 2011, Canberra, p. 2.

[270]   Dr Jennifer Bowers, Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 24 November 2011, Canberra, p. 2.

[271]   Dr Jennifer Bowers, Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 24 November 2011, Canberra, p. 2.

[272]   Dr Jennifer Bowers, Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 24 November 2011, Canberra, p. 2.

[273]   Dr Jennifer Bowers, Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 24 November 2011, Canberra, p. 2.

[274]   Dr Jennifer Bowers, Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 24 November 2011, Canberra, p. 3.

[275]   Dr Jennifer Bowers, Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 24 November 2011, Canberra, p. 3.

[276]   Dr Jennifer Bowers, Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 24 November 2011, Canberra, p. 2.

[277]   Dr Geoffrey Waghorn RM, Head, Social Inclusion and Translational Research, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p.11.

[278]   CEDA website, viewed 16 March 2012.

Chapter 4 Government and other service providers

[1]       Dr Aaron Groves, Executive Director, Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Directorate, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 1.

[2]       Ms Bronwyn Hendry, Director, Mental Health Services, Department of Health, NT Government, Committee Hansard, 17 October 2011, p. 24.

[3]       Mr Todd Bamford, Team Leader, Transitional Care and Early Psychosis, and Noarlunga Emergency Mental Health Services, Southern Mental Health, Adelaide Health Service, South Australia, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 22.

[4]       Mrs Melissa Williams, Manager, Gold Coast Employment Services, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p.13.

[5]       DEEWR, FaHCSIA and DoHA, Submission 62, p. 5.

[6]       Ms Buffington, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, pp. 1-2.

[7]       DEEWR, FaHCSIA and DoHA, Submission 62, p. 5 and pp. 10-41.

[8]       DEEWR, FaHCSIA and DoHA, Submission 62, p. 5 and pp. 14-18.

[9]       DEEWR, FaHCSIA and DoHA, Submission 62, pp. 11-13.

[10]     DEEWR, FaHCSIA and DoHA, Submission 62, pp. 10-11.

[11]     DHS website, 

[12]     CRS Australia website,

[13]     DHS, Submission 43, p. 4 and Ms Alison McCann, National Manager, CRS Australia, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 18.

[14]     DHS, Submission 43, p. 5.

[15]     Centrelink website, 

[16]     DEEWR website,

[17]     DEEWR, JSA website,

[18]     JSA website,

[19]     DEEWR, FaHCSIA and DoHA, Submission 62, pp. 28.

[20]     DEEWR, FaHCSIA and DoHA, Submission 62, p. 28.

[21]     Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 2.

[22]     DEEWR website,

[23]     Australian Government, Australian JobSearch website, viewed 21 February 2012.

[24]     DEEWR, FaHCSIA and DoHA, Submission 62, pp. 25-26.

[25]     DEEWR et al, Submission 62, p.11.

[26]     DEEWR et al, Submission 62, p. 21. More information on participation requirements is available from the DHS website,

[27]     Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 69, p. 9. 

[28]     Mr Dale Campbell, CEO, Top End Association for Mental Health, TEAMHealth, Committee Hansard, 17 October 2011, p. 18.

[29]     Welfare Rights Centre, Submission 10, p. 7.

[30]     Name Witheld, Submission 55, p. 1.

[31]     Mrs Melissa Williams, Manager, Gold Coast Employment Service, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 14.

[32]     Open Minds, Submission 27, p. 2

[33]     NESA, Submission 41, p.6.

[34]     Ms Melissa Heyward, Director, Client Services, Top End Association for Mental Health TEAM Health, Committee Hansard, 17 October 2011, p. 21.

[35]     NESA, Submission 41, p.6.

[36]     Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Submission 28, p. 5.

[37]     Ms Melissa Lond, National Manager, Mental Health, Disability and Carers, DHS, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 11.

[38]     Centrelink website,

[39]     Joint department submission, Submission 62, p. 12.

[40]     Ms Georgina Lawson, Project and Research Officer, Welfare Rights Centre Inc, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 26.

[41]     Ms Georgina Lawson, Project and Research Officer, Welfare Rights Centre Inc, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 28.

[42]     See for example Name withheld, Submission 65, pp. 3-7, Welfare Rights Centre (Qld), Submission 10, p. 8, and Dr Geoff Waghorn, Submission 15, p. 4 and Submission 15.1, p. 6.

[43]     Ms Gail Middleton, Executive Director, Welfare Rights Centre Inc, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 25.

[44]     Ms Georgina Lawson, Project and Research Officer, Welfare Rights Centre Inc, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 29.

[45]     Ms Emma Cotterill, Acting Director, Social Support, Commonwealth Ombudsman, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 32.

[46]     Mr Adam Stankevicious, Senior Assistant Ombudsman, Commonwealth Ombudsman, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 31.

[47]     Mr Adam Stankevicious, Senior Assistant Ombudsman, Commonwealth Ombudsman, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 32.

[48]     Ms Hildrud Kivelitz, Mental Health Coordinator, Carers NT, Committee Hansard, 17 October 2011, p. 11.

[49]     Ms Cherie Jolly, delegate of member organisation, Uniting Care Wesley Port Adelaide, Disability Employment Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 8.

[50]     Mrs Melissa Williams, Manager, Gold Coast Employment Service, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 12.

[51]     Mrs Melissa Williams, Manager, Gold Coast Employment Service, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 14.

[52]     Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 4.

[53]     DEEWR website,

[54]     Centrelink website,

[55]     DEER website,

[56]     DEEWR website,

[57]     DEEWR website, Job Seeker Classification Instrument,

[58]     DEEWR website,

[59]     Centrelink website,$File/mcjca2100_0907en.pdf

[60]     FaHCSIA website,

[61]     DEEWR website,

[62]    DEEWR website,

[62]     Ms Buffinton, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 3.

[63]     Ms Buffinton, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 3.

[64]     DEEWR website,

[65]     Ms Buffinton, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 3.

[66]     FaHCSIA website, Guide to Social Security Law, Version 1.186, released 30 April 2012,

[67]     DEEWR, FaHCSIA and DOHA, Submission 62, p. 22.

[68]     FaHCSIA website,

[69]     Orygen Youth Health, Submission 28, p.3.

[70]     Orygen Youth Health, Submission 28, p.4.

[71]     DEEWR, Evaluation of DES Interim Report, Reissue March 2012, p. viii,

[72]     Ms Fiona Buffinton, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 14 October 2011, p. 3.

[73]     Ms Buffinton, Group Leader, Specialist Employment Services, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011,  p.2.

[74]     Ms Fiona Buffinton, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 14 October 2011, p. 4.

[75]     Edge Employment Services, Submission 66, p. 3.

[76]     Mr Lucas Mackey, Senior Case Manager, Workskills Inc, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p, 3.

[77]     NSW Consumers Advisory Group, Submission 42, p. 13.

[78]     Disability Employment Australia, Submission 48, pp. 7-8.

[79]     NESA, Submission 41, p. 7.

[80]     Ms Helen Hudson, Senior Case Manager, Workskills Inc., Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 1.

[81]     Mr Peter Ball, Service Leader, DHS, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 12.

[82]     Mr Peter Ball, Service Leader, DHS, Tasmania Office, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 12.

[83]     DEEWR, Exhibit 41, JSCI Reviews Info.

[84]     Ms Cherie Jolly, Delegate of member organisation Uniting Care Wesley Port Adelaid, Disability Employment Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 7.

[85]     Ms Helen Hudson, Senior Case Manager, Workskills, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p.1.

[86]     Ms Buffinton, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p.3.

[87]     Mr Alistair Bissland, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 12.

[88]     Ms Denise Frederick, Divisional Manager, Victoria/Tasmania, CRS Australia, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 20.

[89]     Mr Niko Milec, Social Worker, DHS, Tasmania Office, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 14.

[90]     Mr Alistair Bissland, Social Worker, Department of Human Services, Tasmanian Office, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 13.

[91]     Mr Alistair Bissland, Social Worker, Department of Human Services, Tasmanian Office, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 13.

[92]     Mr Alistair Bissland, Social Worker, Department of Human Services, Tasmanian Office, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 15.

[93]     Mr Peter Ball, DHS, Tasmanian Office, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 15.

[94]     Ms Hargreaves, National Manager, DHS, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 15.

[95]     Ms Buffinton, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 4.

[96]     Ms Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, pp. 1-2.

[97]     Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 2.

[98]     Dr Geoffrey Waghorn RM, Head, Social Inclusion and Translational Research, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 10.

[99]     National Disability Services, Submission 35, p. 6.

[100]   Mr Todd Bamford, Southern Mental Health, Adelaide Health Service, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 28.

[101]   Mr Nick Bolto, CEO, Ostara, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2012, p. 32.

[102]   Mr Nick Bolto, CEO, Ostara, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2012, p. 32.

[103]   Mr Nick Bolto, CEO, Ostara, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2012, p. 33.

[104]   Ms Sharon Stuart, Branch Manager, Disadvantaged Job Seekers Branch, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 6.

[105]   Dr Geoffrey Waghorn RM, Head, Social Inclusion and Translational Research, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, pp. 9-10.

[106]   Dr Geoffrey Waghorn RM, Head, Social Inclusion and Translational Research, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, pp. 9-10.

[107]   Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 2.

[108]   Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 1.

[109]    DEEWR website,

[110]   Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 4.

[111]   DEEWR website,

[112]   Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 4.

[113]   DEEWR, Submission 75, p. 2.

[114]   Mr Graham Harman, Director, Disability Employment Service Performance Section, Disadvantaged Job Seekers Branch, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 4.

[115]   Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 4.

[116]   Mr Graham Harman, Director, Disability Employment Service Performance Section, Disadvantaged Job Seekers Branch, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 4.

[117]   Dr Waghorn, Submission 15, p. 4.

[118]   Ms Helen Hudson, Workskills Inc, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 2.

[119]   Ms Cherie Jolly, Delegate of member organisation Uniting Care Wesley Port Adelaide, Disability Employment Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p.7.

[120]   Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Submission 18, p. 8.

[121]   Ms Phyllis Quensier, Service Integration Coordinator, Gold Coast Health Service, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard , 8 August 2011, p. 22.

[122]   Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 5.

[123]   Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services, Committee Hansard, 13 October 2011, p. 4.

[124]   See the government response to the Committee report, 12 February 2012.

[125]   Professor Eoin Killackey, Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Committee Hansard, 24 March 2011, p. 7.

[126]   NESA, Submission 41, p. 8.

[127]   Ms Helen Hudson, Senior Case Manager, Workskills Inc, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 2.

[128]   Ms Nicole Cox, National Disability Coordination Officer, Edge Employment, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, p. 26.

[129]   Workskills, Submission 34, p. 3.

[130]   Ms Georgia Zogalis, National Program Manager, Multicultural Mental Health Australia, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, p.9.

[131]   Ms Georgia Zogalis, National Program Manager, Multicultural Mental Health Australia, Committee Hansard, 17 June 2011, p.10.

[132]   Ms Emma Cotterill, Acting Director, Social Support, Commonwealth Ombudsman, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 29.

[133]   DEEWR, Submission 75, p. 3.

[134]   DEEWR, Submission 75, p. 7.

[135]   DEEWR, Submission 75, p. 4.

[136]   DEEWR, Submission 75, p. 6.

[137]   DHS, Submission 43, p. 7.

[138]   Ms Desley Hargreaves, National Manager, Social Work Services, Department of Human Services, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 12.

[139]   Ms Desley Hargreaves, National Manager, Social Work Services, Department of Human Services, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 12.

[140]   Ms Fiona Buffinton, Group Manager, Specialist Employment Services Group, DEEWR, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p.3.

[141]   Ms Malisa Golightly, Deputy Secretary, Health and Older Australians, DHS, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 15.

[142]   Ms Malisa Golightly, Deputy Secretary, Health and Older Australians, DHS, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 15.

[143]   Orygen Youth Health, Submission 28, p. 4.

[144]   Ms Lawson, Welfare Rights Centre, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 26.

[145]   Ms Desley Hargreaves, National Manager, Social Work Services, Department of Human Services, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 12.

[146]   Dr Geoffrey Waghorn RM, Head, Social Inclusion and Translational Research, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 16.

[147]   Mrs Melissa Williams, Manager, Gold Coast Employment Services,Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 13.

[148]   Ms Gail Middleton, Executive Director, Welfare Rights Centre, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 29.

[149]   Dr Geoffrey Waghorn RM, Head, Social Inclusion and Translational Research, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 16.

[150]   Ms Desley Hargreaves, National Manager, Social Work Services, DHS, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 16.

[151]   Mr Peter Ball, Service Leader, DHS, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 16.

[152]   Centrelink website,

[153]   FaHCSIA website,

[154]   FaHCSIA website,

[155]   Disability Employment Australia, Submission  48, p. 7.

[156]   Ms Melissa Lond, National Manager, Mental Health, Disability and Carers, DHS, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 11.

[157]   Ms Malisa Golightly, Deputy Secretary, Health and Older Australians, DHS, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011 p. 11.

[158]   DHS, Submission 43, p. 8.

[159]   Queensland Government, Submission 56, p. 36.

[160]   Headpsace, Submission 13, p. 13.

[161]   DHS, Submission 43, p. 7.

[162]   DHS, Submission 43, p. 8.

[163]   DHS, Submission 43, p. 9.

[164]   Ms Malisa Golightly, Deputy Secretary, Health and Older Australians, DHS, Committee Hansard, 14 October 2011, p. 15.

[165]   Centrelink website,

[166]   Mr Peter Ball, Service Leader, DHS, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 16.

[167]   Mr Peter Ball, Service Leader, DHS, Committee Hansard, 4 November 2011, p. 16.

[168]   NESA, Submission 41, p. 9.

[169]   Centrelink website,

[170]   Centrelink website,

[171]   DEEWR website,

[172]   See DEEWR website for details on the various Innovation Fund projects, viewed 23 February 2012.

[173]   SoFA website, viewed 23 February 2012.

[174]   SoFA website, viewed 23 February 2012.

[175]   Ms Dea Morgain, Manager, Workplace Supports, SoFA, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 19 August 2011, p. 25.

[176]   Email from Ms Dea Morgain, Manager, Workplace Supports, SoFA, Exhibit 42.

[177]   Email from Ms Dea Morgain, Manager, Workplace Supports, SoFA, Exhibit 42.

[178]   Headpsace, Submission 13, p. 2 and see Headspace website:

[179]   Youth Connections  is an organisation that helps young people aged 11-19 years to access employment, education, training and recreational opportunities on the Central Coast. See the website for details: 

[180]   Headspace Gosford website,

[181]   See Y-central website for more:

[182]   Y- Central website:

[183]   Headspace, Submission 13, p. 9.

[184]   VETE, NSW Ministry of Health, Submission 70, pp.1-3.

[185]   VETE, NSW Ministry of Health, Submission 70, p. 8.

[186]   VETE, NSW Ministry of Health, Submission 70, p. 6.

[187]   VETE, NSW Ministry of Health, Submission 70,  p. 5.

[188]   VETE, NSW Ministry of Health, Submission 70,  p. 7.

[189]   VETE, NSW Ministry of Health, Submission 70,  p. 7.

[190]   Ms Susan Robertson, Managing Director, Edge Employment Solutions, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2011, p. 27.

[191]   Orygen Youth Health, Submission 28, p. 1.

[192]   Professor Eoin Killackey, Director, Psychosocial Research,  Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 18.

[193]   Orygen Youth Health, Submission 28, p. 3.

[194]   Professor Eoin Killackey, Director, Psychosocial Research, Orygen Youth Health , Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 18.

[195]   Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Submission 28, p. 3.

[196]   Orygen Youth Health website,

[197]   Professor Eoin Killackey, Director, Psychosocial Research, Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 12.

[198]   EPPIC website,

[199]   Orygen Youth Health website, and Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Submission 28, p. 1

[200]   OYH website,

[201]   Professor  Eoin Killackey, Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Committee Hansard, 24 March 2011, p. 1.

[202]   Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Submission 28, p. 3.

[203]   Orygen Youth Health, Submission 28, p. 6.

[204]   Professor Eoin Killackey, Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Committee Hansard, 24 March 2011, pp. 5-6.

[205]   Professor Eoin Killackey, Director, Psychosocial Research, Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 18.

[206]   Professor Eoin Killackey, Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Committee Hansard, 24 March 2011, p. 13.

[207]   Professor Eoin Killackey, Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Committee Hansard, 24 March 2011, pp. 5-6.

[208]   Professor Eoin  Killackey, Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Committee Hansard, 24 March 2011, pp. 5-6.

[209]   Ms Gina Chinnery, employment consultant, Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 19.

[210]   Ms Gina Chinnery, employment consultant, Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 19.

[211]   Miss A, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 19.

[212]   Professor  Eoin Killackey, Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Committee Hansard, 24 March 2011, p. 10.

[213]   Professor Eoin Killackey, Psychosocial Research, Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 20.

[214]   Professor Eoin Killackey, Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne Committee Hansard, 24 March 2011, p,11.

[215]   Dr Geoffrey Waghorn RM, Head, Social Inclusion and Translational Research, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 14.

[216]   Professor Eoin Killackey, Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Committee Hansard, 24 March 2011, p. 11.

[217]   Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Submission 18, p. 8.

[218]   Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Submisson 18, 9.

[219]   Professor Eoin Killackey,Director, Psychosocial Research, Orygen Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2011, p. 17.

[220]   Dr Aaron Groves, Executive Director, Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Directorate, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 1.

[221]   Dr Aaron Groves, Executive Director, Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Directorate, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 2.

[222]   Queensland Government, Submission 56, p. 47.

[223]   Dr Aaron Groves, Executive Director, Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Directorate, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 3.

[224]   Dr Aaron Groves, Executive Director, Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Directorate, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 3.

[225]   Dr Aaron Groves, Executive Director, Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Directorate, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 2.

[226]   Dr Aaron Groves, Executive Director, Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Directorate, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 4.

[227]   Dr Aaron Groves, Executive Director, Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Directorate, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 9 August 2011, p. 4.

[228]   Mr Grant Robin, Program Director, Gold Coast Drug Council and Queensland Drug and Alcohol Council, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 23.

[229]   Ms Phyllis Quensier, Service Integration Coordinator, Gold Coast Health Service District, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 21.

[230]   Ms Phyllis Quensier, Service Integration Coordinator, Gold Coast Health Service District, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 24.

[231]   Ms Phyllis Quensier, Service Integration Coordinator, Gold Coast Health Service District, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 24.

[232]   Ms Phyllis Quensier, Service Integration Coordinator, Gold Coast Health Service District, Queensland Health, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 22.

[233]   Mr Tawanda Manchingura, Assistant Director of Occupational Therapy, Gold Coast Health Service, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 23.

[234]   Mr Grant Robin, Program Director, Gold Coast Drug Council and Queensland Drug and Alcohol Council, Committee Hansard, 8 August 2011, p. 23.

[235]   Noarlunga Health Services, 

[236]   Mr Todd Bamford, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 22.

[237]   Mr John Strachan, Acting Outer South Sector Manager, Southern Mental Health, Adelaide Health Service, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 23.

[238]   Mr John Strachan, Acting Outer South Sector Manager, Southern Mental Health, Adelaide Health Service, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 24.

[239]   Mr John Strachan, Acting Outer South Sector Manager, Southern Mental Health, Adelaide Health Service, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 24.

[240]   Mr John Strachan, Acting Outer South Sector Manager, Southern Mental Health, Adelaide Health Service, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 24.

[241]   Mr John Strachan, Acting Outer South Sector Manager, Southern Mental Health, Adelaide Health Service, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 24.

[242]   Mr John Strachan, Acting Outer South Sector Manager, Southern Mental Health, Adelaide Health Service, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 25.

[243]   Mr Bamford, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 25.

[244]   Mr John Strachan, Acting Outer South Sector Manager, Southern Mental Health, Adelaide Health Service, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 24.

[245]   Mr John Strachan, Acting Outer South Sector Manager, Southern Mental Health, Adelaide Health Service, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 27.

[246]   Mr Bamford, , Adelaide Health Service, South Australia Health, Committee Hansard, 7 June 2011, p. 27.


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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.