Appendix C — Minor treaty actions
Minor treaty actions are generally technical amendments to
existing treaties which do not impact significantly on the national interest.
Minor treaty actions are presented to the Joint Standing
Committee on Treaties with a one-page explanatory statement. The Committee has
the discretion to formally inquire into these treaty actions or indicate its
acceptance of them without a formal inquiry and report. Minor treaty actions
are listed on the Committee’s website.
The minor treaty action under consideration here is the International
Convention Against Doping in Sport Annex I - Prohibited List - International
Standard (the Convention).
The Convention is administered by the United Nations
Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Annex I identifies
the substances and methods of doping that are prohibited in sport.
The proposed amendment updates Annex I to include the 2012
Prohibited List adopted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on 17 September
2011. WADA reviews its Prohibited List annually and consults widely on
possible amendments. The Australian Government contributes to this
consultation process.
The proposed amendment harmonises the regulation of prohibited
substances and methods, in and out of competition, across certain sports
globally. The proposed amendment will ensure that Australian athletes will be
subject to the same list of banned substances as all other international
On 6 February 2012, the Committee determined not to hold a formal
inquiry into this treaty action and agreed that binding treaty action may be