Chapter 2 Background
This chapter will cover a number of issues:
- the National and
Rural Research Priorities of the Australian Government; and
- the role of the RIRDC
and its current program of work;
- The RIRDC’s new 2012 – 2017 Corporate Plan
- the role of the RIRDC in supporting the National and Rural
Research priorities
The Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) was
established by the Australian Government in 1989[1] to work with industry to
invest in research and development (R&D) for a more profitable, sustainable
and dynamic rural sector.[2] Presently, the RIRDC is
one of 15 rural Research and Development Corporations (RDCs) that work
collaboratively with industry and others on a wide variety of rural R&D
projects. RIRDC is a statutory authority established under the Primary
Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989 (Cth) (PIERD Act).
National and Rural Research Priorities
The National and Rural Research Priorities of the Australian
Government provide an over-arching framework for public investment in rural
research and development (R&D).[3] RIRDC’s investments are
closely aligned with these priorities.[4]
National Research Priorities
In 2002, the Australian Government announced four National Research
Priorities (NRPs) that focus ‘investment on research in key areas that can
deliver significant economic, social and environmental benefits to Australia’.[5]
The NRPs are designed to focus Whole-of-Government research while each NRP is
supported by a number of priority goals that establish more specific outcomes.[6]
The NRPs are:
- Promoting and
maintaining good health;
- An environmentally
sustainable Australia;
- Safeguarding
Australia; and
- Frontier technologies
for building and transforming Australian industries. [7]
Rural Research and Development Priorities
In 1994, the Australian Government established a set of Rural Research
and Development Priorities to balance R&D needs in the primary production
sector. In 2007, these were revised to ‘refresh the national understanding of
current critical R&D investment needs and to better target agricultural,
fisheries, forestry and food industry R&D efforts’.[8] These priorities
complement the National Research Priorities and are as follows:
- Productivity and
adding value;
- Supply chain and
- Natural resource
- Climate variability
and climate change and;
- Biosecurity.[9]
In supporting the Rural R&D Priorities, the Government has also
highlighted the need for innovation skills and technology.[10]
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
The Rural Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) invests in
research and development assisting the productivity, profitability and
sustainability of rural industries.
The RIRDC supports a range of sectors through its collaborative
investment program in the animal, plant and rural industries. Support is
provided through its key research programs for each supported industry. Each
research program is based on five year research and development plan[11]
that is supported by agreed performance indicators.[12]
Each research program will also be supported by the RIRDC’s new evaluation
From 2012, the RIRDC’s R&D investment is guided by its new Corporate
Plan 2012 – 17, approved by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and
Forestry. The Plan guides investment a number of overarching goals, underpinned
by ten key strategies:
- Goal 1: Promote
leadership and innovation in the rural sector
- Deliver
analysis on issues of national importance to the rural sector and broader
- Assess
the feasibility, value and potential competitiveness of new plant and animal
industry opportunities; and
- Encourage
research that fosters science and industry creativity. [14]
- Goal 2: Increase
profit and productivity in rural industries
- Manage
demand driven RD&E that meets industry needs;
- Facilitate
investments that deliver economic social and environmental benefits for rural
industries; and
- Adopt a
life-cycle approach to investment in new, developing and established industries. [15]
- Goal 3: Enhance
sustainability across the rural sector
- Work
collaboratively on cross sector issues that impact across industries;
- Increase
knowledge about rural industry options that offer regional economic development
- Encourage
the sustainable use and management of natural resources; and
- Promote
leadership, capacity, skills and pathways that create opportunities. [16]
The Plan identifies nine priority areas that will guide RIRDC
- Productivity growth
to support rural industry profit and sustainability
- Building evidence
about emerging issues impacting on the rural sector
- Ensuring new industry
(and innovation) potential is explored in a rigorous way and the knowledge
gained is shared
- Applying a life-cycle
approach to supporting rural industries
- Collaborating to
respond to cross sector RD&E needs
- Supporting new
- Maintaining and
building rural research capacity
- Investing in rural
sector people
- Enhancing the
adoption of RD&E[17]
The RIRDC’s program of work supports both the National Research
Priorities and the Rural Research and Development Priorities. [18]
The RIRDC’s Annual Report highlights that its Annual Operating Plan closely aligns
with these priorities and that advice on maintaining this support is provided
to researchers engaging with the Corporation. The Annual Report also presents
information on the projects allocated to supporting each priority and lists
relevant outcomes. [19]