House of Representatives Committee Reports

List of Committee Reports by Subject – Meteorology

Title: Proposed fit-out of new leased premises for the Bureau of Meteorology at Docklands, Melbourne
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parliament Number: 40th
Parl Paper Number: 33/03
Date Tabled: 26/03/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Gone with the winds: Inquiry into meteorological services
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Expenditure [1976-87]
Parliament Number: 34th
Parl Paper Number: 122/86
Date Tabled: 03/06/1986
Date of Government Response: 01/09/1988
Responded in time Specified: No

Contact information for Committees:

Clerk Assistant (Committees)
Department of the House of Representatives
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Phone: 61 2 6277 4399
Fax: 61 2 6277 4034