House of Representatives Committee Reports

List of Committee Reports by Subject – Transport

Title: Sustainability for survival: creating a climate for change
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage
Parliament Number: 41st
Parl Paper Number: 188/2007
Date Tabled: 17/09/2007
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Moving on intelligent transport systems - An inquiry into variable speed limits: A case study of intelligent transport systems
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Transport and Regional Services
Parliament Number: 40th
Parl Paper Number: 581/2002
Date Tabled: 09/12/2002
Date of Government Response: 09/02/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Beyond the midnight oil: An inquiry into managing fatigue in transport
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Communications, Transport and the Arts
Parliament Number: 39th
Parl Paper Number: 211/2000
Date Tabled: 09/10/2000
Date of Government Response: 07/08/2001
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Tracking Australia: An inquiry into the role of rail in the national transport network
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Communications, Transport and Microeconomic Reform
Parliament Number: 38th
Parl Paper Number: 149/1998
Date Tabled: 23/11/1998
Date of Government Response: 13/04/2000
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Gungahlin's transport links
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on the Australian Capital Territory [1957-87, 1989-92]
Parliament Number: 36th
Parl Paper Number: 139/1991
Date Tabled: 30/05/1991
Date of Government Response: 13/05/1993
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Warehouse to wharf: Efficiency of the interface between seaports and land transport
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Transport, Communications and Infrastructure [1987-96]
Parliament Number: 36th
Parl Paper Number: 67/1992
Date Tabled: 02/04/1992
Date of Government Response: 04/11/1992
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Transport facilities within the Federal Capital Territory
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee of Public Accounts [1913-32] [1952-97]
Parliament Number: 10th
Parl Paper Number: 221
Date Tabled: 22/03/1928
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not relevant

Contact information for Committees:

Clerk Assistant (Committees)
Department of the House of Representatives
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Phone: 61 2 6277 4399
Fax: 61 2 6277 4034