House of Representatives Committee Reports

List of Committee Reports by Subject – Tax Office

Title: Report 4/2010 - Referrals made in October 2010 - Proposed integrated fit-out of new leased premises for the Australian Taxation Office at 12-26 Franklin Street, Adelaide, South Australia
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parliament Number: 43rd
Parl Paper Number: 328/2010
Date Tabled: 23/11/2010
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Report 4/2011 - Referrals made May to June 2011 - Proposed fit-out of New Leased Premises for the Australian Taxation Office at the site known as 55 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane, Queensland
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parliament Number: 43rd
Parl Paper Number: 203/2011
Date Tabled: 22/08/2011
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: report 1/2010 - Proposed fit-out of new premises for the Australian Taxation Office at 735 Collins Street, Melbourne
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parliament Number: 42nd
Parl Paper Number: 121/2010
Date Tabled: 26/05/2010
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Proposed Fit-out of New Leased Premises for the Australian Taxation Office at the site known as Section 84, Precincts B & C, Canberra
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parliament Number: 41st
Parl Paper Number: 98/2006
Date Tabled: 10/05/2006
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:

Contact information for Committees:

Clerk Assistant (Committees)
Department of the House of Representatives
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Phone: 61 2 6277 4399
Fax: 61 2 6277 4034