House of Representatives Committee Reports

List of Committee Reports by Subject – Oil spills

Title: Oils spills - a response strategy: A review of the Auditor General's audit report - 'Is Australia ready to respond to a major oil spill?'
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Transport, Communications and Infrastructure [1987-96]
Parliament Number: 37th
Parl Paper Number: 295/1995
Date Tabled: 27/11/1995
Date of Government Response: 12/12/1996
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Oil spills: Prevention and control of oil pollution in the marine environment
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Environment and Conservation [1973-87]
Parliament Number: 31st
Parl Paper Number: 292/1978
Date Tabled: 26/10/1978
Date of Government Response: 07/06/1979
Responded in time Specified: No

Contact information for Committees:

Clerk Assistant (Committees)
Department of the House of Representatives
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Phone: 61 2 6277 4399
Fax: 61 2 6277 4034