Chapter 2 FASD and
alcohol consumption patterns
The chapter provides an overview of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
(FASD). The damaging effects of alcohol on a fetus, particularly the fetal
brain, at different points of development are identified. The various
conditions that exist within the spectrum are discussed, along with the range
of symptoms as well as the many secondary conditions that can stem from FASD.
The chapter addresses the prevalence of FASD and the limitations on
available data in Australia.
Alcohol consumption patterns in Australia have changed markedly over the
last few decades with a greater social acceptance of drinking across genders
and age groups. Across some groups a prominent drinking culture has emerged,
including excessive and harmful levels of alcohol consumption.
The chapter concludes with a discussion on maternal alcohol consumption
What are Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders?
FASD is an overarching term describing the range of outcomes that can
occur in an individual who had prenatal exposure to alcohol. These effects may
include physical, mental, behavioural, and/or learning disabilities with
possible lifelong implications. The term FASD is not intended for use as a
clinical diagnosis.[1]
The adverse effects of prenatal alcohol exposure exist along a
continuum, with the complete Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) at one end of the
spectrum and incomplete features of FAS, including more subtle
cognitive-behavioural deficits with no physical features, at the other.[2]
The terminology used to define the various adverse effects of prenatal alcohol
exposure has evolved over the years.
In 1973, Jones and Smith coined the term FAS to describe a pattern of
abnormalities observed in children born to alcoholic mothers.[3]
A literature review for the National Drug Strategy explains that a diagnosis
of FAS is based on a set of criteria comprised of abnormalities in three main
- growth retardation,
- characteristic facial
features (small eye slits, thin upper lip and diminished groove between nose and upper lip), and
- central nervous system
anomalies (including abnormalities of structure and function eg intellectual impairment).[4]
The literature review goes further to state that the intellectual
impairment associated with FAS is permanent and FAS is now regarded as the
leading, preventable cause of non–genetic intellectual handicap.[5]
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in the
United States lists some of the other conditions contained within the overarching
term FASD:
- Partial FAS: The
Institute of Medicine coined this term in its 1996 report on FAS. The term
refers to children who have some of the facial features of FAS, along with
evidence of growth retardation, neurodevelopmental abnormalities, or a complex
pattern of behaviour or cognitive abnormalities inconsistent with developmental
level that cannot be explained by family background or environment alone.
- Alcohol-related
neurodevelopmental disorder: The Institute of Medicine created this term to
refer to neurodevelopmental abnormalities or a complex pattern of behaviour or
cognitive abnormalities inconsistent with developmental level that cannot be
explained by family background or environment alone.
- Alcohol-related birth
defects: The Institute of Medicine created this term in its 1996 volume on FAS
to describe physical anomalies only.
- Static
encephalopathy: The University of Washington introduced this term in their
development of the 4-Digit Diagnostic Code, first published in 1997.[6]
Additionally a number of terms have been established over the years to
label the diagnostic sub classifications under the umbrella of FASD. These
- Fetal Alcohol Effects
- Static Encephalopathy/Alcohol
Exposed; and
- Neurodevelopmental Disorder/Alcohol
Other than the term FAS, which refers to a particular syndrome within
the umbrella of disorders known generally as FASD, there is no international
consensus on terms for the diagnostic descriptions of the effects of prenatal
alcohol exposure. All of the terms above have been used at various times,
though some such as FAE are no longer in use.
There has been a long history of recognition of the adverse effects of
prenatal alcohol exposure. The book of Judges from the Bible warns that:
Behold, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son: and now, drink
no wine or strong drink.[8]
In early Roman and Greek mythology allusions were made to an association
between maternal alcoholism and faulty development of the offspring.[9]
In the ancient Greek city of Carthage, the bridal couple were forbidden to
drink wine on their wedding night so that defective children would not be
One of the first historical references to the connection between
prenatal maternal alcohol consumption and the development of children was
during the gin epidemic in England of the 1700s. Over this time the price of
gin plummeted and consumption increased over five fold.[11]
In 1725, the College of Physicians warned the United Kingdom Parliament
… the fatal effects of the frequent use of several sorts of
distilled spirituous liquors upon great numbers of both sexes. … Too often the
cause of weak, feeble, and distempered children.[12]
The first report about the effects of the abuse of spirits was released
in 1734, noting that gin-drinking mothers gave birth to unusually small, old
looking babies.[13] In 1834, a report to the
House of Commons by a select committee investigating drunkenness indicated that
infants born to alcoholic mothers sometimes had a starved, shrivelled and
imperfect look.[14] In the early to mid
1900s, there were sporadic clinical reports suggesting an association between
maternal alcoholism and serious abnormalities in the offspring.
Historically most of these references to fetal abnormalities from
alcohol exposure relate to high levels of alcohol consumption by the mother.
More recent research has demonstrated the risk of a range of impacts on fetal
development at low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure.
The effect of alcohol on a fetus
This section outlines how alcohol can affect the development of a fetus
in utero. Cell growth occurs at different stages and rates as a fetus matures.
At critical stages this process can be disrupted with permanent impacts through
the transfer of even small amounts of alcohol through the placenta.
Normal development
In the first two weeks of pregnancy, the zygote, the cell formed as a
result of fertilisation, divides and implants. An embryo is formed.
During the third week, the cells of the embryo begin to multiply and
take on specific functions in a process called differentiation. Differentiation
results in the development of various cell types that make up a human being.
Rapid growth occurs and during this critical period the growing fetus is particularly
susceptible to damage.[15]
Figure 2.1 Fetus at 3.5 weeks gestation

Source Untied
States National Institutes of Health, <>.
At week five of pregnancy, the brain, spinal cord and heart begin to
develop. During week six to seven, arm and leg buds become visible. The brain
develops into five areas and some cranial nerves are visible.[16]
During week eight, the arms and legs continue to grow, with hands and
feet becoming distinguishable. The brain continues to form. By week nine, all
essential organs have begun to form. Elbows and toes are visible. At week ten,
the eyelids are more developed, and the external features of the ear begin to
take their final shape, with facial features continuing to develop.
The end of the tenth week of pregnancy marks the end of the embryonic
period and the beginning of the fetal period. At this point all structures are
formed. From weeks ten to 38, growth continues and the fetus continues to
develop but less rapidly than the previous weeks.[17]
The brain and nervous system continue to develop throughout the
pregnancy. In the second trimester, there is a critical period where the brain
continues differentiation and cellular migration takes place. Exposure to
alcohol during this time can result in abnormal migration or cell loss.
The final critical period of growth begins in the middle of the second
trimester and peaks around birth. During weeks 27 to 30 of pregnancy, fetal
brain growth occurs at its fastest rate.[18]
Alcohol exposure
Drugs taken by a pregnant woman follow the same route as oxygen and
nutrients which are needed for growth and development, crossing the placenta to
reach the fetus.
Some drugs taken during pregnancy can affect the fetus in several ways.
For example:
- They can act directly
on the fetus, causing damage, abnormal development (leading to birth defects),
or death.
- They can alter the
function of the placenta, usually by causing blood vessels to narrow
(constrict) and thus reducing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus
from the mother. Sometimes the result is a baby that is underweight and
- They can cause the
muscles of the uterus to contract forcefully, indirectly injuring the fetus by
reducing its blood supply or triggering preterm labour and delivery.[19]
Alcohol is a teratogen meaning it is an agent which can disturb the
development of an embryo or fetus. A teratogen may cause a birth defect or may
halt the pregnancy outright.[20] Alcohol is more damaging
to neurobehaviour than other teratogens.[21]
When a pregnant woman drinks, the alcohol is passed directly to the fetus
through the placenta. Some of the blood vessels of the fetus are contained
within the villi of the placenta that connect it to the uterine wall. The
mother’s blood passes within the intervillous space, which is separated only by
the thin placental membrane.
Figure 2.2 Teratogen passing from the placenta to the

Source North Carolina State University, WolfWikis, <>.
Scientific research has proved the direct effects that alcohol can have
on fetal growth and development. The fetus
is unable to break down alcohol in the way that an adult does and so the blood
alcohol level of the fetus becomes equal to or greater than the blood alcohol
level of the mother. Further the fetus’ blood alcohol level remains high for a
longer period of time.[22]
Alcohol sets in motion different processes at different sites in the
developing fetus. Consequently the effects of alcohol on the developing fetus
can be wide-ranging. Further, developmental damage is not confined to high
alcohol users. Even in moderate alcohol users, it was found that for every two
drinks consumed per day during late pregnancy, fetal birth weight decreased by
160 grams.[23]
Alcohol can trigger cell death in numerous ways, causing different parts
of the fetus to develop abnormally. Defects caused by prenatal exposure to
alcohol have been identified in virtually every part of the body, including the
brain, face, eyes, ears, heart, kidneys and bones. Significantly, toxic
by–products of alcohol metabolism may become concentrated in the brain.[24]
The teratogenic effect of alcohol is considered to be dose-related.[25]
Research continues into the scope of the effects of prenatal alcohol
exposure on the brain. There exists a more extensive research base into FAS, therefore
the following section draws on this research. However, many of these impacts
are observed to varying degrees across the range of disorders encompassed by
the term FASD.
Impact on the fetal brain
The brain is the organ which is most sensitive to prenatal
alcohol damage, and alcohol exposure
can have serious and permanent effects on the developing fetal brain.
Additionally, since the brain and central nervous system are constantly
developing throughout pregnancy, the fetal brain is always vulnerable to damage
from alcohol exposure.
Prenatal alcohol exposure can reduce the size and weight of the fetal brain
and can reduce the size of different parts of the brain.[26]
It can disrupt stem cell growth leading to a reduction in the generation of new
nerve cells and delays in dendritic
development. These are important for memory and other functions.
Prenatal exposure to alcohol can result in disorganised cortical
architecture. This influences the pattern of communication in and across
regions of the brain which are involved in higher cognitive function.[27]
Cognition is a group of mental processes that includes attention, memory,
producing and understanding language, solving problems, and making decisions.
Figure 2.3 6 week old brains compared: a normal brain and a ‘fetal alcohol
syndrome’ brain
Source T
Kellerman, FAS Community Resource Center Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and the
Brain, <>.
Alcohol can affect discrete parts of the brain. Structural abnormalities
can occur in various regions of the brain, including the cerebellum, corpus
callosum, and the basal ganglia.[28] These brain regions and the hippocampus are
particularly sensitive to structural damage which, in turn, can be related to
various neuropsychological impairments.
The brain is not uniformly sensitive to prenatal exposure to alcohol. Animal studies suggest that there are
differences in the susceptibility of different brain regions to alcohol
depending on the dose and timing of exposure.[29]
The hippocampus plays a fundamental role in memory, learning and
emotion. During the third trimester, the hippocampus is particularly affected
by alcohol. Prenatal exposure can cause abnormal hippocampal development and
function which may result in problems with encoding visual and auditory
Figure 2.4 The human brain

Source The
Brainwaves Center, <>.
Studies in rats prenatally exposed to alcohol indicate there are reduced
numbers of neurons and neuron damage. Behaviourally, animals exposed prenatally
to alcohol are impaired in spatial learning and memory tasks consistent with
hippocampal damage, such as navigating mazes. Changes in synaptic activity in
live hippocampal brain slices were observed. [31]
The hypothalamus controls appetite, emotions, temperature and pain
sensation. Prenatal alcohol exposure can affect the areas of the hypothalamus
that regulate the body’s response to stress and control the reproductive system and the metabolism of tissues.[32]
Prenatal exposure to alcohol can result in dysfunctional circadian
systems, which may contribute to the behavioural problems seen in many children
affected by FASD.[33]
The cerebellum controls coordination and movement, behaviour and memory.
Studies have shown that prenatal alcohol exposure can damage the cerebellum.[34] Damage to the cerebellum has been
implicated in learning deficits as well as balance and coordination.
The corpus callosum is a band of nerve fibres which connects the left
and right sides of the brain to allow communication between the hemispheres.
Research shows that prenatal alcohol exposure results in abnormalities of the
corpus callosum.
Damage to the corpus callosum has been linked to deficits in attention,
intellectual functioning, reading, learning, verbal memory, and executive and
psychosocial functioning. Approximately
seven per cent of children affected by FASD lack the corpus callosum, which is
an incidence rate 20 times higher than in the general population.[35]
The basal ganglia are a group of nerve cell clusters involved in
voluntary limb movement, eye movement and cognition. One study showed that
children who had been prenatally exposed to alcohol had smaller basal ganglia. Damage
to the basal ganglia impairs various cognitive processes in humans such as procedural
memory, habit and skill learning, attention, perception and language.[36]
Effects at critical times of development
The type of defects in an individual affected by FAS relate to the time
during pregnancy when alcohol is consumed.
Individual abnormalities may occur as a result of drinking during
discrete periods of the pregnancy. Figure 2.5 indicates the effects of
teratogens such as alcohol on the developing fetus at different stages of
For its first two weeks of gestation, the fetus is not susceptible to
teratogens. Following this period and through the first trimester, the fetus is
most susceptible to the teratogenic effects of alcohol during organogenesis, or
the development of organs. During this first trimester, alcohol interferes with
the migration and organisation of brain cells.
Research suggests that one or more episodes of heavy maternal drinking
at critical periods in pregnancy may damage severely the embryo and may result
in the features of FAS.[37]
Exposure to alcohol during the crucial period of three to nine weeks
gestation can result in major congenital abnormalities of the central nervous
system, eyes and ears. During the three to six week gestation period, major
abnormalities can occur to the heart and upper limbs. During the six to eight
week period of gestation, major abnormalities can arise in the teeth, palate
and external genitalia.
Figure 2.5 Effects of teratogens at different stages of

Source Exhibit 17, Alcohol and
other Drugs Council of Australia.
Functional defects and minor congenital abnormalities can occur between
nine and 38 weeks gestation. Additionally, scientists suggest that the third
trimester is a crucial period for prenatal alcohol exposure. The hippocampus may
be affected, which can lead to problems with encoding visual and auditory
While frequency and quantity of consumption clearly increase the risks
to the fetus, research suggests that alcohol at any time can endanger the
development of the fetus.
FASD symptoms
FASD encompasses a range of clinically significant effects, some of
which include cognitive impairment, growth retardation, facial anomalies and
developmental abnormalities of the central nervous system.[39]
Only a minority of people with FASD will have a low IQ.[40]
Conditions along the spectrum manifest in a variety of ways, and when untreated
can lead to secondary disabilities or disadvantages.
People with FASD have an ‘observable abnormality in the structure and
size of the brain; that is, a physical condition which causes a change in
function’.[41] The functions usually
affected by FASD are learning and behavioural functions. The National Rural
Health Alliance (NRHA) explained that these problems are:
… primarily the result of impairment of the brain’s
‘executive functions’, including the ability to plan, learn from experience and
control impulses. Children affected might be regarded as being wilful or
undisciplined when in fact they have little control over their behaviour.[42]
However, these functions may not be physically visible to others. Dr
Jacki Mein explained to the Committee that people with FASD:
[have] a functional impairment. It is not how they speak to
you. It is more about that executive functioning. They just make poor choices.
They do not relate well to people. It gets them into trouble.[43]
Barbara Smith explained how a group of foster parents realised that some
of the children they cared for shared particular symptoms:
Many years ago some foster families recognised there was a
group of children in care who seemed to display similar problems – behaviour
issues, learning and relationship difficulties, understanding consequences,
social issues etc. It was not until one carer researched FASD and its related
problems for children and families that the penny dropped.[44]
Depending on where their condition lies on the spectrum, children with
FASD may exhibit the following symptoms:
- Low birth weight/poor growth
- Irritability
- Sensitivity to light,
noises and/or touch
- Feeding problems
- Failure to thrive
- Memory problems
- Hyperactivity
- Lack of fear
- Poor sense of
- Impairment of gross
or fine motor skills
- Poor growth
- Developmental delay
- Problems with vision
- Memory problems
- Language and speech
- Poor judgement
- Birth defects
- Improperly formed
bodies and organs
- Social and
behavioural problems
- Cognitive problems
- Sleeping difficulties
- Hyperactivity
- Impulsiveness
- Difficulty
- Problems with
abstract thinking (time, money)
- Difficulty forming
and maintaining relationships.[45]
Figure 2.6 The Story of Tristan
Tristan is an Australian film depicting the
life of a young boy exposed to alcohol during his mother's pregnancy. Tristan,
along with the documentary Maralu, was produced as part of the Lililwan
project and was shown at the United Nations headquarters in New York in May
2012. Tristan was part of a presentation at the UN in the 11th Permanent
Forum on Indigenous Issues on Australian research on the disorder.
The Lililwan project’s submission noted that
‘Alcohol exposure in-utero may result in a range of disorders that
include brain injury, birth defects and lifelong learning, and behavioural and
mental health issues. FASD are the most common causes of preventable
intellectual impairment.’
Tristan brings the effects of in-utero exposure
to alcohol to life, telling the story of a 12-year old boy from the Fitzroy
Valley born with the disorder. It follows Tristan's struggles with
communication and attention problems. The film is both confronting and
courageous in its ability to transport the viewer to north-west Australia to
experience the hopes, dreams and challenges facing Tristan.
The documentary, produced by the University
of Sydney’s Associate Professor Jane Latimer and directed by Melanie Hogan,
also highlights the efforts by members of the Fitzroy Valley community to deal
with the disease.
Source: Submission 22, The Lililwan
Project Collaboration, p.6.
People with FASD often share positive traits as well, such as:
- friendly, cheerful, loving,
- caring, kind,
concerned, compassionate
- gentle, nurturing
towards younger children
- funny, with a great
sense of humour
- persistent and
hard-working, with a sense of determination
- curious
- creative, artistic,
- fair, cooperative
- interested in animals
- interested in
activities like gardening and constructing
- highly verbal, good
Robert Chataway described his foster son as ‘a poor feeder and a poor
sleeper [who] did not respond to things. When it came to crawling, he never
crawled. He did not speak until he was four.’[47]
Individuals with FASD are unlikely to learn from past experience or
understand cause and effect and may act ‘about half their chronological age in
their ability to live in society independently’.[48]
Carolyn Travers observed children transform during adolescence into
‘absolute horrors. It was not just that normal change; it was changes that
these children did not realise themselves: violence, anger, throwing things.’[49]
This was corroborated by other foster carers. The behaviours of one
foster child ‘had escalated to a point where he was targeting his carers,
physically assaulting them, and causing property damage’[50]
and another 12-year-old boy had been expelled from school due to violent
He struggles with the
self-knowledge that he is not normal, even though he desperately wants to be
normal. He is actually at an age of awareness at the moment. He does not have
one friend in the whole world, because he lacks social skills and he has bad
behaviour. He struggles with self-loathing for the relationships that he is
constantly breaking, but he cannot stop the cycle of breaking them. He has
started to self-harm, and he verbalises that he thinks he is a waste of oxygen.
He has trouble with fine motor control, memory, retaining information and
sequencing, and if you give him any more than two instructions at one time then
he cannot follow them. He is very intelligent in some ways, but he is lacking
in many areas—for instance, social skills, aggression and impulse control. His
prospects of being a valued member of society in the future are very low. His
future relationships are probably going to be volatile and dysfunctional, and
he will probably have difficulty in finding and keeping employment due to his
lack of social skills and his oppositional and defiant behaviours.[51]
FASD is not a diagnostic term itself; diagnoses of FASD include Fetal
Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (pFAS), alcohol-related
neuro-developmental disorder (ARND) and alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD).
Professor Elizabeth Elliott stated that to fulfil diagnostic criteria
for either FAS or ARND, children must demonstrate dysfunction in at least three
domains of the central nervous system, such as academic achievement, communication
problems, fine and gross motor problems or behavioural problems.[52]
Instances of FAS are in the minority across the FASD spectrum.[53]
The syndrome is distinguished by structural or functional brain abnormalities,
growth impairments, and the presence of three particular facial features: small
eye slits, a smooth philtrum, and a thin upper lip.[54]
FAS is the only FASD diagnosis that can be made without confirmation of
prenatal alcohol exposure, if the abnormalities are consistent with the
syndrome and other possible diagnoses have been excluded.[55]
Other symptoms of FAS can include:
… growth delays, intellectual impairments, problems with learning,
memory, attention problems, communication problems, vision or hearing
impairments, or damage to the skeleton or major organs of the body such as the
heart and kidneys [or possibly] a mix of these problems.[56]
One foster parent whose son was diagnosed with FAS stated that he had:
… major learning disabilities, poor impulse control, poor
memory and concentration, inability to understand or learn social mores and
consequences, no empathy, poor gross and fine motor skills, inability to grasp
abstract concepts such as numbers.[57]
The Committee heard evidence from another foster carer with five
children who have received a diagnosis of FAS:
[T]hey cannot even manage
their daily hygiene and simple things like wiping your bum when you go to the
The 10-year-old girl did
brilliantly up to grade 2 and that is as far as she has progressed.
Every day is a new day.
Yesterday is forgotten. It is the same process every day you come home: ‘Take
your shoes off outside, empty the sand out and go and put them in your room.
Put the socks out to be washed. Bring your lunchbox and put it on the sink for
mum to fix up.’ It is the same thing over and over again. We could make a tape
recording and play it.[58]
The signifying features of pFAS are two of the three FAS facial
characteristics plus brain abnormalities and known prenatal alcohol exposure.[59]
People with ARND, the largest FASD category,[60]
do not possess any identifying facial features but a confirmed history of
maternal alcohol use is a requisite for this diagnosis. As such, FASD is
generally an ‘invisible birth defect’.[61] The National
Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Related Disorders (NOFASARD) states
that ARND means that:
Sometimes there can be significant learning disorders and
developmental delays but not necessarily a low IQ. Most often there will be
problems with behaviour. Neurodevelopmental Disorders can mean children do
poorly in school and have difficulties with maths, memory and attention,
judgment, experience poor impulse control and lack social skills. When there
are no visible signs of disability other than behaviours, the behaviours are
targeted for change with no recognition that alcohol exposure during pregnancy
is the cause of individual difficulties.[62]
The US Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Study Group notes that
individuals with ARND:
… have a behavioral phenotype that is true to the
wide-ranging and individually variable physiological impact of alcohol exposure
in utero. Individuals with ARND show clinically significant problems in multiple
domains. These domains can include communication, abstract reasoning, memory,
learning, executive function, adaptive behavior and attention, to name a few.
Unlike earlier research, recent findings show that a majority of individuals
with prenatal alcohol exposure do not have mental retardation; rather their
problems are seen more in their inability to function adaptively in their
One of the US diagnostic classification systems splits ARND into two
categories: a severe form, static encephalopathy/alcohol exposed, and a
moderate form, neurodevelopmental disorder/alcohol exposed.[64]
ARND is difficult to identify. Dr James Fitzpatrick described
neurodevelopmental disorder/alcohol exposed as a condition:
… when you have a child that looks perfectly normal, who can
be well grown, however, has specific abnormalities of the brain function or
structure, plus confirmed alcohol exposure.[65]
People with ARBD have birth defects, perhaps in the heart, kidney or
ears, combined with confirmed prenatal alcohol exposure, without any effects on
the central nervous system.[66]
Secondary conditions
Children with FASD who do not receive appropriate treatment are
disproportionately likely to develop other, secondary conditions as they grow
into adolescence and beyond:
The impact of FASD extends beyond the primary symptoms as
children with FASD have a high risk of developing secondary difficulties
particularly affecting integration with social norms.[67]
The NRHA explained that:
FASD and organic brain damage
can come with a host of other problems called secondary disabilities. Mental
health problems are the most common but addictions are also seen. Children tend
to start with having attention and anxiety problems, then move on to depression
in adolescence and adulthood. There is also an increased risk for suicide.[68]
According to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC),
international research reports poor long-term outcomes for children with FASD; 90
per cent will have mental health problems, 80 per cent will remain unemployed,
60 per cent will come into aggravated contact with the law and less than 10 per
cent will be able to work independently by the age of 21.[69]
Anne Russell of the Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association
(RFFADA) revealed that her son, diagnosed with FAS as an adult, has experienced
‘drug and alcohol addiction; terrible problems at school, including not being
able to learn the way he was taught; suicide attempts; self-harm; depression;
anxiety; psychosis; and bullying’.[70]
Treatment for secondary conditions can be more difficult to access when
transitioning through adolescence. Professor Elliott noted that society has
little capacity to deal with adolescents who have problems with the criminal
justice system, mental health or substance abuse, and indicated that children’s
hospitals usually only treat children up to the age of 16.[71]
Professor Elliott emphasised that:
If you speak to the parents, [adolescence] is when this
condition becomes a major issue for families.[72]
The combination of FASD and secondary symptoms invariably leads to
social and economic problems, further entrenching the individual in a negative
life trajectory. Sue Miers stated that:
Not only did I discover that foetal exposure to alcohol has a
profound impact on child development and behaviour, but I also began to grasp
its links with failed education outcomes, crime statistics and recidivism,
inappropriate sexual behaviour, unemployment, substance abuse and inability to
parent successfully.[73]
NOFASARD explained how people with FASD may react when they are expected
to change their behaviour without an understanding of FASD:
When individuals whose lives are affected by FASD have not
been diagnosed, or are improperly assessed or mis-diagnosed, there is an
expectation and insistence that behaviours change. Anger and frustration
towards self and the community can be an understandable reaction. Criticism and
punishment is a very common experience for this group and can lead to the
development of secondary issues such as the incompletion of schooling, mental
health problems, trouble with the law, unemployment and homelessness, alcohol
and drug problems and a heightened vulnerability to physical, sexual (victim
and/or offender), financial, social and emotional abuse. Isolation and loneliness
can lead to a range of other behaviours such as unsafe relationships including
relationships with violent and unsafe partners.[74]
Anne Russell described in detail how people with FASD could end up
experiencing homelessness, poverty and isolation:
Isolation is a very big thing. When [FASD] is not identified
and the family are unable to support the person, they become homeless or they
are couch surfing or are living in hostels. They are not living in private
rental because they have done it once and they have been blacklisted because
they have not been able to pay rent, or they have had millions of people round
and had parties every night. … They will not actively seek support because they
do not have insight into what they need. I think that is why we have a lot of
people [with FASD] who are homeless but who are not on the Centrelink
allowance, because they cannot plan. They cannot manage that. So there is
isolation from peers only to the extent that they cannot find someone in the
same situation as they are in.[75]
Individuals along the FASD spectrum will each experience a specific set
of symptoms, and each will experience a specific set of secondary conditions
according to the environment they grow up in. It is important to remember that
not all people with FASD will have visible facial characteristics, low IQ,
mental illness, violent behaviour, or substance addiction.
FASD prevalence in Australia
The National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Related
Disorders (NOFASARD) stated that the true incidence and prevalence of FASD in
Australia is currently unknown. They note that children are not routinely
screened in infancy or early childhood, and that data which accurately reflects
estimates of FASD incidence and prevalence in Australia is lacking.[76]
Similarly, the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
and the Australian Women’s Health Network report that FASD is under diagnosed
and under reported in Australia.[77] An estimate provided by
DHHS suggests that at least two per cent of all Australian babies are born with
The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) and the Departments
of Health and Ageing and Families Housing, Community Services and Indigenous
Affairs (FaHCSIA) report that recent research estimates the prevalence of FAS to
be between 0.06 and 0.68 per 1 000 live births. Other experts consider
this to be a significant underestimation.[79] The occurrence of FAS is
a smaller subset of the occurrence of FASD.
FARE reports that among Indigenous Australians, the incidence of FAS is
estimated to be 2.76 and 4.7 per 1 000 births.[80]
A study in far north Queensland estimated a FASD prevalence of
1.5 per cent in the Aboriginal child population, with one Cape York
community having a prevalence of 3.6 per cent.[81]
A comprehensive and detailed incidence study of FASD in Fitzroy Crossing
will soon be released; a recent media report suggested that half of the babies
born in Fitzroy Crossing are born with disabilities from FASD.[82]
Evidence suggests that FAS is presenting in rural and farming families in
Queensland, but there was a lack of acknowledgement around its occurrence.
It was almost a bit like sticking your head in the sand
because ‘that doesn’t happen to our families’.[83]
The Australian National Preventative Health Agency (ANPHA) contends that
there needs to be routine assessment and recording of maternal alcohol use
during pregnancy, education about diagnosis of FASD, and methods for collecting
national data before accurate prevalence rates of FASD can be estimated in
FASD and Indigenous communities
Although data is limited, there are indications that FASD is more
prevalent in Indigenous communities compared to non-Indigenous communities.[85] This finding is consistent with the history
of harmful alcohol consumption in some Indigenous populations. However, it is
likely that FASD is more easily recognised in Indigenous populations than in
some non-Indigenous populations due to the concentration of occurrence in some remote
communities, whereas the occurrence of FASD may be more dispersed across larger
Further, a focus on reducing alcohol consumption and addressing health
issues caused by high rates of alcohol consumption has brought FASD into the
spotlight in some Indigenous communities.
For these reasons, there is more awareness of FASD and thus greater recognition
of its prevalence in some Indigenous communities. FASD is clearly not an
Indigenous specific problem although FASD affects Indigenous communities and culture
in significant and particular ways.[86]
FaHCSIA states that FASD has an impact across the broader community,
although on the basis of the limited evidence available there was a higher
incidence of FASD in some rural and remote Indigenous communities.[87]
Consequently while acknowledging FASD as a whole-of-community issue, the
Department maintains a particular focus on Indigenous communities.[88]
The National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples has registered their
concern regarding the impact of FASD on Indigenous Australians.[89]
Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation described how FASD exists in
its community, explaining it is an issue:
… intertwined with a complex web of interrelated socio-economic
factors, including poverty, alienation, isolation, domestic violence, other
substance-related issues, and decades of the poisoning of culture by alcohol.
Regular, frequent and excessive alcohol consumption is so entrenched in some
places that it has become the norm. This applies to both Indigenous and
non-Indigenous populations.[90]
Rachel Emerson from Wee Care Shared Family Care stated that Indigenous
communities were judged, often very harshly, on the basis of typical FASD
behaviours and health conditions:
… often these children and their difficult and challenging
behaviours or ill health were just blamed on that community. ‘It’s an
Indigenous community. It’s a mission community. There’s bad parenting skills
there.’ … It was just like those communities were so dysfunctional that that
was all we could expect of them. It was a generational thing.[91]
Professor Sven Silburn outlined a study documenting the developmental
state of Indigenous and non-Indigenous children at the time of their entry to
school. The study found very significant disparities between Indigenous and
non-Indigenous children, and these disparities rise substantially for
Indigenous children from remote areas.[92]
Professor Silburn indicated that the study provides valuable linkages to
document the extent of fetal alcohol effects on children’s neurodevelopment.[93]
The Principal of Fitzroy Valley District High School told the Committee
that, on returning to the school after over 10 years away, she observed a
greater number of students who appeared to be affected by fetal alcohol exposure
than was evident previously. However, she acknowledged that this could be an
increase in awareness rather than an increase in numbers.[94]
The Australian Indigenous Doctors Association contended that FASD among Indigenous
people needs to be addressed from a holistic perspective. They noted that the
causes of excessive drinking extend well beyond the circumstances of the
It is the product of a complex
mix of interrelated socio-economic and cultural factors including dispossession
and trans-generational grief, isolation, poverty and trauma.[95]
It is clear that FASD, while not confined to Indigenous communities, is
causing widespread and devastating damage in some Indigenous communities. June
Oscar from the Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre reiterated that FASD is
everyone’s problem:
It is a community issue. Everyone has to get together. Like
we said earlier, it is not an Aboriginal problem; it is for all society. So we
should see it across the board in this country.[96]
Alcohol use in Australian society
Given that the sole cause of FASD is prenatal alcohol exposure,
understanding the use and prevalence of alcohol consumption and its role in
Australian society is critical to formulating national FASD prevention
While many Australians are unaware of the risk of FASD, the contribution
of alcohol to traffic accidents, acts of violence, fatalities, crime and health
problems is well known. Alcohol consumption at social events is widely accepted
and is part of Australian culture and enjoyment. Patterns of alcohol
consumption have changed over recent decades with an increase in young female
FARE argues that FASD does not occur in isolation; it is only one of a
number of harms attributable to alcohol, and it is part of the wider and
complex issue of alcohol use in the community.[97]
The ANPHA consider that in relation to community attitudes, knowledge
and awareness, a comprehensive approach to reducing harmful drinking across the
population is needed.[98]
The following sections consider changing patterns in alcohol consumption
in Australia and factors accompanying these changes such as the increased
availability and promotion of alcohol and decreasing prices.
Patterns of consumption
The National Preventive Health Taskforce identified the significant
role that alcohol plays in contemporary Australian society. Alcohol is part of
celebrations, used to relax at social events, a major export and source of tax
revenue, and is intrinsically part of Australian culture.[99]
Most people do not drink to excess. However, short-term consumption of
alcohol at harmful levels, or binge drinking, while only occasional, is a prominent
feature of Australia’s drinking culture. One in five Australians aged 14 or
older drinks at short-term risky or high-risk levels at least once a month.[100]
The Australia and New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency (ANZPAA) reported
that alcohol is present in a substantial proportion of incidents that police
attend, with around 40 per cent of people detained by police attributing their
offence to alcohol consumption.[101]
In addition, ANZPAA reported that alcohol-related crime is estimated to
cost Australia $1.7b with $750m spent on policing. They reported other research
which indicates that a large proportion of assaults are alcohol-related, with a
significant portion of these ending in hospitalisation.[102]
Professor Ian Webster told the Committee that many people are drinking
in a way which they consider is socially acceptable, but which puts them at high
risk of road traffic accidents, suicide events, mental health problems,
personal violence, and assaults.[103]
Over the past 50 years, total consumption of pure alcohol per capita has
fluctuated. From the early 1960s onwards, apparent consumption[104]
increased steadily, peaking at 13.1 litres of pure alcohol per person in
1974–75. Apparent consumption per capita has appeared to remain steady since
then, varying between 9.8 and 10.6 litres per person. Over the past three
years, data suggests consumption rates have declined to 10.0 litres per person.[105]
However, different data reveals an increase. Professor Tanya Chikritzhs
told the Committee there was a mistaken belief that consumption rates were
flattening or decreasing since the 1990s.[106] This did not factor in the increase in
alcohol content of wine. In 2008-09 the ABS estimates took into account
increased alcohol content of wine over time and indicated that from the
mid-1990s to about 2008-09, consumption was rising.[107]
By world standards, per capita consumption of alcohol in Australia is high
with Australia ranked within the top 30 highest alcohol-consuming nations, out of
a total of 180 countries.[108]
In 2010, among all the states and territories, Queensland had the
largest proportion of people who drink daily and the Australian Capital
Territory had the smallest. Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern
Territory had the highest proportions of males drinking daily, while New South
Wales had the highest proportions of females drinking daily.[109]
Further, the level of apparent consumption of different alcoholic
beverages has changed substantially. There has been a decrease in the
consumption of beer while the consumption of wine has increased. The
consumption of spirits has increased slightly.[110]
In 2010, the type of alcohol that male drinkers aged 14 years or older
drank most often was regular strength beer. In particular, males in the 18-60
year age group preferred regular strength beer. Female drinkers aged 30 years
or older preferred bottled wine.[111]
In contrast, female drinkers aged 20–29 named bottled spirits or
liqueurs as their drink of choice. Pre-mixed spirits are popular amongst
drinkers aged 12–17, especially female drinkers.[112]
Young people
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reported that adolescence
and young adulthood is a peak period for what it describes as heavy episodic
alcohol consumption, with over a third of all people aged 14-19 years having
been at risk of acute alcohol-related harm at least once in the prior 12 months.[113]
Age is an important variable in the health burden caused by alcohol, as
harm from alcohol-related accident or injury is disproportionate among younger
people. Over half of all serious alcohol related road injuries occur among
15–24 year olds.[114]
The usual place where people preferred to drink differed by age group. Of
drinkers aged 14 years or older, 79.1 per cent usually drank alcohol in their
own home. Younger drinkers were more likely to drink alcohol at a private party
than at home (59.2 per cent for those children 12‑15 years and 72.4 per
cent for those aged 16‑17 years). People aged 18‑19 years were more
likely to drink at licensed premises.[115]
There is a perception that excessive alcohol consumption is a male
problem, however there has been a gradual shift towards a social acceptance of
female drinking which has resulted in a diminishing gap in drinking quantity
and style between men and women.[116]
A report on young women’s (aged 18–23 years) drinking found that when it
came to having five or more drinks on one occasion:
- 18 per cent did this
often (once a week or more);
- 21 per cent did this
sometimes (about once a month);
- 32 per cent did this
rarely (less than monthly); and
- 29 per cent never had
five or more drinks on one occasion.[117]
There is evidence that women are at greater risk than men of detrimental
physical, medical, social and psychological effects from at-risk alcohol
consumption.[118] The increase in
drinking patterns amongst sexually active women and especially those who may
engage in unplanned and/or unprotected sex is alarming.
At low levels of drinking there is little difference between men and
women in the risk of alcohol related harm. At higher levels of drinking, the
lifetime risk of alcohol-related disease increases more dramatically for women,
and the lifetime risk of alcohol-related injury increases more dramatically for
Aside from the risks posed by alcohol–related disease and injury,
alcohol can significantly impact the developing brain of young people.
Children’s brains have a significant growth spurt when they are very
young. By the time they are six, their brains are already close to 90–95 per
cent of adult size. However, the brain still requires a degree of remodelling
before it is able to function as an adult brain.[120]
This remodelling happens intensively during adolescence and continues until
into the mid 20s.
Children’s Hospital Boston neuroscientist Frances Jensen commented that
this plasticity is paradoxical. Through this process adolescents are able to
learn and retain significant information; however, the plasticity also makes
them susceptible to negative influences such as alcohol. The process of
addiction uses the same neurochemistry as general learning.
The consequence is that when teens drink or smoke, they are laying down
a lasting sensitivity that can easily lead to addiction.
If a teen’s nervous system sees alcohol or a drug, their
synapses have locked onto that drug and form strong connections that underlie
their affinity for it. … Specific neuronal connections readily form from
exposure to stimuli, like drugs and alcohol, and become irreversibly imprinted
on their brains.[121]
Further, the effect of alcohol can be longer lasting for adolescents.
Alcohol can hamper learning by blocking synapses from sending any signals, and when
alcohol is consumed in excess, it kills vastly more brain cells in teens than
- In the case of binge drinking, this can have longer lasting
If a 17-year-old pounds down Jack Daniels with Uncle Joe, Uncle
Joe will have a wicked hangover, but will function in a few days… But that
teenager has a low threshold for brain injury and may not bounce back 100
Indigenous communities
Levels of alcohol consumption and alcohol consumption patterns are
concerning in many Indigenous communities. While there are a range of
historical and socio-economic contributors to this, the consequence is that
many Indigenous communities are at greater risk of alcohol-related harm.
The National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Committee reported that
Indigenous Australians were 1.4 times more likely than non-Indigenous
Australians to abstain from drinking alcohol, but were also about 1.5 times
more likely to drink alcohol at risky levels for both single occasion and
lifetime harm.[123]
The 2006 NT Alcohol Consumption and Related Attitudes Household Survey results
found that while fewer NT Indigenous than non-Indigenous people aged 18 years
and over consumed alcohol, Indigenous drinkers consumed more than their
non-Indigenous counterparts.[124]
Prue Walker told the Committee that 21.4 per cent of indigenous women
consumed alcohol at risky levels.[125]
From the limited data collected at women’s first antenatal visits, approximately
1 in 8 Indigenous women compared to 1 in 12 non-Indigenous women reported
consuming alcohol. At 36 weeks into a pregnancy, this had fallen to around 8.4
per cent of Indigenous women compared to 4.2 per cent of non-Indigenous women
who continued to consume alcohol.[126]
The grief that has been caused by alcohol in some
Indigenous communities is well documented. Suzi Lodder told of her experience
with Indigenous women who cried about the ‘grog babies’ in their communities,
and expressed anger that no-one had told them beforehand of the dangers to
babies of drinking while pregnant.[127]
Some consider that alcohol and the alcohol industry are destroying
lives. At the 2012 Marninwarntikura Women’s Bush Camp, June Oscar argued that:
The alcohol industry has got a lot to answer for and
governments over the last 200 years have got a lot to answer for in terms of
the survival and the devastation of the right to life of Indigenous peoples in
Australia. How can the government continuously allow for one sector of this
community to destroy people?[128]
Many Indigenous communities have enacted voluntary alcohol restrictions.
Professor Chikritzhs explained that in many instances it was the Indigenous
women in communities who were behind the push to instigate restrictions on
alcohol and on the sale of alcohol from licensed premises.[129]
Pregnant women and alcohol consumption rates
Consumption of alcohol by pregnant women is not measured by the
Australian Bureau of Statistics, however there are several agencies and groups
who have undertaken research into alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
Studies indicate that the majority of women either reduce consumption or
abstain during pregnancy. The 2010 National Drug Strategy Household Survey by
the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reported that 48.7 per cent of
pregnant women reduced their alcohol consumption but still continued to drink
and 48.9 per cent abstained. The remaining percentage of women either drank the
same or more.[130]
These figures represented an increase from 2007 in the number of women
who abstained from drinking while pregnant and breastfeeding.[131]
However, the study indicates that a high number of women continue to
drink, albeit at reduced levels, during pregnancy. Dr Colleen O’Leary suggested
that a higher proportion of women continue to drink while pregnant. She provided
evidence arguing that societal tolerance of drinking in Australia has carried
through to acceptance of drinking during pregnancy and suggested that around
50–60 per cent of Australian women continue to consume alcohol during pregnancy.[132]
Table 2.1 Rates of drinking alcohol in pregnancy by maternal age and socioeconomic status
Drank alcohol during pregnancy
of observations
Mother's age at birth of child
Under 25 years
25-29 years
30-34 years
35-39 years
40 years or older
Family socio-economic position
Lowest 25%
Middle 25%
Highest 25%
Source Adapted from Table 11.5
Drinking alcohol and cigarette smoking, by maternal age at birth and by family
socio-economic position, B cohort, Wave 1,
A different study indicated that over a third of women continued to
drink. The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children: Annual
statistical report 2010 by the Australian Institute of Family Studies found
that 38 per cent of women drank alcohol while pregnant.[133]
This study found that pregnant older mothers were more likely to report
drinking alcohol at some stage during pregnancy. Women who were 40 years or
older when their child was born were more than twice as likely as women under
25 years to report drinking while pregnant.[134]
Further it was found that alcohol consumption at some stage during the
pregnancy was more likely as a family’s socio–economic position increased.[135]
Table 2.1 provides more detailed data on consumption of alcohol during
pregnancy against age and socio-economic position.
Dr O’Leary provided statistics on women binge drinking during pregnancy.
Figures range from 4 to 20 per cent of non-Indigenous pregnant women reporting
binge drinking, and 22 per cent of Indigenous women.[136]
Dr Gurmeet Singh reported on her work with the Aboriginal Birth Cohort
Study, a project tracking the health of over 600 Indigenous people from birth
in the Northern Territory.[137] In 1987, when the study
commenced, the rate of drinking in pregnancy of the mothers of the cohort was
11 per cent. When the cohort was seen at 18 years of age, a third of the girls
had already had babies and 30 per cent of them had consumed alcohol during
Reasons pregnant women continue to consume alcohol
While alcohol consumption places the fetus at risk of FASD, there are many
reasons why women may continue to consume alcohol while pregnant. Evidence to
the inquiry suggests four key contributing factors:
- A woman may be
unaware she is pregnant, especially in the early weeks;
- Lack of awareness
regarding the impact on the developing fetus of alcohol consumption;
- Trauma factors which
contribute to a woman’s emotional and/or physical dependency on alcohol; and
- A cultural context
which does not support a woman to stop drinking when pregnant.
Nearly half of all pregnancies are unplanned.[139]
Consequently, many women may consume alcohol during the early weeks of a pregnancy
because they do not realize that they are pregnant.[140]
As outlined earlier in the chapter, following differentiation in the third week
of pregnancy, cells undergo rapid development and are highly susceptible to
damage from exposure to alcohol at this stage.
The increasing rates of regular drinking and binge drinking in young
women[141] can result in serious
risk to the developing fetus, before the women is aware she is pregnant and so
able to make a choice whether to abstain from alcohol.
A further reason why women may continue to consume alcohol later into
the pregnancy is lack of awareness regarding the risk of harm.
Lack of awareness appears widespread across the population. A recent
national study on women’s awareness of the risks from alcohol consumption
during pregnancy found that one in three women of child bearing age were not
aware of any adverse effects of alcohol consumption in pregnancy. Of those
women who were aware of adverse effects, many could not name any specific
In addition, research indicates that some of the predictors of alcohol
consumption during pregnancy are a woman’s age, past pregnancy and current
alcohol consumption, as well as attitudes towards alcohol consumption during
Amongst this population, lack of awareness regarding the risks of
alcohol consumption can be in part attributed to changing health messages. Over
the last two decades in Australia, there has not been a consistent health
message regarding the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy (the national
pregnancy health guidelines are discussed further in the following chapter).
Indeed for older women who are not bearing their first child, they are likely
to have been previously advised that small quantities of alcohol or drinking in
moderation was not harmful to the developing fetus.
Trauma or distress, which may lead a woman to develop an emotional or
physical dependency on alcohol, is shown to be a risk indicator for women who
continue to drink while pregnant. The ADCA explained that a history of abuse,
poor psychological wellbeing, use of other drugs, having a substance-using
partner, and not viewing alcohol as potentially harmful can contribute to
alcohol intake during pregnancy.[144]
Renee McAllister from ACT for Kids explained that there are many
contributors to why someone may drink in pregnancy, such as low levels of
emotional health, domestic violence, childhood trauma and lack of financial
stability.[145] She stressed that in
these situations it is not as simple as telling someone ‘Don’t drink or you
might harm your child’.[146]
Vicki Russell from NOFASARD told the Committee that:
Where you are talking about women with risky drinking, you
are also talking about histories that may be marked with a whole range of precedents,
trauma and poverty.[147]
Anne Russell suggested that:
It would be a very unusual woman who actually deliberately
did it. I am sure there are, but we are talking about the majority. The
majority do not set out to hurt their children. They drink either because they
are not aware of the full impact on their child and their family or because
they are in a situation of domestic violence where they just cannot get out of
that cycle of drinking. There is a reason and we need to find out what the
reason is …[148]
The Australian Women’s Health Network and Top End Mental Health provided
evidence indicating that poverty is a major factor in maternal alcohol use in
women, with the consumption of harmful levels of alcohol used as a coping
mechanism in dealing with a history of despair, trauma, abuse and stress.[149]
Similarly, the Kimberley Population Health Unit (KPHU) outlined reasons
why Indigenous women may drink. These include a history of physical or sexual
abuse, grief, addiction, low self-esteem, fear, shame, and loss of culture and
a sense of identity. They suggested many women in these situations of trauma drink
to get drunk and numb their emotions and feelings.[150]
The Telethon Institute provided results of a study that identified multiple
reasons why Indigenous women may drink in pregnancy including stress,
role-modelling, intergenerational effects of alcohol consumption in pregnancy
and the partner’s behaviour.[151]
In Broome, the Committee heard that 70 per cent of pregnant women who
drink have a history of mental health issues, violence and trauma. Melissa
Williams explained that:
…they do not drink to deliberately harm their unborn babies and
that there is a reason why women, and men, are drinking to excess. We have got
to look at the mental health issues, self-esteem, grief, sexual and physical
abuse, domestic violence, and all the socioeconomic factors that are related to
poverty and disempowerment that are causing these problems in the community.[152]
For some women, alcohol consumption is part of the cultural context in
which they reside. Evidence suggests that amongst some sectors of youth
culture, binge and/or regular drinking is an expected part of socialising.
Consumption patterns of young women have increased, especially for young women
living in regional areas. These changes in drinking behaviour are accompanied
by greater sexual activity at an earlier age amongst young women, thereby
increasing the risk of unplanned pregnancies and potentially babies born with
Similarly, in some Indigenous communities where there are high levels of
alcohol consumption and social dysfunction, drinking is the expected and
accepted behaviour.
Arlene Manado, a Community Midwife in Broome, described drinking as so
much a part of family life that in some Indigenous communities you would be
seen as being unusual if you did not participate.[153]
Professor John Boulton told the Committee that in Indigenous culture,
where relationships have a profound importance, refusing a drink has a
particular significance. He stated that:
[There is] the profound importance of my relationship to you
as my cousin. Therefore, if I say to you, ‘No, I’m not going to have a drink,’
you will say, ‘You’re going gudiya[154]way’—which is profoundly
insulting. It is much more insulting than ‘You don’t support Essendon’ or whatever.[155]
Alcohol consumption patterns amongst youth and in some Indigenous
communities are often high, increasing the risks of FASD. However, amongst
other sectors of the population with lower overall consumption patterns, there
is evidence of cultural expectations which make it more difficult for a woman
to abstain from drinking while pregnant.
For example, women with higher education are more likely to consume
alcohol while pregnant.[156] It is suggested that
women in this category may be accustomed to enjoying alcohol in moderation at
social events, or in the context of an evening meal. Where the customary
behaviour has been for alcohol to be an accepted part of social life or
relaxation, women may not change their daily or social patterns without a clear
cultural shift in community attitudes to support them to do so.
There are factors which may influence a women’s decision to consume
alcohol while pregnant. The following chapter discusses prevention measures to
increase awareness of the risks of FASD, to foster changes in drinking
behaviours and the decisions made by pregnant women, and to support attitudinal
changes across the broader community.