Chapter 5 Fuel cycle multilateralisation
While treaty-based commitments, notably the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and its associated verification
measures, form the key institutional elements of the nuclear non-proliferation
regime, these are complimented by a number of other institutional and technical
measures aimed at providing assurance that the peaceful use of nuclear energy
does not contribute to the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
A set of institutional proposals which would multilateralise sensitive
stages of the nuclear fuel cycle are among the complimentary initiatives now
receiving considerable attention by governments. These institutional proposals
are examined in this chapter.
While proposals to multilateralise the fuel cycle have been advocated on
several occasions since the 1940s, the principal concern driving renewed
interest in these concepts is whether the expected expansion of nuclear energy programs
world wide—the so-called nuclear renaissance—will lead to a much wider spread
of proliferation-sensitive nuclear technologies, which are capable of producing
fissile materials suitable for use in weapons.
For Dr Yuri Yudin, Senior Researcher at the United Nations Institute for
Disarmament Research (UNIDR):
The revival of interest in nuclear power could result in the
worldwide dissemination of uranium enrichment and spent fuel reprocessing
technologies, which present obvious risks of proliferation as these
technologies can produce fissile materials that are directly usable in nuclear
weapons—high enriched uranium and separated plutonium.[1]
The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), among a range
of submitters, concurred with this view:
The growing distribution and quantities of
nuclear bomb making material—plutonium and highly enriched uranium—around the
globe, dramatically increases the risk that these materials will be illicitly
acquired … for use in a crude nuclear weapon. The challenge of securing weapons
useable nuclear materials will continue to grow with the anticipated expansion
of nuclear power and related fuel cycle facilities.[2]
Dr Hans Blix submitted that:
If reliance on nuclear power increases, as is expected, the
need for a greater production of low-enriched uranium fuel and for the disposal
of spent fuel can be anticipated. This must occur in a manner that does not
increase the risks of proliferation and the diversion of nuclear materials.[3]
For the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian
Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, the potential for the spread of proliferation-sensitive
nuclear technologies requires an international response to address issues
n how to reduce the
availability of sensitive nuclear technology for misuse now or in the future;
n how to ensure that
states with nuclear power programs have a secure and reliable supply of fuel,
so they have a viable alternative to developing national enrichment or
reprocessing capabilities.[4]
Proliferation implications of the global expansion of nuclear power
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), as at August
2009 there were 436 nuclear power reactors operating in 30 countries, with 52
reactors under construction world wide.[5] The Australian Bureau of
Agricultural and Resources Economics states that 64 reactors will be
commissioned over the next six years, with growth concentrated in China, the
Russian Federation and India.[6]
On the other hand, a report commissioned by the German Government paints
a more conservative picture, stating that after 2015 old reactors will be
decommissioned at a greater rate than new projects will be coming online.[7]
In a research paper commissioned by the International Commission on
Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (ICNND), Ms Martine Letts and Ms Fiona
Cunningham argued that the proliferation risk of the expansion in civil nuclear
energy is determined by three factors:
n whether the expansion
takes place in existing nuclear power states or new nuclear power states;
n the geostrategic
contexts of the countries acquiring nuclear technology for the first time; and
n the nature of the
technologies acquired.[8]
While 80 per cent of the growth in nuclear capacity is forecast to occur
in countries that already operate reactors, evidence suggested that over the
decades ahead numerous countries propose to introduce nuclear power:
n The OECD Nuclear
Energy Agency (OECD-NEA) states that 25 countries that do not currently use
nuclear energy have either announced plans or are considering building nuclear
power plants. Of these, six countries have firm plans to build a total of some
16 reactors: Vietnam, Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, Belarus and the United Arab
Emirates. The other countries are: Thailand, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Egypt, Ghana,
Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Namibia, Nigeria,
Oman, the Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Venezuela and Yemen.[9]
n The IAEA reported in
2008 that 51 countries had expressed interest in the possible introduction of
nuclear power over the previous two years, with 12 countries actively preparing
for nuclear power.[10] In July 2009, the Agency
reported that 60 countries are now considering nuclear power and 20 countries
may introduce by 2030.
Former Senator Bob Graham, Chair of the US Congressional Commission on
Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, argued that:
Today, there are some 20 or 25 countries that are considering
either expanding existing civilian nuclear or starting a civilian nuclear
plant. We are concerned that if that is not accompanied by some appropriate
security steps that that becomes another vulnerability for the leakage of
nuclear material into the hands of terrorists.[11]
The Commission’s report, World at Risk, warned that:
Concern about the spread of nuclear weapons intensifies with
the possibility of a large increase in nuclear power production to meet growing
energy demands—a nuclear renaissance. As additional countries acquire nuclear
facilities—particularly if they build uranium enrichment or reprocessing
facilities … the number of states possessing the knowledge and capability to
‘break out’ and produce nuclear weapons will increase significantly. This also
increases the risk that such materials could be diverted to, or stolen by,
terrorist groups.[12]
Senator Graham also observed that as the nuclear renaissance progresses
and more nuclear facilities are built, the resources of the IAEA will be placed
under greater strain than they currently are.[13]
Similarly, the Hon Gareth Evans AO QC remarked that:
An expansion of civil nuclear energy—a dramatic
expansion—even if oil prices stay as low as they are now, is a significant
reality for the future. It is very important that we do not multiply
proliferation risks associated with that expansion …[14]
Proliferation-sensitive nuclear technologies
As noted in the preceding section and in the discussion of the Fissile
Material Cut-off Treaty, production of nuclear weapons requires a sufficient
quantity of fissile material with a suitable isotopic composition, combined
with the necessary technical capability. The fissile material required to
construct nuclear weapons would need to be either highly enriched uranium or
The two technologies currently utilised in the civil nuclear fuel cycle which
have the potential to produce weapons-usable material, and are thus considered proliferation-sensitive
nuclear technologies (SNT), are uranium enrichment and the separation of
plutonium as part of the reprocessing of used nuclear fuel. The place of these
technologies in the nuclear fuel cycle is illustrated in figure 5.1.
The civil nuclear fuel cycle refers collectively to the industrial
activities associated with the generation of power from nuclear reactions. The
main stages in the fuel cycle are:
n mining and milling of
uranium ore;
n uranium conversion;
n uranium enrichment;
n fuel fabrication;
n fission of the fuel
in a reactor for the generation of power, or production of radioisotopes (for
medical, industrial or research purposes);
n interim storage of
used fuel;
n reprocessing of the
used fuel; and
n management and
disposal of wastes.[15]
The ‘front end’ of the fuel cycle refers to those stages involved in the
preparation of the fuel, while the ‘back end’ refers to those stages concerning
the management, storage, and either reprocessing or long-term disposal of used
Figure 5.1 The civil nuclear fuel cycle

Source International
Atomic Energy Agency
Uranium enrichment
As noted in chapter three, uranium enrichment is achieved through the
implementation of complex processes of nuclear physics to increase the
proportion of the fissile isotope uranium-235 (U-235) in a given quantity of
uranium and decreasing that of the far more abundant U-238 isotope. Enriched
uranium is uranium in which the proportion of U-235 has been concentrated above
the 0.71 per cent found in nature. This process requires a uranium enrichment
facility and enriched uranium is a critical component for both civil nuclear
power generation and nuclear weapons.
For the operation of the most common type of power reactor—the light
water reactor—the proportion of U-235 must be increased typically to between
three and five per cent U-235. This is described as low enriched uranium (LEU),
with the upper limit of the LEU category set at approximately 20 per cent
U-235. Uranium in which the U-235 content is above 20 per cent is referred to
as highly enriched uranium (HEU).
While nuclear weapons have been made from HEU at approximately 80 per
cent enrichment, ‘weapons-grade’ uranium is defined as having an enrichment
level of 90 per cent and above.[16] Importantly, there is no
technological barrier between the production of LEU and HEU—weapon grade
material can be produced with the same enrichment equipment that otherwise is
used to produce LEU for civilian power generation.[17]
The IAEA defines HEU as a ‘direct use material’; that is, ‘nuclear
material that can be used for the manufacture of nuclear explosive devices
without transmutation or further enrichment.’ The Agency also defines the approximate
amount of HEU for which the possibility of manufacturing a nuclear explosive
device cannot be excluded—the ‘significant quantity’—as being 25 kilograms.[18]
Two enrichment processes are in large scale commercial use at
present—gaseous diffusion and gas centrifuge technologies. There are four
principal enrichment suppliers in the world (Areva, Tenex, Urenco and USEC),
with commercial enrichment facilities in six countries—France, Germany, the
Netherlands, the Russian Federation, the UK and the US. In addition, China and
Japan have large enrichment facilities, which are used to satisfy domestic
demand; Brazil is currently commissioning a commercial-scale facility; Pakistan
operates a plant for military purposes and is planning a new civil enrichment
facility; and Argentina operates a pilot plant. Including Iran, a total of 13
countries operate enrichment facilities and 15 commercial-scale enrichment
plants are in operation worldwide today.[19]
The safeguards status of all commercial-scale enrichment facilities that
are currently in operation, being commissioned, under construction or planned are
listed in appendix F.
Two centrifuge plants are currently under construction in the US (Urenco
Eunice, New Mexico and USEC Piketon, Ohio). In addition, Areva recently applied
for a license to build a third US centrifuge plant (Eagle Rock, Idaho). Areva
is also replacing the existing gaseous diffusion plant in France with a new
centrifuge plant (George Besse II). All these new plants will be offered for
IAEA safeguards.[20]
Nevertheless, very few if any of these new large-scale plants in the
weapon states will apparently be selected for safeguards due to IAEA budget
constraints. The IAEA is also not officially involved in discussions with the
future operators of these plants, which could facilitate implementation of
safeguards at a later stage.[21]
The potential for enrichment facilities to be misused to produce uranium
sufficiently enriched so that it could be used for weapons is of great concern:
Even a relatively small enrichment plant with the capacity to
enrich uranium to fuel a single standard nuclear power reactor provides the
capability to produce annually enough highly enriched uranium for a significant
number of weapons. In the case of centrifuge facilities, and in contrast to
other enrichment processes, conversion to military use can be done rather
quickly. The fact that such plants are also easy to conceal, and thus could be
built clandestinely, adds to the concern. This prospect is seen as a challenge
to the non-proliferation regime …[22]
While the outlook for enrichment capacity and the economic justification
for new enrichment facilities is unclear, some evidence suggested that ‘[n]ot
very many new enrichment plants will be needed in the next two decades’ and
A very significant fraction (at least 75%, and up to 100%) of
the future demand of enrichment services will be covered by enrichment plants
that already exist today, are currently being expanded, and under
construction or planned.[23]
The IAEA and the WNA report that total world enrichment capacity
currently exceeds demand by a significant margin.[24]
However, the Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office noted that
‘[a]n increase in global enrichment capacity will be needed from as early as
the coming decade.’[25]
Other than those countries noted above, which have plants under
construction or planned, no additional states currently have plans to construct
commercial enrichment plants, although Argentina, Brazil and South Africa ‘have
the capacity and so far insist on the right to do so in future.’[26]
Plutonium separation (reprocessing of used fuel)
Plutonium is produced in the fuel of all uranium-fuelled reactors, but
is retained within used fuel unless separated through a chemical process known
as reprocessing. To obtain separated plutonium requires both a reactor and a
reprocessing (or plutonium extraction) facility.
Reprocessing is undertaken in the civil fuel cycle in order to recycle
uranium and plutonium into fresh reactor fuel.
The predominant uranium isotope U-238 is described as ‘fertile’; that
is, when irradiated in a reactor it can capture a neutron and transform into a
new element, plutonium (Pu). The initial plutonium isotope formed is Pu-239,
which is fissile. Higher irradiation levels, usually equating to longer periods
in the reactor, result in additional neutron capture, producing higher plutonium
isotopes, e.g. Pu-240. Increased irradiation also produces quantities of a
lower plutonium isotope, Pu-238.
Plutonium-239 is the plutonium isotope of primary interest for nuclear
weapons. Plutonium-238 and the plutonium isotopes higher than Pu-239 have
properties which present technical difficulties for weapons use (high
spontaneous fission rate, radiation and heat levels). ‘Weapons grade’ plutonium
is defined as comprising no more than seven per cent of the isotope Pu-240;
that is, around 93 per cent Pu‑239.
The IAEA defines all plutonium, except for plutonium containing 80 per cent
or more of Pu-238, as direct use material and identifies the significant
quantity as being eight kilograms.[27] This effectively defines
any plutonium discharged from commercial nuclear reactors as direct use
According to the International Panel on Fissile Materials, the global
stockpile of separated plutonium is currently about 500 tonnes, divided almost
equally between civilian and military stocks.[28]
Dr Richard L Garwin, a long-term consultant on nuclear weapon design and
testing for the US Los Alamos National Laboratory and the author of the design
used in the first hydrogen bomb, submitted that while there are impediments to
using reactor grade Pu for weapons and no nation is likely to prefer reactor
grade Pu for its weapons, it is possible nonetheless:
Virtually any combination of plutonium isotopes … can be used
to make a nuclear weapon. Not all combinations, however, are equally convenient
or efficient.
… it would be quite possible for a potential proliferator to
make a nuclear explosive device from reactor-grade plutonium using a simple
design that would be assured of a yield in the range of one to a few kilotons,
and more using an advanced design. Theft of separated plutonium whether
weapons-grade or reactor-grade, would pose a grave security risk.[29]
The currently established reprocessing technology is known as PUREX
(Plutonium and Uranium Recovery by Extraction). Spent fuel is dissolved and the
resulting solution is separated into three streams—unused uranium, plutonium
and fission products (waste).[30]
Reprocessing plants for civilian used fuel operate at present in France,
the UK, India, the Russian Federation and Japan, with other commercial-scale
facilities also operating in Israel and Pakistan.[31]
The safeguards status of commercial-scale reprocessing facilities that
are in operation, under construction, on standby or deferred and their type
(military, civilian or dual use) is listed in appendix G.
In addition to the commercial-scale facilities, smaller scale
reprocessing facilities (e.g. laboratories or pilot plants) are located in
Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
(DPRK), Germany, India, Italy and Norway. However, according to the IAEA, only
the pilot plant in India is currently operational and China’s pilot plant is
Other than the Japanese Rokkasho plant, no state currently has firm
plans to construct a commercial reprocessing facility. However, the
anticipation of growth in nuclear energy has revived interest in reprocessing.
For instance, renewed US support for reprocessing as a method of disposing of
waste has led to cooperation with South Korea on new reprocessing techniques.[33]
Used fuel reprocessing has been deployed by few countries to date, and
mainly for military purposes. With the exception of Pakistan, all official, de
facto and suspected nuclear-weapon states used reprocessing technology to
produce plutonium for their nuclear weapons. Only India, Pakistan, possibly
Israel (and now also possibly the DPRK) are believed to be producing fissile
materials (Pu or HEU) for nuclear weapons.[34]
While the Committee’s evidence did not contain forecasts for the reprocessing
capacity that may be needed to meet the requirements of an expansion in nuclear
energy use, an independent Commission appointed by the Director General of the
IAEA, to examine the role of the Agency to 2020 and beyond, came to the
following conclusion on this question in its report Reinforcing the Global
Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity:
The economics of complex and sensitive nuclear fuel-cycle
facilities (for uranium enrichment or spent fuel reprocessing) do not
warrant a multiplication of these facilities. They rather call for establishing
large-scale multinational facilities in a limited number of locations that are
optimized to respond to worldwide needs.[35]
The Commission went on to conclude that:
Countries that choose to develop nuclear energy without
investing in such facilities must be assured at all times they will be able to
obtain the necessary supplies to operate their reactors over the long term.[36]
Proposals to limit the spread of sensitive technologies
To limit the spread of SNT, institutional impediments to proliferation
have been proposed which include multilateralising sensitive stages of the fuel
cycle and nuclear fuel supply assurances. While these proposals are the subject
of this chapter, other institutional impediments to nuclear proliferation
n the IAEA’s safeguards
measures, which have been considered in the previous chapter;
n interdiction activities
of the Proliferation Security Initiative; and
n national controls on
the supply of nuclear materials, equipment and technology, including through
the export guidelines developed by the Nuclear Suppliers Group.
In addition, technical measures for proliferation resistance—the development
of proliferation-resistant fuel cycle technologies—are also being developed, notably
by the two major international programs working in this area—the
IAEA’s International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles
(INPRO) and the Generation IV International Forum (GIF).[37]
The Hon Gareth Evans AO QC stated that development of
proliferation-resistant technologies and nuclear industry codes of conduct were
important elements, alongside the various institutional impediments, to
ensuring that expansion of civil nuclear energy does not multiply proliferation
dangers. These other factors will be examined by the ICNND.[38]
Sensitive technology export controls — the role of the Nuclear Suppliers
Since 1978 the international system to regulate nuclear trade has been
managed by the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). These states have agreed to rules
for the export of critical nuclear material, equipment and technology,
including the requirement for full-scope IAEA safeguards.
In February 2004 US President George Bush proposed that the NSG should
refuse transfers of SNT to any state not already possessing full-scale
enrichment or reprocessing facilities. To date, this proposal has not been
taken up by the NSG. However, the NSG guidelines do encourage a move away from
transfers of new national enrichment and reprocessing facilities, stating that:
Suppliers should exercise restraint in the transfer of
sensitive facilities, technology and material usable for nuclear weapons or
other nuclear explosive devices. If enrichment or reprocessing facilities,
equipment or technology are to be transferred, suppliers should encourage
recipients to accept, as an alternative to national plants, supplier
involvement and/or other appropriate multinational participation in resulting
facilities. Suppliers should also promote international (including IAEA)
activities concerned with multinational regional fuel cycle centres.[39]
Successive G-8 Summits have agreed that SNT will not be supplied to
states that may seek to use them for weapons purposes, or allow them to fall
into terrorist hands. The G-8 agreed that the export of such items should occur
only pursuant to criteria consistent with global non-proliferation norms and to
those states rigorously committed to these norms. These criteria are now being
developed in the NSG.
The NSG has been discussing possible criteria for supply of SNT but has
not yet reached agreement. Details are kept confidential, but the Australian
Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office suggests that possible criteria could
n the state’s
non-proliferation and safeguards record, including whether it has an Additional
Protocol in place;
n whether there is a
clear rationale for the proposed project in terms of energy requirements and
n whether the project
will be wholly national or involves others, e.g. through multination/regional
arrangements; and
n whether the project
has any implications for international/regional security and stability.[40]
Several submitters recommended tighter controls on the export of SNT.[41]
Senator Bob Graham expressed concern about the export of nuclear
technologies to countries which do not have the experience or regulatory
structures in place to manage the facilities, and thus increasing the potential
for proliferation.[42]
The rationale for fuel cycle multilateralisation
The multilateralisation concepts proposed to date fall broadly into one
of two categories—fuel supply assurances, or approaches where sensitive
facilities are placed under some form of multinational control.
The rationale for these various approaches is as follows:
Multilateral arrangements are generally aimed at
denationalizing sensitive fuel cycle activities by placing decisions on the
operation of nuclear facilities, as well as on the disposition of their
products, in the hands of a number of nations or international organizations
rather than individual states. If appropriately arranged, these arrangements
appear to meet energy security concerns by providing participants with a legal
and economic stake in the supply system, and to meet non-proliferation concerns
by limiting the spread and the number of sensitive facilities, thus reducing
the likelihood of break-out, diversion or theft.[43]
Of the second group of proposals, Dr Alexander Glaser notes that:
Advocates of multinational approaches envisioning fuel cycle
facilities that are not under purely national control—and
possibly located outside the countries of the current supplier states—hope that
such arrangements would make an important contribution to re-establishing
confidence in the NPT and be sufficient to discourage additional states to
develop enrichment and reprocessing technologies. Some proposals even envision
a fuel cycle, in which the existence of facilities under national control has
been abandoned altogether.[44]
The key benefits claimed for the multilateral approaches are that they:
… could ensure that the benefits of nuclear energy are made
available to all states that seek them, while strengthening the
non-proliferation regime and ensuring safe and secure management of the fuel
The OECD-NEA contends that:
The fundamental non-proliferation benefit of such approaches
is that a multilateral undertaking carried out by staff from many countries
will place all participants under greater scrutiny from their partners and
The independent Commission appointed by the IAEA Director General
concluded that increasing the multilateral or international ownership and
control of enrichment and reprocessing would:
… significantly contribute to international non-proliferation
efforts and allow more countries to take part in owning and profiting from such
facilities without spreading sensitive dual-use technologies.[47]
The historical context to multilateral proposals
Initiatives to limit national control over SNT and to place these
technologies under the control of multinational bodies, or similar arrangements,
have been proposed on three separate occasions over the past 60 years.
The first such initiative was the Baruch Plan, which was proposed by the
US Government to the UN Atomic Energy Commission in June 1946. The Plan proposed
that states transfer national ownership and control over dangerous civilian
nuclear activities and nuclear materials to an ‘International Atomic
Development Authority’. The Baruch Plan was largely based on the Report on
the International Control of Atomic Energy—the so-called ‘Acheson-Lilienthal’
report—which was authored by US scientists associated with the Manhattan
Project and published in March 1946.[48] However, this first
proposal foundered on the efforts by states to obtain national control over
nuclear technology which accompanied the advent of the Cold War.[49]
With India having conducted a nuclear test in 1974, multilateral approaches
received renewed attention when their evaluation was mandated by the first NPT
Review Conference in 1975. This led to the establishment by the IAEA of the
International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation (INFCE) project, a three-year study
launched in 1977, and a Regional Nuclear Fuel Cycle Centres study. Among other
issues, the INFCE addressed the possibility of regional fuel cycle facilities
and prospects for multilateral cooperation on plutonium storage. However, consensus
on the various initiatives that were proposed during this period could not be
reached because states were unwilling to renounce sovereign control over
nuclear technology and fuel.[50]
The discovery of Iraq’s secret weapons program in 1991, the exposure of
the AQ Khan network trading in uranium enrichment technology, and the
weaknesses in a non-proliferation regime relying on technical safeguards and
export controls that these incidents exposed, stimulated renewed interest in
fuel cycle multilateralisation.
Arguing that nuclear-weapons technologies are now far more difficult to
control than in the past, the Director General of the IAEA warned in an article
which appeared in the The Economist in October 2003 that:
Should a state with a fully developed fuel-cycle capability
decide, for whatever reason, to break away from its non-proliferation
commitments, most experts believe it could produce a nuclear weapon within a
matter of months.
In 1970, it was assumed that relatively few countries knew
how to acquire nuclear weapons. Now, with 35-40 countries in the know by some
estimates, the margin of security under the current non-proliferation regime is
becoming too slim for comfort. We need a new approach.[51]
To address the challenge, Dr ElBaradei reintroduced the concept of fuel
cycle multilateralisation, proposing that:
… it is time to limit the processing of weapon-usable
material (separated plutonium and high-enriched uranium) in civilian nuclear
programmes, as well as the production of new material through reprocessing and
enrichment, by agreeing to restrict these operations exclusively to facilities
under multinational control. These limitations would need to be accompanied by
proper rules of transparency and, above all, by an assurance that legitimate
would-be users could get their supplies.[52]
Then, in June 2004, Dr ElBaradei appointed an international Expert Group
to consider ‘possible multilateral approaches to the civilian nuclear fuel
cycle’. The Expert Group’s report, released in February 2005, discussed three broad
types of multilateral options:
n assurances of
services not involving ownership of facilities;
n conversion of
existing national facilities to multinational facilities; and
n construction of new
joint facilities.[53]
Based on these broad options, the report suggested five different ‘multilateral
nuclear approaches’ (MNA) that could be gradually introduced over time:
1. Reinforcing
existing commercial market mechanisms on a case-by-case basis
through long-term contracts and transparent suppliers’ arrangements with
government backing. Examples would be: fuel leasing and fuel take-back offers,
commercial offers to store and dispose of spent fuel, as well as commercial
fuel banks.
2. Developing
and implementing international supply guarantees with IAEA
participation. Different models should be investigated, notably with the IAEA
as guarantor of
service supplies, e.g. as administrator of a fuel bank.
3. Promoting
voluntary conversion of existing facilities to MNAs, and pursuing them
as confidence-building measures, with the participation of NPT
non-nuclear weapon states and nuclear-weapon states, and non-NPT states.
4. Creating,
through voluntary agreements and contracts, multinational, and in particular
regional, MNAs for new facilities based on joint ownership, drawing
rights or co-management for front-end and back-end nuclear facilities, such as
uranium enrichment; fuel reprocessing; disposal and storage of spent fuel (and
combinations thereof). Integrated nuclear power parks would also serve this
5. The
development of a nuclear fuel cycle with stronger multilateral arrangements—by
region or by continent—and for broader cooperation, involving the IAEA
and the international community.[54]
The Twelve Proposals
Since the release of the Expert Group’s report in 2005, 12 concepts for
fuel cycle multilateralisation have been proposed by various governments,
industry groups and non-government organisations. Most of the proposals can be
categorised under one of the five suggested MNA approaches identified by the
Expert Group.
Listed in chronological order below are brief summaries of the 12 proposals.[55]
The proposals are also summarised in appendix H, which identifies to which of
the five multilateral approaches, proposed by the Expert Group described above,
each of the concepts broadly corresponds.
1. Reserve
of Nuclear Fuel
Proposed by the United States
of America, September 2005. The US announced at the 49th regular session of
the General Conference of the IAEA in September 2005 that it would commit up to
17 tonnes of HEU to be down-blended to LEU ‘to support assurance of reliable
fuel supplies for states that forego enrichment and reprocessing’.[56]
2. Global
Nuclear Power Infrastructure
Proposed by the Russian
Federation, January 2006. Vladimir Putin, then President of the Russian
Federation, outlined a proposal to create ‘a global infrastructure that will
give all interested countries equal access to nuclear energy, while stressing reliable
compliance with the requirements of the non-proliferation regime’, including
the ‘creation of a system of international centres providing nuclear fuel cycle
services, including enrichment, on a non-discriminatory basis and under the
control of the IAEA’ as a key element in developing this new infrastructure.[57]
3. Global
Nuclear Energy Partnership
Proposed by the United States
of America, February 2006. The US announced the Global Nuclear Energy
Partnership (GNEP) as ‘a comprehensive strategy to increase US and global
energy security, encourage clean development around the world, reduce the risk
of nuclear proliferation, and improve the environment’. One of the elements of
GNEP is a proposed ‘Fuel Services program to enable nations to acquire nuclear
energy economically while limiting proliferation risks. Under GNEP, a consortium
of nations with advanced nuclear technologies would ensure that countries who
agree to forgo their own investments in enrichment and reprocessing
technologies will have reliable access to nuclear fuel’.[58]
4. Ensuring
Security of Supply in the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Proposed by the World Nuclear
Association, May 2006. A World Nuclear Association (WNA) Working Group on
Security of the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle, including representatives of
the four principal commercial enrichment companies, proposed a three level mechanism
to assure uranium enrichment services: (a) basic supply security provided by
the existing world market, (b) collective guarantees by enrichment companies
supported by governmental and IAEA commitments, and (c) government stocks of
enriched uranium product.[59]
5. Multilateral
Mechanism for Reliable Access to Nuclear Fuel
Proposed by France, Germany,
the Netherlands, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United
States of America, June 2006. The six enrichment service supplier states
proposed essentially two levels of enrichment assurance beyond the normally
operating market. At the ‘basic assurances’ level, suppliers of enriched
uranium would agree to substitute for each other in the case of certain supply
interruptions to customer states that have ‘chosen to obtain suppliers on the international
market and not to pursue sensitive fuel cycle activities’. At the ‘reserves’
level, participating governments could provide physical or virtual reserves of
LEU that would be made available if the ‘basic assurances’ were to fail.[60]
Standby Arrangements System
Proposed by Japan, September
2006. Japan proposed an information system to help prevent interruptions in
nuclear fuel supplies. The system, to be managed by the IAEA, would disseminate
information contributed voluntarily by IAEA member states on their national
capacities for uranium ore, uranium reserves, uranium conversion, uranium
enrichment and fuel fabrication. The proposal is described by Japan as
complementary to the concept for reliable access to nuclear fuel (proposal number
five, above).[61]
Nuclear Fuel Reserve (‘Nuclear Fuel Bank’ Proposal)
Proposed by the Nuclear Threat
Initiative, September 2006. The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) offered to
contribute $50 million to the IAEA to help create an LEU stockpile controlled
by the Agency that could be made accessible should other supply arrangements be
disrupted. The offer was contingent on the following two conditions being met
within two years from when the offer was made: (a) that the IAEA takes the
necessary actions to approve the establishment of the reserve; and (b) that one
or more IAEA member states contribute an additional $100 million in funding or
an equivalent value of LEU. The NTI stated that: ‘Every other element of the
arrangement—its structure, its location, the condition for access—would be up
to the IAEA and its member states to decide’.[62]
In December 2007 the US Congress
authorised a $50 million contribution, in February 2008 Norway pledged $5 million,
in August 2008 the United Arab Emirates pledged $10 million, in December 2008
the EU pledged €25 million, and in March 2009 Kuwait offered US$10 million. The
monetary condition set by the NTI has now been met.[63]
At the request of the IAEA, the deadline for the offer has been extended to September
8. Enrichment
Proposed by the United
Kingdom, September 2006. The UK proposed a ‘bonding’ principle that would, in
the event that the IAEA determines that specified conditions have been met: (a)
guarantee that national enrichment providers would not be prevented from
supplying enrichment services; and (b) provide prior consent for export
Germany and the Netherlands are cooperating
with the UK in the development of the enrichment bonds concept. Recently the
name of the proposal was changed to the ‘Nuclear Fuel Assurance’ proposal.
9. International
Uranium Enrichment Centre
Proposed by the Russian
Federation, January and May 2007. As an element in the creation of a global
nuclear power infrastructure, proposed by then President Vladimir Putin in
January 2006 (proposal one, above), the Russian Federation proposed the
establishment of an International Uranium Enrichment Centre (IUEC) at the
Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical Complex to provide participating countries guaranteed
access to uranium enrichment capabilities. On 10 May 2007 the first agreement
in the framework of the IUEC was signed by the Russian Federation and the
Republic of Kazakhstan. A mechanism is being developed to set aside a stockpile
of LEU that might contribute to a broader assurance of supply mechanism, and ‘a
regulatory basis will be developed in the sphere of export control such that
the shipment of material out of the country at the request of the [IAEA] is guaranteed’.[66]
In June 2007, Russia offered to set up an LEU reserve of 120 tonnes under IAEA
auspices, and stored under safeguards at Angarsk, for use by IAEA member
10. Multilateral
Enrichment Sanctuary Project
Proposed by Germany, May 2007.
Germany proposed the creation of a multilateral uranium enrichment centre with
extra-territorial status, operating under IAEA control on a commercial basis as
a new supplier in the market. From there, potential users could then obtain
nuclear fuel for civilian use under strict supervision.[67]
Germany has further developed this proposal into a Multilateral Enrichment
Sanctuary Project (MESP) for a multilateral enrichment facility established by
a group of interested states on an extra-territorial basis in a host state,
supervised by the IAEA, owned and operated by a multinational commercial
11. Multilateralisation
of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Proposed by Austria, May 2007.
Austria proposed a two-track multilateral mechanism. The first track would ‘optimiz[e]
international transparency going beyond current IAEA safeguards obligations’.
The second track would place all nuclear fuel transactions under the auspices
of a ‘Nuclear Fuel Bank’ to ‘enable equal access to and control of most
sensitive nuclear technologies, particularly enrichment and reprocessing’.[69]
12. Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Proposed by the European
Union, June 2007. The EU noted that flexibility would be appropriate in
considering an approach to fuel supply options and proposed criteria for
assessment of a multilateral mechanism for reliability of fuel supply. These
criteria included, inter alia: (a) proliferation resistance—minimization
of the risk of unintended transfer of sensitive nuclear technology; (b) assurance
of supply—reliability of long-term supply arrangements; (c) consistency
with equal rights and obligations—obligations of private companies,
supplier states, consumer states and the IAEA; and (d) market neutrality—avoiding
any unnecessary disturbance or interference in the functioning of the existing
In April 2008 Dr ElBaradei outlined his vision for a three-step approach
to create a global non-discriminatory framework for the fuel cycle:
The first
step would be to establish a system for assuring supply of fuel for nuclear
power reactors—and, if necessary, supply of the actual reactors. The second step would be to
have all new
enrichment and reprocessing activities in future put exclusively under
multilateral control. And the third
step would be to convert all existing
enrichment and reprocessing facilities from national to multilateral operations.[71]
Dr ElBaradei outlined what he saw as four key requirements for such an
assurance of supply mechanism to work, and for it to receive widespread
I believe, it must be unambiguously under some form of multinational control,
not just managed by the leading nuclear powers or a few suppliers. Consumers
and suppliers should be equal participants. Otherwise, the mechanism would fail
to win the confidence of countries considering a nuclear energy programme.
an assurance of supply mechanism would be available to all States, based on
equal rights and obligations for all participants. Equality is key to the
success of the mechanism.
the release of nuclear material to a consumer State should be determined by
non-political criteria established in advance and applied in an objective and
consistent manner.
assurance of fuel supply must be part of an over-arching multilateral nuclear
In May 2008 the independent Commission appointed by the IAEA Director
General concluded that:
Such mechanisms would help countries have access to nuclear
power while reducing the need to construct proliferation-sensitive facilities
themselves. Countries should not be asked, however, to give up their legal
right to develop such facilities.[73]
In June 2009 Dr ElBaradei formally proposed to the Board of the Agency
the establishment of the IAEA bank of LEU to guarantee supplies to countries
that need nuclear fuel:
My proposal is to create a physical stockpile of LEU at the
disposal of the IAEA as a last-resort reserve for countries with nuclear power
programs that face a supply disruption for non-commercial reasons. This would
give countries confidence that they can count on reliable supplies of fuel to
run their nuclear power plants, and therefore do not need to develop their own
uranium-enrichment or plutonium-reprocessing capability.
The money needed to launch an LEU bank is in place, thanks
primarily to a non-governmental organization - the Nuclear Threat Initiative -
and initial funding from Warren Buffett. But this can only be a first step. It
should be followed by an agreement that all new enrichment and reprocessing
activities will be placed exclusively under multinational control, and that all
existing such facilities will be converted from national to multinational
Support for fuel cycle multilateralisation proposals
Evidence to the Committee was generally supportive of fuel cycle multilateralisation
proposals. For instance, Ms Joan Rohlfing of the NTI stated that:
… we need to work long term on some kind of multinational or
international ownership of a facility, and that is absolutely essential
because, unless and until we get to the point where all states are agreed that
it is in no-one’s interest for new facilities to be created and the only way to
stem that proliferation in a non-discriminatory way is to create some limited
number of facilities that are under international control, we will only be
taking incremental steps. So I think it is time for the international community
to really begin to address these gap areas.[75]
The Australian Uranium Association submitted that multilateralisation concepts
have merit:
… the development of internationally-controlled facilities is
an option … that recognises the permanence and growth of nuclear power and of
the Australian uranium industry supplying it, as well as the concerns of those
opposed to those industries.[76]
The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation was
supportive, arguing that it would be desirable if:
… we could get agreements with countries that their fuel would
be supplied from another country, and there would be unhindered access to that process—so
it would be under some sort of international control—there is no need for countries
to develop enrichment. If we can get a nuclear non-proliferation regime that restricts
the enrichment facilities to those that are fully open to safeguards and under international
control, I think that sort of process can happen.[77]
Some submitters advocated support for specific multilateralisation
concepts and approaches. Former US Senator Bob Graham endorsed the regional
fuel cycle centre concept and recommended that it be promoted at the 2010 NPT Review
… it should be under the auspices of the IAEA. That is yet
another item to add to [the] 2010 agenda for non-proliferation reform. There
would be clusters of countries having responsibility for specific [fuel] banks.
There might be a group of countries in the Asia-Pacific area which,
collectively working through the IAEA, would have the actual technical
responsibility for maintaining the fuel bank for the countries in that region.
There would be similar banks in Africa and Latin America.[78]
The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation argued that,
of the multilateralisation concepts proposed to date, those that address the
back end of the cycle, rather than simply fuel supply assurances, are most
attractive to other countries:
… proposals that address the back end of the fuel cycle, that
is, waste and spent fuel would be of far more interest to potential recipient states
than proposals restricted only to fuel supply. That was the basis for the development
of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership which we believe still provides the most
advanced opportunity for controlling proliferation issues across the fuel cycle.[79]
Dr Marko Beljac argued that Australia should support multilateral or
international control of enrichment and urged that Australia amend its
safeguards policy to expressly forbid the enrichment of uranium in anything
other than a multilateral facility, should international control of enrichment
become a reality.[80]
Professor Joseph Camilleri urged that support be given for:
… one single fuel bank in the world under the control of the
International Atomic Energy Agency and it monitors every transaction; no-one
has uranium enrichment—not just not Iran but nobody. If you need uranium
enrichment you have to enter into a transaction with the IAEA and enter into
all the safeguards that they might ask of you, which presumably would need to
be much stricter than they are now.[81]
Dr Hans Blix submitted that, under the auspices of the IAEA, ‘possibilities
should be explored for international arrangements to ensure the availability of
nuclear fuel for civilian reactors while minimizing the risk of weapon
proliferation’.[82] In regions of tension,
such as the Korean peninsula and the Middle East, Dr Blix also advocated ‘a
verified suspension of the production of enriched uranium and plutonium for a
prolonged period of time, while obtaining international assurances of the
supply of fuel for civilian nuclear power.’[83]
World leaders have this year expressed support for fuel supply assurance
and fuel cycle multilateralisation proposals. For example, during US President
Obama’s 5 April speech in Prague on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament,
he stated:
... we should build a new framework for civil nuclear
cooperation, including an international fuel bank, so that countries can access
peaceful power without increasing the risks of proliferation. That must be the
right of every nation that renounces nuclear weapons, especially developing
countries embarking on peaceful programs. And no approach will succeed it it’s
based on the denial of rights to nations that play by the rules. We must
harness the power of nuclear energy on behalf of our efforts to combat climate
change, and to advance opportunity for all people.[84]
Issues and challenges for multilateralisation proposals
While submitters to the inquiry were generally supportive of multilateralisation
proposals as a means of limiting the spread of SNT, a number of issues were
raised in relation to specific proposals (especially fuel supply assurance
concepts) and to multilateralisation more generally. In summary, these arguments
included the:
n risk of further
entrenching perceptions of discrimination and dependency on the part of
recipient or ‘client’ states by further restricting national-fuel cycles, while
other states retain enrichment and reprocessing capacity;
n potential for
multilateral proposals to spur some countries into rapidly developing national
capabilities, before opportunities to do so become more restricted;
n risk that nations
which host multilateral facilities could always decide to ‘break out’;
n risk that SNT deployed
in a new state and provided on a ‘black box’ basis could be leaked;
n risk of technical
skills gained by personnel in multilaterally-controlled facilities spreading;
n likely opposition
from countries which currently operate sensitive technologies to give up their
right to retain exclusive national control over those facilities and
n lack of interest and
incentive, particularly in the recipient states, to participate in fuel
assurance proposals because of the effective and competitive operation of the
current enrichment (and other fuel cycle services) markets;
n lack of appeal to countries
with larger nuclear capacities (e.g. South Korea or Ukraine) of the fuel bank
proposal, because the limited size of the fuel bank might be a serious
n controversy over the definition
of the ‘political purpose’ caveat in fuel supply assurance proposals;
n risks of increased
international transport of fissile materials and high level radioactive waste;
n likely opposition
from countries nominated for multinational high level radioactive waste dumps.
In opposing multilateralisation altogether, Professor Richard Broinowski
emphasised the potential of these proposals to exacerbate perceptions of a
‘double standard’ between countries; for example, that establishment of
international enrichment facilities in certain countries would be viewed as
entrenching a divide between the nuclear ‘haves’ and nuclear ‘have nots’:
I think it is reinforcing a double standard … Certain
countries in this world have the capacity, the trust and the good citizenship
to enrich uranium. We are the main country but there are a few others. We are
the nuclear haves: ‘Trust us, you non-nuclear countries. We do not want you to
have nuclear weapons but we will enrich your uranium. We will bring it back
after it has been used and we will reprocess it and give you back the plutonium
mixed oxide and you can use that again.’ First, the technique does not work—it
has been proven not to work—and, second, it is reinforcing the haves and the
have nots in the nuclear debate. The nuclear proliferation system will not work
while you have a double standard.[85]
Dr Frank Barnaby and Professor Camilleri also warned of the ‘need to avoid
the risk of a “two-tier” discriminatory system of fuel producers and users.’[86]
More generally, Dr Ben Saul emphasised the need to avoid the unequal
treatment of countries in the international legal system:
From the point of view of global governance of nuclear
issues, a central problem … has been the development of unequal ways of dealing
with different groups of states. In particular, unequal treatment seriously
undermines perceptions of fairness and legitimacy in the international legal
systems and also undermines—I think sometimes fatally—the likelihood of
compliance with that legal regime that exists.[87]
In relation to fuel supply assurance proposals specifically, Dr George
Perkovich and Ms Joan Rohlfing noted that a key problem with existing fuel assurance
strategies is that:
... they have not addressed the really thorny issue of who
decides whether someone is in compliance or not with the use conditions for
these mechanisms.[88]
Dr Perkovich also noted that, based on his discussions with South
American and other colleagues, if there is a move to full multilateralisation
of the fuel cycle, it would need to be done equitably and all at once:
… if we are going to move to that model it has to be done for
everyone at the same time—in other words, no phasing, which is what people here
in the US and others envision as we move incrementally to that model of
multinational facilities. And the sense I get is that it has to be totally
equitable and done all at once everywhere as a political condition and perhaps
also as an economic condition for a ‘level playing field’.[89]
A more fundamental challenge to widespread acceptance of fuel supply
assurances has been pointed out by Dr Glaser, who argues that for many
countries ‘fuel supply assurances are largely a solution to a problem they do
not face’, because for most states without enrichment capacity the current
market works well and is ‘characterised by several independent and reliable
suppliers.’[90] Moreover, existing or
planned enrichment capacity is argued to be sufficient to supply reactors for
at least another two decades, even if total nuclear capacity almost doubles by
New fuel assurance mechanisms, it is argued, would be potentially
relevant only to countries that begin to lose trust in the current market system
or are newcomers to the market.
Dr Glaser concludes that:
… fuel assurances and banks, have a good chance to go forward.
… however, they may prove to be largely irrelevant because most of the main
buyers of enriched uranium are satisfied with the current supplier market, or
have their own supply, and are therefore unlikely to ever use the services now
being developed.[91]
Dr Yudin also pointed to the danger of multilateral proposals being
perceived as denying states their right to acquire sensitive technologies and
recommended that countries be provided with a real ‘entitlement’ motivation to
The existing ideas for multilateralization of the nuclear
fuel cycle have all come from suppliers of front-end fuel cycle services, while
the prospective customers have generally been lukewarm because they often, yet
not always fairly, consider these ideas as technology denial approaches.[92]
The Australian Uranium Association also commented on the challenges that
lie ahead for these proposals in encouraging countries to forego their rights:
The Association does not underestimate the difficulty of
convincing sovereign nations in good standing under the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty to forego their rights under the Treaty to develop the
full civil nuclear fuel cycle; and we anticipate that some nations will proceed
in that direction notwithstanding a global partnership to develop
internationally-controlled facilities.[93]
Reinforcing Dr Glaser’s conclusion, Ms Martine Letts also argued that
multilateralisation proposals in general could cause an acceleration of some
countries’ efforts to develop an indigenous enrichment capability:
One of the claims is that the mere talk of
multilateralisation of the nuclear fuel cycle is going to accelerate efforts by
some to develop an indigenous capacity before the door is shut and that this
might cause countries to want to develop their own capacity quickly so that
when the multilateral fuel cycle finally comes online they do not have to worry
about forgoing their national rights.[94]
In light of the challenges to fuel supply assurance proposals and the
fact that few new enrichment plants will be required in coming decades,
Dr Glaser recommends that attention be given instead to the conversion of existing
facilities to multinational control and management:
Given that it is unlikely for many large new uranium
enrichment plants to be required, and that proposals for fuel banks and fuel
assurances do not address basic issues of the supplier/client dependency and of
prevailing insecurity about the international system, the debate over
multilateral approaches to the fuel cycle could more usefully focus on the
conversion of existing national enrichment plants to multinational control and
Dr Glaser makes the further point that most proposals for
multinationally owned and operated plants depend on a ‘black box’ approach, in
which the sensitive technology (e.g. centrifuge equipment) is supplied to a
country or project on a pre-fabricated basis, and the operators—or even the owners of the plant—do not have access to any
proprietary or proliferation-sensitive information. However, he notes that there
are different types of proprietary or proliferation-sensitive information that
could be involuntarily disseminated through poorly implemented black-box
approaches. Dr Glaser also argues that, at present, it is unclear if the
available technology providers would support any black-box approach involving
partners with whom they do not already have strong business relations, given
that a significant fraction of their intellectual property would be at risk of
being compromised. He also observes that the existing commercial suppliers of
enrichment services would, if they saw a need for new enrichment capacities,
probably prefer to expand their own operations, rather than provide the
technology for a ‘black box’ project.[96]
The Citizens’ Nuclear Information Centre (CNIC) argued that multilateral
proposals will not eliminate the possibility of the ‘break-out’ scenario occurring—where
a country hosting an international facility withdraws the facility from
multilateral control and then uses it to produce weapons material. The CNIC
also cautioned that the technical skills gained within multilaterally
controlled civil programs could be transferred to weapons programs:
In the quest for solutions to intractable proliferation
problems, internationalization must not be seen as a panacea. Proposals to
implement multilateral approaches to solve problems associated with the nuclear
fuel cycle should be rigorously scrutinized, in order to ensure that they will
not exacerbate the problems they purport to solve.[97]
The CNIC, Australian Conservation Foundation and Dr Marko Beljac expressed
opposition to GNEP. In particular, Dr Beljac argued that GNEP proposes to reprocess
plutonium using new techniques which he claims are not as proliferation
resistant as they are claimed to be.[98]
While acknowledging the merits of multilateral proposals and urging that
they be further explored, Ms Letts cautioned that:
… some countries fear that, if it really comes down to it and
there is a political reason why they are being refused fuel, other countries
will be able to exercise influence on the multilateral facility, on the
management or on the governance of the multilateral facility to stop the supply
from happening.[99]
The new challenges to the nuclear non-proliferation regime presented by
an expansion in nuclear energy use—including deployment in many countries for
the first time—and the growing risk of nuclear terrorism, demands a new and
vigorous response.
The 12 proposals differ considerably in their scope, targets and time
required for implementation. However, the proposals generally agree that:
n any multilateral
mechanism should not disturb the international market for nuclear fuel cycle
services, especially for front end services, such as enrichment and nuclear
n establishment of
multilateral arrangement should occur step by step, with most proposals
focussed on the front end and addressing assurances of supply and provision of
LEU fuel; and
n there is not likely
to be a uniform approach that would be satisfactory for all technologies and
countries and that successful implementation of multilateralisation will
require flexibility.[100]
Notwithstanding the merits of fuel cycle multilateralisation as a means
of limiting the spread of SNT, and the manifest need to progress these
initiatives in the face of the nuclear renaissance, the Committee notes the
cautionary point emphasised in evidence that such proposals cannot be tied to demands
on customer countries to forgo their rights. The Committee accepts that
such demands are likely to be perceived as ‘technology denial’ and be resisted.
Instead, giving multilateralisation proposals the greatest chance of success
will depend on providing countries with political and economic incentives, and
an ‘entitlement’ motivation to participate.
The Committee notes that the challenges raised in evidence will need to
be overcome in order to realise the more visionary concepts that have been proposed.
However, the Committee urges that these not be permitted to delay progress on the
more short-term proposals, which deal primarily with the front end of the cycle
and involve:
n providing backup
assurances of supply in addition to the existing commercial uranium market (WNA
proposal, Six-Country Concept, UK Enrichment Bonds and Japanese IAEA Standby
n establishing
nationally controlled (US reserve of nuclear fuel, WNA proposal, Six-Country
Concept) or IAEA-controlled LEU reserves (Russian IUEC, NTI Fuel Bank); and
n placing enrichment
facilities under some form of international control, including the
establishment of an IAEA-controlled uranium enrichment facility (Russian IUEC,
German MESP proposal).[101]
The Committee is conscious of the fact that:
… numerous stumbling blocks lie ahead. Among these are the
lack of trust, national self interest, and various political, financial, and
legal hurdles. Nonetheless, the world has no choice but to protect itself from
the misuse of sensitive nuclear technologies. To be successful, multilateral
nuclear fuel-cycle arrangements will inevitably require broad political
consensus on how the international community can limit access to these
technologies, while protecting states’ rights to develop nuclear energy for
peaceful purposes.[102]
The Committee believes that the Australian Government must be actively
involved in international discussion and consideration of multilateralisation
proposals including within the Nuclear Suppliers Group.
Recommendation 7 |
The Committee recommends that the Australian Government
investigate further the potential merits and risks of fuel cycle
multilateralisation proposals, including through:
n discussion
of such proposals at the 2010 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference;
n advocating
within the Nuclear Suppliers Group for the development of restrictive
criteria for the supply of sensitive nuclear technologies; and
n engaging
in dialogue with those countries in South-East Asia proposing to develop a nuclear
energy industry.