Chapter 5 Breaches of privacy and identity theft
This chapter explores the links between identity theft and breaches of privacy,
and also addresses the complexities of third parties collecting personal
Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) does not make special reference to
young people, on the basis that they have the same rights to privacy as adults.
In practice, primary care-givers are usually responsible for exercising their
rights under that Act until individuals reach levels of maturity and
understanding to make independent decisions.[1]
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner commented that:
this approach to the privacy of young people is appropriate,
as it accommodates different rates of development. Mature young people are
entitled wherever possible, to make decisions about their personal information
as soon as they are able, rather than on reaching a prescribed age. It is the
Office’s view that this level of autonomy should be maintained in respect of
young people’s privacy.[2]
However, the NSW Government expressed concern that:
children’s privacy is subject to some specific risks.
Children and young people are more vulnerable in the sense that they are less
likely to have the nous or capacity to be alerted to potential privacy
breaches, to read and understand the fine print of contracts with internet
service providers and web page administrators, or to know what action may be
available to them if their privacy is breached.[3]
Australian privacy legislation does not impose any obligations on
individuals acting in a private capacity, but instead relates to how
organisations deal with the personal information of others. As there are also
exemptions for small businesses with annual turnovers of $3 million or less, a
large proportion of the Australian private sector is not subject to any privacy
Such legislation may be insufficient to protect young people from
cyber-safety risks occurring as a result of individuals acting in private
capacities.[4] The Victorian Privacy
Commissioner stated that:
I have identified in the submission the gaps in privacy laws,
with one of the greatest being small business exemption and also the fact that
privacy laws do not apply to individuals acting in a private capacity. That gap
was identified by the Australian Law Reform Commission, which recommended that
it be filled by a statutory tort of privacy.[5]
The Committee supports Recommendation 3 in the Senate Environment and
Communications References Committee’s recent Report.[6]
It therefore recommends:
Recommendation 4 |
That the Australian Government consider amending small
business exemptions of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) to ensure that small
businesses which hold substantial quantities of personal information, or
which transfer personal information offshore, are subject to the requirements
of that Act. |
The Committee supports Recommendation 3 in the Senate Environment and
Communications References Committee’s recent Report.[7]
It therefore recommends:
Recommendation 5 |
That the Australian Privacy Commissioner undertake a review
of those categories of small business with significant personal data
holdings, and make recommendations to Government about expanding the
categories of small business operators prescribed in regulations as subject
to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). |
Privacy and young people
Young people desire to maintain a degree of privacy but are less
cognisant than adults about what privacy actually entails. For example, young
people most often discuss privacy in the context of independence from their
parents or teachers, and not in the adult or legalistic way of appropriately securing
private personal information.[8]
The Mental Health Council of Australia identified privacy as one of five
major risks for young people, with potential impacts on their health and
Figure 5.2a Have you explored the privacy settings on your social networking pages? (Female)
Figure 5.2b Have you explored the privacy settings on your social networking pages? (Male)
Table 5.1 Have you explored the privacy settings on your
social networking pages?

Figures 5.3a and 5.3b show the levels of concern about cyber-safety of
those that have left their privacy settings at the default level. Similarly,
Figure 5.4 shows that the majority of those respondents who have left their
privacy settings on default, have not felt unsafe online.
Figure 5.3a Of
those with privacy settings left at default, are they worried about their
safety online? (Female)

Figure 5.3b Of
those with privacy settings left at default, are they worried about their
safety online? (Male)

Figure 5.4 Of those with no privacy settings, have
they felt unsafe online?
Yes, I have increased them to the highest setting |
Yes, I have left them at the default setting |
Yes, but i like everybody being able to access my page, so i don’t have any enabled |
I don’t have a social networking page |
I don’t know |
No |
Sex |
% |
# |
% |
# |
% |
# |
% |
# |
% |
# |
% |
# |
Years |
M |
36.0 |
680 |
22.4 |
424 |
4.8 |
90 |
17.4 |
329 |
6.0 |
113 |
13.4 |
254 |
F |
49.1 |
1207 |
18.0 |
443 |
3.3 |
82 |
15.1 |
370 |
6.4 |
158 |
8.0 |
196 |
Years |
M |
40.0 |
644 |
23.1 |
372 |
5.0 |
80 |
13.3 |
215 |
4.4 |
71 |
14.3 |
230 |
F |
58.8 |
1166 |
15.6 |
309 |
2.9 |
57 |
10.9 |
217 |
4.5 |
90 |
7.2 |
143 |
Years |
M |
42.5 |
506 |
26.7 |
318 |
5.5 |
66 |
7.3 |
87 |
4.5 |
53 |
13.5 |
161 |
F |
62.2 |
855 |
16.6 |
228 |
3.1 |
42 |
9.1 |
125 |
3.1 |
42 |
6.0 |
82 |
Years |
M |
45.8 |
370 |
27.1 |
219 |
5.6 |
45 |
6.3 |
51 |
3.6 |
29 |
11.5 |
93 |
F |
66.4 |
663 |
16.5 |
165 |
2.1 |
21 |
7.0 |
70 |
2.3 |
23 |
5.6 |
56 |
Years |
M |
43.8 |
173 |
27.3 |
108 |
5.8 |
23 |
9.4 |
37 |
3.0 |
12 |
10.6 |
42 |
F |
68.0 |
386 |
17.1 |
97 |
1.9 |
11 |
7.6 |
43 |
0.9 |
5 |
4.6 |
26 |
Years |
M |
38.5 |
120 |
19.2 |
60 |
7.1 |
22 |
10.3 |
32 |
9.3 |
29 |
15.7 |
49 |
F |
34.8 |
90 |
19.7 |
51 |
6.9 |
18 |
11.2 |
29 |
10.0 |
26 |
17.4 |
45 |
Canada’s Privacy Commissioner investigated Facebook’s privacy settings
and found serious gaps in its handling of default settings that there was no
privacy for anyone joining it. This resulted in changes to Facebook’s privacy
settings so that users had more control over personal information.[25]
The Youth Affairs Council of South Australia suggested that:
websites frequented by children and young people often have
privacy policies that are wordy and difficult to understand. YACSA would
strongly support AYAC’s proposal that the government implement strategies to
promote the use of youth-friendly,
plain language privacy policies for online services, so young people can make
an informed decision about disclosing their personal information.[26]
Ms Candice Jansz has found the default for privacy settings is an ‘opt
out’ manner and they are constantly changing. She also commented on the
capacity of young people to keep up with these changes:
What is heartening is that young people are now illustrating
considerable cognitive adaptations to the online environment, and take steps to
actively manage their own privacy and safety, whilst still reaping the benefits
of these powerful technologies.[27]
Privacy settings must be in ‘very plain language – that is they are
simple, short, clear and to the point’.[28] Further, representatives
from the South Australian Office of Youth similarly commented:
It would also be helpful if, when you set up an account,
there were more prompts around setting up your privacy before you can finalise
that, so that you have to do it as part of your setup.[29]
Facebook, however, pointed out that:
there are many more pop-ups and direct engagement with users
to tell them that if you click on this you need to see your privacy settings:
‘click here’. There is much more engagement and, in fact, Facebook was the only
site in history to ever take all of its users—I think this was about a year
ago—and send them a message that said, ‘You cannot continue to use Facebook
unless you review your privacy settings, make adjustments that you want, and
confirm.’ That is something that is unheard of on the internet. I think that
there is much more user engagement on Facebook. In fact, Facebook has also
allowed users to vote on the privacy policy and vote on the terms of service.[30]
The results of a survey in 2007 by the Office of the Privacy
Commissioner suggested that awareness of privacy had increased since 2004.
Younger respondents, aged 18 to 24, continue to be less aware of their privacy
rights than older respondents. The survey also showed that 50 percent of
respondents were more concerned about providing information over the Internet
than they had been two years earlier. However, a higher proportion of
respondents aged 18 to 24 claimed to be less concerned than other age groups.[31]
The Australian Youth Affairs Coalition stated:
According to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, the
number of young Australians were concerned about internet privacy has
quadrupled in past two years. However factors like peer pressure and incentives
(such as quizzes, prizes or discounts) lead young people to disclose personal
information online. AYAC believes education and transparency are key to
supporting and empowering young people.[32]
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner survey also indicated that young
people were less concerned about disclosing their financial information, and
much more likely to disclose personal information to receive a discount, a
reward or a prize. Such behaviour, and being less informed about privacy
issues, could put them at risk of identity theft.[33]
The Victorian Privacy Commissioner believed that young people valued
their privacy and were open to understanding and educating themselves about how
they can make themselves safer online.[34] Recommendations made by
a Senate Committee, in a report tabled in April 2011, suggest that all users of
the online environment need more education about privacy.[35]
The Committee supports Recommendation 2 in the Senate Environment and
Communications References Committee’s report: Accordingly,
the Committee recommends:
Recommendation 6 |
That the Office of the Privacy Commissioner examine the
issue of consent in the online context and develop guidelines on the
appropriate use of privacy consent forms for online services and the
Australian Government seek their adoption by industry. |
Identity theft
Identity theft is a broad concept. It occurs when personal information, such
as date of birth, credit card details, driver’s licence numbers or passport or
other identifying material, is obtained and is used to obtain a benefit or
service. The Alannah and Madeline Foundation stated:
Prevalence of identity theft among young people is difficult
to establish, as most does not involve criminal activity as such. Indeed a
recent ACMA study suggests that young people have ‘a high level of awareness of
the risks of Internet use particularly when involved in social networking on
the Internet’.[37]
There have also been reports of social networking accounts being
compromised for other purposes including fraud purposes.[38] For example, the Attorney-General’s
Department submitted:
We also know of children and young people who have had
experiences of unknown others using their photos and in some cases assuming
their identity, resulting in them receiving a detrimental credit rating.[39]
It can also include use of an identity to harass or stalk a third
person, and therefore activity of this kind can evolve into cyber-stalking.
While this theft is often associated with financial loss for adults, it
can have serious consequences for young people if their information is used to
fabricate fake documents, such as passports, or to commit further cyber-crimes.[40]
The Federation of Parents and Citizens’ Associations of NSW commented:
Children and adolescents are
often not even aware of the meaning of identity theft. They may fill out a profile
on the internet pretending to be another student from their class or use
another student’s photograph without realizing the potential harm that they may
cause. It is essential to educated people about possible risks especially with
the many pathways available to access the online environment.
Comments submitted in free text spaces of the Committee’s Are you
safe? survey indicate that the awareness of young people is growing in
Australia. When asked if they had felt unsafe online, the following comment was
I feel that identity theft is a huge issue, your name is
the only secure piece of information i feel safe with sharing, i used to post
other personal information but deleted it once i realised the risk (Male aged
14). |
In 2007, the Australian Bureau of Statistics undertook a study of
personal fraud with over 14,000 respondents aged over 15 years. The survey
found that those from 25 to 34 years had the highest reports of identity theft
(4.3 percent) against 2.1 percent of those aged 15 to 24 years. The 2007 Office
of the Privacy Commissioner survey of people 18 years and older found that only
2 percent of respondents aged from 18 to 24 years had reported identity theft
or fraud, compared with 9 percent of the total sample. While there is no
immediate economic value in stealing a child’s identity, once that person is 18
years old that identity becomes valuable. It can be used to apply for a ‘proof
of age’ card, a driver’s licence, passport or credit card. There is, therefore,
a risk that criminals will collect personal information and wait before using
the stolen identity.
Some young people also publicise personal information about parents,
siblings and friends, thus exposing other people’s information to the risk of
identity theft.[42]
The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimated that 806,000 Australians
over the age of 15 had been the victims of personal fraud in the previous year,[43]
costing nearly $A1 billion per year.[44]
Preventing these crimes is also important in reducing the threat of
terrorism and other serious criminal activity often based on the use of false
or multiple identities.[45]
In the past decade, there has been increasing awareness of the dangers
posed by this abuse, but the Attorney-General’s Department noted that there was
a ‘paucity’ of data relating to young people and identity theft.[46]
The Office of Privacy Commissioner added that:
... a range of measures are required to empower individuals
to protect themselves in online environments and are essential to promoting
effective privacy and cyber safety. These measures can include promoting
education and awareness of the:
- risks posed by various
ICT environments and interactions;
- measures that can be
taken to mitigate risk, whether through technology or individual behaviour; and
- remedies available
should something go wrong.[47]
While the use of a pseudonym can be for constructive purpose for protection,[48]
they can also be used:
... for the purpose of misleading people as distinct from
merely covering one’s most commonly used identity. I do not think that the
incidence of this is vast but the impact of the individual instances can be
quite significant. At this point we are talking about the concept of identity
fraud. Identity theft goes much further. It is rare; it involves identity fraud
being performed so comprehensively that the individual who used to use the
identity cannot afford to keep using it.[49]
As so little is known about their awareness of identity theft, more
research is needed to establish how Australian children view privacy, identify
their concerns and work with them to develop effective strategies against this
abuse.[50] The following comments
were made highlighting the numerous topics requiring more research and
development of policy options:
Consideration need to be given to how organisations who work
with children can best protect the privacy of children as organisations
increasingly use ICT to capture, record and share information about children.[51]
Hacking often relates to unique
complications specific to the digital age, but may also involve something as
timeless as friends betraying one another’s trust after sharing their passwords.
Either way, the situation requires an appropriate legal, educational and policy
framework to deal with these complications.[52]
With the rise of online social
networking sites and instant messaging programs, additional issues related to
identity theft such as impersonation and the use of fake accounts for
cyber-bullying purposes are becoming increasingly prevalent.[53]
Since 2005, measures have been taken that were intended to make it more
difficult for criminals to create new identities or incorporate fabricated or
inaccurate information into false credentials.[54] However, it is still the
case that:
Most networks facilitate users duplicating passwords used
elsewhere. When this occurs users are at greater risk in regard to identity
Collection of unnecessary information
In their dealings with organisations, some young people disclose
significant amounts of personal information. As has been shown, this can be
used for a variety of illegal purposes with possible consequences for those
individuals later in their lives.
Inclusion of ‘mandatory’ fields in online documents was seen as a
specific problem: unless they are filled in, it is not possible to complete some
online documents.
We need to bear in mind that information collected through
the use of mandatory fields is sometimes used for unrelated purposes, such as
marketing, statistics, advertisements or even profit motives. Our submission
refers to the fact that the sale of information databases is a large industry
in the United States. I remind the committee that social networking sites such
as Facebook insist that real people register. Obviously that is for good reason
but it does mean that people are again forced to provide quite a lot of
personal information. For example, Facebook limit the age of people who use it
to 13 years and over, but of course that is a very difficult thing for them to
actually verify. The downside of doing a proper verification process would be
that people would have to provide even more information. So that is one concern.[56]
Joining social networking sites such as Facebook requires users to
provide real names, dates of birth and other personal information. Facebook
takes down fake sites very quickly:
Facebook, because it is a real-name culture, attracts a
different kind of person. Because people tend to form groups according to
family, friends and people they know, there is a certain degree of community
policing that goes on. For example, child predators do not necessarily like to
go to Facebook because if they have to use their real name or a verified email
address you can find them. But there are a group of people who really do not
care if you know who they are or not, because it is about power: they want you
to know who they are. Now, what a company like Facebook does is use technology
to try to root out aliases and fake accounts, and to look at patterns of
conversation that indicate bullying or some sort of inappropriate behaviour.
But one of the most valuable tools is to allow people within groups to report
people who they think are doing bad things, and it is a remarkably effective
tool. It is easier to be a bully if you are on text messaging or chat rooms and
other things ...[57]
The Deputy Victorian Privacy Commissioner commented on Facebook’s policy:
Although this in itself is a bit of a concern for privacy
people, they are kind of monitoring the community. People who are genuine
friends of someone do realise that the child should not be on there. There is
some kind of self-monitoring in a sense happening in these online communities
in the same way that that happens in real world communities.[58]
The Victorian Privacy Commissioner added that:
Some people actually notify Facebook if they realise that there
is a child under 13 clearly using Facebook.[59]
The Commissioner commented on the requirement for the provision of
personal information where, for example:
a young person registers with a social networking website.
This may result in the collection of a child's full name, address or associated
information: for instance, Facebook's Terms of Service states that real names
and information must be used to register an account. Young persons may also be
more likely to reveal personal information about themselves to receive a reward
or discount - such as is required when signing up for an online game or
The Commissioner noted that Facebook had ‘quite intricate mechanisms’
for looking at the information a would-be user has to provide, and this
detected some children less than 13 years who seek to join. Anecdotally, there
seemed to be users whose language skills do not reveal that they are less than
13 years old.[61]
Commenting more broadly, the Victorian Privacy Commissioner made the
point that:
On certain sites such as instant messaging or chat rooms,
children may also assume that using the Internet is anonymous and therefore
appears 'safe'. This may increase the likelihood of a young person sharing
their own personal information with someone they otherwise would not.[62]
Current Australian privacy legislation contains provisions
relating to the collection of personal information. The Victorian information
Privacy Act and Commonwealth Privacy Act requires Victorian and Commonwealth
public sector organisations, as well as some private sector organisations, to
'only collect personal information that is necessary for its functions or
For organisations interacting and collecting directly from
children, organisations should consider whether their current collection
notices are reasonably easy to understand so that children are able to exercise
their privacy rights and make informed decisions.[64]
Privacy NSW commented that:
In the case of internet sites which require an agreement to
participate (excluding contractual matters) such as social networking sites,
the question is therefore whether a child or young person has the capacity in
the circumstances to consent to the use ... the capacity to consent should be
measured on a sliding scale of factors, such as age, the ability to communicate
consent, the individual’s understanding of the issue in question, support from
parents or other authorised representatives and the context in which the
issues arise.[65]
From an organisational perspective, the Victorian Privacy Commissioner
expressed concern at the trend for organisations to collect personal
information for unrelated purposes:
Over-collection leaves organisations open to larger and more
damaging consequences when the security of a database is breached[66]
Organisations may not require all the personal information they collect,
other than to verify the provider’s identity. If this information is not kept
securely, it can be lost or disclosed to unauthorised persons. It may be
transmitted and stored outside Australia, despite national and State/Territory
privacy laws.[67] The Victorian Privacy
Commissioner stated:
The effectiveness of privacy laws are limited in an online
environment. Data is increasingly transmitted and stored globally, despite
privacy regulation occurring at a state and national jurisdictional level.[68]
The Alannah and Madeline Foundation noted that:
Privacy is a notion that does not technically exist in the
online environment. If a technical system can be built by developers, it may be
broken by hackers. However, privacy or the lack of privacy affects the average
online user when information is shared and an embarrassing or unflattering
incident occurs...
A common complaint in relation to social networking sites is
the difficulty of controlling personal information and adjusting the privacy
settings. With the growing awareness of the importance of protecting personal
information comes an increased expectation of user control over how much other
people can view of their digital footprint.[69]
Material so collected can be used for unrelated purposes, such as
marketing, statistics, advertisements, and tends to become increasingly
comprehensive. The sale of information databases, compiled from material
provided by customers or consumers, is a large and important industry in the United
Privacy laws also impose obligations on an organisation to take
reasonable steps to inform individuals of:
the identity of the organisation that is collecting the
information and its contact details;
the individual's ability to access the information;
the purpose for which the information is collected;
to whom the organisation usually discloses the information;
any law requiring the information to be collected; and
the main consequences for the individual if the information is
not provided.[71]
In response to questions from the Committee in relation to selling
information to third parties for marketing purposes, industry groups provided
the following responses. Microsoft stated that did not ‘just sell’ information
without having a business case.[72] ninemsn stated that it:
has recently signed up to the Australian online behavioural
advertising guidelines. That is a cross industry initiative. It is very broadly
supported. We have now agreed to abide by certain standards regarding the way
that we collect and use that sort of information. One of the key requirements
is that we need to disclose where we are collecting behavioural information
from and using it for third party online behavioural advertising targeting.
There has also been an industry website launch that provides consumers with
information about online behavioural advertising practices and will have
opt-out capability for consumers to use so that they can opt out of that sort
of advertising.[73]
Facebook explained that there are companies that engage in data mining
and data scraping without the consent of users and stated that:
Facebook does not sell information. It does not provide it to
marketers. There are some people who we have seen in the press allege that, but
it does not make sense from a business model standpoint. The reason that
Facebook is valuable is because it keeps the sanctity of the data that belongs
to individuals and if advertisers want to advertise to them, they have to go
through Facebook. If they gave away the data or sold it, then Facebook would be
less valuable.[74]
Yahoo!7 added that the legislation requires that personal information be
stored securely, therefore, it does not share personal information without the
user’s consent. It is a signatory to the Australian Best Practice Guidelines
for Online Behavioural Advertising.[75] Yahoo!7 also provides
the capacity for users to turn off advertising or finetune their preferences.[76]
Dr Roger Clarke cautioned, however, that:
The word ‘selling’ is a trap in the questioner’s mouth. We
always have to get rid of the word ‘selling’ when we are asking those kinds of
questions and talk about ‘transfer under any circumstances’. I do not care
whether it is trading, gifting or exchange, because there are many uses of
weasel words by organisations that are trying to avoid telling the truth. There
is definitely considerable availability through various means of that profile
data to many companies other than the company that originally collected the
information ... A lawyer can quibble on behalf of the large corporations
because they construct their terms in such a way that you have consented to
everything that they might ever do.
The Committee supports Recommendation 3 in the Senate Environment and
Communications References Committee’s Report. Accordingly, the
Committee recommends:
Recommendation 7 |
That the Australian Government amend the Privacy Act 1988
(Cth) to provide that all Australian organisations which transfer
personal information overseas, including small businesses, ensure that the
information will be protected in a manner at least equivalent to the
protections provided under Australia's privacy framework. |
The Privacy and Data Protection Commissioners are currently considering:
making the organisations more responsible in terms of ... giving
more notice, and also controlling, and not forcing children, or anyone really,
to give over lots of information. That goes back to the amount of information
you have to give to get access. So really those are the basic rules around data
protection: only collecting what is necessary to be able to provide the
service, not forcing people to provide more information than is needed to
access a particular service, and putting controls on what other organisations
get access to that service.[78]
Dr Anthony Bendall referred to the ‘do-not-track’ model where the user
can choose not to be tracked for the purposes of behavioural advertising.[79]
Apple also offers technology to block particular types of applications, and these
approaches could be applied by parents.[80] He also said that:
Depending on what you are going to use the information for,
you give proper streamlined notice about that and have templates that allow
people to use it rather than long legal documents. Notice should be given at
the time that you are asking the person to make the decision so that the point
at which they decide to provide the information would be the point at which the
notice would be given rather than a generic document that they are meant to
look at the first time they go online or every time they go online and which
can be changed whenever a business likes—which is another practice that some
online businesses engage in.[81]
The Committee supports Recommendation 4 in the Senate Environment and
Communications References Committee’s report.[82] Accordingly, it recommends:
Recommendation 8 |
That the Office of Privacy Commissioner, in consultation
with web browser developers, Internet service providers and the advertising
industry, and in accordance with proposed amendments to the Privacy Act
1988 (Cth), develop and impose a code which includes a 'Do Not Track'
model following consultation with stakeholders. |
The Committee supports Recommendation 5 in the Senate Environment and Communications
References Committee’s report.[83] It therefore recommends:
Recommendation 9 |
That the Australian Government amend the Privacy Act 1988
(Cth) to provide that an organisation has an Australian link if it
collects information from Australia, thereby ensuring that information
collected from Australia in the online context is protected by the Privacy
Act 1988 (Cth). |
The Committee supports Recommendation 6 in the Senate Environment and
Communications References Committee’s Report.[84] Accordingly, the
Committee recommends:
Recommendation 10 |
That the Australian Government amend the Privacy Act 1988
(Cth) to require all Australian organisations that transfer
personal information offshore are fully accountable for protecting the
privacy of that information. |
The Committee supports Recommendation 6 in the Senate Environment and
Communications References Committee’s report.[85] It therefore recommends:
Recommendation 11 |
That the Australian Government consider the enforceability
of provisions relating to the transfer of personal information offshore and,
if necessary, strengthen the powers of the Australian Privacy Commissioner to
enforce adequate protection of offshore data transfers. |
The Committee supports Recommendation 7 in the Senate Environment and
Communications References Committee’s report.[86] Accordingly, the
Committee recommends:
Recommendation 12 |
That the Australian Government continue to work
internationally, and particularly within our region, to develop strong
privacy protections for Australians in the online context. |