House Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
Replay: Session Three – Australian experiences in utilising smart infrastructure

Session Three –Australian experiences in utilising smart infrastructure
Catherine King MP
Committee Chair
Kevin Bloch
Chief Technology Officer, CISCO
Kevin Bloch is Chief Technology Officer at Cisco. Kevin joined Cisco 10 years ago. Previously, he held positions with other telecommunications equipment manufacturers as well as with Telstra. He has held several roles in the telecommunications industry including management, strategic planning, marketing, sales, systems engineering and technology development. His expertise covers the fields of architecture, internet technologies, and broadband and telecommunications infrastructure. Kevin holds a BSc (Computer Science) and a BE (Engineering Hons) from the University of New South Wales and is the author of several notable publications and technical reference books.
Topic: Smart and Connected
Digitisation and communication are two enablers already changing our world. Together, they make a smart, connected society more than just a vision. They enable a realistic, practical path that governments and enterprises are leading towards. New “smart” cities such as Incheon, Korea and intelligent highways such as the Monash freeway in Victoria are examples taking place right now, generating new jobs and transforming how we work, live, play and learn. With leadership and foresight, infrastructure can be made “smart” and “connected”. Significant benefits can be achieved that far outweigh the relatively small, initial incremental cost.
Ann Burns
APAC Utilities Lead, Accenture
Ann Burns leads the Accenture Utilities practice across Asia Pacific, and has a particular specialism in the evolution of smart grids and smart cities. Her focus is on providing thought leadership in the areas of corporate strategy and business transformation. Ann has been with Accenture almost 15 years, prior to joining Accenture, she practiced as an Architect working on both large commercial and residential schemes. Having joined Accenture, Ann commenced working in the Consumer Products industry, she then transitioned into the Resources industry sector and has worked extensively with Energy companies as they prepare for the significant changes driven by changing industry structures and de-regulation.
Topic: Experiences from Jemena’s roll out of Smart Meters in Victoria.
Matthew McKenzie
GE Energy General Manager Transmission and Distribution (Asia Pacific)
Matt McKenzie is the Leader of GE Energy’s Transmission and Distribution business in the Asia Pacific Region. The Transmission and Distribution business provides integrated smart grid solutions and reliable power delivery to electric utilities as well as supporting the gas, water and telecom sectors. Matt began his career with GE in 2003 and has held a number of General Management and Commercial Leadership roles including several years with GE Capital. Prior to joining GE, Matt was with General Motors where he spent a number of years in business development across the Asia region.
Topic: Smarter energy infrastructure - Driving energy security and economic competitiveness
The Australian energy sector is a prime target for the deployment of smart grid technology with the challenges of growing energy consumption, increasing peak energy demand, reducing carbon emissions levels that are the highest per capita in the world, rising electricity costs and integrating renewable power generation into the grid.
Danny Elia
Transurban General Manager, CityLink
Danny Elia is Transurban’s General Manager of CityLink, one of the most successful toll roads in Australia and one of the world’s first fully electronic toll roads. In his third year with Transurban, Danny has worked closely with the Victorian Government to oversee the Monash-CityLink-Westgate Upgrade Project, which has been critical in easing congestion along the vital M1 corridor. Danny has extensive commercial, legal and operational experience as a senior executive across the bio-fuel, transport logistics, retail and manufacturing sectors. He has previously worked for companies such as Linfox, Coles Myer Group, General Mills, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Unilever.
Topic: Innovative urban congestion solutions from Melbourne and Washington DC.
Mike van de Worp
ARTC, Telstra, Lockheed Martin
Mike van de Worp is General Manager Communications and Control Systems at Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) and has been since 2007. He was previously managing BHP Billiton’s Rail Operations in the Pilbara area, responsible for wide ranging improvements in the system, introduced primarily through technological innovation. He has extensive railroad experience developed since 1974. In addition since then he has been a consultant on rail Electrification, power systems and control, been General Manager of an Electrical and Electronic Engineering manufacturing and project delivery business for mining and industry and has operated and maintained port processing facilities for the iron ore business.
Topic: Advanced Train Management Systems / National Train Communications System.
The National Train Communications System is a leap forward in providing a National communications strategy for the Rail Industry. In April 2007 ARTC engaged Telstra to deliver a National Train Communication Network across the interstate rail corridors.. The locomotive In Cab Equipment (ICE) units provide a single integrated and redundant communications interface between the Train Drivers and Network controllers, simplifying the interface and providing smart communications.
The ATMS design provides enhanced capacity, reliability, and safety of train operations while allowing significant reductions in infrastructure and life cycle costs in a systems approach that does not rely on the various disparate forms of safeworking and trackside signalling methods currently in use.
Alan Smart
Deputy Chairman, Spatial Industries Business Association
Alan Smart is the Marketing Director and Principal Consultant working in the Canberra office of ACIL Tasman. He provides advice on economics, policy and strategy for corporate and government clients. Alan consults in the energy, water and infrastructure sectors. Alan’s qualifications are Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Economics. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers. Alan was elected as SIBA Vice Chair on 12 November 2009.
Topic: The application of geospacial technologies in smart infrastructure.
Sam Sangster
Chief Operating Officer, VicUrban
Sam Sangster is the Chief Operating Officer of VicUrban, the Victorian Government’s sustainable urban development agency. Sam partners the CEO to deliver business outcomes, provides strategic commercial advice to the Board, and leads the Corporate Operations division, providing group shared services. During an extensive career with leading ASX100 companies, Sam has built a reputation as a leader in strategy development, business performance and financial management, strategic sourcing, and change management. Sam is a CPA, a graduate member of the AICD, and is admitted to legal practice in Victoria and the ACT.
Topic: VicUrban’s experience utilising smart infrastructure.
VicUrban is the Victorian Government’s sustainable urban land development agency. The agency delivers government policies to improve the quality of urban living, open up housing choice to customers and to provide investment opportunities to the private sector. The agency’s innovation journey has included Melbourne Docklands; the Lynbrook development in the 1990s; and working in partnership with home builders to deliver 6 star homes. One of VicUrban’s key innovations is the delivery of Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) in green field residential communities. A growing number of VicUrban communities access telephony, high-speed internet and video services via the very fast FTTH network. As a result, VicUrban has witnessed the application of smart infrastructures to residential and non-residential developments across a range of delivery models, geographies and smart infrastructure systems.
Paul Pettigrew
Program Director, Grid ICT Strategy, SEQ Water Grid Manager
Paul Pettigrew is the Managing Director of Mach Technology, a next-generation technology solutions and consulting company. His current focus is as Managing Consultant on the SEQ Water Grid ICT Strategy program. Before founding Mach Technology in 2005, Paul held leadership roles in SMS Management & Technology, KAZ Technology Services and Aspect Computing. Prior to his commercial career, Paul served in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) for 11 years as an F/A-18 Fighter Pilot and Qualified Flying Instructor (QFI). He has also represented Australia at the World Rowing Championships and holds Computer Science, Business Management and Aviation tertiary qualifications.
Topic: SEQ Water Grid ICT Strategy program.
Since the reform of the South East Queensland (SEQ) water industry commenced in 2007, significant progress has been made. Four new State Government owned entities are operating and a further three new Local Government entities will commence operations by 1 July 2010. These entities collectively deliver water services to ‘1 in 7’ Australians’ as an integrated grid. The objective of the SEQ Water Grid ICT Strategy program is to develop a technology blueprint for a whole-of-Grid supply chain, using enterprise architecture as a framework to describe target endstates of 2015 and 2020. Mr Pettigrew will present on the way in which these entities are collaboratively contributing towards the definition of a Water Grid Enterprise Architecture (WGEA), and some of the new and clever ways in which critical infrastructure security requirements may be met.
Steve Schmidt
Acting Director, Industry Solutions, Telstra
Steve Schmidt is the Acting Director of Industry Solutions for Telstra and is responsible for the following business units - Managed Radio & Wireless, Managed Industrial Networks, Payments Solutions and Mobility Applications & Services. He joined Telstra in 2001 and has extensive experience in using telecommunications to deliver transformational business solutions for Enterprise and Government customers. Two recent projects of national significance include Telstra’s National Emergency Alert solution and Telstra’s New Telecommunication System for ARTC.
Topic: Investing in public transport for public benefit.
Mr Schmidt will discuss the role of telecommunications companies in smart roads, smart transport and smart infrastructure, as well as what Telstra is currently doing on trials of smart buses working in conjunction with public transport authorities. The smart buses aim to reduce carbon emissions and traffic congestion; improve the travelling experience; improve passenger and driver safety; and simplify integration with other current and roadmap systems. Mr Schmidt will also provide an overview of the National Train Communications System project - an efficient, effective and interoperable Train Control communications
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