Dissenting report—Mr Paul Neville MP, Mr Paul Fletcher MP, Mrs Jane
Prentice MP
1. Summary
This Dissenting Report sets out the views of the Coalition Members of
the Committee, Paul Fletcher MP, Paul Neville MP and Jane Prentice MP.
We believe this inquiry into the NBN was the wrong kind of inquiry at
the wrong time. It was a highly political exercise, designed to generate a
feel-good report offering support for the rollout of the NBN. To be meaningful,
this inquiry should have been conducted before the decision to spend $43
billion on the NBN, and it should have been structured as a cost-benefit
analysis, rather than a shopping list of benefits without any consideration of
The Coalition supports an upgrade of Australia’s broadband infrastructure.
We think Labor’s NBN is the wrong way to do it. It spends far too much money
(with total announced expenditure already exceeding $50 billion); it
establishes a new government owned monopoly; and it will lead to higher prices
and poorer service than in a competitive market.
Our views have been very much reinforced by this inquiry. We have seen
some impressive examples of the ways in which broadband can deliver benefits in
health, education, government, business and other sectors. But that has never
been in dispute; what is in dispute is the right way to secure these benefits,
what kind of networks are required, and who should own and operate them.
Our first conclusion is that the NBN has been poorly planned and
implemented. The evidence we received suggests that:
n There was little
planning prior to the 2009 announcement that the Rudd Government was abandoning
its fibre to the node network and building a fibre to the premises network
n Key network and
rollout decisions are driven by political considerations
n There is poor
communication with industry
n The degree of
preparation by Commonwealth Departments is unimpressive.
Our second conclusion is that many of the key claims which have been
made about the NBN by the Rudd-Gillard government are overblown and cannot be
substantiated. For example, the benefits of telemedicine will not be secured
without a great deal of additional work – upgrading broadband access to homes
is only one part (and not the most critical one) of the telemedicine picture.
It is clear that the NBN is not the only way to achieve the benefits of
broadband, and it will not necessarily deliver higher take up or lower prices.
We find that the central premise of the NBN policy – that there is
overwhelming demand for fibre to the home – is wrong. That is evident from the
poor early take up, from the relatively poor response to the Inquiry, and from
extensive evidence that many stakeholders are not interested or engaged.
The single most striking conclusion from this inquiry is that there were
very few persuasive examples given of applications which actually require the
speeds that the NBN will deliver. This was so across a wide range of sectors
including telemedicine, education, business and government.
A related point was the failure to demonstrate the need for this speed
to 10 million premises – as opposed to a rollout targeted to a much smaller
number of key institutions such as schools, hospitals and libraries.
There was significant evidence to the Committee pointing to better
approaches than the NBN – such as targeting rapid improvements to black spots,
or targeting higher speeds to key institutions.
Finally, we were struck by some of the very nasty side effects of the
Rudd-Gillard Government’s NBN policy. In particular, by establishing a
government owned monopoly, this policy is suppressing competition and handing
enormous power to NBN Co’s management team. The likely consequence – prices
will be higher and take up lower than under a competitive market structure.
Coalition Members thank all of those who made submissions to and
appeared before the Committee and those who hosted demonstrations and site
visits. We also thank the Committee staff.
2. The wrong kind of inquiry at the wrong time
a. A highly political exercise – after the decision was taken
This inquiry was established following a reference by Infrastructure
Minister Anthony Albanese in late 2010. The terms of reference were essentially
a laundry list of possible benefits that the NBN might offer. It was designed
to be a political exercise, drumming up supportive testimony in favour of the
NBN and resulting in a feel-good report offering support for the rollout of the
To be meaningful, this inquiry should have been conducted before the
Rudd government took the decision to spend $43 billion on the NBN. There is
little point in investigating the benefits to be secured from the NBN over
eighteen months after the decision has been taken. The clear aim of this
inquiry was to generate political support for the NBN.
The Labor controlled committee set out to obtain supportive submissions
from as many people and organisations as possible. Given that the NBN is a
project involving very large expenditure – in excess of $50 billion – it is not
difficult to generate a significant number of submissions from those expecting
to benefit.
The Committee secretariat sought submissions from a range of interested
parties – many of them arms or creatures of government. Of 235 organisations
which provided submissions, 54 were local councils and their umbrella
organisations and a further 16 were Regional Development Authorities (RDAs).[1]
It is worth considering in more detail the evidence provided by one RDA,
in Tasmania. Like all RDAs, its funding comes from the Commonwealth Government.[2]
The Tasmanian RDA was very supportive of the NBN. Its submission cited a
range of benefits to be obtained. Under the heading ‘Impacting On Regional
Economic Growth And Employment Opportunities,’ there were nine such benefits,
including adding to the liveability of a region, enabling employees to work
remotely, increasing market opportunities and facilitating the emergence of
industries that leverage from IT and exposure to global markets, such as
animation/education and software development.[3]
When asked how they came up with the material in the submission, witnesses
from RDA Tasmania stated, ‘Through consultation.’[4]
On further questioning, it emerged that a survey about the NBN sent to 1500
stakeholders had received two responses.[5]
Naturally RDAs will argue for extra investment to benefit their region,
and Coalition members make no criticism of the Tasmanian RDA or any other
witness. However, the public policy issue is whether the Rudd Gillard
Government’s $50 billion NBN is the most cost effective and sensible way to
upgrade Australia’s broadband infrastructure; in considering that question it
is not particularly enlightening to know that a government funded RDA supports
it, whereas the tangible evidence from the low response rate to the survey is
rather more enlightening.
b. Should have been a cost benefit analysis
Seeking to assess the benefits of a project such as the NBN, without a
consideration of the costs, is a fairly pointless exercise.
As witnesses from the Department of Finance stated, cost must be a
consideration in any evaluation:
Mr Archer: ...If you were making a decision about what
to put in place today and that was a significant amount of money, as this is,
then you would want to look at making a choice around the technology that
arguably demonstrated the greatest benefit into the future so that you could
continually leverage and build on that.
Mr FLETCHER: Does cost come into that consideration as
Mr Archer: Of course it would have to be a factor.[6]
The stated policy of the Rudd-Gillard government in relation to major
infrastructure projects is that there should be a cost-benefit study before a
decision is taken.
In conducting this inquiry, the Committee should have made an assessment
of the benefits of the NBN and weighed them up against the costs.
Unfortunately, this approach was specifically ruled out, despite it being
proposed by Coalition members.
This Committee is not alone in having its work so circumscribed. As
Infrastructure Australia notes in its submission, the Rudd Government’s Nation-Building
Funds Act 2008 specifically excluded Infrastructure Australia from
conducting a cost benefit study of the NBN, notwithstanding that it has this
responsibility in relation to other major infrastructure projects it considers.[7]
As a result of the limitations on the Committee’s working methods, this
inquiry was conducted in an Alice i Infrastructure
Australia, Submission 10, p 2n Wonderland world. Its terms of reference asked
the Committee to consider the optimal capacity and technological requirements
of the network, but the Committee was prevented from considering cost.
Some argue that cost benefit analyses cannot be conducted in relation to
a project like the NBN. However, many witnesses before the Committee
acknowledged that it would be feasible to conduct a cost benefit analysis. For
example, Mr David Jackson, Manager Economic Development, Brisbane City Council,
spoke of the Council’s work in quantifying the benefits from a broadband
network rollout the Council had been planning.
Mr FLETCHER—In the work you have done in determining
some of the benefits of building a network—for example, you talked about reduced
travel time and so on—can we take it from that that it is your view that it is
possible to itemise and indeed quantify the benefits of building a new network
and then compare that against the cost of building such a network?
Mr Jackson—We have done a lot of work in that space
within the constraints on our ability to apply resources to the task. What is
clear is that there are some quantifications that can be done….[8]
Mr Jackson agreed that it is not impossible to carry out a cost benefit
analysis of a broadband network rollout.
Mr FLETCHER—You would not accept the proposition that
it is simply impossible to compare the costs with the benefits of a broadband
Mr Jackson—I think we can go some way down that track.[9]
Similarly, Dr Tim Williams, who has carried out a major study into
broadband in Australia and Britain at the request of Huawai, told the Committee
that it is feasible to conduct a cost-benefit study of broadband
Mr FLETCHER: What is your perspective on the way that
the networks and their benefits might be assessed for public policy purposes?
You have given us some very interesting, tangible examples of cost savings. Do
you believe that it is possible to construct an economic case that is based
upon those kinds of savings or other benefits?
Dr Williams: Yes. There are some established
principles around doing that. It is interesting in the UK, and it is something
worth looking at. The Treasury has a Green Book appraisal process. I am sure
you have similar here, but probably not quite the same. It is worth looking at
because it looks at some of the externalities that are claimed from
investments. It is very rigid about that. We need professional scepticism about
this, but at the end of the day I think it can be proven. There are some
established ways of doing that.[10]
The Business Council of Australia argued that there should be a
cost-benefit analysis conducted before the decision to build the NBN is taken.
The BCA continues to advocate for the NBN to be subjected to
a cost-benefit analysis to demonstrate it is the best way forward for the
development of the communications sector. It stands to reason that if
alternative industry models can provide broadband services to consumers and
businesses at a lower cost it will result in higher take-up and use, with
greater flow-on benefits.[11]
As the US senator Everett Dirksen once said, ‘A billion here, a billion
there, pretty soon it adds up to real money.’ In anybody’s language, the
Australian people are spending real money on the NBN. But we have no evidence
quantifying the benefits to be received – and this Inquiry did not fill this
3. Majority Report
Given the nature of this exercise, it is unsurprising that the
Committee’s Majority Report gives a glowing endorsement of the NBN.
The Majority Report repeatedly cites applications which require speeds
very much lower than the NBN is being engineered to deliver. To take three
n At paragraph 3.53
there is a discussion of the remote home monitoring application developed by
Intel-GE Care used in the Hunter Nursing trial last year – with no reference to
the fact that the required speed for this system is 512 Kbps (one two hundredth
of the NBN’s 100 Mbps)[12]
n At paragraph 5.28 and
following there is a discussion of ‘smart grids’ – that is, electricity
distribution networks containing ‘smart meters’ at the customer end which feed
back data about electricity usage in real time. Smart meters use quite limited
bandwidth, but this fact is buried deep in paragraph 5.28: ‘…individual smart
meters do not require high bandwidth in themselves...’
n The discussion of
agricultural sensors at paragraph 5.35 and following fails to disclose that the
data requirements for such sensors are quite low. Evidence from Mr Robert
Walker of Agforce is cited, but the Majority Report fails to note that Mr
Walker agreed that the bandwidth requirements are low and it is general
availability not speed which matters.[13]
Coalition Members note that the Majority Report conspicuously fails to
get to grips with the central question: how can we be sure that there will be
substantial take up of services on the NBN? This is critical financially:
unless the NBN achieves the projected take up, it will not achieve its revenue
targets and taxpayers will be stuck with a hugely loss making venture.
But it is just as important a question when testing the public policy
objective of the NBN: to drive broadband take up so as many Australians as
possible can capture the benefits of high speed broadband services. There is
very little value in having a widely available high speed network if only a
small proportion of the population connects because, for example, the retail
prices are too high.
The policy premise of the NBN is that by 2021 around 8.5 million
Australian households will purchase services over the network, overwhelmingly
for purposes of communication and entertainment. Then it is assumed that there
will be spin off benefits in areas like health, education, e-commerce, regional
development and so on – all of the various elements of the terms of reference
of this inquiry.
Of course, the Coalition has many well known objections to the model:
but even those who are supporters of the model would presumably wish to use an
inquiry like this to test its internal logic. Yet the Majority Report has
virtually nothing to say about how, commercially, take up by 8.5 million
households is to be achieved. It limits itself to some motherhood
recommendations in chapter 11 about a ‘comprehensive engagement strategy’ and
using RDAs in ‘facilitating local community engagement.’
4. NBN is poorly planned and implemented
The first conclusion which emerges from this Inquiry is that the NBN has
been poorly planned and implemented. The evidence we received suggests that:
n There was little
planning prior to the 2009 announcement that the Rudd Government was abandoning
its fibre to the node network and building a fibre to the premises network
n Key network and
rollout decisions are driven by political considerations
n There is poor
communication with industry
n The degree of
preparation by Commonwealth Departments is unimpressive.
a. Little Planning Prior to 2009 NBN Announcement
In early 2009 the Rudd Government abruptly changed its broadband policy
– from a fibre to the node rollout costing $4.7 billion to a fibre to the
premises rollout costing $43 billion. Evidence to the Committee suggests that
little planning work was done prior to this decision, and little expert advice
was sought.
The department with primary responsibility for broadband policy is the
Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. This
Department informed the Committee that there was no formal analysis done,
before the decision in early 2009 to change from a fibre to the node rollout to
a fibre to the premises rollout, as to the benefits that would be obtained.
Mr FLETCHER: As part of that, was there work done of
the kind that is included in your submission as to the sorts of things that
could be delivered over fibre to the premises that could not be delivered over
fibre to the node?
Mr Heazlett: The decision per se was not one that was
consciously addressing the relative benefits of a fibre-to-the-node approach
and a fibre-to-the-premises approach. The costs or potential costs involved in
pursuing a fibre-to-the-node program were of a similar order of magnitude to
the costs identified in relation to fibre to the premises. Given that and the
conclusive views of a wide variety of people that fibre to the premises was far
preferable and offered far greater potential for the future than fibre to the
node, the government decided to go to the fibre-to-the-premises approach.[14]
Australia’s public universities share ownership of a high speed research
network, AARNET, which is a major repository of expertise in high speed
broadband. However, AARNET was not consulted before the 2009 decision.
Mr FLETCHER: I am interested, given your
organisation's expertise in this field, in whether you were asked to provide
advice to government in advance of the decision announced in April 2009 to
build a National Broadband Network?
Mr Hancock: Not that I am aware of.[15]
In hearings before the Committee, the Department of Health and Ageing
not able to provide the Committee with any indication of what advice was
provided by the Department to the Government in advance of its 2009 decision on
the NBN. It took this question on notice. In its subsequent response to the
Committee, the Department could cite no advice given any later than 2006.[16]
A similar lack of planning appears to have characterised the Tasmanian
Mr FLETCHER—Has the Tasmanian government done any
survey work or projections on the likely appetite for services over the NBN?
Mr McGee—No, not that I am aware of.[17]
Nor it seems was consultation conducted with many relevant experts
before the decision was made. This point was made rather crisply in a
submission to the Committee from the Australasian Telehealth Society.
While telehealth has often been proposed as a key justification
for proceeding with the National Broadband Network, the views of the Australian
telehealth community have not previously been sought, nor a comprehensive case
for telehealth on the NBN presented.[18]
b. Politics driving rollout decisions
The Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry was very critical of the
decision to choose three regional towns as the first location for NBN’s roll
out in Tasmania, stating that this was for political reasons.
The three that they chose, we believe were totally wrong.
They were chosen for purely political reasons. All three were marginal seats.[19]
Mr Wallace of the TCCI stated that his organisation would have preferred
a higher priority to be given to Hobart and Launceston, so as to secure
productivity gains. He noted that these cities already have some optical fibre
With political imperatives driving rollout decisions, there appears to
have been little opportunity given to local communities to engage in advance
planning to maximise the opportunities from the NBN. Dorset Council for
example, covering the Tasmanian town of Scottsdale, received little advance
notice that it would be a first release site.
Mr FLETCHER—When did Dorset Council first learn that
Scottsdale was to be an initial site for NBN?
Mrs Mercer—I think it was sometime between July and
September 2009.
Mr FLETCHER—So it was not on the basis of a proposal
or a submission the council made.
Mrs Mercer—No.
Mr FLETCHER—You were just notified of that.
Mrs Mercer—We were, yes.[21]
Similarly in Townsville, there was no advance notice that Townsville
would be a first release site.
Mr Hayward…the first we heard as a council that we
were a first release site was the press release. That did catch us by surprise.
As a result of that, we have had to change how we do some of our internal
operations, reallocate resources to actually take advantage of the opportunity
that presents itself.[22]
c. Poor communication with industry
NBN Co appears to have done a poor job of communicating with industry.
Mr Jeremy Moffat, Managing Director, North Queensland Telecom, a small ISP,
expressed this concern:
Mr Moffat—I probably would not say that I feel like I
am shut out. I think that the small ISP area in general has just been a little
bit overlooked.[23]
Mr Moffat explained that he knew little about what was to happen
Mr Moffat—I do not know anything about NBN locally
other than it is going to be working out of Aitkenvale. I do not know how to
get access to it. I do not know what my—
Mr SYMON—There is not the information there?
Mr Moffat—Yes.[24]
In Tasmania the TCCI told the Committee of the Tasmanian business
community’s frustrations regarding the lack of information provided to
Mr Wallace—In the last eight months we have had no
connection with Tasmanian NBN Co. or NBN Co. simply because we became
frustrated, as did a lot of other organisations. The information we know is on
the government website, so we can see where the rollout is. We had to be
proactive. We had no-one coming to us.[25]
d. Unimpressive Preparation for NBN by Commonwealth Departments
It was evident that key government departments so far have done little
work on leveraging the NBN rollout. For example, when the Department of
Innovation, Industry, Science and Research told the committee about the work of
its Enterprise Connect program in regional areas, it emerged that this work has
not been coordinated with the NBN rollout.
Mrs PRENTICE: Are you matching this with the rollout?
Have you targeted Scottsdale, for example, and are you now targeting Armidale?
Mrs Zielke: Not particularly in that regard…[26]
The Department of Finance told the committee that there was no
government wide policy on teleworking.
CHAIR: … Is there a broader government agency policy
on teleworking or does it happen ad hoc on individual arrangements? Do you know
what the status is more broadly?
Mr Archer: Certainly it does happen on an ad hoc
basis. Individual agencies have positions on teleworking.[27]
The Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy was
unable to give any examples of Australian government departments communicating
with clients via videoconferencing.[28] When asked about its
responsibilities in relation to driving government usage of information
technology, DBCDE said it was not doing this work itself:
Mr SYMON: Is it your department that is working on
this transition to enable that to happen, or is it done across a number of
Mr Rizvi: It is probably fair to say that we are
something of a catalyst rather than doing the work ourselves. What we are doing
is encouraging individual departments where these opportunities arise,
particularly linked to the NBN, to consider and test them.[29]
Nor did the Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and
Local Government inspire confidence about the work being done to capture the
claimed economic benefits to regional Australia from the NBN.
When told that the Committee was interested in what appears to be a
significant presence of home based businesses in regional areas, their response
Mr Atkinson: As you said, there is no detailed data on
This became a recurring theme in the Department’s answers:
Mr FLETCHER: On page 5 of your submission you quote
some data about the lower rate of internet and broadband take-up in regional
Australia. How much of that is due, in your view, to lower incomes and
therefore a lower capacity to pay in regional Australia? The heading is ‘Current
internet access and use in regional Australia’.
Mr Atkinson: We actually have not done any detailed
analysis of what has driven those statistics. Those are ABS statistics.[31]
When asked about a statement in their submission expressing concern that
some areas may not be broadband ready, and what the consequences of not being
‘broadband ready’ might be, the answer was:
Mr Atkinson: I am not certain. I have not read the
Nor it seemed could the Department provide any statistical evidence:
Mr FLETCHER: You talk about the fact that quite a
number of the RDAs have identified improved information technology access as a
priority. Clearly, from first principles, that make sense as a thing to
identify. I am interested to know whether there is any survey data or other
data that you are aware of that any of the RDAs have gathered to support or
underpin those recommendations that they have made.
Mr Atkinson: I am sorry; I do not have the detail of
the recommendations underpinning each of the individual RDA plans.[33]
Nor had the Department reviewed the outcomes from earlier regional
communications initiatives in Australia. When asked if they had had ‘the
opportunity to go back and look at previous efforts to improve communications
infrastructure in rural Australia,’ the following exchange resulted:
CHAIR: And capture a bit of an overall picture over
time of communications across regional Australia—not the particular policies
but the history of it and where it is that?
Mr Atkinson: We have not done a detailed analysis of
the communications history.[34]
The Western Australian Internet Association highlighted the poor use of
on line communications by government agencies like Centrelink and the
Australian Taxation Office today.
Having said that, there is certainly ample opportunity for
the government to engage in the internet today. Organisations like Centrelink
and the ATO really have quite rudimentary engagement with the internet at the
moment and they could do much more.[35]
5. NBN is oversold: many claims cannot be substantiated
The second conclusion from this inquiry is that many of the key claims
which have been made about the NBN by the Rudd-Gillard government are overblown
and cannot be substantiated.
a. Telemedicine claims are overblown
Telemedicine stands out as an area where the claims made for the
benefits the NBN will deliver are overblown. The NBN will not stimulate health
and telemedicine without a great deal of additional work. Further, there is a
risk that the focus on the NBN will divert attention from higher priorities in
this field.
Dr Steve Hambleton, Vice-President of the Australian Medical
Association, highlighted the many barriers which must be overcome before there
is widespread adoption of e-health.
Mr FLETCHER—The impression I have from you is that
there are non-network barriers to the efficient exchange of information between
all the different elements of the health system. There is a lack, for example,
of a central software package that would allow the routine exchange of
information about a patient from, for example, a GP to a specialist or a GP to
a radiologist to allow the scan to occur, and then to the specialist to do the
consultation. Is that a fair summary?
Dr Hambleton—Absolutely. We have just developed in
Australia the unique patient identifier, which is step one. The e-health agenda
is talking about this magic connectivity that is going to allow patient
controlled access. All of these things need to be put in place so we can
actually use the pipes that are going to go on the ground.
Mr FLETCHER—So NBN, of itself, is not going to solve
that particular problem; you need a separate attempt to tackle that?
Dr Hambleton—Correct.[36]
This point was expanded upon in the AMA’s submission.
Further, the delivery of healthcare using high speed internet
is also contingent on the development and implementation of a range of eHealth
tools. For example, an electronic medical record that links reliable and
relevant medical information across healthcare settings would allow treating
medical practitioners to access patient information quickly to inform their
clinical decisions. Other eHealth tools like ePrescribing and discharge
summaries could be made available across the healthcare sector via
interoperable systems.[37]
A similar point was made by the Australasian Telemedicine Association.
The NBN will remove some technical barriers to new models of
health care which will incorporate telehealth as a means of delivery of health
care services, not simply consultation. However, the slow uptake of eHealth
technologies over the last few decades has shown that such paradigm shifts are
very difficult to implement in the health system. There will need to be a
national strategy for facilitating and encouraging the changes to health care
delivery which will justify the NBN on the basis of its ability to deliver
healthcare services.[38]
National ICT Australia took a similarly cautious perspective.
However, non technical barriers, such as billing for e-Health
services for example, will also need to be addressed. It is important to
understand that while pervasive broadband may remove some blockages, culture
and process must be able to take advantage of what the technology allows.[39]
Consumers e-Health Alliance also argued very forcefully that the NBN is
not a solution to e-Health in itself.[40]
b. It’s not a high speed research network & does not underpin the SKA
The Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR) stated
that the NBN would support and complement investments in the Australian
research and education network (AREN).[41]
The NBN offers sustainable solutions for those areas that the
AREN is still striving to reach.[42]
It is important to be clear that the NBN is not a research network. As
AARNET Chief Executive Chris Hancock explained to the Committee, there is clear
distinction between a consumer broadband network like NBN and a high speed
research network like AARNET (the major component of the Australian Research and
Education Network or AREN).
Mr Hancock: … every modern economy has a separate
research network like AARNet. They are called NRENs, national research and
education networks—and in our submission we outlined that there are 119 NRENs
around the world—and they are essential for the development of the internet in
each of those countries well beyond the home.[43]
Mr Hancock expanded on this point in later evidence.
Mr FLETCHER: I think what you are putting to us is
that there is a clear distinction to be drawn between, on the one hand, a
research network which is very high bandwidth to, at most, a few hundred or a
few thousand locations and then, on the other hand, what you might call a
retail broadband network designed to offer fast but an order of magnitude lower
speeds than yours to millions of premises.
Mr Hancock: That is correct.[44]
In this light it is difficult to understand DIISR’s statement in its
submission about the role of NBN in supporting research in areas where the AREN
(of which AARNET is the largest component) does not have a presence.
DIISR also argued that the NBN was of benefit to Australia’s bid for the
‘square kilometre array’(SKA) – the proposed international research telescope
which Australia is bidding to secure.
Areas of research that rely increasingly on the gathering and
synthesis of very large data sets, including those collected through
sophisticated research instruments, have the potential to benefit from the NBN.
A clear example is radio astronomy research, through the impact on the Square
Kilometre Array (SKA) bid described further in this chapter.[45]
Ms Anne-Marie Lansdown told the Committee:
Under the NBN rollouts in Western Australia through the
Regional Backbone Blackspots Program we will be significantly supported in our
bid for the square kilometre array by providing the connectivity support in the
viability of our bid.[46]
In a subsequent hearing, AARNET Chief Executive Chris Hancock explained
that the connectivity is being provided by AARNET and not by NBN:
Mr Hancock: …the area [where the SKA Pathfinder is
being built] is called Boolardy Station and it is a remote outpost 400
kilometres north-east of Geraldton. AARNet has managed the build of the fibre
from Geraldton to Boolardy on behalf of the CSIRO and there are about 30
[kilo]metres to go of the 400 kilometres as of today. When that is connected,
it has to be in a remote area, as you know, because of low noise levels and any
other signals. That is fibre that is owned by CSIRO and managed by AARNet. The
next leg of that is from Geraldton down to Perth, which is part of five
blackspots that were announced. AARNet will have an IRU—an ownership—over that
link, as well as NextGen and the NBN. That will give us the ability to connect
to there and then from Perth to Geraldton and from Perth across to Sydney we
run that on the AARNet backbone. So, basically, we will be providing very high
When DIISR appeared before the Committee again, Ms Lansdown agreed that
the telecommunications infrastructure to support the SKA was already in place.
Mr FLETCHER: Just to make sure I am understanding this
correctly, if the link from Geraldton has been built and the rest of it uses
existing backbone, if there were no further expenditure on the NBN would the
telecommunications infrastructure which is required to support the SKA be
Ms Lansdown: If you assume that we are going to
compress the data before we move it from Perth and the most likely path for
that is the AREN path, which is a 10-gigabit network, the answer is yes.[48]
Coalition Members therefore do not accept the argument that the NBN is a
requirement for the SKA to proceed.
Ms Lansdown also agreed that there was no requirement to build 10
million fibre optic connections to homes (the major contributor to the cost of
the NBN) to support the SKA.
Mr FLETCHER: You are not putting it to us, so I
presume that the 10 million connections in the access network are required to
support the SKA?
Ms Lansdown: No, I do not think I have.[49]
c. NBN is not the only way to achieve the benefits of broadband
The Rudd-Gillard Government has sought to give the impression that there
are only two positions you can take: you either support the NBN and its network
design, or you oppose broadband. Of course, that is nonsense. There are many
alternative, cheaper network designs and funding arrangements which deliver the
benefits of high speed broadband but at much lower cost to the taxpayer than
the NBN.
One example is the approach being used in Britain. This was explained
by Dr Tim Williams, including the balance between private sector funding and
public spending.
Dr Williams: The UK position is that by 2014
two-thirds of the UK residents will receive fibre to the premises. There is a
caveat, which is that half that is currently copper for the last mile, as it
were, but will be replaced incrementally. That is by largely BT-private
sector—which is a privatised utility from 25 years ago—and other private sector
deliverers working there, so two-thirds is effectively a private sector result.
The final third is where the problem is in most parts of the world, it seems to
me, and that is now requiring special attention by the central government who
are putting in, at the moment, half a billion dollars to try to incentivise
deals between the local communities and the private sector to try to make that
happen. It is largely fibre based that they are going for, except with the
final third the government has said that it will be technologically neutral,
that is, that it will support fibre to a community centre, as it were, through
the BT route and then, beyond that, whatever can be achieved in a mix of
technologies and they will put some incentive money into that.[50]
d. NBN will not automatically deliver higher take up or lower prices
Some submissions assumed that by delivering higher speeds NBN will
achieve higher broadband take up. A good example was the citing by the
Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy of e-government
in Denmark.
Denmark is considered by the OECD to among the best in Europe
in terms of the sophistication in e-government services with 84 per cent of the
20 basic services for citizens on line. This is supported by Denmark’s
performance as a leader in terms of broadband penetration and frequent internet
DBCDE is evidently arguing that the best way to emulate Denmark’s
performance in e-government is to increase broadband penetration in Australia
towards the levels which apply in Denmark. That argument is plausible – but DBCDE
provides no evidence for its assumption that rolling out the NBN will be
effective to increase broadband penetration. Denmark offers no support for
DBCDE’s assumption: OECD statistics show that as at 30 June 2010, of the 37.7
broadband services per 100 persons in Denmark, only 4.7 are fibre, with the
clear majority being DSL.[52]
Other submissions assumed that NBN will deliver lower broadband prices.
DIISR was one example.
Currently, many regional and remote SMEs have limited growth
potential due to a slower uptake of online technology than in metropolitan
areas. This is mainly due to the difficulty in obtaining connection to these
services at a reasonable price. The NBN has the potential to break down this
barrier and allow an increased uptake of online technology.[53]
DIISR may be right that high broadband prices are holding back take up
in rural and remote Australia. But there is no basis for its assumption that
NBN will deliver lower broadband pricing.
e. Benefits will not come automatically
Many witnesses made the point that the NBN is not a ‘silver bullet’. The
benefits that its champions claim will not occur automatically as a result of
building the NBN. Industry body Communications Alliance made this point
Mr Stanton: As I said, the network in itself will not
achieve everything that we are looking for in terms of digital economy
development, because unless there is a reason to connect and to use it at high
speed people will not. They will need applications and they will need the
opportunity to take advantage of what the network can provide, but at the end
of the day it is a layer 2 network. The magic is above layer 2.[54]
Dr Tim Williams pointed out that the NBN will not, of itself, lead to
the delivery of government services over the internet.
The second thing that is very much in the report is that a
lot of this is not automatically going to happen as a consequence of just
providing a highway. It is really about trying to make sure that at least what
is under public control, either at central or local government, really
understands what this can do to services that they deliver.[55]
f. Oversold: the gap is not as great as is claimed
Part of the case for building the NBN is that Australia’s broadband
infrastructure today is hopelessly inadequate. As evidence to the Committee
demonstrated, the picture is more complex. It is clear that many residential
customers do not get adequate fixed line broadband. But many do; and many
businesses, hospitals, schools, universities and other institutions already
have high bandwidth connections.
This point was made by DBCDE:
Mr Rizvi: As you would be aware, Mr Fletcher, quite a
large proportion of hospitals are probably already connected to fibre, and
schools to a lesser degree. Large businesses have often invested in fibre.[56]
A good summary of the position in the education sector was provided by
the Australian Information and Communications Technology in Education Committee
Broadband connectivity within the education sector is
improving. The higher education sector is generally well served by a high speed
broadband network. The vocational education and training (VET) sector has a
high degree of fibre connectivity but a wide range of line speeds ranging from
less than 4 megabits per second (Mbps) to over 100Mbps. An increasing
proportion of schools are connected to fibre and line speeds are improving but
they remain varied, ranging from less than 4Mbps to over 100Mbps.[57]
AICTEC reported that a survey by the Commonwealth Department of
Education found that 63.4% of schools (there are approximately 10,000 in
Australia) had a fibre connection in 2010.[58] This suggests that a
program to prioritise connecting all other schools to fibre could be carried
out relatively quickly and cheaply.
DBCDE presented evidence that 4.4 million premises in Australia could
receive speeds of at least 9.4 Mbps from ADSL2+ and a further 3.66 million
premises could receive speeds of at least 3 Mbps.[59]
Its submission also stated that a speed of 4-5 Mbps was sufficient for high
definition video using MPEG-4 compression.[60]
DBCDE were asked to provide a supplementary submission updating these
numbers by including the number of Australians who can receive a cable service
from Telstra or Optus, given that these networks are capable of delivering
speeds of up to 100 Mbps.[61] DBCDE declined to
provide this data.
Some witnesses who appeared before the Committee have high speed
broadband connections today. For example, Mr Tony Clark of Rising Sun Pictures,
a film and television animation visual effects company in Adelaide, told the
Committee of his company’s very impressive achievements in delivering animation
products all around the world using the internet. Mr Clark explained that
Rising Sun already has a fibre connection.
Mr FLETCHER—I want to check a couple of things. The
impression I got from what you have said is that to date you have been able to
connect with your customers on fibre or other high-bandwidth networks—is that
Mr Clark—That is correct but that is principally
because we have built them ourselves.
Mr FLETCHER—Presumably though it made economic sense
for you to do that?
Mr Clark—Bearing in mind that we were bootstrapped by
a significant investment by the state government of South Australia which
enabled us to build that, yes, absolutely.[62]
6. NBN’s central premise – overwhelming demand for FTTH – is wrong
The third conclusion from this inquiry is that the NBN plan is based on
a false premise. There is no overwhelming demand for high speed fibre to the
home broadband. On the contrary, demand is weak and interest is low. This
appears related to the fact that very few applications have been demonstrated
which actually need the speeds of 100 Mbps or 1 Gbps which the NBN is being
engineered to deliver.
In the limited number of cases where we saw applications which could
justify higher speeds than can be delivered over today’s networks, they were
not applications which would typically be delivered to homes. In other words,
there may be a case to connect fibre to key institutions such as schools.
However, no case has been made to connect fibre to around 10 million
residential premises in Australia.
a. Troubling indicators of weak demand
Disappointing early takeup
The Committee visited locations where the NBN has been rolled out. Take
up is disappointingly low.
In Scottsdale, Tasmania, 70 per cent of homes have agreed to be
connected to the network.[63] In other words, 30 per
cent have declined – even though connection is free. Committee members were
advised by employees of NBN Tasmania, during our discussions with them, that
take-up of a paid service was only around 15 per cent. The local council has
not taken a service.[64]
An Internet service provider involved in the NBN trials in Tasmania,
iiNet, indicated its view that take up cannot just be left in the hands of the
internet service providers.
Mrs PRENTICE: You mentioned and acknowledged our
concerns in Scottsdale in Tasmania where there was not the take-up that we
would have hoped for. Whose role do you see as promoting the importance of
take-up? Is that something you as a retailer should be involved in?
Mr Dunstan: I think both pillars are very important
and the ability of NBN to continue to build the brand and build the education
is really important. ISPs on their own will find it difficult to build the
education about what, how and why of the NBN.[65]
Limited number of submissions
The Committee received 235 submissions and 17 supplementary submissions.[66]
This is a surprisingly small number of submissions for an inquiry into an
infrastructure project which is supposedly addressing huge unmet demand. As a
comparator, the 1996 Senate Inquiry into the sale of Telstra received 634
submissions – nearly three times as many.[67]
Evidence of lack of interest
There was evidence provided to the Committee, by a range of witnesses
from a number of different sectors, that small business and other sectors have
little interest in or awareness of broadband and the NBN.
Philippa Forrester, Chair, McLaren Vale Grape, Wine and Tourism
Association, gave evidence to the Committee about the potential impact of the
NBN in her region. She commented that ‘many of the small businesses did not
really think that it was going to make a difference to them.’[68]
She added that in her experience ‘farmers generally do not even think about
Mr Thomas Laing, Secretary, Willunga Business and Tourism Association,
gave a telling example of the lack of demand for broadband applications by
small businesses in his area.
Mr Laing - We have a developer in McLaren Vale Mark Potter
who has done an iPhone app for tourism. The uptake of that in Willunga has been
very slow. People are not knocking on his door and saying, ‘Yes, yes, please.’
It is, ‘We’ll wait and see.’[70]
Awareness is low even in Tasmania where the NBN’s first rollouts have
occurred, as Digital Tasmania noted.
Awareness has been rather lacklustre outside the first three
towns. NBN and fibre-optic are sort of name dropped at every opportunity by the
state and federal governments, but people are not really told what that means
to them and what it is going to do for them in the real world in real terms.[71]
RDA Tasmania also revealed that it was finding little interest from
Tasmanian businesses in NBN. It had issued a survey concerning the NBN to all
1500 stakeholders in their database, across Tasmania, and obtained two
This does not suggest strong demand for or enthusiasm about the NBN. Nor
does the following exchange with Mr Perkins of RDA Tasmania:
Mr FLETCHER—Let me put the question another way: how
many businesses can you specifically identify—I am not asking for their names
but the number of businesses—that you have spoken to in the last six months who
have identified things that they are planning to do with an improved broadband
network infrastructure?
Mr Perkins—I could not give you an answer.[73]
Take up of broadband by Tasmanian tourism businesses is low, the
Committee was told by RDA Tasmania.
I think that tourism businesses historically have not been as
open to getting online, whether it be a website or it be having their details
stored in this database. A lot of tourism businesses are bed and breakfasts or
semi-retired type arrangements, so they are happy with the status quo and they
are not as interested in growing their businesses. Therefore they do not see
the need to get online or to open up to multiple distribution channels.[74]
Nationally the picture appears similar, according to a survey recently
commissioned by the federal Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism. The
survey found that 84 per cent of tourism businesses had an on line presence,
but only 35 per cent had online booking and payment facilities.[75]
This suggests that e-commerce in tourism is more likely to be stimulated by a
program to assist tourism businesses with their on line transaction
capabilities than by giving them higher speed access.
When asked about engagement by local small and medium businesses with
broadband and its potential, Mr Jeremy Moffat, Managing Director, North
Queensland Telecom, noted a general lack of engagement:
Mr Moffat—I just do not think they are. I think there
is generally a lack of awareness through small business. I have attended a
couple of forums where the question is continually asked: what will the NBN
mean to me? What can I do that I cannot do now?[76]
The message was reinforced by Mr Peter Read, IT Consultant at the North
Queensland Small Business Development Centre. He stated that small businesses
had a low online presence and did not know who to approach. Without education,
he did not expect their online presence to change much.
Mr Read... If we do not do that, I do not think there
is going to be a lot of change, except that techos will be saying, ‘Yes, it’s
A similar point was made by Mr Darren Alexander of Tasmanian ICT.
It is important to advise and educate the SME market in
Australia…After all, there is no point putting a five-lane freeway between two
small towns if no-one is going to drive on it.[78]
The evidence of limited interest in broadband makes Coalition Committee
Members sceptical that the NBN will magically change the way small business
operates. Evidence from Scottsdale, where the NBN is already operating adds to
that scepticism. Small business owners appearing before the Committee were unable
to point to ways in which it has changed their business operations.
Mr FLETCHER—I am asking you both this in your capacity
as business owners and operators. Can you think of things that you are now
doing differently in engaging with your customers, for example, because you
have NBN or because more customers have an internet connection?
Mrs Hall—I cannot think of anything.[79]
b. Failure to demonstrate need for FTTH speed
The single most striking conclusion from this inquiry is that there were
very few persuasive examples given of applications which actually require the
speeds that the NBN will deliver.
The Committee was provided with many fascinating and encouraging
examples of applications which could be delivered if there was widespread
availability of high speed broadband services.
There was however a conspicuous lack of evidence of a need for
applications needing the speeds that a FTTH network can deliver (100 Mbps) as
opposed to speeds of say 10-20 Mbps which can be delivered over existing DSL
and HFC networks to many Australians.
Some witnesses effectively argued that the applications which would
require 100 Mbps are not yet known. This view was put by the CSIRO for example.
The future transformative impact of broadband communications,
including internet access, is, to some extent, unknown.[80]
Coalition Members welcome the intellectual honesty of this submission.
We are not persuaded however that it makes sense to spend so many billions of
taxpayers’ money on a venture the impact of which is unknown.
The failure to demonstrate specific applications requiring 100 Mbps was
notable in many different fields of activity.
Many telemedicine examples provided to Committee did not require the
speeds that NBN will deliver; often they could be readily delivered over
today’s networks. The Committee was provided with a good example by Intel-GE
Care Innovations.
Dr George Margelis from Intel-GE appeared before the Committee and
described a trial of health monitoring equipment, conducted in 2010, involving
50 elderly patients receiving in home nursing care from Hunter Nursing.
We delivered a little white box into their home, which for
all intents and purposes was a small computer but was designed to be used by
someone who did not know anything about computers. So, the classic patient had
never used a computer before in their life and had never had to worry about
those sorts of things. This device spoke to them, gave them very large onscreen
prompts, took them through a process of healthcare delivery and enabled them to
also communicate with their healthcare provider remotely. So, the nurse sitting
at her desk at Hunter Nursing could videoconference to this patient and discuss
their health concerns. They could get information about their blood pressure,
weight, blood oxygen, general wellbeing and actually ask the patients questions
about how they felt, and it did all that quite simply.[81]
Dr Margelis was asked what speed this application requires; his answer
revealed that it needs very much less than the 100 Mbps the NBN is being
engineered to deliver. The required speed is 512 Kbps – that is, one two
hundredth of 100 Mbps.
But at least 256K; 512K would be better. Once you start
getting up to one and two megabits we actually find that the technology no
longer becomes an issue and we then start hitting constraints of the hardware.[82]
For this reason, Coalition Members of the Committee deplore the fact
that NBN Co claims, incorrectly, that the Intel Health Guide it is an
application which requires the NBN. This claim appears in a fact sheet
available on NBN Co’s website, headed: ‘Case Study: Healthcare - chronic
illness; Remote care helps patients stay out of hospital.’
The fact sheet says:
As Australia’s population ages, the pressure on health
services to support sufferers of chronic illnesses, such as heart conditions,
is on the rise. The National Broadband Network (NBN) can help alleviate some of
these pressures by enabling in-home health solutions such as the Intel Health
Guide. Trials show the Intel Health Guide delivers improved patient outcomes.
With an NBN, these services could be delivered to homes across the country.[83]
It is notable that many submissions claimed that NBN would facilitate
remote monitoring and diagnostics, for example, the submission from DIISR.
Medical devices, services and software for remote prevention,
monitoring and treatment interventions over the NBN could include blood
pressure, glucose level, heart rate, weight, incontinence and falls monitors
and chronic disease treatments (e.g. for dialysis and cardiac conditions).[84]
These kinds of monitoring functions are the kind carried out by the
device used in the Hunter Nursing trial – which as has been seen requires
speeds much lower than those the NBN is engineered to deliver.
Coalition Members are bemused by the discussion in the Committee’s
Majority Report about the Hunter Nursing trial, and the failure to make
reference to Dr Margelis’ answer about the speeds required.
Coalition Members were struck by the inability of witnesses to demonstrate
a need for the speeds which the NBN is being engineered to deliver. For
example, the Department of Health and Ageing was not able to give a view as to
the minimum speed that is required for telemedicine. A representative of the
Department was unable to even tell the Committee the speeds that would be
required to provide real-time high definition video for telemedicine.[85]
In a supplementary submission, the Department sought to answer the question
posed by the Committee – ‘Could you give us some of the examples of what you
might see as the top end utilisation of telehealth that a specialist and GP
might be looking at and what you would see as the required speeds and widths
for that sort of service’.
In its response, the Department cited from a June 2010 report by NICTA
for the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy
‘Telemedicine in the context of the National Broadband Network’ which it quoted
from as follows:
There are very few studies addressing the minimum or maximum
clinical requirements for video (although some standards exist for medical
imaging). As yet, it is not determined what video specification is necessary
for each clinical (or non-clinical) application. It is also not clear at what
point ‘enough bandwidth’ provides sufficient fidelity.[86]
Conversely, witnesses before the committee readily agreed that there are
plenty of useful telehealth applications which can be delivered at speeds well
below those proposed for NBN. Mr Chesworth from DIISR, for example, acknowledged
this point.
Mr FLETCHER: I presume you are not putting to us that
unless there is ubiquitous, for example, 30 megabits per second there are no
useful telehealth applications?
Mr Chesworth: That is correct.[87]
The Australian Council for Private Education and Training was not able
to provide the Committee with data as to the speed of a connection that a
student needs to have for them to be able to participate in e-learning
Representatives of Open Universities Australia were asked about a
statement in their submission that ‘current demand is already at the maximum
physical capability’?[89] Did this mean, for
example, that they could not deliver two way video tutorials to students with
an ADSL connection:
Mr FLETCHER…Are you putting to us that your technical
experience has been that you cannot use ADSL over the copper for that kind of
Mr Hamilton—I do not know that I could be that
Ms Engwirda—We could not be that specific.
Open Universities Australia were invited to come back to the Committee
with further information to expand upon the statement in their submission and
explain what they meant by it. They did not do so.
The Committee was repeatedly provided with examples of applications
which it was claimed would deliver business benefits as a result of the NBN –
but which in fact did not require a fibre connection.
In its submission DIISR pointed to the benefits of computerised foot
scanners in retail stores.
For example, a Footwear Manufacturers' Association of
Australia consortium that includes RM Williams and J. Robins and Sons has
recently received Commonwealth funding to develop a mass customisation model
for footwear manufacturing that will more effectively meet the needs of
individual customers. Computerised foot scanners will be introduced into RM
Williams' network of over 40 retail stores, with the information then relayed
via the Internet to Australian production facilities to quickly and efficiently
produce footwear to meet individual customer needs.[90]
DIISR acknowledged that this application was not one which helped make
the case for the NBN. It did not require direct data transmission to homes, and
even between the stores concerned the data transmission requirements were low.
Mr FLETCHER: On page 25 you talk about computerised
foot scanners to be introduced into 40 retail stores. I just want to understand
the argument being made here in terms of the case for the NBN. Is it proposed
that this data will also be provided to households?
Mr Lawson: It has not been put as a case to justify
the NBN. It has been put as a case for some of the uses.
Mr FLETCHER: Sure, but the policy question before us
is the uses of the incremental bandwidth and network which is proposed.
Mr Lawson: In that particular case you would not
expect there to be any aspect to the home.
Mr FLETCHER: Do we have a sense of the volume of data
that is involved in a foot scanner?
Mr Lawson: No, that is very small.[91]
In areas where the NBN has already been built (such as Scottsdale) the
evidence of business and economic benefits is scant (apart from the short term
benefits of construction activity).
Mr FLETCHER—I want to make sure I am understanding
correctly what you are saying about the economic benefits that the town has
seen. You mentioned that a couple of people in the IT sector have moved into
the town from other parts of Australia but, for example, there is nothing
specific going on right now in terms of e-medicine. Are there any other
tangible economic benefits you would point to right now that the town has
achieved as a result of the NBN coming?
Mrs Mercer—When I was talking about the economic
development side of things, it was the short-term benefit to the community of
having over 200 people living, eating and breathing in our community. That
assisted the shop owners to keep open because we were going through an
extremely tough period because tourists do not come in winter. It certainly
helps our community survive.[92]
Government Services
The Department of Finance cited a survey showing that 54% of citizens
with a broadband connection say that they their preferred method of contacting
government is using the internet, compared to only 16% of those who do not have
This is an interesting statistic which might well be persuasive evidence
of the importance of increasing broadband take up; but it does not demonstrate
that offering higher bandwidth will increase take up.
Communications Alliance pointed to the capacity to file tax returns on
line, but agreed this could be done with the speeds available in the network
Mr Stanton: Certainly filing an online tax return is
not a particularly bandwidth intensive exercise. If you had an ADSL-type
connection you could certainly do it. The proportion would be at least those in
Australia with ADSL capability. If you were an extraordinarily patient person
you could probably get one through on dial-up, but that is an example where the
development of the e-government application has generated benefits and does not
rely on having 100 megs. It relies on concerted government action to make these
things happen.[94]
c. Failure to demonstrate need for FTTH speed to 10 m premises
A related issue is the question of why the NBN needs a direct fibre
connection to some 10 million premises.
Where the Committee was provided with examples of educational
applications requiring high speed connections, these typically were connections
to schools or universities or hospitals rather than connections to homes. This
suggests that the policy benefit could be obtained through connecting a much
smaller number of institutions (for example, the 10,000 schools in Australia)
rather than 10 million homes.
DIISR quoted the example of a distance education application for high
school science students – one which would require high speed connections to
schools and hospitals, but not a high speed fibre connection to homes.
Prof. Durant: ..In the area of education and learning,
we have been talking with one of the heart surgeons at Royal Prince Alfred
Hospital about doing live heart operations for school groups through Questacon.
It is based on a program called Cardiac Classroom, which is being run out the
Liberty Science Centre in New Jersey. They have done over 200 live operations
to secondary school groups as part of their educational and health related
functions. Again, you need the high bandwidth and the latency to be able to
interact with the surgeons.[95]
Similarly, AARNET offered an example of an application to a school that
requires 10 Mbps.
Mr Hancock: … But we still take to public
schools what we call a geodome. When you were young, you had a planetarium. The
geodome is 10 metres by 10 metres by four metres high. It is like a blow-up
jumping castle. The kids walk inside and lie on the floor. They basically see the
solar system and some packages that we get from NASA.[96]
When Dr Tim Williams in his report highlighted benefits in health in the
UK, these benefits were secured because of connections to hospitals and other
health sites.
Mr FLETCHER: …You talk about the image exchange portal
on page six of your submission. Am I right in thinking that runs between
hospitals, clinics and so on?
Dr Williams: Yes. The cost saving is one of the issues
because it used to have to be burnt onto a disk. Frankly, it is a remarkable
saving, so the answer is yes to that.[97]
Similarly, his examples concerning education related to the benefits of
connecting schools to the network.
Mr FLETCHER: You have talked about the benefits of
broadband in education and again I presume that is based upon connections to
Dr Williams: Yes.[98]
DIISR pointed to an application called Labshare as an example of what
the NBN would facilitate.
An example of the way the NBN can be leveraged in the ways
noted above is through Labshare, a program
run through the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) that provides students in
upper secondary and at the tertiary level with access to a number of remote
control experimental apparatus including structural visualisation and loaded beams.[99]
Labshare’s website indicates that its operational model is to share
laboratories over the internet between institutions – not to homes.
The Labshare Institute is a not-for-profit organisation
established to provide service to a national network of shared remote
As part of its field activities and inspections in conjunction with its
inquiry, the Committee was hosted by the University of Melbourne and its
associated Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society (IBES). Members were
impressed by the scope and potential of a range of demonstrations in the areas
of education and medicine.
In its submission to the Committee, the University of Melbourne outlined
the potential uses of broadband applications in education and medicine in the
higher education sector – including tele-presence applications and virtual
collaboration spaces. The University spoke of:
Fully immersive 3D virtual reality learning environments with
haptic (force feedback) capabilities that allow practice and rehearsal of
complex procedures. For example, researchers at the MUVRS laboratory at The
University of Melbourne have developed haptic-enabled immersive environments
that can be used to train surgeons so they can experience giving an operation
prior to practicing on real patients.[101]
The Committee witnessed demonstrations of a range of ‘over the horizon’
applications including robotic and remote surgical applications, remote
dentistry, a remote rehabilitation device, aged care monitoring and advanced
tele-conferencing applications.
Against the background of the University’s broadband vision and its
demonstrated applications, Coalition Members endorse the view that high-speed
broadband, regardless of which mode is applied, has a clear application to
education and tele-medicine.
Coalition Members authors express the concern that the demonstrated
applications (and doubtless others from similar broadband-enabling research
groups) are not yet at the stage of being practical on-the-ground applications.
It is of little value unless the research is applied universally and early as
high speed broadband is rolled out. While fibre optic connections may be the
ideal, and while a number of provincial educational organisations and hospitals
may already have fibre access, the object should be a ubiquitous service which
includes hospitals in country towns, cottage hospitals and bush-nursing
The Committee noted, in response to a question to IBES personnel, that
the demonstrations witnessed by the Committee, utilised a maximum speed 20Mbps.
Coalition Members note that if even such ‘over the horizon’ applications do not
use anything like the 100 Mbps which the NBN is engineered to deliver, it
further underlines the point that there was a failure to demonstrate the
applications which require such speed and which will drive take up to millions
of homes.
If a rollout of fibre and wireless to hospitals and other health
institutions is occurring, it is unlikely to deliver the expected benefits
unless Commonwealth and State Governments ensure a training strategy is put in
place so that medical staff are up-skilled to utilise and handle new high speed
technologies. Coalition Members would recommend such training programs be
instituted by Commonwealth and State Governments, as any such rollout occurs,
in regional, rural and remote hospitals and nursing centres, and that they
address the delivery of interactive medical, dental, aged care and
rehabilitative services.
d. Witnesses called for higher speeds – but few showed a need for fibre
Many witnesses before the Committee spoke of their particular projects
and activities, and how they believed improved broadband could assist them. In
many cases, though, witnesses conceded that they did not have an understanding
of exactly what speeds they required, or the technology needed to deliver such
Witnesses from the Inspire Foundation, which works to combat depression
in young people, after talking about their desire to offer two way video chat,
acknowledged that they were not putting a specific view about speed or
Mr NEVILLE: ... Do you know what speed you will need
for that?
Mr Hosie: I do not have that knowledge.
Mr NEVILLE: Have your technical people said that to
Ms Stace: No, not specifically. But we look at the
broadband and the speeds the broadband is promising and they seem well within
the range of being able to offer that type of service.[102]
Ms Little from the Australian Library and Information Association spoke
about internet access at Gunghalin library using ‘sound domes’ to allow people
for example to use Skype, but declined to cite a specific speed or technology:
Ms Little: …We have set up in the new Gungahlin
library really funky-looking sound domes that are connected to the internet…
Mr NEVILLE: What sort of speed do you need for that?
Ms Little: Now you are asking a technical question. I
might pass over to—
Mr NEVILLE: I am not trying to be tricky with this
question. We are talking about people having services now of about three, four,
five or six and we are talking about wireless going up to 12 and perhaps in
time to 20. But what sorts of speeds do libraries need?
CHAIR: Do you want to take that on notice and come
back to us?
Ms Little: Yes.[103]
Tasmanian Farmers similarly wanted more speed – but did not specify
exactly what speed or technology they sought.
Mr FLETCHER…You are not, however, putting to us a
specific view on precisely what speed is required or precisely what technology
is required—I think that is right, isn’t it?—just that it should improve.
Ms King—Something that is adequate, as you can
understand, if you are going to start downloading pictures.[104]
The Australian Medical Association indicated that they wanted faster
speeds more widely available – but were not making a specific call for any
particular speed or technology.
Mr FLETCHER—Again, I just want to understand if I am
capturing properly what you are putting to us. Is it a fair summary of your
position that you are not putting to us a particular view about fibre versus
copper versus satellite; you are really saying that what you are interested in
is: (1) having sufficient speed to deliver the services or practice the way you
want to and benefit patients the way you want to; and (2) trying to level
things up so that those who are conspicuously behind, in terms of the speeds
they get, are not so far behind?
Dr Hambleton—Once again, I think that is a fair
summary. We would like to see a big pipe. We do not care how it gets there, as
long as it is big and it has lots of water in it.[105]
The National Rural Health Alliance, who appeared before the Committee on
4 March 2011, were asked about the specific speeds they felt were necessary,
and undertook to make further investigations on this point. Their
supplementary submission reported on their investigations as follows.
Dr Jenny May’s inquiries indicate that most of the Hunter New
England Health (HNEH) network (which includes the Tamworth hospital she
referred to in her evidence) is connected by fibre, on speeds of 10 MB/s to 1
GB/s. There are still some existing copper and ADSL connections in the network
running from 4 MB/s to 10 MB/s.
However, the main interest in the NBN in such rural settings
is in improving traffic when it leaves the regional health network, for example
when a GP wants to access images from the hospital in his or her rooms, or when
someone in the health network connects to an external videoconferencing unit to
contribute to a case conference.
At present a rural clinic may have 128 kb/s or 512 kb/s
asymmetrical connections, but an upgrade to 4 MB/s would enable the local Nurse
Practitioner and a visiting GP to work on-site, entering patient notes and
working from their clinic records.[106]
The submission also noted that videoconferencing would require speeds of
between 8 and 20 Mbps. It is noteworthy that the speeds cited in both the
previous paragraph and this paragraph are well short of the speed which the NBN
is designed to deliver over fibre.
e. Witnesses generally prioritised ubiquity over speed
Witness after witness, from sector after sector, made the point that a
key benefit was ubiquity – that is, that a given broadband speed is
ubiquitously available to households and businesses – and this was more
important than the particular speed.
A good example is the perspective of the Australian Telecommunications
Users Group, an organisation with long experience in contributing to public
policy on telecommunications and broadband in Australia.
Mr FLETCHER: On that important point, is it an
implication of that that ubiquity of service or connectivity is one dimension
and speed is another and distinct dimension?
Ms Sinclair: Yes, it is. If you look through all of
our papers we place heavy emphasis on ubiquity.[107]
Dr Jennifer May, Chair of the National Rural Health Alliance advised the
Delivery of health information I doubt is particularly speed
dependant but I think it is key, and that is that universality concept.[108]
This sentiment was echoed by Ms Sally Anne Thompson, CEO of Adult
Learning Australia:
Ms Thompson—I must admit that when it starts to get
into the details of the speed it is beyond my expertise. I guess, as a general
principle, I would say we are much more interested in the ubiquitousness than
we are in the speed. If you had to choose between speed and ubiquitousness, we
would always go with a lesser speed and broader coverage. So what excites us
the most about the project is the ubiquitousness of it.[109]
A similar view was expressed by Dr Jill Abell, Director of IT, The
Hutchins School:
Mr FLETCHER—Is it also a fair summary of what you have
been saying that as you think about your strategy for e-learning and serving
students, the issue of greatest interest to you about the connection they will
have at home is knowing that there is a uniform connection? In other words, you
know that every student is going to have a particular connection and you can
make that assumption as you do your planning. Is that a fair statement?
Dr Abell—Yes, that is.[110]
Dr Terry Percival of NICTA also drew attention to the distinction
between speed and ubiquity.
Mr FLETCHER: … You underlined ubiquity. Can we take
from that that you see benefits in ubiquity regardless of where the speed point
happens to be set at?
Dr Percival: Once the speed point is set above a
certain level, yes. Examples include education.[111]
Dr Percival went on to indicate that a speed of 10 Mbps was what he had
in mind as the ‘certain level.’[112] This is a speed that
many Australian premises receive today, and not one which requires fibre to the
Mr Robert Walker, Chief Executive Officer, Agforce Queensland, put a
similar view:
Mr FLETCHER—… I right in thinking that some of the
agricultural applications, like soil moisture monitoring and so on, do not so
much require super-high bandwidth as they require the wider availability of a
uniform bandwidth so that you can then, for example, deploy sensors in the
knowledge that there will be a network for them to connect to?
Mr Walker—Yes, that is correct, whether it be soil
moisture, whether it be remote monitoring of bores. Your point is correct. It
is not about speed; it is about availability and general application.[113]
Mr John McGee, Chief Executive Officer, Tasmanian Electronic Commerce
Centre also emphasised ubiquity.
Mr FLETCHER... I think what you are saying is that it
is not a particular speed but it is ubiquity and the fact that every household
has ubiquitously available a certain speed and therefore people developing
applications, for example, can know that that is there. Is that a fair summary?
Mr McGee That is a true comment and that is the
experience we have had in the ICT sector...[114]
Witnesses from the government sector also emphasised the importance of
ubiquity rather than speed. Mr Robert Mills, Chair, NBN Taskforce, South
Australian Government commented:
Mr Mills - I think ubiquity is not talked about
enough. It is not about getting broadband to people; it is about everybody
having it.[115]
A submission from IT company SAIC spoke of the use of broadband networks
to deliver government services, but noted that the applications do not need the
kind of speed that NBN will provide. What is valuable is the ubiquitous
availability of connections.
The majority of currently available systems do not need
bandwidth capacity being constructed by the NBN; however, they all rely on universal
access to modern network speeds…[116]
If ubiquity is the key benefit, this could be achieved at much less
expense by achieving the ubiquitous provision of a speed that does not require
fibre to the home. A number of witnesses made this point, including Mr Stanton
of the Communications Alliance.
Mr FLETCHER: I was also interested in your comments on
page 5 about ubiquity and drawing a distinction between ubiquity, on the one
hand, and bandwidth or speed on the other. That makes a lot of sense to me. Is
there an implication that you could set a policy target to achieve ubiquity
which is quite independent of the speed target that you choose?
Mr Stanton: Certainly. You could, as a government,
choose to say, as the Japanese have, that we will ensure that 100 per cent of
the country has at least 30 megs or higher, recognising they had some previous
investments. All of their new rollout is 100 meg, but they have said, 'The line
in the sand for our country is 30 megs or higher.' Yes, they have pushed for
ubiquity. They have used a very high speed network for the last piece of it,
but they have decided that 30 megs is a functional number for those who do not
yet have fibre to the home.
7. Better ways forward
Much of the evidence provided to the Committee suggested that there may
be better (and certainly more cost-effective) ways to proceed than rolling out
a fibre network to 93 per cent of premises.
For example a strategy of quickly connecting homes which are presently
in broadband black spots may make more sense. It also may make good sense to
concentrate on connecting key classes of institutions: schools, hospitals,
libraries and so on.
a. Targeting rapid improvements to black spots
The NBN will not be completely rolled out until FY2021 (if it meets its
rollout schedule; it will very likely run behind schedule given that it has
missed key milestones to date.) This means a wait of a decade or potentially
more for those many Australians have inadequate services today. For example,
due to the widespread use of pair gain systems in Telstra’s network ADSL is
often not available.
A submission received by the Committee offers a good example of this
problem – a graphic design business operating in a new subdivision where ADSL2+
is not available.
I make the following submission as a small business owner
needing fast and reliable broadband. I recently relocated from an area where
ADSL2 was available to a new subdivision where, at first, dialup was the only
available connection. The pair-gain cabling which has been laid here does not
support ADSL.[117]
The NBN strategy is essentially ‘Super fast broadband arriving super
slowly.’ As this submission highlights, the interests of many Australians may
be better served by a ‘Get broadband fast’ strategy of delivering ADSL2+
quickly to existing black spots, than by the NBN.
b. Targeting higher speeds to key institutions
Considerable evidence was received suggesting that many of the claimed
benefits could be achieved if expenditure were concentrated on connecting key
institutions such as schools, hospitals and libraries to fibre.
For example, Dr Jill Abell, Director of IT at The Hutchins School in
Tasmania, informed the Committee of her school’s use of IT in educating
students. This did not depend on improved connectivity to students’ homes.
Mr FLETCHER—I am interested in the strategy of
connecting schools, as opposed to the strategy of connecting homes. I think
what I am hearing from you—correct me if I have it wrong—is that for your
school the important thing was getting the very high speed connection to the
school. The existing infrastructure that connects homes, where students and
parents are, has been adequate because what you have been focused on has been
the school connection. Is that a fair summary?
Dr Abell—Yes, it is. The end-to-end performance
between the school and the other organisations—other cultural research
institutions around the nation and the world—facilitates the connectivity for
the home.[118]
If the government’s strategy were to deliver high speed connections to
key institutions, libraries would be an obvious inclusion. Evidence from the
Australian Library and Information Association highlighted the role of
libraries in providing access to many people who cannot otherwise get broadband
Ms Little: …Where we are seeing a really important
role—and I guess I declare an interest in that I have Gungahlin library in my
portfolio and that is an NBN area—is in providing that access to services much
better. So, if the NBN is brought into my library at Gungahlin, the people who
cannot afford to have the broadband to their home at the moment or who do not
understand it and are quite nervous about it can come into my library and
receive and access and training on how to use it.[119]
Witnesses from the ALIA were clear in calling for libraries to be
connected as a priority.
Mr FLETCHER: Is it fair to say that you argue that to
maximise the effectiveness and accessibility of a broadband policy strategy it
makes sense to focus on particular types of institutions to connect to as a priority,
and that libraries would be one of those types of institutions?
Ms Hutley: Very much so.[120]
Another obvious class of institution would be hospitals. NSW Health
pointed out the priority of connecting all hospitals in NSW to a secure
broadband network. Its submission cited ‘…Recommendation 51 of the Garling Report,
for the establishment of ‘a high speed broadband network….securely linking all
public hospitals in NSW so as to enable the provision of specialist clinical
services and support via the network from metropolitan based clinicians and
hospitals to regional, rural and remote clinicians and hospitals’.[121]
When asked about the institutions he would prioritise if funding were
limited, Dr Terry Percival of NICTA spoke of schools, TAFEs and government
A strategy of prioritising key classes of institution would clearly be
much cheaper than the NBN. For example, AARNET gave evidence about the
incremental cost of extending its network to a range of other institutions; the
figures were much lower than the expenditure exceeding $50 billion so far
announced for the NBN.
Mr Hancock: …we have already proposed to the federal
government and AEDN—an Australian Education Digital Network—which is what we
call an overlay network. We simply build a network over the top of our network
and provide a backbone for the school system. We also proposed the original
VEN, which is the vocational education network—the $80 million network; you
might have heard about that—for connecting the major TAFE institutes around the
c. Maintaining greater flexibility in the network build
Smartnet argued that the insistence on the 93 per cent fibre target
means we will not be able to take advantage of improvements in wireless
We also have some concerns about the emphasis that has been
placed on fibre to the premises, or at least to 93% of them. This is an
arbitrary figure and in all probability technology and the need for ‘internet
on the go’ will result in wireless services playing a significant role in how
we access the internet of the future. This is already becoming evident
overseas. For the moment, we would caution against a fixed objective to connect
93% of premises with fibre...
In this regard, we think that the priority for connecting
fibre to virtually all premises has been somewhat oversold and the potential of
wireless has been undersold…Wireless technology is changing rapidly and we are
likely to see that over the next five years wireless technology, data
compression and networking innovations produce performance approaching the
100Mbs a second presently promised by NBN Co.[124]
8. Some nasty side effects
Coalition Members note the extensive evidence provided to the Committee
about some nasty side effects of the NBN. NBN Co will have monopoly power and
its management team will determine key broadband policy settings.
a. NBN Co monopoly means higher prices and less competition and choice
Mr Maha Krishnapillai of Optus highlighted that company’s concerns that
NBN will be a monopoly.
We still remain concerned that we have created, effectively,
a monopoly, and we want to make sure that wherever possible there are as many
checks and balances and as much transparency in the ongoing operation of the
NBN as possible. A couple of examples would be: we would like to see greater
transparency between NBN Co.'s deal with Telstra; we would like to see greater
competitive dynamic exerted on NBN Co. in years to come…[125]
Mr Mark Needham, a member of the Regional Telecommunications Independent
Review Committee, expressed concern that the NBN was likely to stifle
competition in rural and remote areas (the ‘last seven per cent.’)
Mr Needham—The committee certainly had a very strong
preference for competitive supply. Competition assists greatly in delivering a
worthwhile outcome. In the seven per cent that certainly will be stifled. If
the USO provider provides a better quality, lower cost service on their own
back than the NBN service, is the provision of the NBN service in those
locations a waste of money, in that it has not been engineered to deliver the
outcomes that are necessary at an appropriate price using the appropriate
technology? That dilemma looks like it will exist relatively soon and I do not
know the answer to that. To me stifling of competition in relation to the seven
per cent is a problem.[126]
Mr David Jackson, Manager Economic Development, Brisbane City Council,
highlighted concerns that the NBN structure is likely to produce higher costs
than the structure the Council was considering for its broadband network.
Mr Jackson - Council is concerned that a key feature
of the business model that we were visualising is not provided for in the
architecture of the NBN. The architecture of the NBN does not allow the full
benefits and functionality of the technology to be realised. The architecture
builds in costs that make the use of it more expensive than it needs to be,
limiting the scope to bring down costs, maximise utilisation and make
Queensland and Australia more competitive.[127]
Mr James Kelaher of Smartnet commented that the focus on fibre to 93 per
cent (the political objective set for the project) is distorting choices and
producing sub-optimal outcomes. This will mean higher prices, less competition
and take up being held back.
Mr Kelaher …If you are running a project that is
focusing on fibre to 93 per cent of homes and you are trying to generate
returns and attract debt to do that, then you need to ensure that the revenue
flows generated by that project are attractive to debt financiers. That means that
you need to set your pricing parameters at such a rate that will attract debt
financiers. You also need to ensure that there are no cherry pickers that will
undermine that price, which takes you down a route of stipulating a base price,
which we already think is too high and which will in the long term be a barrier
to adoption by a large number of the population.[128]
Mr Kelaher commented that a better approach would be to focus on
getting services quickly to areas that are underserved.
Mr Kelaher …We would like to see more focus on how to
get runs on the road as quickly as possible for those areas that historically
have been underserved by broadband and how to ensure that we are stimulating
and responding to the developments that are occurring internationally around
mobile devices.[129]
Internet service provider Internode provided evidence that NBN’s pricing
is sharply higher than pricing in the marketplace today.
When we look at point to point uncontended services the
wholesale cost of a point to point 100 megabit link is over $9,000 per month.
This is a disappointing number because it's the same cost as a gigabit service
today from existing wholesale providers.
Under the current Product and Pricing construct the NBN will
be ten times as expensive as existing wholesalers are today for corporate and
business grade services.[130]
Internode also makes the point that movie download services like Netflix
will be unviable under NBN Co’s pricing construct.
The Netflix service would not be economically viable under
the NBN Co Product and Pricing construct because the $20 per megabit cost of
the concentrating virtual circuits (CVCs) means that subscribers who use a
Video on Demand service will cost their retailer at least $66 per month.[131]
Dr Marcus Bowles provided evidence that the cost of data in Australia is
high by world standards, and the initial pricing offered on the NBN suggests
this will continue to be the case in the NBN world.
Currently Australia’s cost of data per MBit/s is higher than
the OECD average and all countries with comparably high broadband penetration
rates. At USD$11.82 Australia was ranked 15th in a comparative study of average
price per advertised Mbit/s (OECD, Broadband Statistics as at October 2009),
far higher than the lowest price of USD$1.76 (Korea) and, with the exception of
Sweden, way behind all the countries ranked in the top ten BQS nations that had
averages below USD$5.56 per Mbit/s (Vicente et al. 2009: 9; BQS 2010). Rather
than directly addressing this issue there is currently evidence that suggests
the initial cost of data per MBit/s for those offered subscriptions that
connect to the NBN are not at all competitive with OECD price averages (Bowles,
As Broadband Minister Conroy recently said acknowledged, the latest OECD
statistics show that Australians pay relatively high prices for the Internet
compared to other countries, particularly for ‘low speed’ connections where
Australian prices are the third most expensive of 24 countries.[133] This
raises a critical question: what impact will the NBN have on broadband pricing
for end users?
Coalition Members are concerned that because the NBN uses such an
expensive network design (fibre to the home), prices on the network will
inevitably need to stay high to allow NBN Co to meet its financial return
targets. We also fear that the NBN will reverse a long-term trend of falling
prices: according to the OECD, DSL pricing in Australia fell by 69% between
2005 and 2010.[134]
We are particularly concerned about the likely impact on regional and
low income households, which already have relatively low broadband usage.
Broadband take up is lower in regional households (at 62%) than metropolitan
ones (75%). 94% of high income households (earning more than $120,000 a year)
have access to the internet at home compared to only 43% of households earning
less than $40,000.[135]
We heard no evidence explaining how the NBN is going to change this
inequitable distribution by making broadband more affordable. Some witnesses expressed
their hopes for increased broadband access by disadvantaged groups. However
witnesses including from government were unable to explain how the NBN will
deliver cheap connectivity and drive down prices.
Many witnesses expressed concerns that high prices for services on the
NBN will impede demand and take up.
Ms Rosemary Sinclair of ATUG pointed to the importance of retail pricing
in influencing take up, and in turn the importance of a competitive market in
delivering attractive retail pricing.
What we have got in the market at the moment of course is
relatively affordable wholesale prices. The question is: what will the
retailers do? I think it is really a watch-this-space issue. If the market is
truly competitive then the retail prices will be competitive and affordable.
But if the market is not as competitive as we would like to hope then perhaps
we will have a problem with those retail prices.[136]
Mr Robert Mills, Chair, NBN Taskforce, South Australian Government,
highlighted the risk for disadvantaged consumers.
Mr Mills—There are always risks. The people who are
most disadvantaged will get the most out of the NBN. The challenge is that they
will probably be the ones who can least afford it. So I think there is a
challenge there. Getting that price to suit everyone’s ability is really
Mr David Jackson of Brisbane City Council commented that the structure
of the NBN was likely to produce unnecessarily high prices.
Mr Jackson—What I am saying is that there is a number
of levels in the NBN system whereby additional parties come into it and put
their charges on to the cost to the end user that may not need to be there, and
inevitably you will have an increased cost. That would be my concern.[138]
The evidence from communities which have the NBN suggests that the cheap
pricing offered under the trial arrangements was a factor in persuading people
to sign up to the NBN.
Mrs Farnell—At home I am on the basic 15-gig plan and
the speed is so much faster than my current ADSL at work and it is $10 a month
Mrs Farnell said that she pays $29.95 a month for NBN at home, compared
to $39.95 for an ADSL service from Telstra at work.[140]
Since that time internet service providers have begun to announce their
retail prices. It is clear that these will be much higher than the trial
prices. Internode’s entry level price will be $59.95 for a 12 megabit per
second service with a 30 gig download.[141] In other words,
attractive pricing will not be a factor causing people to move across to NBN
from their existing services.
Mr Andrew Connor from Digital Tasmania talked about his expectations for
retail prices on the NBN when he appeared before the Committee.
To see a 100-megabit service at, say, $50-$60 a month is
still a bargain, and to take away the fixed line rental that you are paying of
$20-$30 a month for a service that many people do not use—they have it just so
they can get an ADSL service—is clearly a saving in the long run.[142]
The recently released retail pricing suggests that Mr Connor will be
disappointed, with the lowest priced 100 Mbps service offered by Internode
priced at $99.95.[143]
b. NBN Co’s management setting agenda
Ms Rosemary Sinclair of ATUG highlighted the risk that NBN management’s
priorities will end up distorting the achievement of telecommunications and
broadband policy objectives.
Ms Sinclair: Yes, I think there is a risk because it
is human to want to make the biggest and best mousetrap and return that you can…I
think that the ongoing management of NBN Co. to ensure that the policy
objectives are achieved is going to be a very important task.[144]
Mr James Kelaher, Director Smartnet, highlighted the risks to the
backhaul market (and in turn the mobile operators and their customers) from the
likely pursuit by NBN Co management of their own agenda.
Mr Kelaher…Most of the telcos that are talking 4G and
LTE are probably anticipating using the backhaul network that NBN Co.is putting
in place. I think that does—
Mr FLETCHER—In a sense that leaves them, does it not,
exposed to the particular approach that the NBN management chooses to take on
that as opposed to an alternative model that might be conceived in which there
was a stand-alone entity that only owned backhaul and did not own an access
Mr Kelaher—I think that is right.[145]
9. Conclusion
This inquiry was set up for political reasons by the Gillard Labor
Government. The objective was to generate a feel-good report offering support
for the rollout of the NBN.
Despite that, some useful information has emerged. We have seen some
impressive examples of the ways in which broadband can deliver benefits in
health, education, government, business and other sectors. Coalition Members
congratulate the many innovative Australian companies and organisations using
and developing broadband technology.
Most importantly, the inquiry has highlighted the gaping flaws in the
NBN policy. It is clear that the NBN has been poorly planned and implemented,
following its highly political conception in April 2009 (after the failure of
Labor’s previous broadband policy.) It is also clear that many of the key
claims which have been made about the NBN by the Rudd-Gillard government are
overblown and cannot be substantiated.
The inquiry demonstrated that the central premise of the NBN policy –
that there is overwhelming demand for fibre to the home – is wrong.
The single most striking conclusion from this inquiry is that there were
very few persuasive examples given of applications which actually require the
speeds that the NBN will deliver. There was a similar failure to demonstrate
the need for this speed to 10 million premises – as opposed to a rollout targeted
to a much smaller number of key institutions such as schools, hospitals and
The evidence also highlighted some very nasty side effects of the
Rudd-Gillard Government’s NBN policy. In particular, by establishing a
government owned monopoly, the government is suppressing competition and
handing enormous power to NBN Co’s management team. The likely consequence –
prices will be higher and take up lower than under a competitive market
This inquiry has only deepened our conviction that Labor’s NBN is a
serious misstep as Australia navigates towards the required outcome of an
improved broadband infrastructure operating within a competitive market.
Paul Neville MP
Paul Fletcher MP
Jane Prentice MP