Chapter 5 Australia’s future productivity growth rate—the challenge
The Australian economy in the 21st century
The productivity growth rates achieved in the 1990s are, by historic international
and domestic performance comparisons in the same period, stand‑out
results. Similarly, the current declining productivity growth rate of the
unfinished cycle commencing 2003-04, is a markedly low productivity growth cycle,
albeit productivity is at a much higher level than it was pre-1990.[1]
This can be seen pictorially in Figure 5.1 (overleaf) which shows the average
MFP growth rates within productivity cycles, 1964-65 to 2007-08.
Boosting productivity growth is vital for the future living standards of
Australians, and, as the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)
highlighted, even half the average productivity growth of the 1990s would yield
significant economic prosperity into the future:
If Australia could sustain half of the productivity growth
improvement achieved during the 1990s, real cumulative GDP for the next four
decades would be some $2000 billion higher than if average productivity growth
rates slipped back to the levels recorded during the 1970s and 1980s.[2]
Figure 5.1 Market sector MFP index and average growth
rates within productivity cycles, 1964-65 to 2007-08
(Index 1999-2000 = 100)

Source Productivity
Commission, Submission no. 20, Figure 2, p. ix. (Market sector using ANZSIC93
The Australian economy has experienced significant structural change
since the reforms of the 1980s. The manufacturing sector’s share of GDP and
employment has fallen from around 30 per cent in the mid 1950s to under ten per
cent in the new millennium. The services sector contributions to GDP and
employment have gradually displaced some of the manufacturing and agricultural sectors’
shares. This is in line with structural change in most OECD countries.[3]
Since the start of the resources boom in 2003-04 the mining sector has
delivered unprecedented prosperity to Australia. It has brought about a
reversal of the terms of trade situation from that of the 1980s, reaching previously
unmatched levels.[4] The Australian resources
sector was minimally impacted by the Global Financial Crisis (GFC)—the buoyancy
in this sector is attributable to China’s ongoing demand for raw materials.[5]
The Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) commented in February 2010:
In 2010 the terms of trade could once again reach a very high
level, a level in fact exceeded in modern times only by the extraordinary level
seen in 2008.[6]
This has meant the mining sector is driving Australian economic growth,
but as previously discussed in Chapter 3, it lags in productivity growth.
Given the significant and expected ongoing structural change in the
Australian economy, coupled with the demands of major demographic and
environmental issues, achieving the very high rates of productivity growth
recorded in the 1990s will be increasingly difficult.
Since September 2008 the world economy has faced the biggest financial
crisis since the Great Depression. Although Australia has fared relatively well
during this downswing, with the economy growing at 0.9 per cent in the December
2009 quarter, it now faces constrained fiscal, and looming supply side,
The RBA echoed this sentiment at its February 2010 hearing with the
House Economics Committee, stating:
Now we must turn our attention to the challenges of managing
an economic expansion. Issues of capacity, productivity, flexibility,
adaptation to structural change and so on will all come back to the fore, as
they should. For our community to tackle those challenges successfully, one
important condition is monetary and financial stability.[7]
The challenge presented by structural change
Australia has been experiencing gradual structural change in the economy
over the last fifty years; with the services sector contributing to a growing
proportion of GDP relative to the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. This
change has also been accompanied by a change in the demand for inputs (economic
resources) for particular sectors.
One of the most significant recent triggers for structural change in the
Australian economy has come from the burgeoning mining sector. This sector has
expanded considerably since 2003-04 with industry gross value added at basic
prices more than doubling, from $34 523 million in 2003-04 to $89 482 million
in 2008-09.[8] There have also been
affiliated impacts on the services sector, and to a lesser extent, the
manufacturing sector, supporting the mining sector.
When structural change occurs economic resources will flow to those
sectors demanding the greatest share of the economy’s inputs. This has happened
in Australia since the start of the mining boom in 2003-04 with significant
labour movements into the mining sector.[9]
When resources flow to sectors in this way it does not necessarily mean
that resources flow to their more efficient use. This was highlighted in the
Productivity Commission (PC) submission, where it noted that an improvement in
the terms of trade may ‘lead to a decline in productivity if resources are
reallocated to more profitable but less productive activities’.[10]
The rise of the services sector
The services sector now accounts for approximately 72 per cent of the
Australian economy (gross value added at basic prices).[11]
It is likely the overall proportion has slipped from approximately 76 per cent
in 2004‑2005 to 72 per cent due to the impact of the Global Financial
The highest contributing sector to the economy was the Financial and
Insurance Services sector at 10.8 per cent gross value added (GVA[12]),
followed by the manufacturing sector at 9.4 per cent GVA. The manufacturing
sector continued its steady decline from 12.2 per cent at the start of the
century, whilst the mining sector took third ranking at 7.7 per cent GVA, a
steady increase from 5.4 per cent in 2000-2001.[13]
In December 2009 the Australian System of National Accounts utilised,
for the first time, Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial
Classifications 2006 (ANZSIC06). ANZSIC06 expanded the market sector
classifications previously detailed in ANZSIC93 from 16 to 20 industry
classifications. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS):
Expanding the definition of the ‘market sector’ to include
new industries reflects the growing influence of services industries in the
Australian economy.[14]
The services sector is now represented in (ANZSIC06) by 16 of the 20
industry classifications—the remaining four sectors being Agricultural,
Forestry and Fishing; Mining; Manufacturing, and Ownership of Dwellings.[15]
Of these sixteen services industries only nine are currently included in the
market sector MFP estimates.[16]
The expansion of the services sector as a share of all industries in the
market sector of the economy since the early 1960s, at the ‘expense’ of
agriculture and manufacturing sectors is captured in Figure 5.2. The services sector
is now dominating not only GDP but also the percentage of total employment.[17]
Figure 5.2 Changes in the composition of the Australian
economy, 1962-63 to 2001-02 (Current prices)

Source Productivity
Commission, Trends in Australian Manufacturing, Commission Research Paper,
2003, p. 18.
As discussed in Chapter 2, one of the limitations of the official MFP
estimate is that productivity in the services sector is largely unrecorded. However,
even if there was a robust official estimate, measuring productivity in this
sector is difficult because of the obstacles in capturing the output from the
services sector. One of the main impediments is the ability to measure the quality
of outputs for non-physical products.
In addition, the level of productivity growth in the services sector is
likely to reach an optimal level sooner than in other sectors due to its high
reliance on labour inputs and this may pull down aggregate productivity growth.
This can be seen by the inclusion of the four new services sectors[18]
into experimental aggregate MFP estimates as shown in Figure 5.3.
Figure 5.3 Impact of including additional service
industries on aggregate productivity, 1994-95 to 2008-09 MFP levels

Source ABS,
Experimental Estimates of Industry Multifactor Productivity, 2008-09, Cat.
The limits of labour productivity
It is hard to achieve very high levels of productivity growth in sectors
characterised by high levels of labour input, as the services sector tends to
be. This is because many services are personalised, and as such there is a
limit to what can be physically achieved in a given time.[19]
For example, enormous economies of scale and efficiency improvements have been
achieved in mass produced clothing, yet an individual tailor operates in much
the same way as they have for decades.[20]
Service sectors also tend to have low capital to labour ratios. For
example, the labour share of Retail Trade income and Accommodation and Food
Services income comprises 71 per cent and 64 per cent respectively; whilst the
labour share of Mining income and Agricultural income is 19 per cent and 39 per
cent respectively.[21] Clearly not all services
are as labour intensive as these two industry sectors but most services rely on
human ‘inspiration and/or perspiration’ and, as such, have higher labour
Dr George Barker of the Centre for Law and Economics (CLE) indicated
that productivity growth is difficult where labour inputs predominate:
We are finding that capital is very important, of course,
because labour without capital is not very productive.[22]
Australian labour productivity growth in the period 1993-94 to 2003‑04
was higher in manufacturing and agriculture than it was in all but two services
sector industries.[23] In the current
unfinished cycle to 2008-09, labour productivity has fallen in all but one
services sector, retail trade.[24]
Falling labour productivity in a large and growing sector of the economy
is a concern. As MFP growth is labour productivity growth minus the effect of
capital accumulation on productivity, labour productivity growth therefore
generally exceeds MFP growth, except where capital deepening is unchanged. Consequently,
falling labour productivity growth will generally mean falling aggregate
productivity growth. ABS evidence to the inquiry points out the close
association between labour productivity and living standards:
As growth in labour productivity has a close long term
relationship with growth in labour earnings, labour productivity is often
regarded as a basic indicator of improvements in economic living standards over
As mentioned by ACCI, Australia appears to have exhausted its capital
deepening capacity (capital to labour ratio) with the long-term rate of capital
deepening stabilising at around 1.1 per cent per annum (as shown in Figure 5.4):
In summary, Australia’s labour productivity growth during the
1990s was due to stronger MFP growth or improved efficiency rather than
additional capital deepening.[26]
Note, however, that even though there has been additional capital
deepening in the unfinished productivity cycle, of 1.4 per cent to 2007-08[27],
this reflects very strong business investment in the mining sector since
2003-04, rather than capital investment in other sectors.[28]
This suggests that future productivity growth in the services sector is
likely to be boosted by a focus on improved technical efficiency rather than a
focus on capital deepening.
Figure 5.4 Growth in labour productivity and capital
deepening over productivity cycles

Source ACCI,
Submission no. 7, p. 10. Note the productivity cycle 2003-04 to 2007-8 is an incomplete
productivity cycle.
That said many service sectors have achieved productivity growth through
innovative use of new technology. For example, information technology has
improved efficiencies for retailers and wholesalers by better tracking of stock
and significant efficiencies at the point of sale. The CLE notes:
In 2003, Australia had a 12.3 percentage point advantage in
terms of ICT contribution to labour productivity over and above that of Europe.[29]
It was noted in many submissions to the inquiry that R&D activity is
closely associated with innovation and productivity growth. However, the
services sector has a lower proportion of research and development (R&D)
activity than it does of aggregate output and employment, with the mining and
manufacturing sectors leading.[30]
The Manufacturing Alliance noted that while the development and
application of new technologies within a service oriented firm are key to
productivity growth, it is critical to have the management and workforce capability
to exploit this. They stated:
The transformation of productivity in the services sectors is
intimately linked to the development and application of information
technologies which in turn require the effective development of a wide range of
complementary investments in management and other organisational and often
intangible assets.[31]
Assessing quality of service outputs
Measuring quality of outputs in the services sector is particularly challenging
due to the production of non-physical outputs. This is not a new phenomena, as
outlined by the RBA in 1995:
There are inherent difficulties in identifying the
productivity of non-market industries where it is hard to obtain the market
value of output, and also of service industries where it is hard to measure the
quality of output. And yet these industries comprise a large and increasing
share of the economy.[32]
Whilst this issue was identified decades ago it has not gone away. It is
increasingly important to identify ways of incorporating quality assessments
into service provision inputs and outputs to gauge productivity growth. This is
because quality is what sets services outputs or outcomes apart and the
services sector continues to dominate the economy.
One of the priority recommendations of the recently
formed Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social
Progress (the ‘Stiglitz-Sen-Fittousi Commission’) is the need to improve
the measurement of non-market service sectors of the economy.[33] Soon after the
recommendations of the Stiglitz-Sen Commission were released in September 2009,
the Secretary to the Treasury, Dr Ken Henry, drew attention to the importance
of the recommendation.[34]
In the same presentation, Dr Henry particularly emphasised the
difficulty in valuing output in the health and education services sectors,
sectors for which not even experimental productivity growth statistics have
been formulated. He stated:
ABS measures of the value of output of the health and
education services sectors are based on the cost of production, with the split
between quantity and price largely based on relevant wage cost indices. This means,
for example, that if it takes one doctor twice as long to perform the same
medical procedure to the same quality as another, then the first doctor is
calculated to have produced twice as much.[35]
The PC also commented that productivity measures fail to adequately
capture quality:
Moreover, measures of productivity imperfectly capture the
underlying concept (for reasons including the imperfect valuation of quality
It went on to note the importance of understanding the underlying reasons
for productivity growth in an industry, to determine the appropriateness of any
given policy response.[37]
The dominance of the mining sector
As was discussed in Chapter 3, the mining sector currently drives
Australian economic growth. Since the start of the resources boom around 2003
this sector has more than doubled its contribution to GDP and notably increased
its share of the labour market.[38]
However, as discussed in paragraphs 3.87 to 3.91, it has been the main
contributor to the aggregate productivity decline. This has been mainly due to
additional labour inputs and massive capital deepening without a commensurate
increase in output.
At a public hearing of the House Economics Committee, an Assistant
Governor of the RBA noted the productivity paradox associated with the mining
…the prices we are getting are historically high and that is
allowing the mining companies to extract ores and coal and iron ore that is
probably of lower standard than otherwise would be mined but the price is high,
and that ultimately helps our living standards.[39]
The sector is expected to continue to invest heavily in further capital
expenditure over the next 2 years.[40] The Australasian
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy noted the extended times for current mining
investment to translate into additional outputs. They noted that mining
exploration expenditure may realise outputs up to ten years away:
That is, there is a delay of approximately three years
between the commencement of construction of new mining projects, and the
project reaching normal output capacity. If we are to further include
exploration expenditure as an input, the lead time between exploration and proving
up a mineral resource (to the point where it becomes viable) can take ten years
or more.[41]
Given the expected ongoing surge in mining investment it is not
unreasonable to assume that this could result in an extended period of low
productivity growth emanating from the mining sector and dragging aggregate
productivity growth down.
Other major challenges for future productivity growth
Australia’s growing population
While Australia’s population growth is slowing, it is still projected to
grow from 22 million currently to 35.9 million by 2050.[42]
This growth is attributed to both natural increase (the fertility rate
exceeding the mortality rate) and net overseas migration.
This brings significant challenges for future public policy. As the
Treasury commented:
…you have to think about a range of questions there,
particularly about what that means for urban infrastructure and also about the
way in which the government delivers services. The answers to those questions
are going to depend critically on the quality of the policy settings that we
have in place and the quality of the policy decisions that are taken, with many
of those taken today…there is an ongoing need for those of us who are in the
public sector to look at making sure that, given that resources are finite and
will prove increasingly so over time, we are operating as efficiently as
possible without under-providing public goods.[43]
The majority of this population growth will occur in cities, placing
further pressure on infrastructure and representing a major productivity
challenge. Populations of more than 7 million in Sydney and Melbourne, and
double current levels in Brisbane and Perth, will contribute to further urban
congestion issues. The Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional
Economics has estimated that the social cost of avoidable congestion was $9.4
billion in 2005, and projects that this cost will rise to $20.4 billion by 2020
unless action is taken.[44]
Congestion represents a significant quality of life and productivity
issue. Combating congestion through improvements to road and public transport
infrastructure will reduce the time spent by the workforce getting to work,
enabling the better matching of skills with shortages.[45]
Reduced congestion will also reduce freight costs to business.[46]
Urban sprawl brought about by the expanding population in major cities is
placing further demand on public infrastructure. Master Builders Australia
notes that Australia has a competitive advantage in low cost and well serviced
urban land;[47] productivity will
decline if greater demands are placed on already over-stretched infrastructure.
For example, there have been significant increases in usage of urban rail
services, with an average increase of 22 per cent in the five years to 2007-08,[48]
without a corresponding increase in the level of services provided.
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and
Local Government described the need for action:
One of the current productivity challenges that we face is the rapid urban growth in Australia’s major cities, and that requires us to rethink
our approach to the development of our cities and is driving the need for
better long-term infrastructure investment and planning in relation to cities.
Indeed, the Prime Minister spoke at the Business Council of Australia on 27
October [2009] ... about the government’s commitment to longer term reform of
city planning in the interests of national productivity and sustainability.[49]
Investment in new public infrastructure such as hospitals and schools
will be necessary to provide the services demanded by the growing population.
As the PC noted:
…there is an imperative for the range of human services to be
delivered more efficiently as well as more effectively. Services in the areas
of education, health, child care and aged care are all important to Australia’s
future productivity and the wealth and the well-being of the community
Water is very important for industrial development and productivity
growth, which must occur to service a larger population. Supply has been a
significant issue for Australia in recent years, with significant
water-restrictions in place across the country.[51]
Resolving these supply issues will bring major economic benefits. Mr Simon
Mottram submitted that:
...almost limitless water supply…removes a major hurdle
preventing industrial growth. It would also provide security and certainty, in
supply and pricing of water resources, thus allowing industry to plan further
into the future, or tackle projects with greater risk, or need of greater
investment where water is an issue.[52]
In addressing the challenges outlined above, it is essential that economic
resources are used in the most efficient manner possible. Public and private
investments in infrastructure and human capital are essential to facilitate
this efficiency. Without these investments, economic resources will be diverted
to more marginal uses, with a resulting decline in productivity.
For example, existing infrastructure is unlikely to provide social
services efficiently in major cities subject to urban sprawl. Hospitals
currently operating at or near capacity will be unable to operate as
efficiently when demand increases due to the growing population.
However, a larger population also brings benefits to productivity. In
its submission, the Treasury noted that the large population of the United
States brings economies of scale, specialisation and trade.[53]
As our population grows, we can expect to accrue some of these advantages in
Australia. Further, the Intergenerational Report 2010 noted that
population growth
...puts pressure on infrastructure and services, but will
continue to contribute to economic growth. It can be socially and
environmentally sustainable provided governments plan and invest, well ahead of
time, for a larger population.[54]
The benefits of a larger population for productivity are discussed
further in Chapter 6.
As noted above, population growth can be a driver of productivity
growth, but infrastructure and public policy
settings need to support it. [55] Sensible investment and
planning will ensure that the benefits of population growth outweigh its costs.
The ageing population
Australia’s growing population is also ageing. The number of people of
working age to support persons 65 years and over will fall from 5.0 currently
to 2.7 in 2050. This is a challenge facing most countries.[56]
Life expectancy at birth will rise from 79.9 for males and 84.4 for females in
2010 to 86.0 for males and 89.8 for females in 2047.[57]
Population ageing was cited as a long-term challenge in a number of
submissions, including ACCI, the PC, the Treasury, the Australian Bureau of Agricultural
and Resource Economics (ABARE), the Department of Education, Employment and
Workplace Relations (DEEWR), and the Tasmanian Treasury.
Ageing provides two significant broad challenges for the economy: first,
greater pressures associated with service provision and social security for
persons over 65; and second, a smaller portion of the population at working
age, slowing the rate of economic growth per capita. As expressed by ACCI, these
challenges increase the imperative to ensure that the remaining workforce is
more productive:
Strong productivity growth is crucial in the future in order
to counteract the projected detrimental effects of an ageing population will
have on the growth in living standards following lower average workforce
Health and aged care are already very significant components of
government spending; and will rise as a portion of GDP as the population ages. Treasury
projects that health spending will rise from 3.7 per cent of GDP in 2009-10 to
6.9 per cent in 2046-47, and aged care spending will rise from 0.8 per cent to
1.9 per cent over the same period. In real dollar terms, spending on health and
aged care will rise from $2 550 per capita in 2009‑10 to $8 900 per
capita in 2046-47. Aged and service pensions will also rise from 2.6 to 4.2 per
cent of GDP, or from $1 480 per capita to $4 240 per capita in real dollar
terms. [59]
Ageing will bring about a decline in workforce participation, as a
higher portion of the population is of retirement age.
With a smaller portion of the population able to participate in the
workforce, investment in education to build capacity is critical. This will
enable Australia to maximise participation:
A schooling system that delivers excellence and equity in
outcomes for all students is the foundation for supporting productivity and
participation both now and in the future.[60]
DEEWR went on to emphasise the importance of:
…a schooling system that enables all Australians to reach
their full potential and participate fully in Australia’s society and economy,
by ensuring that all have the key foundation skills necessary for higher level
work, training and life-long participation.[61]
Improving the quality of education will maximise participation,
and increase the productivity of the workforce. Treasury noted that education
and training improves both productivity and participation.[62]
An individual’s productivity is ‘largely determined by their
educational attainment, skills and experience’. However, the benefits go
further: ‘increases in educational attainment may translate into increases in
aggregate productivity that exceeds changes in the productivity of individual
workers reflected in wage changes’.[63]
Australia’s young people are critical to productivity growth. DEEWR
submitted that:
We will need to engage with young Australians to ensure they
feel they belong and are valued by society and thus are connected and contributing
to mainstream Australian economy, society and culture.[64]
Workforce participation
With a smaller working population, it is critical that opportunities are
maximised for particular groups to participate in the workforce, with Professor
John Quiggin commenting that:
...what we need to be looking at is providing people with the
kinds of flexibility that may enable them to make the most productive
contribution to society, both in the workforce and out of it.[65]
Further, education and healthcare impact on participation. ACCI noted
that health condition affects participation in the workforce, as well as a
person’s quality of life. On education, ACCI noted PC modelling which indicated
An additional year of schooling can increase the workforce participation
rate by around 0.5 per cent for males and 4 per cent for females.[66]
A high-quality healthcare system can provide improved participation
rates, as a person’s health condition affects their capacity to work. ACCI
noted that a healthier population will have more people in the workforce, and
less people relying upon government benefits.[67]
Removing barriers to the participation of women in the workforce will
provide a boost to productivity while serving underlying social goals. DEEWR
commented on initiatives such as paid parental leave and childcare support
which assist women to work, recognising that:
…there is a strong economic argument here, especially given
the challenges that we face in participation levels with an ageing population,
to make sure that we are not losing public investment in the skills of a big
section of our workforce.[68]
Flexibility in workforce arrangements can allow continued participation
for groups in the community who might otherwise leave the workforce. Such
arrangements include part-time work, working from home and job-sharing. These
particularly apply to women, and older workers who wish to have a ‘staged
retirement’. They also contribute to workplace morale, which lifts productivity
by improving work intensity when on the job.
Impacts of climate change and the mitigation of climate change
Climate change is a major issue for Australian public policy, and has
impacts for productivity in two dimensions: the real effects of climate change
on the economy; and the effects of policies designed to mitigate the effects of
climate change. At the time of writing, legislation to introduce a Carbon
Pollution Reduction Scheme, which features an emissions trading scheme, was
before the Parliament.
The real effects of climate change are evident in many agricultural
regions experiencing higher than average temperatures and lower than average
rainfall in the past decade.[69] This has led to a fall
in production and productivity growth in many agricultural industries. ABARE
submitted that ‘the influence of climate change could see these effects become
more frequent or more prolonged’, with ‘declines in crop yields, pasture growth
and livestock production’ and rising production costs.[70]
This has significant impacts for Australian productivity growth and GDP given
agriculture’s contribution to GDP is 2.8 per cent.
Maintaining the competitiveness of the agricultural sector will require
firms to:
Efficiently adapt to, and mitigate, the effects of climate
change on production processes…Productivity growth will depend on the ability
of firms to innovate in response to these new and growing environmental
Climate change threatens the availability of water, as well as
increasing the likelihood of extreme weather events. The Australian Food and
Grocery Council expressed its concern about the uncertainty of the impact of
climate change, which threatens the availability of resources for Australian
food manufacturing.[72]
Adopting efficient policy to mitigate against climate change is
essential to Australia’s international competitiveness and productivity. The PC
I guess the point we have made…is that getting the design of
the regulatory framework right will be very, very important for
productivity…this is the biggest regulatory challenge Australia has ever faced
and by implication the potential for regulatory burdens and so on from not
designing the system well is quite high.[73]
The PC went on to stress that, given the high costs involved in meeting
the challenge of climate change, productivity growth is particularly important:
The way in which we have invoked the whole challenge is that
given the costs that are undoubtedly going to accompany that regime it is
another reason for making sure that the rest of our economy is as efficient as
possible so that we can be generating the income growth that is going to be
needed to sustain that cost over time.[74]
ABARE agreed that productivity growth will be particularly necessary in
industries such as agriculture which are directly affected by mitigation
The mitigation response to climate change also is likely to
impose an additional productivity drag, if you like, on the agriculture sector
in terms of the increased cost. If we are looking at maintaining profitability
in agriculture, the likelihood, is that we are going to need to increase
productivity growth from what it has been in the past rather than the slight
decline that we have seen recently.[75]
With the current Australian economy reliant on coal, increased energy
costs pose a risk to productivity growth. In its submission ACCI noted
Australia’s relatively low energy costs. It also stated that:
Australia’s international competitiveness and economic and
social well-being depend on reliable, affordable and sustainable energy
supplies. They are important inputs for most business activities and are
essential for supporting basic quality of life.[76]
ACCI went on to argue that climate change mitigation policy should not
exceed that of our international competitors, which would risk compromising
...the relative competitive advantage Australia achieves
through less expensive energy costs.[77]
Firms will need to adapt and innovate to meet the challenges posed by
the new economy which incorporates climate change mitigation policies. For
example, the agriculture sector will need to utilise new methods to reduce
water consumption and low carbon emissions.[78]
While climate change presents a great challenge, it also provides great
opportunities. ACCI contended that we should focus internationally:
contributing to climate change mitigation through innovation which enables
developing countries to reduce their carbon emissions.[79]
The Treasury suggested that in the medium to long-term, mitigating against and
adapting to climate change will provide boosts to productivity.[80]
For example, energy producers will have strong incentives to innovate
aggressively, with the end result being new energy sources which require fewer
Likewise, the South Australian Government stated that:
…by facilitating the growth of high-value add ‘cleantech’
industries… Australians can profit from the economic opportunities which come
with the transition to a carbon constrained economy.[81]
The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy argued that use of
technology is the key to meeting the challenge of climate change. This provides
Australia with a competitive advantage as we have ‘extensive expertise in clean
coal research’ and are ‘at the forefront of energy efficiency improvements in
the production of key commodities’.[82] Sound government policy
can facilitate innovation and cement this competitive advantage.
Macroeconomic policy constraints
Meeting the challenges identified above, and facilitating the drivers of
productivity growth into the future, will require public investment.
However, following the Global Financial Crisis federal, state and local governments
are operating in a fiscally constrained environment. Australia’s fiscal
response to the crisis was swift and large—‘amounting to 5 ½ per cent of GDP,
the third largest in the OECD’.[83] This action reversed the
budget surplus in a very short period of time, resulting in tightening of the
2009-2010 Budget and the Australian Government committing to a 2 per
cent per annum cap on real spending growth, to enable the budget to return the
budget to surplus in 2015-16.[84]
The PC in its submission referred to the constrained fiscal environment
and how this will impact on Government spending choices:
…governments' initiatives to boost productivity growth will
need to be attentive to fiscal and resource costs; initiatives with low fiscal
cost, such as regulatory reforms, would seem particularly attractive in an era
of fiscal consolidation.[85]
ACCI alluded to the importance of a sound fiscal position to the
Government’s capacity to provide productivity-enhancing infrastructure and
… to ensure the sustainability of the Government budget in the
future and the ability to fund its reform agenda on Australia’s health,
education and taxation system and etc. which will enhance Australia’s
productivity, the Government needs to impose strict discipline to rein in its
spending and improve the efficiency of public sector.[86]
Setting a productivity growth target
The 2010 Intergenerational Report, released in January 2010, noted that
labour productivity has slowed in the last decade, averaging only 1.4 per cent
growth, compared with 2.1 per cent in the 1990s.[87]
The report then projects that if annual labour productivity growth were to
average 2 per cent over the next 40 years it would result in an average 3
per cent real annual GDP growth over the period, and culminate in 15 per cent
higher real GDP per capita in 2049-50.[88]
The Prime Minister referred to the intergenerational report findings in
a number of public speeches in January 2010. He noted an example in the report
of projected economic outcomes to 2049-50, using a 2 per cent per annum average
labour productivity growth rate.[89]
Given that average labour productivity growth since 1964 has averaged 2.3
per cent per annum[90] raising average aggregate
labour productivity growth to 2 per cent per annum over the next forty years should
be comfortably achievable. However, given recent structural changes in the
economy and the fact that in the current unfinished cycle labour productivity
has approximated only 1.1 per cent,[91] Australia has some way
to go to return to its long-term average.
The references to projections based on a 2 per cent labour productivity
growth rate per annum were interpreted by various economic commentators as a
government target for multifactor productivity growth.
However, the government does not have an official productivity growth
rate target.
The committee concluded in Chapter 4 that Australia is best to benchmark
against its own performance, rather than against the performance of other
nations. A productivity growth rate target would provide a means of
benchmarking domestic productivity performance over time.
Having a productivity growth rate target is also a means of providing
greater awareness of what drives long‑term economic growth. According to
a Telstra report released in February 2010 on business attitudes and behaviours
towards improving Australian productivity, there is far from universal
understanding amongst Australian CEOs about technical productivity measures.[92]
Additionally, fewer firms were prioritising productivity in their business
plans than they were in the previous year.
The report concludes that productivity targets within firms are
important and yet only 42 per cent of firms are employing them:
Only 42% have specific productivity targets and know what
these targets are…In order for productivity to become actionable within an
organisation, measures and targets need to be in place and well understood by
all relevant stakeholders.[93]
Even though a technical knowledge of productivity is not essential for
business success, knowledge of how efficiency improvements drive a firm’s competitiveness,
and ultimately profitability, is essential. Firms will never choose to focus on
productivity over profit, and similarly governments will not focus on
productivity ahead of GDP growth. However, as Mr Saul Eslake of the Grattan Institute
recently noted, if there is an ongoing myopic focus on GDP generated by
favourable terms of trade, this will not necessarily drive ongoing economic
The effects of this slowdown in productivity growth have been
masked by the enormous increase in the prices Australia receives for its
resources exports over the past decade. However, while the China-driven
resources boom almost certainly has further to run, it seems highly implausible
that it will continue for another 50 years, and it would be imprudent for
policy-makers to assume that it will. Eventually, Australia’s ‘terms of trade’
will return to the downward path which they travelled for most of the twentieth
He states that maintaining a focus on productivity as a principal driver
of future GDP will ensure policies support productivity growth, not to reach a
target per se, but to improve Australia’s overall wellbeing:
…a higher rate of productivity growth, that is, more rapid
growth in the value of goods and services produced for each hour of work done –
provides the best means of…meeting the ongoing aspirations which most
Australians have for rising standards of living for themselves and their
As ACCI noted in their submission, achieving a productivity growth rate
of half the rate achieved in the 1990s will lead to real GDP $2 000 billion
higher than if the rate slips back to 1970s and 1980s levels.[96]
Committee conclusions
Structural change arising from the long-term expansion of Australia’s
services sector and more recently, from the resurgence in the boom in the
mining sector, provides the Australian economy with its principal medium-term
productivity growth challenges.
Evidence to the inquiry demonstrates it will be increasingly difficult
to raise productivity above its long-term average in the medium-term. The
reasons are three-fold.
One reason is that it will become increasingly difficult to measure all
the productivity in the economy due to the expansion of the services sector and
the intertwining of products and services. Services sector outputs (or
outcomes) already comprise a significant slice of GDP, over 70 per cent, and
are expected to continue rising along with OECD trends.
The second reason is the proclivity of services industries to possess
inherent productivity limitations that industries producing tangible products
(eg consumer goods and commodities) do not have. This is due to a high
labour-to-capital ratio in this sector coupled with a propensity for services
to be more tailored, and as such less able to accrue efficiencies from
standardisation of processes.
The third reason is the increasing dominance of the mining sector in the
market sector and the massive projected capital investment activity over the
short-term that will lengthen the lead times on returns to capital.
Estimating MFP for the services sector is very difficult as it requires
carefully assessing the quality of services—quality is a factor which is more
likely to change in this sector than is quantity of input or outputs. It is
very difficult to accurately capture quality changes in data.
Additionally, the official market sector MFP estimate excludes seven of
the 16 services industry categories. Experimental MFP estimates were released
in December 2009 which included four of these seven industries excluded from
the official estimate. The result of this inclusion was that the productivity
growth estimate fell even further. This gives weight to the hypothesis that the
services sector exhibits lower aggregate productivity growth than non-services
sectors. It also suggests that when the remaining three services industry
categories are added to the MFP estimate, namely Education and training, Health
care and social assistance, and Public administration and safety; the
productivity growth estimate will fall even further.
The deepening of the productivity growth decline as more service sectors
are added could be the result of teething problems in the methodology, being they
are experimental estimates, or that productivity in services industries is very
hard to capture. It could, however, reflect an underlying trend—that as more
services industries are added to the market sector MFP, it is harder to achieve
a robust aggregate productivity growth estimate.
The committee recognises that the highest ranking productivity growth
industries in the MFP market sector between 2003-04 and 2007-08 were in fact service
industries: Communication services at 3 per cent growth, followed by Financial
and insurance services. The committee believes these higher rates may be
because the services in these industries are largely homogenous, now involve a
high degree of ‘customer self-service’ and that there are reliable quantifiable
proxies for measuring quality of outputs. It is also worth highlighting that
both industries now record growth rates below their growth rates recorded in
the cycle immediately prior to the growth surge.
This suggests that further statistical analysis by the ABS is required
before additional experimental estimates are included in aggregate MFP.
Moreover, the committee cautions the reliance on aggregate MFP estimates which
include services sectors that produce difficult to value outputs or outcomes.
While the committee agrees with the recommendation of the Stiglitz-Sen
Commission that measures to non-market activities need to be broadened, the
committee believes the ABS should undertake work to consider alternative ways
of estimating the economic contribution of industries which do not have neatly
quantifiable outputs. This may mean using an economic measure other than
traditional productivity estimates for many of the services sector industries. These
estimates could be released as a complement to the traditional MFP estimates.
Recommendation 1 |
That the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) investigate alternative
ways of measuring the optimal available use of economic resources used in
services industries in the economy, either by:
n Excluding
those services sectors which do not have straight‑forward quantifiable
input and output data from the aggregate MFP estimates and instead developing
a separate services sector index which is not necessarily based on traditional
productivity constructs; or
n Investigating
ways to develop robust services sector MFP estimates for all services
industry categories for inclusion in the aggregate MFP estimates.
The government should ensure that the ABS is funded
appropriately to conduct the study.
The committee believes achieving multifactor productivity growth rates
above Australia’s long-term average of 1.1 per cent is a critical long-term
national goal. Rather than being something that can be overlooked in a fiscally
constrained environment it is a goal that requires immediate commitment in
order to meet the challenges of the future.
The longer-term challenges Australia faces, including demographic ageing,
accommodating significant growth in population, maintaining strong workforce
participation and dealing with the impacts of climate change add to the
imperatives of achieving higher productivity growth rates.
The committee agrees that good levels of workforce participation are
imperative. Productivity growth is important, but not at the expense of social
wellbeing in the community by underutilising labour.
The committee acknowledges that changes to the costs of inputs arising
from climate change mitigation polices may impact the profitability of firms in
the short-term but are unlikely to impede productivity. On the contrary, the
committee believes impetus will be created for firms to utilise costly inputs
in more efficient ways, ultimately leading to more productive and profitable
The committee supports the adoption of a national productivity growth
target for the market-sector. This will ensure productivity remains a key
consideration in relevant policy development.
The committee notes, however, that care should be taken in wielding
productivity estimates as gospel. These measures are estimates only, not hard
and fixed results. This fact was borne out in the changes to MFP estimates in
the unfinished productivity cycle when the national accounts were expanded in
December 2009 and MFP market sectors shifted. Also, as was discussed in Chapter
4 on international comparisons, achieving a high productivity growth rate in
itself does not necessarily correlate to positive economic or social outcomes.
Recommendation 2 |
That the Australian Government introduces a national
aggregate productivity growth target for the medium-term to 2030; and that
modelling is undertaken by the Productivity Commission to assess the
appropriate level for the target.