Chapter 2 Productivity growth and its importance
The economic concept of productivity
Productivity is the measure of production efficiency.[1]
At a national level it captures the economy’s ability to ‘harness its physical
and human resources to generate output and income’.[2]
Productivity growth refers to an increase in the value of outputs produced for
a given level of inputs, over a given period of time.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) explained:
In a very general sense, the best way to think about
productivity is by thinking of production. You can have increased production
from an increase in inputs, you can have increased production due to a more
efficient use of those inputs or a combination of both of those things. In a
growth accounting framework you can in simple terms measure productivity by
looking at the ratio of output to one or more inputs. When you decompose it, in
a sense, productivity is actually the residual of that calculation.[3]
The main theoretical approach to studying productivity is based on
‘formal growth theory’, where output growth is expressed as a function of
growth in inputs and growth in the efficiency with which inputs are transformed
into outputs.
Different approaches to calculating productivity growth can be used,
with the ‘neoclassical’ model treating growth as exogenous (based on
capital accumulation and national savings); and ‘new growth theory’ incorporating
growth as endogenous (through technical change, research and development
and capability building activities).
Productivity as a component of economic growth models did not surface
until the post Second World War era.[4] As such it was not
closely monitored as an economic measure until the 1960s, coinciding with a
time when Australia’s productivity growth was relatively rapid.
During the 1980s, economic policy direction in Australia embraced the
‘new growth theory’. This was characterised by the endorsement of competitive
and flexible markets as the means to securing the most productive use of the
nation’s resources. The movement to economic management through new growth
theory was based on the belief that this would deliver the economy a growth
dividend and better living standards.
The components of productivity
There are three commonly used measures of productivity:
n Partial Factor
Productivity (PFP)—examples are capital productivity (measured as GDP per unit
of capital)[5] and labour productivity. Labour
productivity is the most used PFP measure. It is usually measured as the volume
of output per hour worked.[6] Other measures of labour
productivity used (mainly for international comparisons) include the value
of output (GDP) per employee or per capita. Estimating labour
productivity is a relatively straightforward exercise. The PC notes three
reasons for this: is easier to measure as it avoids the need to estimate
capital inputs and avoids the need to aggregate capital estimates and hours
worked… a rough measure of labour productivity for the entire economy can
easily be obtained by dividing GDP by official estimates of total hours worked
in the economy (there are no official estimates of capital inputs for the whole
economy)…and it allows for a comparison of levels of labour productivity (value
added per hour worked) between different parts of the economy or between
different economies.[7]
n Total Factor
Productivity (TFP)—this is a true measure of productivity which encompasses all
the factors of the productivity equation. As it is very difficult to measure
all the factors of productivity a proxy measure was developed to take account
of multiple factors, but not all factors. This is known as multifactor
n Multifactor
productivity (MFP)—the volume of output from a bundle of both labour and
capital inputs. Estimating MFP is a complex exercise. In simple terms, it
involves the construction of three separate indexes for labour, capital and
output. The contributions of labour and capital are weighted according to their
respective input contributions, usually measured in value of payments to the
factors of production. The calculation of productivity growth is the residual
of any difference between the level of output growth and the level of input growth.
Labour productivity is only a partial measure as it does not take
account of the contribution of other factors of production. As such, it needs
to be interpreted carefully as changes in labour productivity may reflect
factors that are outside of workers’ influence (for example, improved capital
MFP provides the better indicator of the overall improvement in an
economy’s efficiency, as it measures the growth in economic output above that
directly attributable to growth in measured capital and labour inputs. In other
words, MFP informs whether GDP growth originates from productivity growth or
merely from increased inputs of labour or capital.[8]
As such, it captures the influence of improvements in production-related
factors such as skills, technology, and management practices that are not
incorporated in official capital and labour measures. The Treasury states:
MFP reflects technological changes, as well as a range of
non-technological factors such as industry and firm level adjustment, economies
of scale and cyclical effects (OECD 2001a).[9]
While estimates of output and hours worked are published for the whole
economy, productivity is only well-measured in the part the ABS calls the ‘market
sector’. A detailed description of the market sector is at paragraph 2.58.
In these market-sector industries, prices are indicators of quality that
can be used to compare the value of new goods and services to that of the old
versions they replace. For industries outside the market sector —health,
education, government administration and property and business services — it is
more difficult to separate price changes from changes in the quality and
quantity of services. In addition, the voluntary sector is not incorporated in
official measures.
The proportion of the economy which falls within the non-market sector
has grown considerably over the last twenty years. In 2008-09 the services
sector comprised 72.3 per cent of GDP; whereas it was 63% of GDP in 1983-84. In
contrast, the proportion of the economy in the market-sector which the ABS
includes in national productivity growth calculations has declined since 1994-95,
going from around 73 per cent of GDP to 62 per cent of GDP in 2008-09.[10]
For the purposes of this report productivity refers to MFP unless stated
Productivity growth is not production growth
Productivity is often confused with production. Productivity is the
measure of how efficient the production process is, irrespective of the
stand-alone quality or quantity of output, or the stand-alone quality or
quantity of inputs in that production process. It is a relative concept and can
only be determined when assessing per unit output derived from per unit inputs
in the production process.
This means that productivity will rise when inputs in the production
process are optimally utilised to achieve greater levels of output. Achieving
productivity gains is therefore not equivalent to working longer (eg longer
labour hours) as this will result in a measure of greater inputs for every
output. Nor does it necessarily correlate with higher volumes of outputs – as
inputs could be increasing at the same or greater pace.
Productivity levels versus productivity growth rates
Similarly, productivity levels are sometimes confused with the rate of
growth of the productivity level. The calculation of both labour productivity
and MFP provides estimates of the level of productivity. Analysis of
trends in productivity levels tends to focus on growth rates.
Year-to-year changes in productivity growth can be volatile (reflecting
changes in market conditions or the influence of the business cycle)—as a
result, most research focuses on longer-term comparative changes, such as
business-cycle to business-cycle or growth over a decade.
Productivity cycles
Snapshots of productivity growth between specific periods of time are
referred to as productivity cycles. The last complete cycle ended in 2003‑04
with productivity in that cycle averaging 1.1 per cent.[11]
The current cycle, since 2004, is considered incomplete, but to 2007-08 it has
recorded negative growth of -0.3 per cent.[12]
International measurement agencies follow the convention of using an
arbitrary productivity period for comparison purposes. These are average growth
rates between growth-cycle peaks, which are determined as peak deviations of
the market sector MFP index from its long-term trend. Although productivity
cycles of peak-to-peak productivity often correlate to the business cycle this
is incidental to their determination. Productivity cycles cannot be determined until
after the cycle is completed.
This practice has been criticised by Professor John Quiggin as creating
distortions in the measurement of productivity growth:
Although much was made of the claimed productivity ‘miracle’
in the mid-1990s, these claims depended critically on the way in which the time
series was divided into hypothetical ‘productivity cycles’.[13]
The importance of productivity growth
An often quoted summary of the importance of productivity growth is that
of distinguished US economist Paul Krugman:
Productivity isn’t everything, but in the long run it is
almost everything. A country's ability to improve its standard of living over
time depends almost entirely on its ability to raise its output per worker.
World War II veterans came home to an economy that doubled its productivity
over the next 25 years; as a result, they found themselves achieving living
standards their parents had never imagined. Vietnam veterans came home to an
economy that raised its productivity less than 10 percent in 15 years; as a
result, they found themselves living no better - and in many cases worse - than
their parents.[14]
Productivity growth at an economy-wide level means more aggregate
outputs per aggregate inputs, which translates to greater returns on total
inputs, thus more income is available to share around. The ABS notes:
Key to long term improvements in Australia’s living standards
is productivity growth and therefore enhancing national productivity is one of
the basic goals of economic policy.[15]
At an industry level, productivity growth can be important to allow the
industry to compete with other sectors of the economy for resources (labour,
capital and raw materials) and maintain international competitiveness.[16]
It is important to note, however, that some sectors of the economy have traditionally
had low productivity growth but are vitally important to aggregate productivity
growth, for example, the health and education sectors. The outcomes from these
sectors become the inputs to all sectors in the form of skilled, educated and
healthy workers. This is also a reminder that government policies which only
focus on sectors exhibiting productivity growth could be at the detriment of
supporting productivity growth as a whole. The Productivity Commission (PC)
If policy were directed at moving and supporting high
productivity sectors, you would find that you were not actually supporting the
sectors that in the long term were so important to wellbeing and living standards.[17]
At a firm level, productivity growth is important because it can allow
the firm to remain competitive within the industry, through paying higher wages
or returns to shareholders or to provide funds for investment.
Raising productivity has been a focus for governments over the last two
decades, particularly with the transition to a more open economy as levels of
protection have fallen, or have been removed and the greater flows of foreign
capital and production links in the economy.
The importance of having robust national productivity has increased
since the worldwide economic downturn and the emergence of new demographic and
environmental challenges. The Chairman of the PC stated in evidence:
It will also affect how well the country recovers from the impact of the global financial crisis as well as its capacity to meet longer term
challenges such as population ageing and climate change.[18]
The challenges ahead for productivity growth are discussed in further
detail in Chapter 5.
Economic growth
The measure of production for an economy as a whole is gross domestic
product (GDP). GDP is the sum, for a particular period, of the gross value
added of all resident producers, where gross value added is equal to output (value
of goods and services produced at economically significant prices) less
intermediate consumption (value of goods and services consumed in the
production process).[19]
Economic growth is measured by the change in the level of real gross
domestic product from one measurement period to another.
Although Australia is still a relatively young country it is now a
mature developed economy. It was, however, up until mid last century, subject
to the developing industrialised economy pattern. This was characterised by a small
population with steady population growth up until the post war ‘baby boom era’ coupled
with an economy focussed on a rich endowment of natural resources. This led to very
high economic growth in the 1950s and 1960s, with per capita growth rates
around four per cent per annum.
However, an economy highly reliant on the production of commodities with
relatively low income elasticities of demand may have difficulty maintaining very
high levels of economic growth on that basis alone. This was the story in
Australia in the late 1970s, early 1980s when real GDP started to fall and annual
per capita growth rates fell to around two per cent.[20]
At an economy-wide level, the importance of continuing to achieve
historically high rates of productivity growth can be seen in the difference
between projections (and associated outcomes) in recent Treasury documents:
n The sensitivity of
the budget bottom line of a negative scenario modelled as part of the 2009-10
Budget Papers — a combination of an equal 0.5 per cent decrease in the
participation rate and in labour productivity, resulting in a 1 per cent
decrease in real GDP by Year 2 — is to decrease in the underlying cash balance
of around $2.5 billion in Year 1 and around $4.0 billion in Year 2;[21]
n The Australian
Treasury forecasts that achieving long-term productivity growth of only
1.2 per cent to 2046-47 (below an historical rate of 1.75 per cent)
would see a fall in income (GDP per capita) of almost 20 per cent. In
contrast, achieving long-term productivity growth of 2 per cent to 2046-47
would see a rise in income (GDP per capita) of around 10 per cent.[22]
The historical average for labour productivity growth over the last
three decades has been 1.6 per cent, which attributed to most of the increase
in GDP over this time.[23]
Living standards
Realising improved living standards or maintaining high living standards
is the main reason why governments strive to improve economy-wide productivity
In order to improve or maintain living standards and maintain fiscal
health, an economy must improve long-term economic growth. Productivity growth
is one contributor of improved economic growth.
Per capita incomes across world regions, but particularly in Western
Europe and Western off-shoots have risen dramatically over the last 60 years.[24]
These increases were accompanied by other improvements in well-being and quality
of life.[25]
What constitutes higher living standards is not clearly defined. This is
because there are qualitative as well as quantitative factors involved. Therefore,
it can be argued that increased income per capita may not necessarily equal
higher living standards; and this can be further complicated by unequal
distribution of wealth in the economy.
However, from an economic viewpoint, living standards are assessed by
the ability of a country to produce or acquire the goods and services it
demands, and this is mostly measured using GDP per capita. Although not a
perfect measure of overall living standards, it is a quantifiable and
internationally comparable approximation.[26] The ABS supported the
quality of GDP as a measure, explaining that ‘generally it is accepted as a
reasonably robust and established measurement.’[27]
Mr Davies emphasised the international comparability of the national accounts
in that ‘they are more widespread than electricity and telephone plugs’.[28]
There is also an argument for using GDP per capita to determine living
standards because a country with higher GDP per capita will tend to have better
social and environmental outcomes, ergo the wellbeing of its people will be high.[29]
Productivity growth is a critical factor in attaining high living standards;
however other frameworks conducive to achieving high average incomes must also
be in place.
One example of this is where a country has productivity gains without
strong labour utilisation. This was summarised in a 2007 PC Staff Working Paper.[30]
The paper noted that productivity growth in Norway in 2002 (abundant oil
extraction production) was leading the productivity frontier, but that poor labour
utilisation had reduced average welfare in the economy.[31]
A number of other European countries also recorded stronger productivity growth
than the US but the PC concluded that the US was more appropriately at the
productivity frontier because it had productivity improvements through
technological progress, not merely through policy or industry distortions.
Professor Quiggin supported this view:
You see, for example, in the data that countries which score
very well on productivity numbers often do not do so well on employment. What
that suggests is that some of the more problematic participants in the labour
force in all countries tend to be shunted out of the workforce. The more that
happens, the more your measured productivity can increase, but that is
obviously not a socially desirable way of proceeding.[32]
Dr de Brouwer of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
supported the view that boosting productivity is not desirable where it comes
at the expense of workforce participation:
Economists generally, and others, would say that the
wellbeing of people is also enhanced by participating in society and
participating in the workforce. There is a stronger sense of belonging, of
social cohesion, that goes with that, and it is also important in its own
right. So we would not use a very narrow metric of, ‘Is it just increasing productivity?’
There may be economic output increases from participation, which are important,
but also the value of people—their sense of self-worth and their wellbeing—is
also enhanced by that participation, and that is a broader measure. So that
would certainly be in the national interest.[33]
The Treasury agree that workforce participation is indeed another
component of achieving growth in living standards, as well as population
growth. Their submission shows, however, that the contribution of labour
productivity in Australia since 1977-78 has far exceeded the contribution of
population and participation.[34]
Australia has experienced a favourable shift in the terms of trade over
the past decade which has raised prosperity for Australians by delivering
higher purchasing power. The question which has arisen is whether Australia can
rely on favourable terms of trade (due mostly to our rich resource endowments)
for future prosperity, or whether increasing productivity growth is required.
History reveals that changes in Australia’s terms of trade between 1960
and 2004 have contributed less than five per cent to the increase in real
income, yet real income over the same period has increased by almost four fold.[35]
Productivity improvements during this time have been cited as the ‘largest
single source of improvements in real income followed by labour force increases
and capital stock increases’.[36] The Chairman of the PC stated
that over the past four decades MFP growth had ‘directly accounted for over
one-third of total real income growth in Australia, with the remaining growth
attributable to growth in labour and capital and changes in the terms of trade,
with the terms of trade being dominant in more recent times.’[37]
It must be borne in mind that a large part of this period was not
characterised by the resources boom of the recent ‘noughties’ magnitude and
that real income improvements in this century can be largely attributed to
this. Income improvements through price effects reflect a cyclical trend rather
than a structural trend and long-term growth depends on sustainability.
Committee conclusion
Productivity growth is an economic concept derived from national
accounting statistics designed to give a measure of efficiency in economic
activity. It is not a concept which directly takes into account contributions
outside the market sector. The committee notes that although unpaid
productivity contributions are not identified in the productivity function they
may be potentially reflected within the aggregate MFP measure in the
‘unmeasured’ component. Unpaid productivity growth contributions will be
discussed in more detail in Chapter 7.
Healthy aggregate productivity growth means that an economy is making
efficient use of its resources to produce a given level of outputs which
therefore results in higher living standards. Productivity growth is vitally
important in a developed economy to obtain strong economic growth (GDP growth)
and thus high GDP per capita.
GDP per capita is the most internationally recognised measure of living
standards. Although there is considerable debate over whether real GDP per
capita is an appropriate measure for overall community wellbeing it is a widely
recognised and comparable measure. OECD analysis has also found that higher GDP
per capita tends to correlate with higher social and environmental living
standards as well as higher income standards.
Whilst long-term productivity growth is very important for the future
growth of an economy, it cannot be the only goal. There are other features of
an economy which are necessary to lead to overall improvements in prosperity
and distribution of that wealth.
Australia is heading into an era where economic resources will become
ever more constrained and need to be utilised in a smarter way. Australian
businesses must be vigilant to ensure underlying firm productivity is robust,
and all levels of government should ensure policies encourage aggregate
productivity growth. This is because long‑term prosperity relies on
‘achieving more with a given quantity of resources, or equivalently achieving
constant results with a lower resource footprint.’[38]
The official productivity measures
What they are designed to measure
Official productivity estimates are designed to measure productivity in
the income generating economy. They are, as the ABS pointed out at a public
hearing in October 2009, ‘economic statistics’.[39]
Mr Don Brunker of the PC reinforced this fact:
I think it is also worth stepping back and recognising that
productivity measures try to serve a particular purpose, and the particular
purpose is about efficiency within business organisations. They were never
really designed to give us an understanding of how well the community in
aggregate is going, although they are clearly a very important ingredient to
The ABS official productivity measure is derived from statistics
‘compiled on the basis of the standard growth accounting framework, which is
widely adopted by leading statistical agencies and recommended by the OECD.’[41]
The Australian System of National Accounts ‘provides a record of Australia’s
economic wealth and the changes to that wealth brought about by economic
activity.’[42] It is important to note
this economic measure is only an estimate. For example, when experimental data
is included, a different result is achieved.
The ABS methodology
The ABS adopts a productivity measurement methodology based on neoclassical
economic theory. The ABS calculates single factor productivity estimates (for labour
and for capital)[43] and also multifactor
productivity estimates. The calculation of MFP itself is a relatively
straightforward exercise once separate indexes for output growth, labour growth
and capital growth have been constructed; however, the calculation of the
capital component is complex.
Once the separate indices are obtained the relative weights for the
contribution of labour and capital are taken by the income shares of these
factors of production.
The ABS calculates productivity estimates in 12 of 20 industry areas as
recognised by the Australia and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006
(ANZSIC06) system.[44]
The majority of industries included in the ‘market sector’ are those
which have satisfactory estimates of the growth in the volume of output. As
such, industries where economic values cannot be readily assigned to outputs
are excluded (for example, government services). The market sector comprises
the following 16 industries (Categories A-N and R-S):
n Category A: Agriculture,
forestry, and fishing;
n Category B: Mining;
n Category C: Manufacturing;
n Category D: Electricity,
gas, water and waste services;
n Category E: Construction;
n Category F: Wholesale
n Category G: Retail
n Category H: Accommodation
and food services;
n Category I: Transport,
postal and warehousing;
n Category J: Information
media and telecommunications;
n Category K: Financial
and insurance services;
n Category L: Rental,
hiring and real estate services;
n Category M: Professional,
scientific and technical services;
n Category N: Administrative
and support services;
n Category R: Arts and
recreation services; and
n Category S: Other
Industries excluded from the market sector are (Categories O-Q and T):
n Category O: Public
administration and safety;
n Category P: Education
and training;
n Category Q: Health
care and social assistance; and
n Category T (special
industry category): Ownership of dwellings.
The ABS does not present MFP measures for industries excluded from the
market sector because the volume estimates of gross value added are derived
using a method in which input data are used as measures of output. As a result,
meaningful productivity measures cannot be derived for these industries at
present. The ABS noted the limitations in calculating output where there is no
market value transaction:
The basic set of output measures that we use in our economic
statistics are based around actual monetary transactions—people putting their
hand in their pocket and paying for things. Our basic concept of a transaction
is the amount someone has parted with in order to receive the good or service.[45]
Of the 16 industries included in the market sector four categories are
excluded from the official productivity estimates. These include industry
categories L, M, N and S. The official MFP market sector therefore includes
categories A-K plus category R.
In 2008-09 the ABS released experimental estimates for an expanded
market sector which included these four sectors with a time series dating back
to 1994-95.[46] These estimates will be
incorporated into the Australian System of National Accounts in 2010. The
impact of this will be discussed in Chapter 4.
The ABS derives its estimates of MFP for the market sector by forming a
combined chain volume measure (using constant price estimates)[47]
of labour and capital inputs and dividing it into the chain volume measure of
the gross value added of the market sector (the output of the market).
Measuring the individual components of MFP
Capital is measured on the basis of the ‘flow’ of services from the
capital stock, with the flows weighted by a rental value, somewhat analogous to
the concept of depreciation in an accounting profit and loss statement.
The single index of capital services derived to calculate MFP is itself
a combination of 13 separate indexes covering major asset types including
machinery, computer software and inventories over the market sector industries.
An aggregate chain volume measure of capital services for the whole market
sector is then weighted with a measure of hours worked using estimates of
capital and labour income as weights.
The ABS note that estimates of capital services productivity is the most
unreliable productivity estimate:
Of all the constituents of the MFP measures, capital input
poses the most problems. A major weakness of the estimates of capital services
stems from the uncertain quality of the data used in their construction, such
as mean asset lives and asset life distributions.[48]
Constructing capital input indices is very complicated and relies on
assumptions which are not universally agreed. The ABS states:
The construction of capital stock series, based on some
cumulated function of past investment expenditures (the so called perpetual
inventory model (PIM)), critically depends on the availability of constant
quality price indexes and assumptions regarding the capital decay process.[49]
Just one example of the detailed calculations in capital stock indices is
the required finessing of rental values for tax and tax incentive/allowance impacts
applicable to different capital equipment, in different industries.
Due to the inherent issues in calculating the capital service index, the
ABS is currently reviewing its methodology and is also developing ways to
capitalise research and development expenditure into the index.[50]
In contrast, calculating the labour index is relatively uncomplicated. Estimates
for hours worked are derived as the product of employment and average hours
worked. Using an index of hours worked provides a better measure of labour
input than using employment, because hours worked captures changes in overtime
worked, standard weekly hours, leave taken, and changes in the proportion of
part-time employees. [51]
Productivity growth measurement—statistical limitations
As noted earlier, estimating productivity, particularly MFP, is complex
and subject to a number of measurement issues. Estimates are also based on a
number of underlying theoretical assumptions that may not necessarily reflect
the nature of production processes.
The ABS note that caution needs to be exercised in interpreting
productivity measures which are derived as a residual and are therefore subject
to any errors in the output and input measures. Furthermore, because
productivity growth is comparatively low, such errors assume relatively greater
importance with respect to productivity estimates.[52]
The ABS also advise of the need to take a longer term view of MFP
estimates, which are subject to the vagaries of the growth in the business
cycle (as capacity utilisation varies so does MFP growth). The ABS note that:
Taking into account all of these factors, MFP estimates are
probably most useful when computed as average growth rates between growth-cycle
peaks, which are determined as peak deviations of the market sector MFP index
from its long-term trend. In this way, most of the effects of variations in
capacity utilisation and much of the random error are removed. However, average
growth rates still reflect any systematic bias resulting from the methodology
and data used.[53]
The volatility in short-term MFP can be seen in the recent incomplete
productivity cycle with annual averages ranging from -0.6 to 0.3 per cent
The PC also stressed the business-cycle nature of productivity trends.
In reference to a chart in their submission which depicted productivity growth
cycles back to the mid-sixties Mr Terry O’Brien stated:
It is just a powerful reminder that productivity growth is
intrinsically cyclical for reasons interactive with cycles in the broader
Measurement issues also arise from the accuracy of the statistical data
and some of the assumptions made in their compilation. The main sources of data
for productivity are output and capital stock measures from the National
Accounts (ABS cat no 5206.0), with estimates of hours worked drawn from the ABS’s
labour force survey (ABS cat no 6203.0). The capital stock measures are mostly
derived from surveys of businesses on the ABS ‘business register’ so the
quality of responses to the surveys is important.
The fact that the official MFP calculation excludes six service sector
industries is a statistical limitation which may prove increasingly troublesome
as this part of the economy grows. The rise of the services sector is a
phenomenon which occurs as economies advance. The fact that most of this sector
is excluded from the ABS productivity growth measure makes it increasingly more
difficult to determine the relative contributions of different sectors to
aggregate productivity.
Currently, statistical agencies have not formulated a robust and
comparable statistical method to account for the complexity of inputs and
outputs in the service sector of their economies; so by and large they are
omitted from the MFP measurement. The main problems that are encountered in
trying to account for service sector inputs and outputs are summarised by
Professors Cooper and Sheen in their submission:
...the distinction between inputs and outputs is difficult to
resolve, where outputs may not be physical products and hence may be difficult
to measure, and where complex interrelationships in the production of goods and
services mean that the contribution of individuals is increasingly an unobservable
task and not a specifically measurable component.[56]
Their submission stresses the need to invest in finding better ways of
measuring the outputs of a ‘modern service oriented economy—where trading in
tasks is increasingly dominant’.[57] They propose that with
relatively poor information of what a modern economy actually does, coupled
with the lack of an adequate measure of service outputs may mean countries fail
to record the ‘flow-on effects of technological advances, a failure which could
lead to poor policy prescriptions’.[58]
The ABS recognises this problem, stating that:
...recent decades have witnessed the gradual shift in the
composition of aggregate output towards service-producing industries and there
is strong support to expand productivity measurement to these sectors, despite
the significant measurement challenges that may be involved.[59]
Measuring the productivity of public sector services is particularly
difficult.[60] This issue is discussed
in Chapter 8.
In their submission, Professors Cooper and Sheen proposed extending the
‘attributes’ methodology to measure outputs in an increasingly service-based
Approaches to indirect measurement of changes in the quality
of attributes also need to be developed and these would require sophisticated
economic modelling. For example, it may be possible to examine changes in
individuals’ economic behaviour to infer improvement in quality of attributes
where switches in purchasing occur that are incompatible with the implications
of price movements….In summary, there is an increased need for integration of
data measurement and economic modelling tasks in the future economy.[61]
Despite its statistical drawbacks, the ABS outlines the unique
advantages and features of the MFP estimate:
MFP takes account of several factor inputs at the same time,
and is largely a measure of the effects of technical progress, improvements in
the work force, improvements in management practices, economies of scale, and
so on.[62]
Yet they also recognise the measure’s non-statistical limitations: ‘MFP
can also be affected in the short to medium term by other factors such as the
weather, and by variations in capacity utilisation associated with the business
cycle.’[63] These non-statistical
limitations will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 3, in terms of
recent productivity trends and in Chapter 8 about issues that are taking on
greater importance as the composition of the economy changes.
International comparability of Australian productivity measures
Unlike macroeconomic measures such as GDP, which are mature measures
incorporated into international standards which have been adopted by most countries
around the world, there is less consensus about productivity measures
worldwide. The ABS commented that productivity measures:
..are in some kind of intermediate state of maturity…it is
recognised as a field where there is still a lot of merit in letting people
experiment, stretch and try different things. So there is far less commitment
and drive towards international standardisation.[64]
However, the ABS has adopted all the main productivity measurement
methodologies used by other countries; its methods align with those used in
most OECD countries. This includes the standard growth accounting framework
recommended by the OECD which has been adopted by leading statistical agencies.[65]
The ABS is advancing its studies into increasing the coverage of industries
included in the market sector of the productivity estimates. Experimental
estimates have already been released for the ANZSIC categories of Rental, Hiring
and Real Estate Services; Professional, Scientific and Technical Services;
Administration and Support Services and “Other” Services.[66]
The ABS is also leading other statistical agencies in the development of
experimental MFP estimates. The ABS has already developed productivity
estimates for individual industries and also quality adjusted labour input
measures, both of which have been released. That said, the ABS recognises many
challenges remain, including the international standardisation of new measures: will be some while before there is enough consensus and
similar thinking to establish an international standard, which is where the
issues of international comparability come up.[67]
The impact of the inclusion of experimental estimates is discussed
further in Chapter 5.
Committee conclusion
The statistical measurement of capital services productivity, and thus
multi-factor productivity, is complex. The ABS cautions the interpretation of
MFP productivity measures due to the complexity of the capital index
construction, and as the available margin of error is very low caution should
be used in interpreting short-term productivity. Therefore, annual productivity
averages, which vary greatly from year to year, contain a lot of ‘noise’ and so
the interpretation of growth is best performed on a cyclical basis.
That said the growth rates in the present unfinished productivity cycle,
which now spans five years, provide enough trend information to expect the
cycle to finish with negative growth.
The calculation of MFP is a partial estimate as it excludes six industry
sectors which currently have outputs which are difficult to quantify. These
sectors are predominantly service sectors and government sectors which do not
produce tangible outputs and the outputs/outcomes from these industries are
hard to disaggregate and value. They are, however, very important contributors
to GDP and the measurement of productivity in these sectors is becoming
increasingly important.
The ABS is progressing work into the viability of including a number of
service sectors into the market sector but there is still a long way to go
before a suitable services sector measurement is found. This will require
ongoing commitment from the ABS and from international statistical agencies in
adopting a standardised approach.
Despite the statistical limitations of multi-factor productivity as a
methodology of measuring the aggregate productivity growth in an economy, it
has some clear advantages over partial measures, like labour productivity. MFP accounts
fully for capital and labour costs and can reflect changes in the operational
environment of businesses, like management effectiveness and the capabilities
of the primary inputs of capital and labour. Boosting this ‘value-add’ productivity
stemming from the interactions between the primary inputs will be important for
Australian businesses going forward.