Dissent motion
Whole debate
Member next first speaking against the motion
Any other Member
(standing order 87)
30 mins
10 mins
5 mins
10 mins
5 mins
Clarification of time for Member next speaking against a motion
Suspension of standing or other orders on notice relating to the programming of government business
Whole debate
Member next first speaking against the motion
Any other Member
(standing order 47)
25 mins
15 mins
10 mins
5 mins
Removal of redundant reference related to debate management motions
Suspension of standing or other orders without notice
Whole debate
Seconder (if any)
Member next first speaking against the motion
Any other Member
(standing order 47)
25 mins
10 mins
5 mins
10 mins
5 mins
Clarification of time for Member next speaking against a motion
Bills—Private Members’—second reading
At time of presentation
In continuation, on resumption of debate (if required by mover)
Any other Member
(standing order 222)
10 mins
5 mins
15 mins or lesser time determined by the Selection Committee
Clarification of time limits for second reading speeches set by the Selection Committee
Bills—All government—second reading
Any other Member not specified above
(standing order 222)
15 mins or lesser time determined by the Selection Committee
Clarification of time limits for second reading speeches no longer set by the Selection Committee
Other statements—by leave of the House
(e.g. ministerial statements and responses to them, committee reports)
Leader of Opposition, or Member representing, responding to ministerial statement
no limit
equal time to ministerial statement
Clarification of time afforded to responses to ministerial statements (standing order 63A)
Urgent matters—allotment of time for debate
Debate management motion
Whole debate
Each Member
(standing order 84)
20 mins
5 mins
Change related to debate management motions
document means a paper or any record of information, and includes:
(i)anything on which there is writing;
(ii)anything on which there are marks, figures, symbols or perforations having a meaning for persons qualified to interpret them;
(iii)anything from which sounds, images or writings can be reproduced with or without the aid of anything else; or
(iv)a map, plans, drawing or photograph.
Amendment to align the definition of document to the Acts Interpretation Act 1901
8 First meeting for new session following prorogation other than for a new Parliament
On the first meeting of a second or subsequent session of Parliament, instead of the procedure set down in standing order 4, the procedure shall be as follows:
(a)Members shall assemble in the House at the time appointed by the Governor-General in the Proclamation calling Parliament together.
(b)The Clerk shall read the Proclamation to Members.
(c)The Speaker shall make an acknowledgement of country and read Prayers.
(d)Members shall wait for a message from the Governor-General stating the time when he or she will declare the causes for the calling together of Parliament.
(e)Subsequent procedure shall follow standing orders 5–7.
Clarification to align acknowledgement of country practice
39 Announcements concerning inquiries and presentation of reports
(a)The Chair and/or deputy Chair of a committee may make a statement to inform the House of matters relating to an inquiry during the periods for committee and delegation business on Mondays (standing order 34). The Selection Committee shall recommend time limits for such statements.
Amendment to align with practice to allow Chair and deputy Chair of a committee to make a statement
41 Private Members’ business
(c)Subject to this standing order, the first and second reading shall proceed in accordance with standing orders 141 and 142. The Member who has presented the bill may speak to the second reading for no longer than 10 minutes at the time of presentation and 5 minutes, in continuation, on resumption of the debate (if required by the mover). The Selection Committee may determine times for consideration of the remainder of the second reading debate.
Amendment to ensure consistency between standing orders 1 and 41(c)
80 Closure of a Member speaking
If a Member is speaking, other than when giving a notice of motion or moving the terms of a motion, another Member may move—
That the Member be no longer heard.
The question must be put immediately and resolved without amendment or debate.
Removal of redundant reference to oral notice of motion (removed from standing order 106 in 2008)
Debate management motions and of urgent matters
82 Urgent bill
(a)A Minister may declare a bill, or a number of related bills, to be urgent at any time.
(b)When a bill or bills are is declared urgent, the question— That the bill(s) be considered urgent—
must be put immediately and resolved without amendment or debate.
(c)except when a Member is speaking, a motion specifying times for any stage of the bill. Any motion shall be subject to standing orders 84 (limited debate on allotment of time) and 85 (proceedings on urgent matter).
(d)The order for the consideration in detail stage may allocate times to particular clauses or parts of the bill.
Declaration may cover more than one bill (currently standing orders need to be suspended for this)
Deleted provisions in (c) and (d) are included in proposed new wording at standing order 84(b)
83 Urgent motion
(a)Once a motion has been moved, a Minister may declare the motion to be urgent.
(b)When a motion is declared urgent, the question— That the motion be considered urgent—
must be put immediately and resolved without amendment or debate.
(c)If the question is agreed to, a Minister may immediately move a motion specifying times for the urgent motion. Any motion is subject to standing orders 84 (limited debate on allotment of time) and 85 (proceedings on urgent matter).
Deleted provision in (c) included in proposed new wording at standing order 84(b)
84 Limited debate on motion for allotment of time Debate management motion
(a)A debate management motion may be moved by a Minister
(i) on notice;
(ii) without notice, in respect of matters that the House has agreed be considered urgent pursuant to standing orders 82 or 83.
(b)The motion may specify times for a motion or for any stage of a bill. For the consideration in detail stage of a bill the motion may allocate times to particular clauses or parts of the bill.
(c)A debate management motion may cover more than one related items of business, may set out special procedures to be followed, and may provide for cognate debate.
(d)(a) The maximum times for debate on a debate management motion for allotment of time are: whole debate 20 minutes; each Member 5 minutes.
(e)(b) After 20 minutes, or if debate concludes earlier, the Speaker must immediately put the question on any amendment or motion already proposed from the Chair.
New paragraph 84(a) — ‘allotment of time motion’ renamed ‘debate management motion and defined
New paragraph 84(b) incorporates deleted elements from 82 and 83 above
New paragraph 84(c) expands the scope of debate management motion to match current practice
Debate times remain same as for current allotment of time motion (shorter than suspension motions)
85 Proceedings on urgent matter subject to debate management motion
(a)If a time has been set for the start of an urgent matter which is subject to a debate management motion, at the set time the business before the House or the Federation Chamber must be interrupted and all necessary steps taken so that the urgent matter can proceed.
(b)At the end of the times allotted for particular proceedings the Speaker must conclude the proceedings:
(i)First the Speaker shall immediately put any question already proposed from the Chair, and then put any other question required to dispose of the urgent matter.
(ii)If the Government has circulated copies of amendments, new clauses and schedules, and modifications to a bill, at least two hours before the end of the allotted time, they shall be treated as if they have been moved.
(c)Standing order 81, providing for the closure of a question, shall not apply to any proceedings for which time has been allotted which are subject to a debate management motion.
Changes to align name of motion with other changes
105 Replies to written questions
(a)A Minister’s written reply to a question must be delivered to the Clerk. The Clerk shall provide a copy of the reply to the Member who asked the question, and the question and reply shall be published in Hansard.
(b)If a reply has not been received 60 days after a question first appeared on the Notice Paper, the Member who asked the question may, at the conclusion of Question Time, ask the Speaker to write to the Minister concerned, seeking reasons for the delay in answering.
Removal of requirement to publish questions and answers in Hansard
122 Questions put on proposed amendments
(a)The Speaker shall put a the question reflecting the purpose of on a proposed amendment -
(i)If the purpose is to omit certain words, the question shall be—
That the words proposed to be omitted stand part of the question.
(ii)If the purpose is to omit certain words in order to insert or add other words, the question shall be—
That the words proposed to be omitted stand part of the question.
If this question is resolved in the affirmative, the amendment is disposed of: if negatived, the Speaker shall put a further question—
That the words proposed be [inserted, or added].
(iii)If the purpose is to insert or add certain words, the question shall be—
That the words proposed be [inserted, or added].
(b)If no Member objects, instead of the questions in paragraph (a), the Speaker may put the question—
That the amendment be agreed to.
Remove obsolete questions
123 Restrictions on amendments to be moved
(a)A proposed amendment must not be inconsistent with a previous decision on the question.
(b)An amendment may not be moved to an earlier part of the question:
(i)after a later part has been amended, or
(ii)after an amendment to a later part has been proposed and the proposal has not, by leave, been withdrawn.
(c)When it is moved to omit words in the main question in order to insert or add others, no amendment to the words proposed to be inserted or added may be moved until the question ‘that the words proposed to be omitted stand part of the question’ has been determined.
(d)Only an amendment which adds other words may be moved to words which the House has resolved stand part of the question, or which have been inserted in, or added to, a question.
(c) (e)Each proposed amendment shall be disposed of before another amendment to the original question can be moved.
Consequential amendment to address removal of obsolete questions from standing order 122
153 Questions to be put
(a)If a bill is reported from the Federation Chamber without amendment or unresolved questions the question shall be put immediately—
That the bill be agreed to.
The question must be decided without amendment or debate.
(b)If a bill is reported with amendment or unresolved question, matters shall be dealt with in the following order:
(i)A separate question shall be proposed on each unresolved question and each shall be open to amendment or debate.
(ii)A single question shall be proposed, if necessary—
That the amendments made by the Federation Chamber be agreed to.
The question must be decided without amendment or debate.
(iii)New amendments may only be moved as a consequence of the resolution by the House of any unresolved question.
(iv)The question shall be proposed—
That the bill [as amended] be agreed to.
The question must be decided without amendment or debate.
Removal of ability to debate item returned from Federation Chamber with an unresolved question
197 Return of matters to the House
The Federation Chamber may return a matter to the House before its consideration is completed:
(a)A matter may be returned to the House on a motion moved without notice at any time by a Minister Member—
That further proceedings be conducted in the House.
The motion shall be put without amendment or debate. If the Federation Chamber agrees to, or is unable to resolve, this question, the bill or order of the day shall be returned to the House. Consideration in the House must continue from the point reached in the Federation Chamber and the House must resolve any issues that the Federation Chamber reports.
(b)The House may at any time require a matter to be returned for further consideration, on a motion moved without notice by a Minister Member. The matter must be set down for consideration at a later hour that day.
(c)An item of government business may be returned to the House by a programming declaration made in accordance with standing order 45.
Replacement of Minister with Member for return of matters from Federation Chamber