List of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

The Committee recommends that standing order 13(c) be amended to read:
13(c) If a government Member is elected as Deputy Speaker, only Only a non-government Member may be elected as Second Deputy Speaker. If a non-government Member is elected as Deputy Speaker, only a government Member may be elected as Second Deputy Speaker.

Recommendation 2

The Committee recommends that standing order 80 be amended to read:
80If a Member is speaking, other than when giving a notice of motion or moving the terms of a motion, another Member may move—
That the Member be no longer heard.
The question must be put immediately and resolved without amendment or debate.

Recommendation 3

The Committee recommends that standing order 131(a) be amended to read:
(a) If a division is called following a division and there is no intervening debate, the Speaker shall may appoint tellers immediately and order the bells shall to be rung for one minute.

Recommendation 4

The Committee recommends that standing order 190(c) be amended to read:
(c) If, at the time of the adjournment of the House, the Federation Chamber has not been adjourned, the Federation Chamber stands automatically adjourned, with the Deputy Speaker interrupting business before the Federation Chamber if it is meeting.

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