F. Public Survey Questions

Question 1: Do you think the House of Representatives should change how Question Time operates?
Question 2: Currently Question Time usually lasts around 70 minutes. Please indicate which statement best reflects your views:
This is about the right amount of time
There should be less time for Question Time
There should be more time for Question Time
Question 3: Currently opposition Members have 30 seconds to ask a question. Please indicate which statement best reflects your views:
This is the right amount of time
Opposition Members should have less time than this per question
Opposition Members should have more time than this per question
Question 4: Currently cross-bench Members have 45 seconds to ask a question. Please indicate which statement best reflects your views:
This is the right amount of time
Cross-bench Members should have less time than this per question
Cross-bench Members should have more time than this per question
Question 5: Currently Ministers have three minutes to answer a question. Please indicate which statement best reflects your views:
This is the right amount of time
Ministers should have less time than this to answer
Minsters should have more time than this to answer
Question 6: Should there be restrictions on or changes to the practice of asking ‘Dorothy Dix’ questions? Please indicate which statement best reflects your views:
Retain current practice in relation to ‘Dorothy Dix’ style questions
Amend how ‘Dorothy Dix’ questions can be asked
Remove the ability to ask ‘Dorothy Dix’ style questions
*Question 6 did not have a comments field.
Question 7: Who should be able to ask questions?
Non-government Members
Government Members
Government and non-government Members
Others (please specify)
*Question 7 did not have a comments field.
Question 8: Please add further comment or specify any others who should be able to ask questions if you wish:
*Question 8 was the comments field for question 7.
Question 9: What would you like the House to accomplish through Question Time?
*There was a free text field for answers to Question 9.
Question 10: Do you have any other suggestions about how Question Time could be improved?
*There was a free text field for answers to Question 10.
Question 11: I follow Question Time:
Not now, but I have in the past
When I see or hear bits on the TV or radio news or on social media
*Question 11 did not have a comments field.
Question 12: What is your age:
Under 18
65 and over
Prefer not to say
*Question 12 did not have a comments field.
Question 13: If you are happy to be contacted about any of your answers or about further opportunities to engage, please provide your email address:

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