Petitions presented during the 44th Parliament

Petitions on issues in the Agriculture policy area

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Topics: Factory farms | Halal certification | Live export | Pesticides and GM crops

Subject Presentation details* Signatures Further action
Factory farms
Treatment of animals in factory farms (PDF 445KB) 23 February 2015
Response from Minister for Agriculture dated 17 March 2015, presented 25 May 2015 (PDF 1050KB)
Halal certification
Halal certification (PDF 163KB) 24 March 2015
Response from Minister for Agriculture dated 25 May 2015, presented 15 June 2015 (PDF 597KB)
Live export
Live animal exports and animal welfare (PDF 814KB) 22 June 2015
Response from Minister for Agriculture dated 30 July 2015, presented 17 August 2015 (PDF 1258KB)
Pesticides and GM crops
Use of pesticides and GM crops and impact on public health (PDF 480KB) 27 February 2014, The Hon. M. Parke MP
Response from Minister for Agriculture dated 26 March 2014, presented 26 May 2014 (PDF 1976KB) Response from Minister for Trade and Investment dated 24 March 2014, presented 26 May 2014 (PDF 688KB) Response from Minister for Environment dated 16 October 2014, presented 24 November 2014 (PDF 892KB) Response from Minister for Health dated 27 October 2014, presented 9 February 2015 (PDF 448KB)

See also: