B. Exhibits


3Professor Joseph E Ibrahim
Residential Aged Care Communiqué Issue: October 2016
a) Premature deaths of nursing home residents: an epidemiological analysis, Medical Journal of Australia, 2017
b) Recommendations for prevention of injury-related deaths in Residential aged care services, Health Law & Ageing Research Unit, Department of Forensic Medicine, Monash University
4United Voice
United Voice Submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The future of Australia’s aged care workforce, March 2016
5Care Leavers Australasia Network
Presentation: Third National Elder Abuse Conference 2014
6Professor Joseph E Ibrahim
Professor Joseph E Ibrahim, 2017, Recommendations for Prevention of Injury-Related Deaths in Residential Aged Care Services: Health Law and Ageing Research Unit, Department of Forensic Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne
a) Murphy BJ, Bugeja LC, Pilgrim JL, Ibrahim JE, December 2017, Suicide among nursing home residents in Australia: A national population-based retrospective analysis of medico-legal death investigation information, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
7Office of the Public Advocate (Vic)
Client incident management summary guide, Health and Human Services, State Government of Victoria
a) Client incident management guide: Client incident management system, November 2017, Government of Victoria
8Victorian Multicultural Commission
Submission template: Discussion Paper: Future reform – an integrated care at home program to support older Australians
9Palliative Care South Australia
A Day in the Life of a Personal Carer: Two Perspectives
11Helping Hand
The Helping Hand Way – An Overview
a) The Helping Hand Way Program: Evaluation Overview and Matrix
b) The Helping Hand Way Mobile Phone App Screenshots
c) The Organisation of Risk: How do dementia care providers adapt to regulation? The Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre, 2018
12Aged Rights Advocacy Service Inc.
A decade on: Shedding light on compulsory reporting, July August 2016 - Linda Belardi, Australian Ageing Agenda
a) How do we protect the rights of people in aged care? Carolanne Barkla, INDAILY Opinion
b) Draft Position Statement: Cameras in Aged Care, September 2016, Aged Rights Advocacy Service
c) The ethics of using cameras in care homes, Fisk M, Florez-Revuelta F, 2016, Nursing Times
13Mrs Margaret Daly
Article: Dementia Nursing homes lack resources: Drugs, straps used to control residents
14Office of the Public Advocate Queensland
Paper: Legal frameworks for the use of restrictive practices in residential aged care: An analysis of Australian and international jurisdictions
15Office of the Public Guardian
The Office of the Public Guardian, Community Visitor Program (Adult)
a) The Office of the Public Guardian, Submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee, August 2017
Australian Pain Society, Pain in residential aged care facilities, 2nd edition
17New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association
Ratios save lives
18Mr Bill Mitchell, Townsville Community Legal Service Inc
Bill Mitchell, ‘Identifying Institutional Elder Abuse in Australia through Coronial and Other Death Review Processes’ (2018) 18 Macquarie Law Journal 35

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