D. Expert Panel Members

Mr Jack Archer: CEO Regional Australia Institute
Contributed to major regional reform in water, climate change, indigenous issues and industry.
Professor Andrew Beer: University of South Australia, Chair Regional Studies Association
Research interests include the operation and functioning of Australia’s housing markets, the drivers of regional growth, economic change in major cities and the impacts of an ageing population.
Professor John Cole OAM: Executive Director of the Institute for Resilient Regions at the University of Southern Queensland
Well credentialed in promoting innovation for sustainable development and industry competitiveness and regional resilience.
Ms Anne Dunn
Chair of the Australian Government’s Regional Women’s Advisory Council; Director on Board of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation; holds a Fellowship with the Australia Council.
Professor Robyn Eversole: Professor Social Impact, Centre for Social Impact, Swinburne University of Technology
Published extensively on participatory development, poverty, community engagement, development governance, local economic development and social enterprise.
Professor Fiona Haslam McKenzie: Co-Director/Senior Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Regional Development, University of Western Australia
Expertise in population and socio-economic change, housing, regional economic development and analysis of remote regional and urban socio-economic indicators.
Professor Tony Sorensen: appearing in a private capacity
Fellow of both the Institute of Australian Geographers and the Regional Australia Institute. Steering committee of the International Geographical Union's (IGU) Commission on Local and Regional Development and worked with the IGU's Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems.

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