B. List of Exhibits

Building and Construction industry Forecasts: Australia, June 2017,
received from Master Builders Australia 11/08/2017
1 (b)
Building and Construction industry Forecasts: NSW, June 2017, received
from Master Builders Australia 11/08/2017
1 (c)
Building and Construction industry Forecasts: Victoria, June 2017, received
from Master Builders Australia 11/08/2017
1 (d)
Building and Construction industry Forecasts: Queensland, June 2017,
received from Master Builders Australia 11/08/2017
1 (e)
Building and Construction industry Forecasts: SA, June 2017, received from
Master Builders Australia 11/08/2017
1 (f)
Building and Construction industry Forecasts: WA, June 2017, received
from Master Builders Australia 11/08/2017
1 (g)
Building and Construction industry Forecasts: Tasmania, June 2017,
received from Master Builders Australia 11/08/2017
1 (h)
Building and Construction industry Forecasts: ACT, June 2017, received
from Master Builders Australia 11/08/2017
1 (i)
Building and Construction industry Forecasts: NT, June 2017, received from
Master Builders Australia 11/08/2017
Freight Doesn’t Vote (August 2017), received from the Australian Logistics
Council 11/08/2017
Regional Australia – Driving Our Economy 2017-18, Statement by the
Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, received from DIRD 11/08/2017
The Evolution of Australian Towns: Report 136, produced by the Bureau of
Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics, received from DIRD 11/08/2017
Australian Infrastructure Statistics: Yearbook 2016 (December 2016),
produced by the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics, received from DIRD 11/08/2017
Bridges Renewal Programme (BRP) Round Three: Programme Information
(March 2017), received from DIRD 11/08/2017
Building Better Regions Fund Community Investments Stream: Program
Guidelines (November 2016), received from DIRD 11/08/2017
Building Better Regions Fund Infrastructure Projects Stream: Program
Guidelines (November 2016), received from DIRD11/08/2017
Community Development Grants Programme: Grant Programme
Guidelines, received from DIRD 11/08/2017
Freight Rates in Australia (July 2017), produced by the Bureau of
Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics, received from DIRD 11/08/2017
The National Rail Program: Investing in rail networks for our cities and
regions, produced by the Australian Government, received from DIRD 28/08/2017
Regional Jobs and Investment Packages: Program Guidelines (March 2017),
received from DIRD 28/08/2017
Regions 2030: Unlocking Opportunity, produced by the Australian
Government, received from DIRD 28/08/2017
Spending by Australian Households on Owning and Operating Vehicles
(May 2017), produced by the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics, received from DIRD 28/08/2017
Linking Transport and Development: Some Experiences from London and
Beyond (September 2016), produced by ARUP, received from the Committee for Sydney 29/08/2017
Housing Constraints and Spatial Misallocation (May 2017), Produced by
Chang-Tai Hsieh and Enrico Moretti, received from the Committee for Sydney 29/08/2017
Investing in Australian Cities: The Legacy of the Better Cities Program,
received from Property Council Queensland 29/09/2017
Why is Light Rail Starting to Dominate Bus Rapid Transit Yet Again?
(2016), produced by David A. Hensher and received from the Bus Industry Confederation 24/10/2017
Rapid Transport: Investing in Australia’s Transport Future (March 2014),
produced by Infrastructure Australia and received from the Bus Industry Confederation 24/10/2017
Providing a Choice for Gold Coast Transport Options (May 2017),
produced by Monash University Engineering and received from the Bus Industry Confederation 24/10/2017
21The Copper Technology Roadmap 2030, received from the Warren Centre13/11/17
22Through the Lens: megatrends shaping our future (2016), received from thePlanning Institute of Australia 13/11/17
A Clever and Creative Future (2017), received from the Greater City of
Geelong 20/11/2017
The Geelong Region Plan: A Sustainable Growth Strategy (2007), received
from G21 Region Alliance 20/11/2017
Geelong Economic Futures (2016), produced by Deakin University,
received from G21 Region Alliance 20/11/2017
26G21 Regional Growth Plan (April 2013), received from G21 Region Alliance20/11/2017
27Western Rail: Linking Western Victorian Communities: Connecting ourCommunities, received from Horsham Rural City Council 20/11/2017
28Melbourne’s West, received from LeadWest 20/11/2017
Policy Priority: A Centre for Parenting Excellence in Melbourne’s West,
received from LeadWest 20/11/2017
Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund Policy Proposal (May 2017),
produced by Warrnambool City Council, received from Regional Development Australia Barwon South West 20/11/2017
Chasing Urban Mobility: Moving Towards a connected Sustainable Future (2017), produced by ARCADIS, received from Roads Australia 21/11/2017
Creating Liveable Cities in Australia: Mapping Urban Policy Implementation and Evidence-Based National Liveability Indicators (October 2017), received from Centre for Urban Research, RMIT 21/11/2017
Living Liveable: The Impact of a Liveable Neighbourhoods Policy on the
Health and Wellbeing of Residents, produced by Centre for the Built Environment and Health, University of Western Australia and received from the Centre for Urban Research, RMIT 21/11/2017
In Brief: A Report Card on Liveability in Our Cities (October 2017), received
from the Centre for Urban Research, RMIT 21/11/2017
35Policy Priority: A City Deal for Melbourne, received from LeadWest20/11/2017
36Policy Priority: Melbourne Airport Rail Link, received from LeadWest20/11/2017
Winning from Second, received from the Committee for Geelong 20/11/2017
Policy Priority: A Social Impact Investment Prospectus, received from
LeadWest 20/11/2017
Low Density Development (2014), produced by the Heart Foundation and
received from Professor Billie Giles-Corti, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT 21/11/2017
Increasing density in Australia (2012), produced by the Heart Foundation
and received from Professor Billie Giles-Corti, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT 21/11/2017
Air Pollutants and Dementia (2015), received from Professor Billie Giles
Corti, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT 21/11/2017
Air Pollution and Cognitive Functioning (2016), received from Professor
Billie Giles-Corti, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT 21/11/2017
Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Dementia (2016), received from
Professor Billie Giles-Corti, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT 21/11/2017
Circulation (2010) produced by Heart Foundation and received from
Professor Billie Giles-Corti, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT 21/11/2017
Cardiovascular Mortality and Long-Term Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution (2003), received from Professor Billie Giles-Corti, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT 21/11/2017
Parramatta—Smart City Masterplan (2015), received from the City of Parramatta 5/12/17
City of Parramatta: Night Time Economy Research—2017, received from the City of Parramatta 5/12/2017
Travel by mode and purpose—Sydney Inner City 2015–16, received from the City of Parramatta 5/12/2017
Travel by mode and purpose—Parramatta 2015–16, received from the City
of Parramatta 5/12/2017
Building Western Sydney’s Cultural Arts Economy—a key to Sydney’s success (2015) received from the City of Parramatta 5/12/2017
Value of Rail (2017), produced by Deloitte and received from Australasian
Railway Association 13/2/2018
Terms of Reference for the Review into Improving Australian Coastal Shipping, received from Ports Australia 22/03/2018
The Role of Local Government in Local and Regional Economic
Development, received from Mr Peter Francis, Dantia 4/4/2018
Value-added by Industry, Lake Macquarie and Hunter Region, 2017,
received from Mr Peter Francis, Dantia 4/4/2018
Reserve Bank of Australia, The Effect of Zoning on Housing Prices,
received from Mr Peter Francis, Dantia 4/4/2018
The world loves Sydney—Australians aren’t that fussed, received from Mr Peter Francis, Dantia 4/4/2018
Soaring house prices push teachers, cops and nurses to the Hunter,
received from Mr Peter Francis, Dantia 4/4/2018
Roadmap for advanced metering standards, received from Standards
Australia 16/04/2018
The role of standards and innovation for driving APEC’s silver economy,
received from Standards Australia 16/04/2018
Next Gen Urban Water—The role of urban water in vibrant and prosperous
communities, received from the Water Services Association of Australia 23/03/2018
Tasmanian Housing Summit Directions Paper, received from the University
of Tasmania 12/04/2018
Insight 3: A blueprint for improving housing outcomes in Tasmania, received from the University of Tasmania 12/04/2018
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute: Pathways to state property tax reform, received from the University of Tasmania 12/04/2018
UN General Assembly, New Urban Agenda, received from Greg Budworth,
Compass Housing 5/3/2018
New Urban Agenda for Housing, received from Greg Budworth, Compass
Housing 5/3/18
2017 Budget Submission – Lake Macquarie Transport Interchange Project,
Lake Macquarie City Council 7/3/2018
Perth as a ‘big’ city: Reflections on Urban Growth, received from Peter
Newman, CUSP 13/3/2018
Glazebrook and Newman, The City of the Future, received from Peter
Newman, CUSP 13/3/2018
James Cook University – Economic and Human Capital Impact, received
from James Cook University 2/5/2018
Water for Townsville Action Group – Report and Recommendations April 2017, received from Dr Linda Ashton, Water for Townsville Action Group 2/5/2018

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