The Future of Regional Newspapers in a Digital World

March 2022

© Commonwealth of Australia 2022
ISBN: 978-1-76092-398-3

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Chair's Foreword


Terms of Reference


List of Recommendations

1. Introduction

  About the inquiry
  Inquiry conduct
  Report structure

2. The State of Regional Newspapers

  Defining regional news
  Accessing news in regional areas
  The role of large publishers in regional newspapers
  The decline of print newspapers in regional areas
  The emergence of hyper-local news providers
  Evolution of media ownership in regional areas
  Tracking and mapping access to regional news
  Committee comment

3. Funding Regional Newspapers

  Revenue sources for regional newspapers
  Government support to regional newspapers
  Other programs to support regional newspapers
  The role of philanthropy in regional newspapers
  Future funding models to support regional news
  Committee comment

4. Development and Impact of the News Media Bargaining Code

  Digital platforms and regional newspapers
  Establishment of the News Media Bargaining Code
  Impact of the News Media Bargaining Code
  Developments in digital platforms and news media bargaining
  Committee comment

A. Submissions

B. Public hearings and witnesses

C. Survey summary


Committee Secretariat contact:

PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 2126