Chapter 2 The role of education in promoting Australia’s research capacity
There is little doubt that Australia’s education system plays a
significant role in underpinning Australia’s research capacity and hence its national
competitiveness in science, research and innovation.
La Trobe University submitted that:
… the assessment of innovation should include the role of education
… for training minds for flexible responses and lateral thinking.[1]
The South Australia Government argued that it is essential that Australia has:
… an education system ensuring high quality teaching and
learning in maths and science and the social sciences at all levels of the
education system.[2]
The Committee agrees that the ‘development of an interest in a research
career is a process that starts in childhood’.[3] This chapter examines the
role of the entire education system – at the primary and secondary school
level, undergraduate tertiary level, and Honours year – in promoting interest
in research.
Developing an interest in research:
primary and secondary education
The Committee received overwhelming evidence testifying to the
importance of the primary and secondary years as a “critical window” for
developing a love of learning, an interest in research and an awareness of the
myriad career options available in research.[4]
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHIMR) stated
that ‘the engine house of Australia’s future innovation is its primary and secondary
Australia’s supply of potential researchers depends on the ability of
primary and secondary education systems to encourage inquisitive and creative
minds to consider the possibilities of research. This outcome can be achieved
by enhancing the attractiveness of foundational curriculum subjects, the
quality of teachers in Australian schools, equity in access and infrastructure,
and exposure to researchers.
A key element in feeding the research pipeline is the availability and
attractiveness of basic curricula to primary and high school students that
enable them to pursue emerging interests and build further skills. A secondary
element is the production of qualified teachers to underpin a strong curriculum
and nurture research interest.
Australian Education Union noted that:
In our high school years and, prior to that, in our primary
years where we prepare our students for high school, we should not lose sight
of the importance of a broad and balanced education and a broad and balanced
Australian Education Union further submitted that:
We need to get it right with the science and the maths
curriculum and other areas of learning. The inquisitive mind is not only
restricted to science teaching and maths teaching. History can develop an
inquiring mind and instil a love of research; any subject can. If we properly
resource it and provide the resources in our schools to achieve it, then we
will go a long way as a nation.[7]
The Committee is concerned that students currently shun subjects in the
sciences, maths and humanities in favour of other subjects that appear easier
or more attractive in terms of maximising tertiary entrance scores. This is
likely to lead to fewer students acquiring the basic skills and knowledge that
are required later in life to embark upon a research pathway.
Australian Education Union attributed changing student choices to
changes in school curricula:
Some 10- or 15-odd years ago or 20 years ago, when maths and
science were simply not considered sexy, if I can use a populist term … we had
a dramatic decline in the number of students participating … in the same
numbers in the sciences, the maths and the humanities, including history, for
example … That is largely because we saw an expansion—this is not uniform
across the country, of course, but it is applicable in some ways—of a range of
other subject areas that were introduced in the senior curriculum, including
computing studies and legal studies. A whole series of studies were introduced
in the curriculum, such as business studies. There was the whole expansion of
vocational education and training subjects in the higher secondary area … [8]
The broader curriculum may have contributed to the decreasing number of
high school students opting to study science subjects. The Australian Academy of Science links the declining number of science students to the current shortage
of scientists and engineers.[9]
Flinders University noted that mathematics and languages are two other areas
wherein Australia’s future capacity is compromised.[10]
The Australian Academy of the Humanities also alleged that Australia’s language capacity requires attention given the low level of foreign language
acquisition skills at the postgraduate level.[11]
University of Queensland is addressing the lack of interest in these
fields by offering bonus points to tertiary entrance ranks to students who
successfully undertake a specific mathematics level or a Language Other Than
English (LOTE) in Year 12.[12]
Australian National University noted that:
Clearly, stimulating primary school and secondary school students
to go on not only in science, technology, engineering and mathematics but also
in languages other than English—those sorts of areas where we are starting to
see shortages in our tertiary sector—would be very valuable, but it is
something that would take considerable investment.[13]
The Committee commends the current national curriculum process which has
drawn attention to much-needed changes to Australia’s school curriculum, and
looks forward to the National Curriculum Board’s curriculum plan.
Quality of teaching and infrastructure
The Committee acknowledges the importance of highly-qualified teachers
as role models and sources of inspiration in demonstrating and promoting the
relevance of research to students.
The Committee is of the opinion that the quality of teaching in primary
and secondary schools is a significant area for improvement and investment. The
Committee expresses concern at the shortage of properly-qualified science and
maths teachers, and the fact that teachers are placed in classes with little or
no training in the subject matter.[14]
Barry McGaw, chairman of the National Curriculum Board, also flagged a
potential hitch in the introduction of the revised curriculum, to be launched
in 2011, if the current short-fall of history, maths and science teachers is
not addressed.[15]
Australian Academy of Science submitted that:
First year university teaching now has many remedial
elements, to accommodate the deficiencies arising from inadequate schooling and
the less rigorous entry standards adopted to fill quotas.[16]
Australian Academy of Science believes that:
… Australia will not be able to heighten its skills in
mathematics and science until it ensures that prospective scientists are taught
by teachers with degrees in the disciplines for which they are responsible …
Only when programs are expanded to encourage high school students to study
science and mathematics through teachers with degrees in their teaching
disciplines can other issues such as tertiary level research training be fully
The Committee is of the opinion that better employment conditions are
necessary to attract and retain high-quality teachers in all fields and
believes that this is an area that deserves further attention. The Committee is
aware of innovative practices, particularly overseas, such as competitive
remuneration, performance or qualification bonuses, tax deductions for further
education costs, high-standard in-service training, and constant evaluation.[18]
Australian Education Union also noted the importance of adequate and
well-maintained infrastructure:
High quality teaching and learning also requires high quality
infrastructure, including buildings, science facilities and equipment.[19]
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
described their experience with taking science programs into schools with under-supported
… we have to face up to the fact that unless we take
equipment there, the schools often do not have it. We are looking forward to
the use of broadband and so on to help that, but it is a major problem.[20]
Investment in infrastructure has been found to be applied unevenly
across Australian schools; a recent study found a major per capita gap of over
$1 000 between public and private school capital funding.[21]
The Committee believes that every student should have access to adequate
learning facilities, and recommends the improvement of infrastructure in all
Australian primary and secondary schools.
Recommendation 1
The Committee recommends that the quality of teaching and
infrastructure at Australian primary and secondary schools be improved,
particularly in the fields of maths and sciences. The Committee further
recommends that the Australian Government and COAG investigate innovative
measures taken overseas to address this particular concern.
The Committee is mindful of the need for all students, regardless of
geographical location, background or socio-economic status, to have equal
access to adequate curriculum, infrastructure and high-quality teachers.
Australian Education Union argued that:
… we need to ensure that every kid has access to the same
rigorous, rich and rewarding curriculum … People who talk about a different curriculum
for some kids as opposed to others basically are arguing that some kids should
not have the keys that open the doors of opportunity in this world of ours.[22]
Curtin University of Technology told the Committee that:
I think sometimes, under the guise of excellence and
standards, we have actually narrowed opportunities for our young people to
pursue science and math … we create an elitism in those areas. Schools do not
want their [Tertiary Entrance Rank] scores to look bad, so they channel
children [away from certain subjects] who might have capability but who may not
do justice to the curve … [23]
The Committee is committed to the principle of equality of access to
education, and encourages the availability of learning opportunities in all
Exposure to researchers
The Committee supports efforts to link school students with researchers
and professionals as a means to demonstrate the relevance of studying
mathematics, hard sciences, humanities and languages. Year 10 and 12 work
experience is one such program which enables students to gain an insight into
career possibilities.
Several submissions to the inquiry mentioned initiatives designed to
support greater industry-school linkages. CSIRO runs a ‘Scientists in Schools’
program which contributes to the authenticity and appeal of studying science
subjects[24] as well a national
Student Research Scheme which provides secondary students with research
experience with scientists.[25] The Australian Nuclear
Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) conducts school group tours and
provides resources to teachers on salient topics such as climate change and
water.[26] Many Cooperative
Research Centres (CRCs) have developed educational resources, science kits, and
workshops for pre-school, primary and secondary levels.[27]
The Committee welcomes these and similar State-funded programs, and
encourages access by as many schools as possible, particularly in rural and
regional Australia.
Developing an interest in research: tertiary education
The pipeline that feeds future researcher generations continues to
experience problems at the tertiary level: inadequate standards of prior
education; declining interest in science and mathematics degrees; and decreasing
quality of teaching. The value and role of the Australian Honours degree is
also under discussion.
Undergraduate education
Some submitters criticised a perceived lowering of academic standards at
universities in response to falling numbers of prospective students with
appropriate prerequisites and interest in subjects perceived to be difficult.
The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering warned that:
There is a need in undergraduate courses to ensure that
[they] are not overly vocational. Students must receive an adequate grounding
in basic sciences if they are to successfully undertake postgraduate research
studies. This is seen to be a particular problem in the applied environmental
Research Australia argued that vocational training has neglected
research skills development, leaving students ill-equipped to contemplate a
research career.[29]
RMIT University recommended that the Australian government introduce
undergraduate internships in research fields of current priority.[30]
Furthermore, the quality of teaching is at risk due to unfavourable
employment trends. The University of Queensland Branch of the National Tertiary
Education Union (NTEU-UQ) submitted that:
The quality of teaching in Australian universities has
suffered from funding cuts and restructuring, resulting in:
n reduced numbers of
tenured academics,
n reduced range of
expertise within the faculty,
n greatly increased
teaching and administrative loads on remaining academics,
n engagement of casual
staff and graduate students to undertake teaching, including course
Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA) argued that a high
proportion of research-active academics at universities sustains the kind of
‘intellectual climate’ that fosters an appreciation for research.[32]
The University of Western Sydney agreed that ‘students catch the research bug
through exposure to enthusiastic researchers as lecturers’.[33]
However, only seven Australian universities employ academic staff with a
70 per cent or greater rate of PhD qualifications, and 14 universities struggle
to employ more than 55 per cent of their staff with PhD qualifications.[34]
The submission from the Australian Deans of Built Environment and Design (ADBED)
admitted that, although many potential employees possess excellent practical
experience, finding academic staff with PhD qualifications and research
backgrounds is problematic in that discipline.[35]
The Committee received evidence both supporting and contesting the role
of the undergraduate Honours year in the pathway to higher degrees by research.
Honours is generally considered an important step for research training to be
encouraged among undergraduate students. On the other hand, there are calls to
modernise the current degree structure. The Committee also recognises that
post-Honours entry to higher degrees by research is no longer the primary entry
point to research training and as such, the degree structure should accommodate
various entry points.
Drs Zeegers and Barron claimed that there was a:
… 12% increase of graduates going from Honours degrees to
higher research degrees between 1992 and 2001, suggesting that the relevance of
Honours in relation to research degrees is a salient consideration for the
future of research training to support Australia’s anticipated future
requirements for tertiary-qualified professionals.[36]
They further suggested that:
… the assumption of a vibrant Honours program increas[es] the
likelihood of cohorts of well trained researchers for timely, if not early, completions,
and further provid[es] a pool of possible future academics to staff university
programs and high level industry placements.[37]
Research Australia suggested providing Honours scholarships to attract
students who might otherwise choose competitive graduate salaries over the
expense of another year of study.[38]
However, the ‘honours pathway to a PhD is an Australian story’[39]
that has been labelled ‘internationally … an anachronistic gold standard’.[40]
Not only does it compare unfavourably with international norms, assessing
Honours equivalence for the growing number of non-Honours applicants is
problematic.[41] Griffith University advised that half their higher degree by research students possessed alternative qualifications,
such as Masters by coursework.[42]
The Australian Council of Deans of Education submitted that Honours is
not the preferred pathway in the education field:
Research in education is typically applied research that
requires the research student to be familiar with a broad range of professional
issues, and to grasp the complex interface between theory and contexts of
policy formation and professional practice. The undergraduate honours pathway,
by itself, is unlikely to provide this grounded professional expertise.[43]
In 1999, European nations instituted the Bologna process to standardise
academic degrees throughout Europe, and subsequently adopted the Bologna degree
structure, which is comprised of a broad three- or four-year undergraduate
degree, a more specialised two-year Masters degree, and a three-year research
doctoral degree.
Some submissions indicated a preference for the Bologna model over Australia’s shorter undergraduate-Honours-PhD framework,[44] and in fact the University of Melbourne has already instituted a Bologna-like degree structure.[45]
The Committee recognises that Australian graduates may not compete
effectively against Europeans or Americans whose countries:
… do not assume that merely by having a prior degree with
some research training (e.g., Honours in Australia) that students are
adequately prepared for PhD level research.[46]
The Committee supports the continuation of an assessment by an Australian
Government steering group and the tertiary sector of the suitability of Australia’s research training model for current globally-competitive conditions.[47]