Current list

Documents presented out of sitting after the Senate adjourned on 13 February 2025

Under standing orders 38 and 166, committees, ministers and the Auditor—General may present reports and documents to the President, the Deputy President or a temporary chair of committees when the Senate is not sitting. Reports and documents so presented are authorised for publication. Reports and documents listed here were presented since the Senate last met.

They will be tabled formally when the Senate next meets and recorded in the Journals of the Senate.

For further information, contact:

Documents Officer
Ph: (02) 6277 3037
Senate Table Office

Documents presented out of sitting

Documents presented by the President

  1. Department of Parliamentary Services—Report for 2023-24—Correction. [Certified 3 March 2025]
  2. Fair Work Act 2009—Quarterly report by the Commonwealth Ombudsman for the period 1 July to 30 September 2024. [Certified 13 March 2025]

Committee reports

  1. Community Affairs Legislation Committee—Reports on annual reports referred to legislation committees—No. 1 of 2025, dated February 2025. [Received 21 February 2025]
  2. Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee—Shutdown of the 3G mobile network—Report, dated February 2025, additional information, tabled documents and submissions. [Received 26 February 2025]
  3. Education and Employment Legislation Committee—Free TAFE Bill 2024 [Provisions]—Report, dated February 2025, additional information and submissions. [Received 27 February 2025]
  4. Appropriations, Staffing and Security—Standing Committee—Drafting and other services for non-government senators—Progress report, dated 27 February 2025. [Certified 28 February 2025]
  5. Environment and Communications References Committee—Waste reduction and recycling policies—Progress report, dated 28 February 2025. [Received 28 February 2025]
  6. Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee—Australia’s youth justice and incarceration system—Interim report, dated February 2025, documents presented to the committee, additional information and submissions. [Received 28 February 2025]
  7. Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee—Australian winegrape purchases code of conduct—Report, dated February 2025, document presented to the committee, additional information and submissions. [Received 28 February 2025]
  8. Trade and Investment Growth—Joint Standing Committee—Inquiry into the understanding and utilisation of benefits under free trade agreements—Final report, dated February 2025. [Received 28 February 2025]
  9. Environment and Communications References Committee—Offshore wind industry consultation process—Progress report, dated 5 March 2025. [Received 5 March 2025]
  10. Community Affairs Legislation Committee—Additional estimates 2024-25—Report, dated March 2025, documents presented to the committee and additional information. [Received 14 March 2025]
  11. Education and Employment Legislation Committee—Early Childhood Education and Care (Three Day Guarantee) Bill 2025 [Provisions]—Report, dated March 2025, and submissions. [Received 14 March 2025]
  12. Environment and Communications References Committee—Waste reduction and recycling policies—Progress report, dated 14 March 2025. [Received 14 March 2025]
  13. Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee—Commonwealth Workplace Protection Orders Bill 2024 [Provisions]—Report, dated March 2025, and submissions. [Received 14 March 2025]
  14. PFAS (per and polyfluoroalkyl substances)—Select Committee—Interim report, dated March 2025. [Received 14 March 2025]

Government responses to parliamentary committee reports

  1. Environment and Communications Legislation Committee—Report—Interactive Gambling Amendment (Credit and Other Measures) Bill 2023 [Provisions]—Government response, dated February 2025. [Received 20 February 2025].
  2. Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee—Report—Australian support for Ukraine—Government response. [Received 20 February 2025]
  3. Corporations and Financial Services—Joint Statutory Committee—Interim report—Statutory inquiry into ASIC, the Takeovers Panel, and the corporations legislation: Competition in clearing and settlement and the ASX CHESS Replacement Project: The CHESS Replacement Project is too important to fail—Government response, dated February 2025. [Received 27 February 2025]
  4. Parliamentary Standards—Joint Select Committee—Final report—Government response, dated December 2024. [Received 27 February 2025]
  5. Electoral Matters—Joint Standing Committee—Final report—Conduct of the 2022 federal election and other matters—Government response, dated March 2025. [Received 6 March 2025]
  6. Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Joint Standing Committee—Report—Department of Defence annual report 2022-23—Government response, dated January 2025. [Received 13 March 2025]

Government documents

  1. Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009—Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (CFMEU) Administrator—Bi-annual report—dated, 24 February 2025. [Received 25 February 2025]
  2. Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)—Diversity and inclusion—Report for 2023-24. [Received 27 February 2025]
  3. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission—Telstra’s structural separation undertaking—Report for 2023-24. [Received 27 February 2025]
  4. Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC)—Report no. 143—Safe, informed, supported: Reforming justice responses to sexual violence—Final report, dated January 2025. [Received 6 March 2025]
  5. Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC)—Report no. 143—Safe, informed, supported: Reforming justice responses to sexual violence—Summary report, dated January 2025. [Received 6 March 2025]
  6. Telecommunications Act 1997 and Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979—Commonwealth Ombudsman—Oversight of covert electronic surveillance—Report for 2023-24. [Received 6 March 2025]
  7. Infrastructure Australia—Annual budget statement 2025. [Received 14 March 2025]
  8. Infrastructure Australia—Annual performance statement 2025. [Received 14 March 2025]

Reports of the Auditor-General

  1. No. 24 of 2024-25—Performance audit—Management of complaints by the Australian Human Rights Commission: Australian Human Rights Commission. [Received 17 February 2024]
  2. No. 25 of 2024-25—Annual performance statements audit—Performance statements auditing in the Commonwealth — Outcomes from the 2023-24 audit program: Across entities. [Received 19 February 2025]
  3. No. 26 of 2024-25—Performance audit—Governance of Artificial Intelligence at the Australian Taxation Office: Australian Taxation Office. [Received 24 February 2025]
  4. No. 25 of 2024-25—Annual performance statements audit—Performance statements auditing in the Commonwealth — Outcomes from the 2023-24 audit program: Across entities—Correction. [Received 3 March 2025]
  5. No. 27 of 2024-25—Performance audit—Sport Integrity Australia’s management of the National Anti-Doping Scheme: Sport Integrity Australia. [Received 3 March 2025]
  6. No. 28 of 2024-25—Performance audit—Management of complaints by the Australian Taxation Office: Australian Taxation Office. [Received 5 March 2025]

Returns to order

  1. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission—Digital platform services inquiry—Order of 18 November 2024 (656)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher), dated 13 February 2025, responding to the order and raising public interest immunity claims, and attachments. [Received 14 February 2025]
  2. Better and fairer schools agreement—Order of 5 February 2025 (750)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Assistant Minister for Regional Development (Senator Chisholm), dated 12 February 2025, responding to the order and raising a public interest immunity claim, and attachment. [Received 14 February 2025]
  3. Board of Housing Australia—Order of 5 February 2025 (748)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher) responding to the order, and attachments. [Received 14 February 2025]
  4. Childcare costings—Order of 11 February 2025 (769)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Assistant Minister for Regional Development (Senator Chisholm), dated 13 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachment. [Received 14 February 2025]
  5. Higher education providers—National planning level—International student commencements—Orders of 5 February 2025 (737 and 738)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Assistant Minister for Regional Development (Senator Chisholm), dated 12 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachments. [Received 14 February 2025]
  6. Housing Australia—Availability payments—Order of 12 February 2025 (784)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher), dated 13 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachment. [Received 14 February 2025]
  7. Housing targets—Order of 12 February 2025 (783)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher), dated 13 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachment. [Received 14 February 2025]
  8. Infrastructure and transport matters—Order of 11 February 2025 (773)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Indigenous Australians (Senator McCarthy), dated 12 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachment. [Received 14 February 2025]
  9. Life insurance—Ban on genetic testing—Order of 12 February 2025 (780)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher), dated 13 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachment. [Received 14 February 2025]
  10. National Capital Investment Framework—Order of 5 February 2025 (742)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Senator Wong), dated 13 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachment. [Received 14 February 2025]
  11. Nature Positive bills—Order of 5 February 2025 (746)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Emergency Management (Senator McAllister), dated 11 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachment. [Received 14 February 2025]
  12. Non-disclosure agreements—Order of 25 November 2024 (694)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Senator Wong), dated 12 February 2025, responding to the order. [Received 14 February 2025]
  13. Rex Airlines—Order of 6 February 2025 (756)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Assistant Minister for Regional Development (Senator Chisholm), dated 13 February 2025, responding to the order and raising public interest immunity claims, and attachment. [Received 14 February 2025]
  14. Student visa applications—Order of 5 February 2025 (740)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations (Senator Watt), dated 12 February 2025, responding to the order and raising a public interest immunity claim, and attachments. [Received 14 February 2025]
  15. University Accord final report—Drafts—Order of 27 November 2024 (719)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Assistant Minister for Regional Development (Senator Chisholm), dated 12 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachment. [Received 14 February 2025]
  16. Vocational and education training providers—International students—Order of 5 February 2025 (739)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Assistant Minister for Regional Development (Senator Chisholm), dated 12 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachments. [Received 14 February 2025]
  17. Future of Income Management—Consultation—Order of 11 February 2025 (770)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Trade and Tourism (Senator Farrell), dated 19 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachments. [Received 21 February 2025]
  18. Meal tax deductions—Order of 5 February 2025 (751)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher), dated 20 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachments. [Received 21 February 2025]
  19. Mis-sold add-on insurance—Complaints—Order of 11 February 2025 (774)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher), dated 21 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachment. [Received 21 February 2025]
  20. Commonwealth funding for strategic policy work—Review—Order of 19 November 2024 (664)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Emergency Management (Senator McAllister), dated 21 February 2025, responding to the order and raising a public interest immunity claim, and attachments. [Received 24 February 2025]
  21. National Capital Investment Framework—Order of 5 February 2025 (742)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Emergency Management (Senator McAllister), dated 21 February 2025, responding to the order and raising a public interest immunity claim, and attachment. [Received 24 February 2025]
  22. Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines for 2024—Order of 12 May 2020—Reports and correspondence received by the Minister for Finance, and a summary of the decisions reported under paragraph 4.12 of the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines 2017. [Received 27 February 2025]
  23. Funding agreements—Order of 13 February 2025 (796)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Indigenous Australians (Senator McCarthy), dated 26 February 2025, responding to the order. [Received 27 February 2025]
  24. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water—Quarterly update of Australia’s national greenhouse gas inventory: September 2024 [Pursuant to the order of the Senate of 17 October 2018]. [Received 28 February 2025]
  25. Future of Income Management—Consultation—Order of 11 February 2025 (770)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Trade and Tourism (Senator Farrell), dated 25 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachments. [Received 28 February 2025]
  26. Tourism Australia—Order of 5 February 2025 (745)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Trade and Tourism (Senator Farrell), dated 26 February 2025, responding to the order, and attachments. [Received 28 February 2025]
  27. Australian Research Council—Grant recommendations—Letter of advice pursuant to the order of the Senate of 27 February 2020—February 2025. [Received 13 March 2025]
  28. Department of Home Affairs—Protection visas—Statement pursuant to the order of the Senate of 14 November 2019—February 2025. [Received 13 March 2025]
  29. Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation—Order of 13 February 2025 (796)—Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Indigenous Australians (Senator McCarthy), dated 6 March 2025, responding to the order, and attachments. [Received 13 March 2025]

Departmental and agency appointments and vacancies

Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water portfolio—Environment and Water. [Received 14 February 2025]

Defence portfolio. [Received 21 February 2025]

Defence portfolio—Department of Veterans’ Affairs. [Received 14 February 2025]

Education portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Finance portfolio. [Received 14 February 2025]

Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio. [Received 27 February 2025]

Industry, Science and Resources—Resources. [Received 17 February 2025]

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts portfolio. [Received 17 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio—National Indigenous Australians Agency; Indigenous portfolio bodies. [Received 19 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio—Net Zero Economy Authority [Replacement]. [Received 19 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio—Net Zero Economy Authority. [Received 14 March 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio—Office for Women; Workplace Gender Equality Agency; Australian Government Consulting; Australian Public Service Commission. [Received 14 February 2025]

Treasury portfolio. [Received 17 February 2025]

Departmental and agency grants

Defence portfolio. [Received 21 February 2025]

Defence portfolio—Department of Veterans’ Affairs. [Received 14 February 2025]

Education portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Finance portfolio. [Received 14 February 2025]

Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio. [Received 27 February 2025]

Health and Aged Care portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Industry, Science and Resources—Resources. [Received 17 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio—National Indigenous Australians Agency; Indigenous portfolio bodies. [Received 19 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio—Net Zero Economy Authority. [Received 14 March 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio—Office for Women; Workplace Gender Equality Agency; Australian Government Consulting; Australian Public Service Commission. [Received 14 February 2025]

Treasury portfolio. [Received 17 February 2025]

Entity contracts for 2024

Attorney-General’s portfolio. [Received 14 February 2025]

Defence portfolio. [Received 24 February 2025]

Defence portfolio—Department of Veterans’ Affairs; Australian War Memorial. [Received 26 February 2025]

Education portfolio. [Received 26 February 2025]

Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Finance portfolio. [Received 26 February 2025]

Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio. [Received 28 February 2025]

Health and Aged Care portfolio. [Received 28 February 2025]

Home Affairs portfolio. [Received 24 February 2025]

Industry, Science and Resources portfolio—Industry and Science. [Received 3 March 2025]

Industry, Science and Resources portfolio—Resources. [Received 6 March 2025]

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts portfolio. [Received 28 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio. [Received 3 March 2025]

Social Services portfolio. [Received 26 February 2025]

Treasury portfolio. [Received 24 February 2025]

Estimates hearings—Unanswered questions on notice

Attorney-General’s portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Defence portfolio—Australian Signals Directorate; Australian Submarine Agency. [Received 26 February 2025]

Defence portfolio—Defence Housing Australia. [Received 19 February 2025]

Education portfolio. [Received 17 February 2025]

Health and Aged Care portfolio—Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and National Boards. [Received 20 February 2025]

Home Affairs portfolio. [Received 14 February 2025]

Industry, Science and Resources portfolio—Resources. [Received 14 February 2025]

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts portfolio. [Received 24 February 2025]

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts portfolio—Communications. [Received 14 February 2025]

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts portfolio—Northen Australia. [Received 14 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio—National Australia Day Council Limited. [Received 19 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio—National Indigenous Australians Agency; Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations; Indigenous portfolio bodies. [Received 17 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio—Office of National Intelligence. [Received 19 February 2025]

Treasury portfolio. [Received 17 February 2025]

Former ministers—Meetings

Attorney-General’s portfolio. [Received 14 February 2025]

Defence portfolio. [Received 21 February 2025]

Education portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Finance portfolio—Special Minister of State. [Received 19 February 2025]

Industry, Science and Resources—Resources. [Received 14 February 2025]

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts portfolio. [Received 17 February 2025]

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts portfolio—Communications. [Received 14 February 2025]

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts portfolio—Northen Australia. [Received 14 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Social Service portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Treasury portfolio. [Received 17 February 2025]

Indexed lists of departmental and agency files

Defence portfolio—Department of Veterans’ Affairs; Australian War Memorial. [Received 25 February 2025]

Education Portfolio. [Received 13 March 2025]

Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio. [Received 19 February 2025]

Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio—Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency. [Received 19 February 2025]

Finance Portfolio. [Received 13 March 2025]

Industry, Science and Resources portfolio—Resources. [Received 24 February 2025]

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio—National Indigenous Australians Agency. [Received 14 March 2025]

Social Services portfolio. [Received 5 March 2025]